Follow-Up From Positron! ~Discussion~




I wonder how many of you praising i14 are just in it for the farming and showing 1 vet badge each.

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39 month vet who's far from being a fan of farming, here, yet I14 has turned this into a brand new game for me.



I look at the M.A. and I have only one question... when can I have more maps? more custom maps? more options? more! Oh yeah, and more powers and more costume parts... and more zones and ... and ... and...

Otherwise, I'm a casual player since CoH beta and I enjoy the game as much now as 2004. My only problem with the game is the constant barage of in game junk emails and spam broadcasts for powerleveling services. I think my first Mission Architect mission will be called " must die!"




I wonder how many of you praising i14 are just in it for the farming and showing 1 vet badge each.

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Maybe you should actually check on the posters before making such a hugely erroneous statement.

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srsly, ignore my reg date, I've made over 15k posts in 3 months



"Like every system we design here, the Mission Architect system has been a labor of love that we have poured over every little decision on."

"pored over" ("The scholar pored over his books.")


"poured over" ("The syrup was poured over the pancakes.")


If we can save this game, I promise I will never complain about Travel Power Suppression again! You have my word on it!
"The customer is always right."



Everybody needs to step back a minute and look at this rationally. Does anyone really believe that the farming (as it is being discussed here) will be allowed to continue for long?

Seriously? Anyone?

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It will go on forever. Did the devs turn PI into a level restricted zone? no, and why do you think they added 'Castle' in Crey Corp.? because talos is too far for a 49 to level up? tss tss...
Farms>dual or triple accounts>incomes for the company. And i could list tons of other economic reasons ...


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Exactly, that is why myself and now 4 of my coalition friends canceled and willmove on in the next weeks. Its hopeless for us to try to enjoy content, all you see is farm wannabe's. I personally wanted to team with players slotted like they know what they are doing to some degree not a level 1 auto sked to 48 that goes afk the moment the mission loads. I am seriously sad because I liked this game but way I see it everything is being done to help farming and perpetuate the cycle. Even the spam Rmters have level 1's sending emails to all my toons everyyyy day again. I thought this was fixed or is there a percentage being paid for access now, which is what a friend wondered about and now I do to.

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I'm sorry - did anyone even bother to read the rest of the post, or were you just too quick to jump on the opening statement? I said many other things as well, but they were obviously not taken into account (which is fine, whatever).

Perhaps I missed a reason... like short attention span (a.k.a. ADD) ?

Have faith! Sooner rather than later the devs will figure it out, and it will be fixed. None of the other issues that you mentioned you thought were out of line are NOTHING compared to the inequity in MA, and don't think they don't know that (or don't care). It will be fixed, perhaps not to everyone's satisfaction, but adjustments will be made. If they can come up with this incredible innovation, you better believe that they will control it.

The ramifications of not controlling it are far too severe, so believe it will get nerfed somehow-eventually.

You do bring up some interesting points, though. The spamming is out of control and needs to be stopped. My reccomendation is to deluge support with spam abuse reports and it will be addressed (again).

Anyone that just joins a team and goes afk when the mission just starts without a real justifiable reason (particularly a lowbie lvl 1-10 in a mission set for much much higher levels) gets booted immediately. No exceptions. If we all adhered to that principle, it would stop-or lessen dramtically.

Ah, but that's the rub, isn't it? Tell me-how many times have you been hit up for 'filler' requests for others that are farming? How many times have you said yes? If even once, then you just enabled the very activity that you are railing against!!! For that matter, how often have you farmed? Ever? And if so, what for? So you see, the problem you are complaining about - YES, IT IS A PROBLEM- has been created by us!

Yes I have farmed, but rarely (usually for a badge), because
I just find it to be way too boring. MA does away with the boredom factor because you aren't really farming in its truest sense-you can finish missions and move on to others. Playing other missions are what its supposed to be about, right? I know that some missions are full of AV's and EB's, and yes, that needs to be corrected, but there are literally thousands like that so your choice is almost endless.

It will be a fine balance in how they correct this, but I believe they will. If you don't, that is your choice-but I am just willing to wait and see.



Look at it this way..

These people who're farming up 50s?

They'll lose their attention with the game really quick. They'll make an alt, roll to 50, realize they have NOTHING ELSE to do, roll an alt, repeat...

...until they've played every possible power combo in a month and they get bored and go away.

At which point, the game will once again be safe for actual playing =)


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



I wonder how many of you praising i14 are just in it for the farming and showing 1 vet badge each. This has turned the game into Farming gone wilder than ever. No high level players running any skills. This is sad.But whatever. I canceled 2 accounts just like that guy you flamed and griefed earlier. Farm on. But this is sad Bye

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Crud. They're on to me. I signed up for an account almost 5 years ago, but then went away until I14 came out. I've never even played the game outside MA farming. Clearly no one understands the problem with the latest issue like you do.


"if the market were religion Fulmens would be Moses and you'd be L. Ron Hubbard. " --Nethergoat to eryq2

The economy is not broken. The players are



You guys rawk!



I agree that the MA is awesome. But I was a bit dissapointed when finding out we were not able to edit maps the way we edit SG bases. I thought we would be able to pick where items were located, where bosses spawn, and add decorations etc. Is there any possibility that this feature might be added later? I really wanted to create Daedelus' Labyrinth for my arc The Return of King Minos.

