Follow-Up From Positron! ~Discussion~




We did some data mining of our own, and 3,800 (arcs) surpasses the amount of content that we, the developers, have made for all of City of Heroes and City of Villains combined. In just one day our users did more than we could in almost five years.

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Incredible. That says it all for me. "New content" is no longer a problem. People are creating amazing, fascinating stuff for no other reason than they want to. Creativity soars in that surrounding, and it's all stuff that has a chance of becoming "part of the game".

I wonder how that affects the number of bells and whistles we might be seeing in the future-- new weapons, powersets, etc.-- now that the burden of creating now content has become nearly weightless. The devs have a reason to breathe easier now, and I say more power to them. Kudos all around.

...I also say, MORE OUTDOOR MAPS!

Check... and Mate (poster) - Arc ID# 15095 (comments)
Invasion on Earth BX1132! (poster 1) - (poster 2) - Arc ID# 98943 (comments)
Global @ARH



yeah thank you now u can make alevel 50 in 8 to 10 hours and know nothing about the background of the game at all.
Great going thunbs up!
Please make Next Costume pack booster with farmhats farmer clothes and a pitchfork...



yeah thank you now u can make alevel 50 in 8 to 10 hours and know nothing about the background of the game at all.
Great going thunbs up!
Please make Next Costume pack booster with farmhats farmer clothes and a pitchfork...

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you earn a gold star for abusing the system

*kicks his box of gold stars under the bed*






On a sidenote, I would like the base bug addressed though, its really freaking out a lot of people.

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And since there is no way to reply to the base announcements, I have to borrow MonkeyB's post to put in my two cents to the devs...

PLEASE have the base problem fixed as soon as possible!

Battlerock X - inv/str tank, Justice Server - The Battlerock X Chronicles - fan-based comic book series "The Guardian Powers"
"With Me - Against Me" Mission Arc 230667



I just want to clear this up in the beginning so people know...I love being able to create my own content and it has been a blast creating missions for my friends and I, but I have concerns.

I joined a team the other day hoping to explore some cool new created mission. I got on the team as a level 50, there was only one other level 50 the rest of the people were a smattering of levels from 5 to 35, I knew people were taken to the level of the mission so I wasn't too worried about that. In the mission we were transported to a level 50 ultimate farm where every enemy was a boss. I know you can say that people have the right to choose whether or not that abuse the system and I had no problem with people farming missions in the past, and I have even done a little of it myself, but for some reason the ease at which farming is possible now unnerves me.

I worry that people will stop playing the original content now that they can play with someone of any level in the Architect missions and get great xp for doing so. I may be a Chicken Little about this but my worry is that I'm more akin to Cassandra. Either way I suppose we need to just wait and see.




Please make Next Costume pack booster with farmhats farmer clothes and a pitchfork...

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Well, it certainly WOULD fix the 'natural theme pack' they seem to be planning to do.. :P

At least, if you toss in a few Omish style options, and gstrings for the 'naturalists' look.. Bwahaha!

New travel power - tractor, as an any AT Epic / patron power pool!

J / Wilde

Still hate the visit Winscott mission- make it dropable, have it give actual exp or remove it altogether. PS- Down knows who you are.
J/ Wilde/
/ AIL - Celebrating five years!



I was a bit early for this post, and made my comment over here. ;p



Count me among the minority who hates I14 and the MA and have cancelled 2 subs over it. I'm sure you'll have no trouble replacing my 2 accounts, but it's clear the devs didn't put enough (any?) thought into how this would affect player populations in the zones.

If your goal was to turn all the zones into the equivalent of the Abandoned Sewer Network after nerfing the Kraken Trial: congratulations! The MA has been a huge success!

If your goal was to turn every zone into a "PL meh!" zone: congratulations! The MA has been a huge success!

All you've done is succeed in creating an "all-farm all the time" game in every zone. Again, if this was your goal, you succeeded beyond your wildest dreams!

But in the meantime, I'll take my entertainment dollars elsewhere. I14 is a waste of my money.



Kneejerk much? If you've quit two accounts from the first week of a new issue with a very shiny new thing, I'd have to wonder whether anything else can hold your attention if it hits a speedbump.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Count me among the minority who hates I14 and the MA and have cancelled 2 subs over it. I'm sure you'll have no trouble replacing my 2 accounts, but it's clear the devs didn't put enough (any?) thought into how this would affect player populations in the zones.

