I have an idea how players can get Incarnates.
I believe that having a L50 (of whatever AT) was labelled as something the Devs decided against for the purposes of future unlockable AT's.
Next: define Incarnates. In what way would they differe from the regular AT's without being more powerful (and thus casting the regular AT's into 'sub-par')?
What's your suggestion for thier powersets to be like? The regular AT's, but with an additional Pool (comperable to the APP's/PPP's)?
Also: I'm not familiar with the Well of the Furies TF. Has there been one written in the AE?
I look forward to this idea being fleshed out a bit more.
Also: Should be in the Suggestions section. Moderator, please move.
Incarnets are Statesman or Lord Recusle. With God like powers.
Hermee lvl 50 claws / sr scrapper
Renevega lvl 50 fire / kin controller
Aveneger lvl 50 ele / ice blaster
Pretty Healer lvl 50 emp / rad defender
Blazin' Man lvl 50 fire / fire tank
Peace n' War lvl 50 warshade
Spectral Fusion. lvl 50 ill / kin
Hermee Jr. lvl 50 dual blades / WP
But, give me an example of what you would add (or modify) on an AT like a Tank without making a standard Tank look weak in comparison.
Remember, the Epic AT's are Epic because they're based on the storyline and are a bit more complicated, not because they are more powerful.
The toon you did the TF with would be much stronger like my is a Claws / SR scrapper. If I did the tf i chould respec her into some incarnet powers.
Hermee lvl 50 claws / sr scrapper
Renevega lvl 50 fire / kin controller
Aveneger lvl 50 ele / ice blaster
Pretty Healer lvl 50 emp / rad defender
Blazin' Man lvl 50 fire / fire tank
Peace n' War lvl 50 warshade
Spectral Fusion. lvl 50 ill / kin
Hermee Jr. lvl 50 dual blades / WP
Incarnate Powers. The ideas that I keep coming up with sound a lot like the Patron Pools, each Incarnate Pool would have a different flavor and style, but fairly similar effects.
Like Statesman's 'Zues Pool', has that AoE Lightning strike for example.
By "much stronger" it sounds like you are aiming for making regular characters much more powerful than current L50's. Why then, would anyone want to play non-Incarnates?
The most additional power I'd give them would be to give them a four-power pool, in addition to all the powers that they already have. And have them have to earn the additional powers (and slots) through continued work.
Basicly have to go earn XP, but not have thier levels change. There's no L51+ here!
I'm sorry, but if "much stronger" means giving the equivilent of more levels via increased HP, Defence and ability to hit, then I'd have to disagree with your suggestion. L50's are already plenty powerful, particularly if the player puts any effort into min/maxing.
You said "respec into Incarnate powers", so I'd read that as pretty much a blue-side copy of the PPP's, which I'd agree with, so long as your character doesn't get those in addition to the APP's.
Story-wise, Incarnates would be rare, so I'd limit it to one per account. But first we need to flesh out exactly what the Incarnates would be, in regards to powers and game-mechanics.
An Incarnate probably will never happen. The most powerful character I can think of would be a long term vetern with the vet rewards to add two ranged or melee attacks (as needed by the AT).
I have a couple tanks and scraps that are near tank mages, with all the vet rewards and good IO builds.
But still not Statesman level...
The toon you did the TF with would be much stronger
[/ QUOTE ]
Stop. No. Just no. Remember one word: Balance.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
what i was saying by stronger is you can take out any reg 50 one on one but not like you where you chould out 5 50's strong. but within reason.
Hermee lvl 50 claws / sr scrapper
Renevega lvl 50 fire / kin controller
Aveneger lvl 50 ele / ice blaster
Pretty Healer lvl 50 emp / rad defender
Blazin' Man lvl 50 fire / fire tank
Peace n' War lvl 50 warshade
Spectral Fusion. lvl 50 ill / kin
Hermee Jr. lvl 50 dual blades / WP
but i would have to agree with you about one per account.
Hermee lvl 50 claws / sr scrapper
Renevega lvl 50 fire / kin controller
Aveneger lvl 50 ele / ice blaster
Pretty Healer lvl 50 emp / rad defender
Blazin' Man lvl 50 fire / fire tank
Peace n' War lvl 50 warshade
Spectral Fusion. lvl 50 ill / kin
Hermee Jr. lvl 50 dual blades / WP
First of all, does Power have a new account?
Anyway, NO to anything that makes one AT or powerset substantially better than any other.
No to incarnates unless the introduce a new and interesting play style, like soldiers and khelds did.
Also, no to incarnate just being another origin. If they do bring it out, at least make it interesting. Interesting, but not too powerful.
Crime of Fashion Level 50 Rad/Rad Corrupter
My Toons
My Rad/Rad Corrupters Guide
Mindscape - Reworking
but within reason.
[/ QUOTE ]
You might want to ponder more on this subject.
what i was saying by stronger is you can take out any reg 50 one on one but not like you where you chould out 5 50's strong. but within reason.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's not within reason. Again, balance. EATs are NOT meant to be inherently more powerful than other ATs. Give that up. It's unfair to the other players to make them more powerful.

