Seriously, why is there no purple set for Fear?




I know there are other categories that people wonder about, too. I see people asking why there are no purple sets for damage resistance, defense, endurance mod, etc. These are fair questions, but they're not the one I'm asking.

As far as I can recall, the existing purple sets fall into one of two categories: damage and mez. Of those two categories, I believe the only flavor missing a purple set is Fear. Even sleep has a purple set. So, why no love for Fear? Sure, back in the day it was a weak mez type, but along the way it became good and useful.

You're doing a disservice to Mind Controllers, Illusion Controllers, and anyone who actually feels compelled to slot up a Presence power. Omitting Fear is just as bizarre as if you'd left out Ranged Damage. So, why?

Please try MA arc ID 351455, "Shard Stories: Scavenger's Hunt." Originally created for the Dr. Aeon contest, it explores the wild potential of one of the City's most concept-rich but content-poor settings: the Shadow Shard.



Even immobilize has a purple set, and that is the wimpiest mez ever!

Yeah, I'm looking forward to when the Purple categories get expanded. Cause right now, it just makes me sad, looking at all those characters that don't get to experience the joy of purples.

On the other hand, it's the one place where Dominators get their lovin.

Anyway, yes. Fear Purples please. I wouldn't even use them, but they'd put my mind at ease.



im just waiting for half the crap sets to finally be removed. all the dev's have to do is visit themarkets to see which ones need it. and yes to some more purp sets.



For the OP:

"Because they haven't made/released them yet." Taunt sets, for instance, weren't in the first release of IOs.

im just waiting for half the crap sets to finally be removed. all the dev's have to do is visit themarkets to see which ones need it. and yes to some more purp sets.

[/ QUOTE ]

The "Crap sets" (a) aren't always crap and (b) work wonderfully for cheaply frankenslotting a build. I'd hate to see them removed.



im just waiting for half the crap sets to finally be removed. all the dev's have to do is visit themarkets to see which ones need it. and yes to some more purp sets.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd actually like to see another PbAoE damage and melee damage set added to help balance out the AT purple set disparity (Scrappers get hosed!).



What about purple a teleport set.



purple heal set plz. so i can put something in my 6 slotted rest.

Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



Silly, Rest doesn't take heal sets



I want a set that just repeats the same bonus 2 pieces...+.05 max hp, 3 pieces...+.05 max hp, 4 pieces.......



YUS! Fear needs a purple set (Maybe even with an Energy/Negative resist bonus instead of *yet another* fire/cold).


There's another mez type that actually doesn't have any IO sets -at all.-

Intangibility(and Cage powers, but that's a whole other issue)... Yes I know there are only 2 powers that use the effect, and I know people generally hate them, but why deny set bonuses to the few people who actually take (and possibly even use) those powers?

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Silly, Rest doesn't take heal sets

[/ QUOTE ]


Positron's i13 letter: We are trying to make PvP more accessible to new players, while giving experienced PvP'ers the advantage that comes with formulating tactics around the new systems we're putting in place. PvP from now on will be on our priority list. If something isn't working out, we'll be in there tweaking it and making it work, for the entire future of the product, not just Issue 13.



but why deny set bonuses to the few people who actually take (and possibly even use) those powers?

[/ QUOTE ] Because those people are different than everybody else. And being different is bad.



Silly, Rest doesn't take heal sets

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]You mean "anymore." It did in beta. They nixed that right quick.

Paragon Wiki:
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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



but why deny set bonuses to the few people who actually take (and possibly even use) those powers?

[/ QUOTE ] Because those people are different than everybody else. And being different is bad.

[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe it's everyone else that's different.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



More purples...
Londo Mollari: [singsong] Everybody's cute, everybody's cute, even me. But in purple I'm stunning

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



but why deny set bonuses to the few people who actually take (and possibly even use) those powers?

[/ QUOTE ] Because those people are different than everybody else. And being different is bad.

[/ QUOTE ]
Maybe it's everyone else that's different.