If your goal was to turn all the zones into the equivalent of the Abandoned Sewer Network after nerfing the Kraken Trial: congratulations! The MA has been a huge success!

If your goal was to turn every zone into a "PL meh!" zone: congratulations! The MA has been a huge success!

All you've done is succeed in creating an "all-farm all the time" game in every zone. Again, if this was your goal, you succeeded beyond your wildest dreams!

But in the meantime, I'll take my entertainment dollars elsewhere. I14 is a waste of my money.

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Funny how my experience doesn't match that at all.

Let me guess. You played on Freedom and can't see past Broadcast.



Count me among the minority who hates I14 and the MA and have cancelled 2 subs over it. I'm sure you'll have no trouble replacing my 2 accounts, but it's clear the devs didn't put enough (any?) thought into how this would affect player populations in the zones.

If your goal was to turn all the zones into the equivalent of the Abandoned Sewer Network after nerfing the Kraken Trial: congratulations! The MA has been a huge success!

If your goal was to turn every zone into a "PL meh!" zone: congratulations! The MA has been a huge success!

All you've done is succeed in creating an "all-farm all the time" game in every zone. Again, if this was your goal, you succeeded beyond your wildest dreams!

But in the meantime, I'll take my entertainment dollars elsewhere. I14 is a waste of my money.

[/ QUOTE ]


Funny how my experience doesn't match that at all.

Let me guess. You played on Freedom and can't see past Broadcast.

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I do dislike the numerous AE buildings. I think 1 every few zones would have been the way to go. It seems everyone hits the Mercy/Atlas buildings (well, more than other locations) - those others that don't want to take part in the mayhem are left to find another AE building with a decent amount of players.

I like i14 and the MA, with some work, will be a cool feature. Right now it's not quite there but I am still enjoying it.



Count me among the minority who hates I14 and the MA and have cancelled 2 subs over it. I'm sure you'll have no trouble replacing my 2 accounts, but it's clear the devs didn't put enough (any?) thought into how this would affect player populations in the zones.

If your goal was to turn all the zones into the equivalent of the Abandoned Sewer Network after nerfing the Kraken Trial: congratulations! The MA has been a huge success!

If your goal was to turn every zone into a "PL meh!" zone: congratulations! The MA has been a huge success!

All you've done is succeed in creating an "all-farm all the time" game in every zone. Again, if this was your goal, you succeeded beyond your wildest dreams!

But in the meantime, I'll take my entertainment dollars elsewhere. I14 is a waste of my money.

[/ QUOTE ]
Kneejerk reaction is kneejerk.

Honestly. Every new release, and every special event week-end/period, gives a short massive shift in play styles. Canceling a sub the first week of this particular release is especially insane. Even before this was released, most people could predict that there would be a massive shift in playstyle. But it will be brief. I have already, after 3 days of heavy MA creation and consumption, gone back to playing normally for most of my play time. Others will as well.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are



Count me among the minority who hates I14 and the MA and have cancelled 2 subs over it. I'm sure you'll have no trouble replacing my 2 accounts, but it's clear the devs didn't put enough (any?) thought into how this would affect player populations in the zones.

If your goal was to turn all the zones into the equivalent of the Abandoned Sewer Network after nerfing the Kraken Trial: congratulations! The MA has been a huge success!

If your goal was to turn every zone into a "PL meh!" zone: congratulations! The MA has been a huge success!

All you've done is succeed in creating an "all-farm all the time" game in every zone. Again, if this was your goal, you succeeded beyond your wildest dreams!

But in the meantime, I'll take my entertainment dollars elsewhere. I14 is a waste of my money.

[/ QUOTE ]

to shorten this

ED, PvP, Villains, Inventions, now MA will be he end of CoX



I think 14 has been a good roll out, a huge success. With multiple tens of thousands of arcs, and all those unique critters, it's like Christmas every mission "what will this one be like?".

Whilst I was greatly concerned that teaming had gone the way of the dodo in the first few days of I14, teaming is back, and MA missions aren't the only thing in town. I've run a few TFs, and some lowbie missions 'just like always'. The farming is going on in atlas, and it doesn't worry me at all. Once you get to 50 then what?

I like levelling normally. I like the AE as well. It's the best of both worlds.

Good work, Devs, pleased it's gone off so well.


