Merc/Pain or Merc/Dark for PvP
Pain. Mercs isn't a good primary choice, though.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
Both are really good, dark has a lot of debuffs and fluffy helps you out a lot. Mercs isn't really a pvp MM primary but almost any MM can hold their own depending on what you're fighting.
As a pain MM, I have a little trouble fighting other MMs, but. Do you mind healing?
So I tried making a corrupter and couldn't find one to my suiting. So now I'm going back to masterminds. I'm a mastermind at heart.
Which do you think is better for pvp: merc/pain or merc/dark. I haven't tried mercs in a while and I want to try them. I'm trying to decide between these two secondaries.
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I think Merc/Storm is a better combo for pvp but if you only want either /pain or /dark, I probably go with /dark.
What's left is to normalize all Assassin Strikes and improve Stalker's old sets (Claw, MA and EM)! You don't need to bring back the missing PbAoE attack. You just need to make the existing ones better! For example, make Slice a WIDER and LONGER cone.
As expected, there is no consensus. I don't mind healing by the way - to the OP.
In the end, it comes down to taste. As a /pain, I have a hard time fighting things like traps MMs or heavy debuffers if my healing hits diminishing returns. /dark does give you an extra pet who comes with his own aoe heal and debuffs that you might like.
Well pain is more the healing and longitivity of your pets while providing them with very useful buffs and a rather lovely AoE debuff
Dark Miasma is a very powerful debuffing set that offers a good amount of healing, great control, and absolutely great -ToHit numbers. If you were gonna go Soldiers/Dark you'd be great at control, and the flashbangs from the soldiers would work nicely, plus the Tar Patch really helps with the commonly resisted lethal damage.
Pain is basically an Empathy Controller with buffable and controllable pets. You have great heals, wonderful buffs, and a very powerful AoE debuff called Anguishing Cry.
It all comes down to what you're lookin' for.
The only problem is you have to rush into melee to use that debuff. >_> Although usually you run in BG mode in pvp so that shouldn't be too bad but ...
How good is dark's debuff at higher levels. Right now I'm about lvl 22 with my merc/dark and merc/pain mastermind (I couldn't decide and so I leveled them both). So far, merc/dark seemed to be the stronger toon, at least in bloody bay. Having the extra tools helps, but then again, I wasn't missing much in my heals.
I suspect that by the time I get to warburg when defenses and resistances are high, I may have trouble hitting my heals with dark, and that will create a problem.
Pain. Mercs isn't a good primary choice, though.
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Don't take the Mercs/ hate to seriously, my Mercs/Traps PvPs beautifully. Just make sure you get your Achilles's Heels.
Truthfully, I would go Mercs/Pain, its + and -Res stack well with Mercs, plus you can give more than 1 pet a "Tier 9." Serum to the Medic and Painbringer to the Commando.
Oh yea, Mercs/ gets Confuse resist and protection, Robots/ do not.
Yea, so far I'm liking mercs. But I'm only lvl 23. I may yell and scream at the when I get to lvl 40 or even lvl 50 (still don't have a lvl 50). So, we'll see.
Well, it gets more awesome after 32 when you get your second pet upgrade so...
Poison for duels, pain for teams. Dark isn't awful, but it's not incredibly good either.
I find /dark the better choice. The debuffs are amazing, the heal is very useful, and most of your debuffs are AoEs. So if you happen to get hoarded on, just toggle up DN on the appropriate target and position debuffs. Howling twilight is amazing for handling people with big regen.
Slots some chance for neg damage and achilles in your soldiers/spec ops. Profit!
As Auspice mentioned, though, if you're taking on single targets a lot, poison, or tend to work with teams, go pain.

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Note that I only meant in PvP. Dark is quite excellent in PvE.
I have been trying out a build, but think I went the wrong way. Does anyone have a build that they wouldn't mind sharing?
It would appear not,
So I tried making a corrupter and couldn't find one to my suiting. So now I'm going back to masterminds. I'm a mastermind at heart.
Which do you think is better for pvp: merc/pain or merc/dark. I haven't tried mercs in a while and I want to try them. I'm trying to decide between these two secondaries.