[/ QUOTE ]

Look.... I got an angry mob..... and they aren't the brightest bunch.... they never are really.... but anywho.... stop confusing them and tell them who is different so that they can a hate the different one(s) forever.



you're right bill. i forget about those sets because im usually running with generic io's till mid 30's or so. thats when i start slotting the sets i want. so yeah, not a removal but maybe a change to some of the bonuses so there is more versatility in them to make them more wanted.



Why is there no purple set for Fear?

[/ QUOTE ]

Because they haven't found a convincing way to make enemies *BLEEP* themselves when you drop fear on them?

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lmao. that made me fall out of my chair so now it's roflmbo.



Glad ya liked it.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Intangibility(and Cage powers, but that's a whole other issue)... Yes I know there are only 2 powers that use the effect, and I know people generally hate them, but why deny set bonuses to the few people who actually take (and possibly even use) those powers?

[/ QUOTE ]

Cage and foe intangibility are the same thing, so there's actually 4 powers that use that effect. I think people mostly slot them for recharge and perhaps accuracy, though. Most people probably couldn't tell you what intangibility enhancements even do. It would be incredibly low priority, and the sets would be pretty much ignored.



Intangibility(and Cage powers, but that's a whole other issue)... Yes I know there are only 2 powers that use the effect, and I know people generally hate them, but why deny set bonuses to the few people who actually take (and possibly even use) those powers?

[/ QUOTE ]

Cage and foe intangibility are the same thing, so there's actually 4 powers that use that effect. I think people mostly slot them for recharge and perhaps accuracy, though. Most people probably couldn't tell you what intangibility enhancements even do. It would be incredibly low priority, and the sets would be pretty much ignored.

[/ QUOTE ]Yes, there are 4 intangibility powers, but only 2 of them accept intangibility enhancements.



I count 7 intangability powers. 4 affect the foe and 3 affect the caster.

Detention Shield
Sonic Cage
Black Hole (takes intangible)
Dimension Shift (takes intangible)
Phase Shift
Quantum Flight
Nebulous Form



I count 7 intangability powers. 4 affect the foe and 3 affect the caster.

Detention Shield
Sonic Cage
Black Hole (takes intangible)
Dimension Shift (takes intangible)
Phase Shift
Quantum Flight
Nebulous Form

[/ QUOTE ]Fair enough, I should have said "foe intangibility". The fact remains that only 2 accept intang enhancements, anyway.



Intangibility(and Cage powers, but that's a whole other issue)... Yes I know there are only 2 powers that use the effect, and I know people generally hate them, but why deny set bonuses to the few people who actually take (and possibly even use) those powers?

[/ QUOTE ]

Cage and foe intangibility are the same thing, so there's actually 4 powers that use that effect. I think people mostly slot them for recharge and perhaps accuracy, though. Most people probably couldn't tell you what intangibility enhancements even do. It would be incredibly low priority, and the sets would be pretty much ignored.

[/ QUOTE ]Yes, there are 4 intangibility powers, but only 2 of them accept intangibility enhancements.

[/ QUOTE ]

Indeed I was only counting the powers that actually Accept intangibility enhancements, as they're likely the only ones that would accept Intangibility sets... Though it would be nice if they let all 4 Foe 'intangibility' powers use them.

And Frankly, Having a low number of powers that could use the set is hardly a reason not to include a set for them.

At a quick glance I see:
-There are only 7 powers (available to players) that cause confuse in the game, and there are five confuse sets, including a purple set, to choose from.
-Likewise there are only 6 Heal powers that require a ToHit check, but they added sets for those as well.
-There are only 7 Fear Powers(more if you count Assassin's Strikes, but they don't take fear sets anyhow), but there are 4 sets for them (and a thread asking for a purple Fear set).

Adding 1 low level set, and 1 high level set that can be used by 4 powers doesn't seem like too big a deal to me.

I mean, they added KNOCKBACK sets. How many people do you know that actually slot for knockback, let alone slot a WHOLE FREAKING SET for it?

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too