Part-Troll, who used to be Excession777, now playing pantomime with people's mindlets.




The 5th Column are one of the few enemy groups that are 1-54. Using a group like this is one of the only ways to make a mission playable to ALL levels.

That's why it's important to make all enemy groups (1-54). If you do that, you will see some truly amazing arcs.

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... some, yes. All... not so much. Why would, for instance, a basic street gang (Skulls) be level 54?

Besides, right now it allows us to know something's going to be a lowbie arc.

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54 level Skulls Hmmmm? At that point since they have moved up in the world of crime would their girlfriends expect more than a movie and a trip to the Fast Food court? lol

Agreed But then I always seem to agree with Bill LOL Also keep in mind that even arcs that are say level 40-54 can be played by lower levels.. you are simply automatically Sked (so to speak) to the same level as the enemies you face. Now a 5 level with 4 powers may NOT want to face a level 54 AV but I did this with a 29 level and did just fine.

Also arc that stop at 20 or whatever due to the enemy involved automatically exemplar you down to that level. So realistically there isn't a single mission arc out there that almost anyone can't try.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



This is a triumph. I'm making a note here; huge success. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.

Story Arcs I created:

Every Rose: (#17702) Villainous vs Legacy Chain. Forget Arachnos, join the CoT!

Cosplay Madness!: (#3643) Neutral vs Custom Foes. Heroes at a pop culture convention!

Kiss Hello Goodbye: (#156389) Heroic vs Custom Foes. Film Noir/Hardboiled detective adventure!



Well done to you Matt, and all the Devs, for the great work that is I14. Mission Architect v1 is a fantastic start. The degree of complexity available in enemy creation was certainly worth waiting for. The range of maps, the amount of dialogue that can be customised, it's all a creative super-hero type could ask for. Well, almost all.

That's why there will be a version two, and three and more hopefully adding new tools to the range already available to thousands of players. With this we'll have so much content available there won't be enough hours in the day to play it all, although many will try!


K5K - The Killbot 5000
A Spanner In The Works Part One, ArcID: 336662, A Spanner In The Works Part Two, ArcID: 336665, Enter Japes, ArcID: 96001
In The Darkness Creeping, ArcID: 347709, When Dimensions Collide, ArcID: 412416.



I wonder how many of you praising i14 are just in it for the farming and showing 1 vet badge each. This has turned the game into Farming gone wilder than ever. No high level players running any skills. This is sad.But whatever. I canceled 2 accounts just like that guy you flamed and griefed earlier. Farm on. But this is sad Bye



Everybody needs to step back a minute and look at this rationally. Does anyone really believe that the farming (as it is being discussed here) will be allowed to continue for long?

Seriously? Anyone?

As fastidious and meticulous as the devs are in eliminating 'exploits', I highly doubt this will remain in effect. Farmers, party it up while you can - 'cuz Mom and Dad will be home soon, and they will lay down the law. (Remember, these are the same folks that once nerfed the 'Rage' power!)

Additionally, let us not forget (as has been mentioned previously numerous times already) that this is brand-spankin'-new to everyone. New to us as players and how we use it, and new to the devs in how they will control it. Right now, they're just letting the kids(a figure of speech) play with the new toy anyway they want, so they can get a feel for how it will be used, and therefore how to prevent abuses of it.

Come now, those of you afraid that this will be the end of CoX and are cancelling your accounts because of it - are you absolutely certain that I-14 is the REAL reason you are killing 2 accounts? You are certain its not to actually save a little money in these current unstable economic times? Could it be that CoX has just 'run-it's-course' for you, and you are tired of it and want to move on?

If you are tired of it, I understand, nothing lasts forever (though I strongly urge you to give it a little more time-just in case). If you need to save cash, no one would ever fault you for that - but please do not bash the single most cutting-edge development in MMORPG ever, just because you don't like it and it's a convenient excuse. That is selfish and narrow-minded.

If you REALLY ARE cancelling your accounts because you don't like I-14, then I am afraid I do have to agree - that is a kneejerk reaction. I am sorry to see you go, but as you yourself said, others will fill your spots without hesitation.

I personally, can only stand in awe of what I-14 already is and has the possiblity to still eventually become. It is quite possibly the turning point of all MMO's in existence and any yet to be developed. How long will it be before many of the hardcore players of other games (no names mentioned here to protect the guilty :-) begin demanding this type of feature from their devs? How many will comply? How many won't? How many will do so successfully? How many will lose players and subscriptions to CoX?

