Stealth Nerf On Tickets
This has always been like this. Cap is 9999. Anything over only counts for the "over the cap" badges.
This has always been like this. Cap is 9999. Anything over only counts for the "over the cap" badges.
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Re-read the OP. He mentioned that he was nowhere near 9,999 tickets.
Sounds like a bug
Petition it who knows maybe it will get fixed.
i know i got more tickets on a story arc tonight my self i got 800 total on a small warehouse map killed everything on the map too
I think one of the devs (pohsyb?) mentioned a cap on tickets per mission. However, that cap was supposed to be ridiculously high "so that a single player would have to defeat everything on a map scaled for eight" to reach it.
That... sounds familiar.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
I think one of the devs (pohsyb?) mentioned a cap on tickets per mission. However, that cap was supposed to be ridiculously high "so that a single player would have to defeat everything on a map scaled for eight" to reach it.
That... sounds familiar.
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It must be very high. The other night, including the end-mish ticket bonus, I collected 2606 tickets on a single outdoor mission, running solo, defeating all.
Q. Just wondering Posi, where are the new dance emotes we were told would come with GR?
A. Positron: Whoops, my bad.
1387 badges, and counting
I ran MA for the first time tonight with my SG got 1,200 tickets so it sounds like you hit a bug RYU.
Sound like a bug unless you were on a tiny map and got very lucky with ticket rolls.
I think one of the devs (pohsyb?) mentioned a cap on tickets per mission. However, that cap was supposed to be ridiculously high "so that a single player would have to defeat everything on a map scaled for eight" to reach it.
That... sounds familiar.
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It must be very high. The other night, including the end-mish ticket bonus, I collected 2606 tickets on a single outdoor mission, running solo, defeating all.
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Depends on the mission size IIRC. I.e., a tiny map with a handful of spawns will have a lower cap than a huge map with loads of spawns.
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I am going to retest again tomorrow but if you all have been ticketing all day and no bug then thats a different matter all together. I was thinking that everyone was so occupied with all the phat xpz the MA had that no one stopped to check their tickets all day because I didnt see any other posts about this.
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I routinely run missions for about a 6k per run ticket haul. Witht he patch today I get similar hauls solo or teamed. it is a largish map, and while not kill all I treat it as such.
wait a minute there is a partiel server maintanence on tuesday where some stealth stuff could have happened on certain servers that have not effected the other half of the servers. I only notice that this morning when half the servers are in unknown status. this maintanence is also having the words "for maintenance and publish." the publish part of that may include some server side nerf to tivkets and since i am on pinnacle last night my tickets may not be effected
Were you fighting particularly large spawns? I thought pohsyb also mentioned a per spawn cap.
Were you fighting particularly large spawns? I thought pohsyb also mentioned a per spawn cap.
[/ QUOTE ]The arc I did was 97694. It didnt have anything in the spawn but a single boss. These are th kinds of missions I run on my stalker since they are good at boss killing.
Edit: I just did another mission, one that I would consider a real ticket farm and didnt get the error about the ticket cap at all. My guess is that its something to do with certain maps.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

I think one of the devs (pohsyb?) mentioned a cap on tickets per mission. However, that cap was supposed to be ridiculously high "so that a single player would have to defeat everything on a map scaled for eight" to reach it.
That... sounds familiar.
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It must be very high. The other night, including the end-mish ticket bonus, I collected 2606 tickets on a single outdoor mission, running solo, defeating all.
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Depends on the mission size IIRC. I.e., a tiny map with a handful of spawns will have a lower cap than a huge map with loads of spawns.
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I have never heard of smaller mish's having a different cap then then any other mission. The cap is simply 9999 and that's it. So get up to 9999 is as far as you can go. This cap can be achieved and surpassed on a single mish if you solo 8 man team mobs thanks to some anchors. If you have reached any cap before 9999 then something is wrong.
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wait a minute there is a partiel server maintanence on tuesday where some stealth stuff could have happened on certain servers that have not effected the other half of the servers. I only notice that this morning when half the servers are in unknown status. this maintanence is also having the words "for maintenance and publish." the publish part of that may include some server side nerf to tivkets and since i am on pinnacle last night my tickets may not be effected
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The split serevr downtime is related to the base corruption issue. Bases and supergroups are being individually rolled back to a previous save point. Thsi requires users to be locked out for data integreity reasons.
Its even posted in the announcements.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
No, there is definately a "per mission" ticket cap. I hit it on the test server when seeing just how bad the Council Transformation Chamber problem was. I hit the cap quick on that mission.
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Definately a bug. Some guildmates of mine were runnning a farm mission racking up thousands of tickets a shot (much as they always have - I suspect they would have mentioned any noticeable reduction... loudly).
This is not a bug. I ran into this last night. I was at 6500 tickets and it said I was at the cap. I thought it was odd, but when i completed the mission i got 3500 tickets for a bonus. So what's happening is the mission "queues" up your tickets from the bonus and counts them towards your total.
This is not a bug. I ran into this last night. I was at 6500 tickets and it said I was at the cap. I thought it was odd, but when i completed the mission i got 3500 tickets for a bonus. So what's happening is the mission "queues" up your tickets from the bonus and counts them towards your total.
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that sounds like it. apparently it won't let you exceed 9999 and watches for it throughout the mission, calculating what you get versus what the end of missh bonus will be.
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aye sounds correct, no more than 9999 in one mission, so if you want the badges for going over, you will have to have some tickets already then cap yourself.
I was doing a mission and I got the message 1 or more tickets were not awarded because you have hit the ticket cap. What gives? Whats the whole point of this? This wasnt even a farming mission. Solo I got about half way thru before I even got the message. Seriously if this is working as intended I am thru with the MA because this is just insane because there is no reward for doing missions solo harder than the current wussified dev content we have now. Just so you knowI am no where near the 9,999 cap. I have like 88 tickets at the start of the mission and had like 398 near the middle of it.
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Do you ever not over-react?

I've hit a 'map' cap before. I was nowhere near 9999. I actually have never been near 9999.
I was doing a mission and I got the message 1 or more tickets were not awarded because you have hit the ticket cap. What gives? Whats the whole point of this? This wasnt even a farming mission. Solo I got about half way thru before I even got the message. Seriously if this is working as intended I am thru with the MA because this is just insane because there is no reward for doing missions solo harder than the current wussified dev content we have now.
Just so you knowI am no where near the 9,999 cap. I have like 88 tickets at the start of the mission and had like 398 near the middle of it.
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
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