41 -
They're just very accessible, and since people gather there - more people will come. Who wants to be in an empty zone if you're lookin' for a team? Ironforge was accessible and had a lot of important things in it, much like Atlas and Cap. >>
Well, it gets more awesome after 32 when you get your second pet upgrade so...
I adore my arch/dev character, I really need to level her. >_>
The only problem is you have to rush into melee to use that debuff. >_> Although usually you run in BG mode in pvp so that shouldn't be too bad but ...
While being held by a hero heavy, I go make a sandwich. So when my grisly death comes, I have a tasty snack.
In the end, it comes down to taste. As a /pain, I have a hard time fighting things like traps MMs or heavy debuffers if my healing hits diminishing returns. /dark does give you an extra pet who comes with his own aoe heal and debuffs that you might like.
Both are really good, dark has a lot of debuffs and fluffy helps you out a lot. Mercs isn't really a pvp MM primary but almost any MM can hold their own depending on what you're fighting.
As a pain MM, I have a little trouble fighting other MMs, but. Do you mind healing? -
Arc Name: Sunset Novel: Or, heaving bos-- Can we even say that in the MA?
Arc ID: 107825
Morality: Neutral
Creator Global: @Muriel
Difficulty Level: Easy to Moderate. Can be soloed by most things.
Synopsis: A deranged author is using her powers to control fangirls and bring her creations to life. Your contact, a disgruntled English grad student has enlisted you to stop her. It involves punching sparkly vampires, pirates and other literary horrors.
WARNING: It's a comedy arc. I have a relentless sense of humor that mocks nearly everything, including myself. None are spared, not even the children.
(Be sure to check the NPC descriptions! Feedback welcome, it's my first go!) -
Look. How can I believe and trust you over say, any other person? I don't and I can't. You can turn off channels, chat display and tells or report someone if someone really is bugging you. There will always be putzes.
For better or worse, people can be jerks online without getting a real time punch to the face. That's just how it works. While I'm fine with people getting a reward for coming in and trying out pvp, I really can't see how booting people will help. Just use your magical ignore button. -
It's not that it's just pvpers that are untrustworthy. It's that anonymity on the internet tends to turn even Joe Normal into a raging dingwad (See also: Gabriel's Internet Theory). There's no consequence save maybe a brief suspension for severe griefing. So what's to stop someone from kicking people for 'the lulz' or because they can or because they pissed off the fight clubbers or Fabulous League of eRPvpers? Nothing. And that's why I think it's a bad idea.
The pvp crowd isn't much different from too many others on other MMOs. It's simply seen as 'more competitive' and we all know what happens when things get competitive. People might talk trash. Personally, it's best to shrug it off unless it's obscene, racist or hate speech. In which case you report it and let the GMs do their thing.
And that would count you as unworthy too, Mr. Deadsidepants. -
And what I am saying is that all those who wish to be police may not in fact, want that power for innocent reasons. How would you pick people?
I am not a d-bag, I am polite to people and even often make friends in pvp.
I just think a kick button is too easy to abuse or ineffective. -
Psh, they even put up with me in zone pvp. Fat people hamburger and all. :P
I vote for jell-o wrestling. It'll be 100% even. Or maybe like give us trained Candians to battle much like pokemon.
I think that would be too easy to abuse. If a group of people just wanted to fight club it up or something, they could just boot the guy. Or if you didn't want a new person running around and asking questions, well, boot them.
I disagree with pvp being uncasual friendly as being common sense. In other MMOs, pvp was viable for casuals. (Case in point: WoW pvp. Whether it's the same or not, it's hard telling. I quit ages ago.) It's a lot more viable to some people than sitting for 3 hours in a TF. I don't mind say, my support character pvping better in a team. What I do mind is her being nigh useless due to holds barely holding and heal decay. Oh yay, I heal for like 50 while a widow tap dances on my face and shoots more sharks than the Gordon's fisherman on speed to Benny Hill theme music. That's a thrillin' pvp experience right there. (Cept, I do like fish sticks and Benny Hill.)
I may not expect someone to be nice and snuggly to me while pvping, but that doesn't mean I want to hear a string of LOLOLOLOLOL I PWN U SUCK HAHA REROLL NOOB or 'Go play easy mode' from some twit playing a flavor of the month with a terrible name. That being said, I usually ignore it or make a snappy comeback. No one ever sees Shakespearian insults coming. Actually, if you type that many lol's and are not being ironic or making an example, your keyboard should give you a small jolt of electricity just because.
And yeah, it is horribly obnoxious when pvp is lopsided and I feel for the outnumbered side if I'm not on it. Usually then I hop away or just go hunt some NPCs until numbers even if they ever do. -
All I know is that permadom is practically impossible, heal decay kinda sucks and a lot of people lost a LOT of defense and resist. :/
I'd also like to point out the "LOL PVE" mentality doesn't really help at all either. No one is special or awesome or whatever someone's favorite adjective is because they pvp (Bonus points if they have shifted characters a bazillion times to keep up with the FoTM.), and it's tough trying something new, getting steamrolled and then having comments made that compare your intellect to that of a sea sponge.
I've had loads of fun in pvp and I've also been incredibly frustrated by it sometimes. I suppose it's the nature of the beast, but it can be tough to integrate yourself into the pvp community at times. -
See, the either or game mode mentality is silly. I pay 15 bucks to fight dudes what are NPCs or dudes what have actual dudes controlling them. I enjoy both.*
*And sometimes show off my mad eRP skillz. -
I'm betting rocky road. I freaking love marshmallows.
Although I love the subtitles. Manticore, keepin' shootin' that air you. And I noticed something else, few hero ATs besides scrappers really show up well in pvp. At least, in zone. Defenders and debuffers do fairly alright and one on one a smart tank might knock you over if and IF they have the right power set. That's kinda sad too.
*Because no one should be forced to spend like 6 levels punching snakes. -
To say that certain ATs don't dominate - no one noticed that a pvp event on virtue was like 12 widows/forts, two stalkers, two brutes and one corrupter? And the finals were all widows or forts but the brute. Gods help you if you're a dominator in pvp too. I roll an AT because I like it. Sure, I will have weaknesses to some and pluses against other, but I shouldn't be totally hosed over and one AT should not totally hose over others.
I think that's a bad idea. Someone's dart might slip. :P
Don't forget the snake farm! It's that Raid the Snake Temple thing from Operative Grillo. Just be mindful of the toxic damage.