Heavies in RV...
Been getting held quite a bit from the Blue side heavies on my stalker of late. The hold is lasting about 15 seconds on my Spines / WP stalker. This is a bit rediculous given that we are all nerfed now versus holds. This certainly gives the Blue side one heck of an advantage. The Red side heavies have no such advantage.
Me and a friend did some experimenting, the Red side heavy has no hold of this magnitude. Out test was against a blaster with an all SO build and no armor or acrobatics.
We did a quick test of the heavies as well. We dueled each type a few times to see which side had a more powerful heavy versus the other. The Blue side heavy won every match out of 5. We started the heavies roughly thirty feet apart. We are going to retry this test with each heavy starting at point blnk range but suspect the same result do to the Blue side heavies KB.
Heavies are part of the zone and I enjoy using them as much as any other player. I would certainly like to see them equal for each side. The long hold is too great an advantage Blue side. Can we get a similar hold on the Red side heavies? Can we equalize the two a bit more maybe?
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I suppose when the arachnos heavy does it PBAOE electric power on my tanker hosing him completely for 15 secs...I was just imagining that.
Major LOL! The same attack on the blaster with no armor had a hold of only a few seconds. That is precious that the tanker got held longer. Did you actually time it or is that an estimate? I timed my experiences with a stop watch.
Pretty sure both side's heavies have some sort of very long lasting mez. Plus all the boss NPC's in the zone do too.
The lame thing is that it doesn't matter. For several months now, the devs have made it plainly clear that all NPC's are working as intended. They have no problems with NPC's being able to mez for 1 minute+, while players can do it for 2 seconds. Why? Because they have never actually PvP'd a single time.
Basically, don't expect anything to change.
Just take away heavies from RV. Nothing worse than a player that can't PvP use a Heavy to hold someone so they can get the final hit and gain rep. Atleast lower the heavy to a lvl 50 and not a lvl 54 to even the playing field a bit.
lvl 50 - Elec/WP/Mu Mastery Stalker, lvl 50 - Dark/EA/Soul Mastery Stalker, lvl 50 - EM/Nin/Soul Mastery Stalker
New Toons
lvl 21 - StJ/WP Stalker
I think the NPC stuns are actually worse than the heavies' holds. At least you don't come across heavies THAT often, NPCs are all over the place. A 10 seconds stun that you can't breakfree of is a death sentence in PvP.
I got so mad when peeps laugh at me when the longbow spawn killed me a couple months ago...I didn't even know what to say.
Just a little tid bit of info on the hero vs villain heavy fights
In melee the villain heavy will usually win but at range the hero heavy usually will
Blueside heavy was always better, unless you got a truly heroic hero that decided to stand right beside the villain heavy the whole time.
Hero heavy always had an unresisted hold, and always had the ranged attack that would 1-shot nearly any villain. I havent played this games pvp in months, but i can still remember that.
Wonder what RV will be like today
The hero heavy has a nasty AoE hold (which is either autohit or very high accuracy if you get caught in its patch, I think). The villain one has a less-nasty single-target one and a very nasty nuke with a stun attached (nothing like dropping my Regen Scrapper's HP from full to near zero and stunning me while its owner killed me).
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
The hero heavy has an ranged aoe hold/puke field similar to the old version of traps' poison gas trap, it also has a snipe that does multiple packets of damage for about 1600 damage, bypassing the one shot code. Then it has some ranged attacks, debuffs and summons seeker drones.
The villian heavy has a pbaoe nuke [on a several minute timer] and stong melee attacks. It also has a moderate ranged ST and aoe on long timers.
It wasn't hard to see which was better back when RV was released. It's been what, 7 issues and how many years?
Before I9 I had spent hours beyond count in RV, farming turrets and Wardens for good xp (I would pvp and usually win if I had to) For me the hero heavy has always been kind of a joke. What made it a joke was how susceptable the hero heavy was to knock back, something Robots of a MM love to do. Also the Nemesis staff could knock it prone. I could have the bots fire one volley at the heavy or use the Nemesis staff or bots MM personal attacks to knock it out of the fight for about 3-4 seconds and then continue to whittle away at the hero. Imagine my surprise when I encountered an ill/emp troller who buffed the Heavy with clear mind, boosted its damage and made it invisible. Lol, it thrashed me very hard. I kind of smiled when heavies were nerfed and could no longer be buffed.
