Discussion: Super Booster II:Pick a card, any card
These really are great emotes. Thanks for posting this up Mod 8
Here are the emotes:[LIST][*]Emote Juggle or Emote JuggleBalls
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I didn't know the basic juggle had an alternative command, but it sure gets an eyebrow raise from me.
I saw someone in Pocket D doing these last night, and was like.... "I know I have the magic pack, I know I can do those... what are the commands!"
I would love to see the commands somehow put into the UI, though honestly with Mantid's list it's pretty easy to bind or macro without that.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
Aw, they don't work with Hover/Fly
The plastic tips at the end of shoelaces are called aglets. Their true purpose is sinister.
--The Question, JLU
These really are great emotes. Thanks for posting this up Mod 8
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These really are great emotes. Thanks for getting this on the Community Digest, Niviene.
There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.
There's one more costume change emote I'd really like to see:
"Booth": a phonebooth or something similar rises up out of the ground around the character, then descends revealing the new costume. Only works on the ground.
Hey, Lightning and Twirl are both homages to known characters, why not another one?
Aw, they don't work with Hover/Fly
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Babs is working on it- it's a bug.
"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.
There's one more costume change emote I'd really like to see:
"Booth": a phonebooth or something similar rises up out of the ground around the character, then descends revealing the new costume. Only works on the ground.
Hey, Lightning and Twirl are both homages to known characters, why not another one?
[/ QUOTE ]
Ironically over the years this obvious "homage" costume change emote has probably been suggested more than any other one, even more than the ones we just got in this booster pack.
But that could very well be the reason why we DIDN'T get it. Sure comic geeks might be familiar with the Lightning and Spin/Twirl ones but pretty much -everyone- knows who the "phonebooth" one would be associated with. This game constantly has to make sure it doesn't identically copy preexisting IP and my guess is that a "phonebooth" costume change emote would be just TOO obvious to get away with. This is probably the same reason why we don't have a "reporter" Day Job either.
Who knows it might still happen, but I'm not going worry about it if it doesn't.
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Any chance of adding a /e juggleice or /e jugglesnowballs to these. That would make these emotes even better.
-Snow Witch-
Can any of the Supber Booster II stuff be used with the custome critters? Like give them the juggle emote?
Bump and Grind Bane/SoA
Kenja No Ishi Earth/Empathy Controller
Legendary Sannin Ninja/Pain Mastermind
Entoxicated Ninja/PSN Mastermind
Ninja Ryukenden Kat/WP Scrapper
Hellish Thoughts Fire/PSI Dominator
Thank You Devs for Merits!!!!

Any chance of adding a /e juggleice or /e jugglesnowballs to these. That would make these emotes even better.
-Snow Witch-
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Yeah one would think after producing juggle emotes for fire, electricity and magic that an ice one would've been trivial to implelment. They could've effectively just cloned and recolored the fire one whiteish and called it ice. *shrugs*
Loth 50 Fire/Rad Controller [1392 Badges] [300 non-AE Souvenirs]
Ryver 50 Ele� Blaster [1392 Badges]
Silandra 50 Peacebringer [1138 Badges] [No Redside Badges]
--{=====> Virtue ♀
Aw, they don't work with Hover/Fly
[/ QUOTE ]
/em cardtrick works. The others are bugged, though.
Arc #41077 - The Men of State
Arc #48845 - Operation: Dirty Snowball
I was running through my pre-existing "Torch Juggler" patter in the D with these. It needs to be rewritten, of course... but was still fun.
Something I noted with the ;jugglefire emote and the Fire Sword power... you can draw the flaming sword and keep juggling.
This.. is awesome. It looks like you're swatting the fireballs with the blade.
A fun routine was to start juggling regular balls... then switch to fire after bringing out the sword... then announce the "OK REALLY HIGH!" and go to ;waiting ... then launch Rain of Fire and duck into ;cower! OOPS!
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Aw, they don't work with Hover/Fly
[/ QUOTE ] the cardtrick does, but hte juggles dont
I like to do a neat little trick, especially on my Ace of Crimson Clubs
you need someone else for this trick.
have them cast the fortune power on you, and before it hits you use the cardtrick emote, if you time it right, it looks like the cards go right to your hand, after this as you throw them in the air, cast them at someone else and have them repeat the process, I usually get a few "nice" and "awesome" comments as well as "how do you do that?"
or use the lightning costume change followed by the juggleelectricity emote as you are still not visible, it looks like the lightning went to your hands
also the lightning costume change and same thing as the above mentioned one, but use the grief emote and yell, OUCH! and it looks like you are struck by lightning
I know, I get bored......
