Patch Notes?




Anyone see any Patch notes? It would be nice to see what they tweeked.




Nope, it's a stealth nerf.

go see what positron has to say about the MA. It will certainly be enlightening... threats to ban players, destroy their toons, force them to speak to CS just because someone didn't like their arc... gotta love it.

I think they need to replace Matt Miller. He's beginning to sound more and more like Jack Emmert. Childish.



go see what positron has to say about the MA. It will certainly be enlightening... threats to ban players, destroy their toons, force them to speak to CS just because someone didn't like their arc... gotta love it.

[/ QUOTE ]

wow... just wow... seem some cowgirl is upset they closed her farm.



Not to mention said retroactive punishment is mentioned no where but a single post on the forums (which more than 75% of players never read.)

I agree that this really ranks up there with Emmert at his height. To issue a threat like that with no criteria, then hide from the feedback is truly unprofessional. I sincerely doubt that any game dev, at least in the MMO realm, has ever had a single day of management training.



Where is this post you are speaking of?



Nope, it's a stealth nerf.

[/ QUOTE ]

Nope, there are patch notes.


ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



See? My point exactly.

Actually he doesn't say "deleted", he says "lose access to", which infers that the characters will still take up slots on your account, yet for all intents and purposes are deleted.

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Was that before or after:

leading up to and perhaps including

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Which would imply that it's a last step action, and only a 'perhaps'?



Nope, it's a stealth nerf.

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Nope, there are patch notes.


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Check the post time on that. That was posted *after* this thread was started, and hours after the patch went live. Just FYI



See? My point exactly.

Actually he doesn't say "deleted", he says "lose access to", which infers that the characters will still take up slots on your account, yet for all intents and purposes are deleted.

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Was that before or after:

leading up to and perhaps including

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Which would imply that it's a last step action, and only a 'perhaps'?

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... not mention that everyone is not seeing that he also says 'egregious' -- which means, that the majority of people will be ok... it's probably the people who may have created an arsenal of 50s for PvP...




The power changes went in intact. So in Butterfly Effect, my boss just got Total Focus, and I'm already receiving complaints that he's way overpowered.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
The world beware! I've started a blog
GadgetMania Under Attack: The Digg Lockout



go see what positron has to say about the MA. It will certainly be enlightening... threats to ban players, destroy their toons, force them to speak to CS just because someone didn't like their arc... gotta love it.

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wow... just wow... seem some cowgirl is upset they closed her farm.

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Apparently contagious.



Viper, the point IS, no one knows, because what constitutes "abuse" of the system is STILL not spelled out.

To hurl threats like that without giving the criteria beside his whim is totally unacceptable. (In addition to making these activities RETROACTIVE crimes punishable by a death sentence to your character.)



Nope, it's a stealth nerf.

go see what positron has to say about the MA. It will certainly be enlightening... threats to ban players, destroy their toons, force them to speak to CS just because someone didn't like their arc... gotta love it.

I think they need to replace Matt Miller. He's beginning to sound more and more like Jack Emmert. Childish.

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Well what did you expect? People not only took advantage of Mission Architect, clearly a labor of love that the devs had the highest hopes for, but openly reveled in farming and exploiting -- who hasn't seen the "you can't stop farming, you'll never stop farming" taunts? -- and started defending the practice aggressively in the forums and in other ways. The organized one-starring of the arcs of players who had complained about farming was particularly jarring.

I'm not surprised it's caused the Devs to react emotionally. It might be too much, it might be too little -- my point is not that it's deserved, but that it shouldn't surprise anyone.

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



Warnings against exploits are always vague. They have to be, since an exploit is, almost by definition, something the devs didn't think of when they were creating the system. What would you consider acceptable language for Positron to use here? I mean, could you actually demonstrate what you want Positron to spell out? (Not trying to troll, I'm honestly curious.)

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



The organized one-starring of the arcs of players who had complained about farming was particularly jarring.

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When did this happen?

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



Check the post time on that. That was posted *after* this thread was started, and hours after the patch went live. Just FYI

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Yup. Just thought you'd be happy to see the patch notes.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



Warnings against exploits are always vague. They have to be, since an exploit is, almost by definition, something the devs didn't think of when they were creating the system. What would you consider acceptable language for Positron to use here? I mean, could you actually demonstrate what you want Positron to spell out? (Not trying to troll, I'm honestly curious.)

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This is not a warning. This is "We're going back to before this statement and not only taking characters away from you, using a criteria that was not only not know at the time of your actions, but is STILL not known. Oh, and the characters so sentenced will still take up a character slot, since they will be "inaccessible" not "deleted." "

That is the very height of unprofessional and immature behaviour, especially for the head of a studio. What a professional person would have said was:

"Ok, you guys have abused the system to the point we can't ignore it. Going forward, here are the boundaries: You cannot make more than X levels/total xp in a 24 hour period from AE missions. If your character hits the cap, it will be subject to the same diminishing returns code that is on TFs."

Or, once you make over X experience in AE, you're locked out of AE for 24 hours. The point is, you don't punish your customer for activity that was not a punishable offence when the activity occurred. Since Miller has never given a criteria for this severe punishment, and still hasn't, if he goes through with his immature threat, it will severely damage NCsoft's investment as well as his own career.

When the head office sees the huge jump in subscriptions for April, then sees the drop in subscriptions should he follow this ill-thought out idea, along with the attendant bad press on the eve of a competing product's launch, it will be too late to repair the damage. Look at Star Wars Galaxies as an object lesson. There are thousands of customers out there that will never go near anything the developers responsible for NGE are involved in.



It was bound to happen anyway with the mass farming and pleveling, etc. It doesn't matter much if they do start banning accounts or what not, with games like DC Online, AION, and the one I'm waiting for (July 14th tentative release date), they have enough of their work cut out for them to just keeping the people they still do have around. And I've been off and on in COH for 4 years.



...y'know, all the original poster asked for was some patch notes. Just saying.

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!



...y'know, all the original poster asked for was some patch notes. Just saying.

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Come on, you know that everything is really about farming.

Farming is behind the decline of CoH.

Farming is behind the Greenhouse Effect.

Farming is behind the economic crisis.

Farming is so ubiquitous that Nemesis plots seem like an endangered species in comparison.




Farming is a Nemesis plot!



Okay yes it may have been unproffesional to a degree, but can you really blame him? The Devs (and many of the players as positron pointed out) are tired of the MA abuse. It is not being used for what they thought it should be used for, but instead a farmfest!

I think instead of a threatening post, positron could have told everyone what he does not want people to do with the system (which in all honesty they have done) and also tell the playerbase that a massive (?) change will be coming that will affect the AE system.

This is all just my opinion.
We did have it coming, the farming is disturbing. I cant stand not being able to level my character outside of AE. I can lvl them, but recruiting people for a team is well... hellish.

" I don't let me kids play on the Freedom Server" -Oya



Yes, I can blame him. It was an off topic comment that did not help the original poster get the original question answered. It's just typical forumite RAEG!!1!!! and it's a sad, sad thing.

I'm all for locking this topic. The question was asked and answered and all further irrelevant, off topic stuff (including this post itself, natch) helps no one.

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!



The patch notes are in the same place they have been for the last 4 years...just saying.

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Patch notes came out later in the day and don't mention the fact that standard CoH mob descriptions now invalidate arcs because the character limit imposed on them causes the arc to become invalid. This has effectively put 27 arcs I tried to play today offline that I know had nothing to do with rikti comm officers.

Its not a #$@$ description we put in that is invalidating arcs due to its length. Its the default @#@@# description for the mobs thats too long.

<sigh> Viv says its no longer "all me".