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
Y not b/c newbies can't get them and to that so what. I would like better end game content and ways to improve my main b/c i find myself when i play is just getting influ.
Hermee lvl 50 claws / sr scrapper
Renevega lvl 50 fire / kin controller
Aveneger lvl 50 ele / ice blaster
Pretty Healer lvl 50 emp / rad defender
Blazin' Man lvl 50 fire / fire tank
Peace n' War lvl 50 warshade
Spectral Fusion. lvl 50 ill / kin
Hermee Jr. lvl 50 dual blades / WP
but y not more powerful? it's more of a reward than any thing.
Hermee lvl 50 claws / sr scrapper
Renevega lvl 50 fire / kin controller
Aveneger lvl 50 ele / ice blaster
Pretty Healer lvl 50 emp / rad defender
Blazin' Man lvl 50 fire / fire tank
Peace n' War lvl 50 warshade
Spectral Fusion. lvl 50 ill / kin
Hermee Jr. lvl 50 dual blades / WP
"end game content"
See, we like to play the MIDDLE game content, mostly, because that's "where the content is in this game". It's not like other games you MUST have the bestest baddestassest stuff or powers.
*shrug* We don't need something that would allow *anyone* to be ubar compared to someone else's chances.
I don't do tf's and I don't have a villain higher than 21 because *I don't like playing villains*, but I *have* 3 hero fifties, and I *have* been playing the game since my log date <<-- daily.
Middle game = content. End game = make a new character and don't blast through the levels with it. You might experience some content.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Y not b/c newbies can't get them and to that so what. I would like better end game content and ways to improve my main b/c i find myself when i play is just getting influ.
[/ QUOTE ]
Try using real words rather than typing like you're texting on a cell phone - it'll get you taken more seriously. As for "improving your main", what you don't seem to have grasped so far is the issue of balance. The Devs can't introduce something that make particular characters far more powerful than others, because that makes all the other characters obsolete.
It becomes a case of "Incarnates only" for any serious high-end team, excluding other players. Why would you want a Tanker/Blaster/Scrapper/whatever when an Incarnate could do everything they could do and more? Balance concerns are important in a multiplayer game. Everyone doesn't have to be exactly the same (that's bad too), but no one powerset or AT can be allowed to be far and away the best choice for everything.
You've already got many things to do on your main, if you choose to focus on a single character. You can work on Inventions to make your character more effective in combat in any of a number of various ways. You can badgehunt. You can engage in PvP. You can design custom missions and/or do those designed by others. You can do flashback missions in Ouroboros to do content you may have missed. Or you can just continue to play at 50 - nothing wrong with that either.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
I have been playing for 3 1/2 years. but i mostly see 80 to 90% of ppl farming and that's all they want to do, even newbies. I have 7 50's only on the hero side. I have almost all TF's besides Dr. Quarterfield b/c frankly it's to long. Besides i want more end game content and alot of others do to. If you had a chance to become ( ok, slightly more powerful) Y wouldn't you want to? maybe a special zone for incarnates only?
Hermee lvl 50 claws / sr scrapper
Renevega lvl 50 fire / kin controller
Aveneger lvl 50 ele / ice blaster
Pretty Healer lvl 50 emp / rad defender
Blazin' Man lvl 50 fire / fire tank
Peace n' War lvl 50 warshade
Spectral Fusion. lvl 50 ill / kin
Hermee Jr. lvl 50 dual blades / WP
I am sorry about my shorthanded typing. Forgive me. What I was saying is taking your favorite toon and making him better. Like my main is a Mutant origin and making him/her into a Incarnet origin.
Hermee lvl 50 claws / sr scrapper
Renevega lvl 50 fire / kin controller
Aveneger lvl 50 ele / ice blaster
Pretty Healer lvl 50 emp / rad defender
Blazin' Man lvl 50 fire / fire tank
Peace n' War lvl 50 warshade
Spectral Fusion. lvl 50 ill / kin
Hermee Jr. lvl 50 dual blades / WP
Right but *why*?
You can just SAY "this is what my guy is" - it can't have any real bearing on the game, because of what others have said: balance. If what you see is 80-90% farming, I'm going to guess you too are on freedom and have hardly stepped off of it to see what might be found elsewhere. On Protector we do a LOT more than farm.
And, no I wouldn't want to do something that would imbalance a team, or the entire game. Even in another zone. Why would they have such exclusive content? I already don't have most of the villain side content done, though I know it's good and more organized than on hero.
Head down to your server section below, and maybe look for people who *don't want to farm*, start an SG, and play with them.
Having a more ubar character won't help any content issues you may have. Playing the MA, that's a lot of stuff you'll never have seen before. Yes, plenty of farms there, but hopefully that will level off in a month or so.
