Fastest from 1 to 50?




I was just curious what the fastest is so far for getting from 1 to 50 using MA.




I was just curious what the fastest is so far for getting from 1 to 50 using MA.


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I don't know.. I just click the "Instant Level 50" button at character creation.



I was just curious what the fastest is so far for getting from 1 to 50 using MA.


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3 hours, 49 minutes, on Freedom. Not by me.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



I was just curious what the fastest is so far for getting from 1 to 50 using MA.


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That is a very interesting first post.

The development team and this community deserved better than this from NC Soft. Best wishes on your search.



I don't know about to 50 ( yet ) but I took an at mate from 1-32 in one run. That took about an hour maybe.

I was going to try a 1-50 run. Ill post rresults here is we do it.



*edited* Gotta love misreading posts!



I don't know about to 50 ( yet ) but I took an at mate from 1-32 in one run. That took about an hour maybe.

I was going to try a 1-50 run. Ill post rresults here is we do it.

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I've been gone a long time and have just started playing with the mission editor so bear with me, but how the hell can someone go from 1 to 30 in that short a time?



I was just curious what the fastest is so far for getting from 1 to 50 using MA.


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3 hours, 49 minutes, on Freedom. Not by me.

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Wow. That is all.



I would have killed for this back in I3 when I was a newb who only wanted to make a Kheldian. Now, however, I actually play the game.

"I love this game, I love my characters, but within the structure of the game, they will never have a statue in Atlas Park, they will never be anything more then a second-stringer that a degenerate writer could kill off without even asking the editor."
-- Rapulis



What about actually playing the game?



What about actually playing the game?

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Also on Steam



What about actually playing the game?

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Won't argue with that. Enjoy your insta-50s... I rarely play my 50s, but I understand some people play their 50s all the time, so all the power to them.

Weight training: Because you'll never hear someone lament "If only I were weaker, I could have saved them."



What about actually playing the game?

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After almost 5 years of playing, I've run through "official" content enough times to make my eyes bleed. Honestly, I'm tired of running all over Paragon City for mission arcs (seriously devs, do a pass on mission locations).

Now, I can conceivably achieve my goal of a 50 of each AT. I have a Defender, Controller, and Dominator that are just so bloody slow to play (the Def in particular has spent 4 years in the 10-20 level range), that they aren't fun. I do, however, want to play my Warshade/PB/SoA/Widow the "vanilla" route.

But the rest?

At least AE'd till level 20-32.



Sometimes you are going back to a powerset that you played before, but deleted the character for some reason. God knows I've deleted plenty of toons since release day, then gone back to play them when the powerset in question had been changed.

I mean, come on. How many times can you go through the Hollows before tearing your eyes out?

This whole pro- and anti- farming thing is like the gay marriage circus. One side thinks that their (virtual) way of life and personal life will be absolutely destroyed if some other person (whom the first person is NOT being forced to group with) lives their (virtual) life in a way that offends them.




I wasn't trying to be condescending. On the contrary, I was half wishing that this system had been around way back when so that I could have gotten a character to 50, unlocked and made a Kheldian, and been sorely disappointed all in one play session.

Ah well... you live and you learn.

"I love this game, I love my characters, but within the structure of the game, they will never have a statue in Atlas Park, they will never be anything more then a second-stringer that a degenerate writer could kill off without even asking the editor."
-- Rapulis



Sometimes you are going back to a powerset that you played before, but deleted the character for some reason. God knows I've deleted plenty of toons since release day, then gone back to play them when the powerset in question had been changed.

I mean, come on. How many times can you go through the Hollows before tearing your eyes out?

This whole pro- and anti- farming thing is like the gay marriage circus. One side thinks that their (virtual) way of life and personal life will be absolutely destroyed if some other person (whom the first person is NOT being forced to group with) lives their (virtual) life in a way that offends them.

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Funnily enough, I actually like the Hollows. I always have. I always thought of it like basic training in the army except this basic training is harder than the battle field you're actually training for.

In so many words, my moto has been: "If you can make it in the Hollows, you can make it anywhere."

You learn so many practical skills in the Hollows like how to maneuver around and between spawns without provocation; how to use geometry to get where you're going and away from the pain; and how to death march back from the hospital, all the way across the giant chasm to the 3rd floor of the Frostfire mission only to be memorized, 2-shot and sent frostbitten and eyebrow-less back to the hospital where you choke down some of that 'great' hospital food, roll out of that comfy bed, and begin your trek back to that glorified ice skating rink for the 23rd round.

<sigh> Those were the days....