All in all, an absolutely killer performance. Bravo!!! I am beyond words to describe my pleasure with the MA. Thank you from a true fan of the game.

Captain Evil Bob, 50 Will Power/War Hammer Tank



Everybody needs to step back a minute and look at this rationally. Does anyone really believe that the farming (as it is being discussed here) will be allowed to continue for long?

Seriously? Anyone?

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It will go on forever. Did the devs turn PI into a level restricted zone? no, and why do you think they added 'Castle' in Crey Corp.? because talos is too far for a 49 to level up? tss tss...
Farms>dual or triple accounts>incomes for the company. And i could list tons of other economic reasons ...




Everybody needs to step back a minute and look at this rationally. Does anyone really believe that the farming (as it is being discussed here) will be allowed to continue for long?

Seriously? Anyone?

[/ QUOTE ]

It will go on forever. Did the devs turn PI into a level restricted zone? no, and why do you think they added 'Castle' in Crey Corp.? because talos is too far for a 49 to level up? tss tss...
Farms>dual or triple accounts>incomes for the company. And i could list tons of other economic reasons ...


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Exactly, that is why myself and now 4 of my coalition friends canceled and willmove on in the next weeks. Its hopeless for us to try to enjoy content, all you see is farm wannabe's. I personally wanted to team with players slotted like they know what they are doing to some degree not a level 1 auto sked to 48 that goes afk the moment the mission loads. I am seriously sad because I liked this game but way I see it everything is being done to help farming and perpetuate the cycle. Even the spam Rmters have level 1's sending emails to all my toons everyyyy day again. I thought this was fixed or is there a percentage being paid for access now, which is what a friend wondered about and now I do to.



[color=yellow]TBH I LOVE i14 & not just for all the badges (My Badger is going Nuts I tell ya!), yes there are lvl & badge farmers, but they are not the be all & end all of the game. If this is the case for the server(s)/ location(s) you tend to hang in lft, then maybe you need to relocate your toons or maybe even find a different server to play on.

Yes I'm using certain Ma mishes to get some of the more challenging badges on my Badger, I also created a MA mish that does have elements that can be used to farm for certain badges. Though that's Not it's purpose, it has a story to tell & in one mish, a challenge to the serious gamer since not everything is what it seems for the mish objective.

I have to admit I've not bothered going into the longer arcs yet, but that's only cause I do have other commitments (Like younge children) and I am being more selective. But when ever I try an arc for the 1st time I do take the time to provide feedback, though there's been one (an SG mate's) where I filled out feedback & instead it clicked 0 star rating instead of sending the feedback. I also ty to make a point of runnign a Ma arc by someone who's rated mine if they let me know about it. Though there are some I had to simply quit since my main toon was just too squishy to fully compleat it, though I tried. I still gave feedback & rated it based on the quality of the arc from what I had been able to play, reguardless of my inability to complete. Part of my feedback will include my inability to complete on the toon I ran it if the person doesn't mention that the MA arc may not be soloable by certain archetypes. I fully appriciate those whom make a MAm that requires a team & make a point of mentioning that fact in the mish info. Just as I appriciate those whom make badge farms & list them as such, I've even ran a few & though they were farms some of them had some pretty fun NPCs & set-ups & had obviously taken the time to put some thought in to the farm.

TBH honest my only negative feedback is what many whom love the MA have said, we NEED a better way to sort through the mishes. Even using Search for one of my friends mishes (@Dr I) it pulls up EVERYTHING that has either Dr in it or I. We need to be able to target our searches much as we can in the forums, but by author, description, morality, ect. as well as by length & rating. Or have a way for the Search to have to find precisely what we type in the window, much as what most search options usually allow for.

Confusion is Lord & Chaos is my Best Friend!! Shall I introduce you??
MArc# 5232 Bastet's Unleashing *a Solo-able arc*
Gae'Atha- lvl 50 Emp/Ele/Psi Def
Sekmet's Fel Blood- lvl 50 Rad/Ther/GW Corr



Let me guess:


Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I wonder how many of you praising i14 are just in it for the farming and showing 1 vet badge each.

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Maybe you should actually check on the posters before making such a hugely erroneous statement.