For MM's, the villain Heavy is truely awesome. They respond to MM "goto" and "attack my target" pet binds and will move to where you direct it (including melee range where it should ALWAYS be). Also you could drop inspirations onto it like you could with MM pets, even when the heavy is left behind, half way across the map (I'm not sure if you still can after the buff nerf). If an MM is on your pvp team, make sure they get the heavies. Another tip for villain heavies is if you use tp foe, tp them into melee range of your heavy.
@Forever Zer0
Forever Zero lvl 45 Grav/Kin Controller
Bellonda lvl 50 Bots/traps MM
Mid-Night Marauder lvl 50 DM/Invuln Scrapper
Eh, they said they fixed NPCs, somehow it feels changes didn't make it to live :/
Also, i think hold proc lasts way too long...<_<
When they said they fixed the NPC's, that was referring to general NPC's such as longbow and arachnos. Unfortunately the heavies remained obtainable pets, hence sort of sat on a bit of a borderline between a PVE foe and a PVP pet that remains to be looked at.
It's been left the way it is for an incredibly long time and personally I haven't really been too bothered about it. They're both pretty powerful in their own way.
the hero heavy can one shot villains very quickly.
the villain heavy can one shot a 8 man team of heroes if they are attacking it in melee. I am more scared of the villain heavy than the hero one.at least if your teamgangs up to kill the hero heavy the whole team doesn't wipe at once. one or two make bite that bullet though.
If people constantly get into melee range of the villain heavy after this long and are surprised they get killed i don't know what to tell them.
Holds from the blue heavies need to be toned down some... PERMA HOLDING my fortunata 1 hold after the other while its owner goes to town on my face is bullcrap lol.
edit: caps for clarity lol

epicpvp gaming videos
One difference not mentioned so far, the hero heavy is very vulnerable to knockdown, with a very lenghty climb to its feet animation. The villain heavy has the arachnos spider knockdown animation which for practical purposes means it ignores knockdown.
In either case, the heavy mez, like all the npc mez in pvp now is just stupid. Thanks devs.
heavies are best pvpers now lol
btw NPCs holds still last forever..........................
My latest strategy is to petition the heavy for hax while I am held.
I can usually complete the process before I am released.
Eh,it gives me something to do while I am held.
My latest strategy is to petition the heavy for hax while I am held.
I can usually complete the process before I am released.
Eh,it gives me something to do while I am held.
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My latest strategy is to petition the heavy for hax while I am held.
I can usually complete the process before I am released.
Eh,it gives me something to do while I am held.
[/ QUOTE ]
One difference not mentioned so far, the hero heavy is very vulnerable to knockdown, with a very lenghty climb to its feet animation. The villain heavy has the arachnos spider knockdown animation which for practical purposes means it ignores knockdown.
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Just like all bipeds. 8 legs > 2 legs. Credit the Master of Spiders for his insight.
While being held by a hero heavy, I go make a sandwich. So when my grisly death comes, I have a tasty snack.
Been getting held quite a bit from the Blue side heavies on my stalker of late. The hold is lasting about 15 seconds on my Spines / WP stalker. This is a bit rediculous given that we are all nerfed now versus holds. This certainly gives the Blue side one heck of an advantage. The Red side heavies have no such advantage.
Me and a friend did some experimenting, the Red side heavy has no hold of this magnitude. Out test was against a blaster with an all SO build and no armor or acrobatics.
We did a quick test of the heavies as well. We dueled each type a few times to see which side had a more powerful heavy versus the other. The Blue side heavy won every match out of 5. We started the heavies roughly thirty feet apart. We are going to retry this test with each heavy starting at point blnk range but suspect the same result do to the Blue side heavies KB.
Heavies are part of the zone and I enjoy using them as much as any other player. I would certainly like to see them equal for each side. The long hold is too great an advantage Blue side. Can we get a similar hold on the Red side heavies? Can we equalize the two a bit more maybe?