But back to the topic at hand: I'm not saying that I look down on farming and power leveling. However, if you are a complete newb to the game, please, for the sake of all the other players of the great and all powerful CoX (lol... cox), learn to play the game first!

---To everyone---
But in the end it really doesn't matter. If you are one of those 'noobs' with a pl'd character that joins my team, you shall get the boot.

That being said I am not above farming or power leveling at this point. But, then again, after so many years, I'd like to think that I know what I'm doing (for the most part). In addition, it is your $15 a month and this is America, and not only can I not tell any of you what to do, I don't even care enough to do so.

So, for what it's worth, whatever you do do (or don't do) is cool with me because, in the end, it's just a game!!!!111111ELEVEN

(P.S. lol! 'do do')

"I love this game, I love my characters, but within the structure of the game, they will never have a statue in Atlas Park, they will never be anything more then a second-stringer that a degenerate writer could kill off without even asking the editor."
-- Rapulis



Don't get me wrong. I have played with it to (the speed AE bit), but I KNOW they will "stop it" as it were. The Dev's I mean. There is no way they will let this one go. They will kill this one like all the other leveling tricks people come up with. I don't know how, or when, but if there is somebody you wanna get leveled real quick, do it now, cuz this too shall pass.

Le Blanc 50 Dark/Dark Scrap
High Huntress 50 Archery/NRG Blast
And a goatload of others. On a goatload of servers.
Official Rickroller of Hero Con 1



Now, I can conceivably achieve my goal of a 50 of each AT. I have a Defender, Controller, and Dominator that are just so bloody slow to play (the Def in particular has spent 4 years in the 10-20 level range), that they aren't fun. I do, however, want to play my Warshade/PB/SoA/Widow the "vanilla" route.

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Its funny but if you have been reading the boards maybe you have seen some of the following.

Q: Is there anyway to respec your powersets while keeping your badges and such ?
A: Yeah its called going to peregrine island, followed by how you have to live with having picked powersets that you didn't like.

Q: Powerset x isn't working out for me
A: X doesn't blossom until you get to level Y and get Z from your secondary
R: I dont have Z in my secondary
A: Go to peregrine.

Q: I'd like to PVP but I have an X/Y
A: Thats gimped for PVP roll a V/W

It seems nobody really liked the answers they were getting.

Go Figure.



AE makes 50's more viable

with AE content you can play at 50 forever with new content. If you like having all of the powers, IO'd out, etc - AE now makes an actual end game.



Don't get me wrong. I have played with it to (the speed AE bit), but I KNOW they will "stop it" as it were. The Dev's I mean. There is no way they will let this one go. They will kill this one like all the other leveling tricks people come up with. I don't know how, or when, but if there is somebody you wanna get leveled real quick, do it now, cuz this too shall pass.

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If and when they do "kill it", they will most likely kill the AE by going overboard, as they tend to do.

After all, going from 1 to 50 with just AE missions was one of the selling points for the system.

Edit - And you would think that after, what was it 18 months in production, that they would've figured this out somewhere along the line.



Don't get me wrong. I have played with it to (the speed AE bit), but I KNOW they will "stop it" as it were. The Dev's I mean. There is no way they will let this one go. They will kill this one like all the other leveling tricks people come up with. I don't know how, or when, but if there is somebody you wanna get leveled real quick, do it now, cuz this too shall pass.

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You speak mad truth and I love your prophetic vibe. "This too shall pass" was a nice touch.

More importantly, you bring up a good point and a great reason to abuse the hell out of this. When they nerf ticket gains, I highly doubt they will retroactively take away the tickets you've already earned by working the system. I don't recall them ever doing that in the past, anyway. Therefore, just like when stocks are low in real life, you buy low and sell high when the demand rises. Get as many tickets as you can now, and then, when they nerf AE, cash them out for the highly coveted salvage and price gauge. Screw they hell out of your fellow CoX player--that's what I always say.

Same goes for leveling up heroes and villains for PvP and unlocking EATs. Do it quick!

It's what I'd do if my laptop hadn't died.
Looks like I'm gonna miss this train just like I missed the Regen train way back when. Stupid me chose SR...

"I love this game, I love my characters, but within the structure of the game, they will never have a statue in Atlas Park, they will never be anything more then a second-stringer that a degenerate writer could kill off without even asking the editor."
-- Rapulis



I believe this is the fastest 1-50 done through MA, shattering all previous records.

one hour

U2BG: FPvPL Season One Champs
Steve: Champions of Champion
Brasil Fancy Girls: FPvPL Season Two Champs
WARE: Freedom League 2011 Champs



Holy patuli! 1 hour! Damn, I thought my friend was fast at 2 hours 45 minutes.