Aside from that... I don't know - I just don't think it'd be wise, fair or balanced for the game to have some kind of extra. Heck there are already people who complain about the vet reward powers and buff pet being "unfair". How unfair would it be for folks if there was more exclusive content?
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
As has been said before... balance.
Origin, as it stands right now, really doesn't do much in the grand scheme of things. So my Magic origin girl uses different SO's than my Muties. Whoop de do. It's more of a backstory than anything active. So adding a new origin really does little except take up space. Plus... technically if you're improving an existing hero... their origin hasn't changed. If they're keeping most of their same powers, they still got them through Tech, or Natural, etc means.
Did I read that correctly that one incarnate should be equal to any other 5 50's? That's what we'd call imbalance. I'm going to assume, then, that incarnates will not be able to PvP.
Justaris explained why that's a bad thing pretty well, actually.
To get something that shiny, you'd need to balance it out by giving something up. So... say they're the same as a regular AT, only their powers are inherently stronger. Energy Blast does more base damage (not heaps, but a bit), Heal Other heals a little bit more... but you have to give them weaknesses to make up for that. Maybe you can only give each power 4 slots. Or something. Not saying they should, but giving you an example of compensating.
Otherwise, you're basically asking for the /godmode command. Or the "I win!" button. And Santa knows you haven't been that nice. He always knows.
Y not b/c newbies can't get them and to that so what.
[/ QUOTE ]
Because...why invite non-Incarnates to a team if the Incarnates are better at everything?

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint
Y not b/c newbies can't get them and to that so what.
[/ QUOTE ]
Because...why invite non-Incarnates to a team if the Incarnates are better at everything?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, exactly this.
My idea of an Incarnate would be a new character that has "Incarnate" as their origin. They have some advantages that the base AT doesn't normally have, like a Scrapper having ranged attacks or Defender having defense, but they get less HP/damage/something to balance it. Overall you get a more versatile character who can do just about everything (like a VEAT?), but isn't particularly powerful at any one thing.
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.
Incarnets are Statesman or Lord Recusle. With God like powers.
[/ QUOTE ]
Most of us are aware of what Incarnates are in game lore. This is precisely why they can't be implemented, at least not the way they are presented in the backstory.
If you've got a godlike character, you've got an I-Win Button. Nothing can challenge you except possibly other godlike characters. You get bored, you quit. Other people get tired of being second-rate since they don't have/can't make an Incarnate and always getting passed over as 'teh gimp' in favor of godlike characters. They quit.
It's a lose/lose for the Devs. Why would they ever do that? Answer: They wouldn't. If Incarnates were ever to happen, they'd have to be balanced with existing ATs. Which is pretty much what everyone, myself included, has been saying the whole thread.

Iscariot's Guide to the Tri-Form Warshade, version 2.1
I'm sorry that math > your paranoid delusions, but them's the breaks -- Nethergoat
P.E.R.C. Rep for Liberty server
Besides, let's say the center of the earth suddenly becomes a ball of ice and they do give you (*cough* sorry, us) these god-like incarnates... WHAT THEN?! Let's face it - if we suddenly start going down the L-O-O-O-N-N-G road of one-upping ourselves (*coughwowcough*), where does it end? And how then, can we ever hope to attract and keep new players when everyone else is (excuse the DBZ reference) Super Saiyans, and the newbies are lvl 1 farmers-with-a-shotgun?
Because let's face it - they will HAVE to keep one-upping themselves if they cave in. Once everyone maximized their incarnates, you'll be as bored with them then as you are with what you have now. Quite frankly, one of the things that has always kept me away from the 'other' MMO(s) is that they keep moving the finish line. What started as a 100M dash is now a full blown race around the world. And once you reach the finish line;
"Oh, sorry, it's now two laps"
-but what about all this stuff I spent MONTHS collecting?
"As useless as your starting gear"
At least in CoH, the finish line is never moved, they just widen the track so you can go sightseeing along the way. The SO's? JUST as effective against 95% of the content in the game as they ever were. (though I must admit, you can do some fun things with IOs)... I'd say now, with MA, the start and finish line are exactly right where they were, but they've just said;
"Hey, uh, the starting gun just fired, but feel free to go two blocks that way; there's a great restaurant there called 'Joe's', best ribs you've ever had... or you can run the race and go to Joe's next time around, or go to Joe's after you cross the line... Just have fun with it; but I really can't recommend Joe's enough."
(Of course, you can clearly never please all of the people all of the time. Some people just don't like ribs.)
"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"
First, you would have to have an Epic (Hero or Villian) as a 50.
Second you the Toon you want to do as Incarnte orgin would have to do a TF like a Well of the Furies TF. What you guys think.
Hermee lvl 50 claws / sr scrapper
Renevega lvl 50 fire / kin controller
Aveneger lvl 50 ele / ice blaster
Pretty Healer lvl 50 emp / rad defender
Blazin' Man lvl 50 fire / fire tank
Peace n' War lvl 50 warshade
Spectral Fusion. lvl 50 ill / kin
Hermee Jr. lvl 50 dual blades / WP