Be sure to drink your




The 5th Column are one of the few enemy groups that are 1-54. Using a group like this is one of the only ways to make a mission playable to ALL levels.

That's why it's important to make all enemy groups (1-54). If you do that, you will see some truly amazing arcs.

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... some, yes. All... not so much. Why would, for instance, a basic street gang (Skulls) be level 54?

Besides, right now it allows us to know something's going to be a lowbie arc.

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If they are all set 1-54, then the mission will spawn according to the highest player on the team, right?




The 5th Column are one of the few enemy groups that are 1-54. Using a group like this is one of the only ways to make a mission playable to ALL levels.

That's why it's important to make all enemy groups (1-54). If you do that, you will see some truly amazing arcs.

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... some, yes. All... not so much. Why would, for instance, a basic street gang (Skulls) be level 54?

Besides, right now it allows us to know something's going to be a lowbie arc.

[/ QUOTE ]Plus, simply making a custom group is the easiest way to make the arc 1-54.

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And eat up space.



My one beef I have is that there is too much farming going on with just 1 mission arcs. If the MA could be changed to have at least 2 missions on the arc before you can publish it that would cut down on it alot. It seems to me that too many people are farming and not running regular arcs. I actually had to pay 3 lowbies today just to run my arc and even after that they still did not give any stars but told me that the arc was great. I even paid them about 4 mil each for running my arc.

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The only problem with forcing multiple missions is that the farmers just duplicate their farm missions 5 times over. IT would accomplish nothing.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of quality single missions out there too.



Where do I begin? Well at the beginning. I love it. Architect is incredible for what it is. And yes, I have some awesome ideas for it. I'm still geeking out about it! (to quote Syndrome) And some of the arcs are downright impressive! I like that you can comment to the writer, which I actually do regularly on every arc I play. Even if it's terrible, Especially if it's terrible.

Now, Good stuff aside. Things I'd like to see:
1. Improved sorting. Frankly, being able to filter out features you don't want from the mission list would be nice. (I've done so many elite fights that I get sick of them, and frankly would rather fight a boss)
2. Something to think about: Using Base Builder to allow a player to build an utterly custom map. (and while we're at it, beefing up base builder so that there's more your poor, neglected, lonely base builders can do with it. :P) Rather, once they get the bugs out of Base Builder. Heck even a version that lets you drop 'pregenned rooms' in place would be awesome. (ie the generic office stuff to build your own functioning maps) In short, do for maps what you've done for NPCs.
3. I'd like to have specific placement as an option. Sometimes you know RIGHT where you'd like something, or have reasons why you want it in a specific place.
4. Anyways, here's hoping bases get fixed soon, as I know most base builders are loving architect, but dream of more base options.

In conclusion, Awesome Job! and can't wait to see what's next!

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love these ideas...especially specific placement and custom maps.

Custome spawn points for ambushes would be the bomb...since half of them spawn on hte wrong floor now.



Congratulations to the dev team, who makes this game more "super" every issue ! The MA is just totally awesome !



I wonder how many of you praising i14 are just in it for the farming and showing 1 vet badge each. This has turned the game into Farming gone wilder than ever. No high level players running any skills. This is sad.But whatever. I canceled 2 accounts just like that guy you flamed and griefed earlier. Farm on. But this is sad Bye

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Honestly, I take that as DEEPLY insulting. I love MA and I hate farming. Thanks to MA I've been able to tell/participate in stories with my SGs that were previously impossible. Villains from a PC's past? Check.
Foreign Villain groups that aren't Russia/WW2 AXis? Check.
Aliens that aren't Rikti/Khelds/Snot? Check.
Getting to beat up Doc Vahz with a villain PC? Oh, you f'ing know that's a check.



A lot of things people want, I totally get when the devs are opposed to. Placing spawns is neat in theory, but it's sooooo exploitable.

Individual room placements: good in theory, but a LOT of care would have to go in making what placeable. A string of CoT Portal rooms would be the ultimate farm. If you think Comm Officer farming is bad...wait till a map is made of 80 Behemoth portals.

Expanding all groups to 50 levels. Besides the fact that a lot of stuff would be laughable/lethal at different levels (Level 1 Wisps -will- kill level 1 players easily), the spread also doesn't make much sense. Skulls suck, skulls being on par with Malta is laughable. I am however an advocate of spreading stuff a bit. Since there is a 5-10 Warrior block, fill in that next ten levels to the 20-29 warrior block. Do the same with Corralax. For others, up the caps. Vahz up to 30, Heroside Tsoo up to 40, etc.



Congratulations to the dev team, who makes this game more "super" every issue ! The MA is just totally awesome !

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agreed. all the farming noise aside, I've had a ton of fun in the last few weeks.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



The problem is things seem to be all-or-nothing.

For placing spawns...the ability to place all spawns is exploitable, but say, 1 boss spawn, 1 hostage spawn, 1 ally spawn, 1 glowie--and picking an existing spawn point to use, not clicking anywhere for the spawn point. This is doubly-necessary on outside maps. On the big round graveyard map, the mausoleum in the center is always the place for the big boss, in dev content. But it's the one place we can be sure it WON'T spawn for our arcs.

For stretching the levels...I'd say that any group that goes to 40, should be stretched to 50. Players only have 4 more powers, none are tier 9s.

My arcs are constantly shifting, just search for GadgetDon for the latest.
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