BAB said he's gonna fix that the emotes don't work while hovering. ETA... soon.
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Check this out; a guide to adding emotes to the Quick Menu.
Customizing the Quick Menu
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There's one more costume change emote I'd really like to see:
"Booth": a phonebooth or something similar rises up out of the ground around the character, then descends revealing the new costume. Only works on the ground.
Hey, Lightning and Twirl are both homages to known characters, why not another one?
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Ironically over the years this obvious "homage" costume change emote has probably been suggested more than any other one, even more than the ones we just got in this booster pack.
But that could very well be the reason why we DIDN'T get it. Sure comic geeks might be familiar with the Lightning and Spin/Twirl ones but pretty much -everyone- knows who the "phonebooth" one would be associated with. This game constantly has to make sure it doesn't identically copy preexisting IP and my guess is that a "phonebooth" costume change emote would be just TOO obvious to get away with. This is probably the same reason why we don't have a "reporter" Day Job either.
Who knows it might still happen, but I'm not going worry about it if it doesn't.
[/ QUOTE ]Good arguments, I must admit. I agree that the Lightning Bolt costume change is probably pretty obscure outside of Superhero Fandom, but I would bet the Twirl is not that far behind the Phonebooth, thanks to the Wonder Woman TV series. Doesn't the phone booth cliché come from the visual media rather than the comics? As far as I know, it comes from the old cartoons and TV series, with a final homage joke about it in the '78 Superman movie.
Not does it have to be a phone booth. Make it a fitting room booth, with a curtain front, for an additional bit of "appropriateness".
Agreed, it may be too well known for them to feel comfortable with it, but I still hope we'll see it some day.
Ok so i can see a way to still get away with a phonebooth kind of thing - requierments: you have to be infront of an ingame door - have the character run in the door then come out of the door a few moments later in costume - there are enough doors in the game that this wouldnt be to hard to pull off - plus as we all know if you camp out in front of a working door when you log back in it appears you just walked out of said door - this is just that mechanic taken to the next lvl.
Also - has anyone found the actual card art? I would love to see a full color version of the cards - the tranclucent images look cool but to hard to make out details.
Love these emotes, as they are truly awesome.
lol one of the resons (pretty much the only one) i took whirlwind on my scrapper was as her superhero costume change and now its an emote >.< lol still cool though
Check this out; a guide to adding emotes to the Quick Menu.
Customizing the Quick Menu
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thats probably really good but i didnt understand it at all
Ok so i can see a way to still get away with a phonebooth kind of thing - requierments: you have to be infront of an ingame door - have the character run in the door then come out of the door a few moments later in costume - there are enough doors in the game that this wouldnt be to hard to pull off - plus as we all know if you camp out in front of a working door when you log back in it appears you just walked out of said door - this is just that mechanic taken to the next lvl.
Also - has anyone found the actual card art? I would love to see a full color version of the cards - the tranclucent images look cool but to hard to make out details.
[/ QUOTE ] here, its in another thread. as my internet is screwed up, I'll tell you the title of the post, its under screenshots and the post is called "Cool detail in the magic cards"
hope that helps
...plus as we all know if you camp out in front of a working door when you log back in it appears you just walked out of said door - this is just that mechanic taken to the next lvl.
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See what happens when you do that in front of one of the rubble covered doors in Mercy.
Hey all,
Here is a little more info for those of you who have already picked up the SuperBooster II:Magic, or those who havent picked it up but are thinking about it.
SuperBooster II:Magic contains a number of amazing new emotes, giving your character the ability to juggle and perform card tricks. These emotes are incredible, and describing them doesnt do them justice, so if you dont already have the SuperBooster find someone who does and make them show you what they look like!
Here are the emotes:
<ul type="square">[*]Emote Juggle or Emote JuggleBalls[*]Emote JuggleMagic [*]Emote JuggleFire [*]Emote JuggleElectricity [*]Emote MagicCards or Emote CardTrick[/list]Also check out Mantids Animated Emote Guide
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