Going to Live with the last patch
Yeah, getting some fixes out before I14 will be a great help. Of course it's also great news that you're prepping stuff out before the I14 release. I can't wait to get my grubby little hands on the architech to make some of my story arcs I've had brewing in my head for a while.
ATs to 50 - TA/A Def, Nrg/Nrg Blaster, EM/EA Brute, WS,ELM/ELA Stalker
I just hope one of these pre-I14 fixes is the Dark Consumption bug. Resisting more then 60% of DC simply because I'm running Murky Cloud isn't that fun. :/
Thanks a ton for this post and the others, a sudden deluge of info as it were. Understandable that there are still cards in sleeves, etc. Can't wait to see what's on the other end of that dangling line you've thrown out for us
I for one will give you guys all the time for 14 ya need if it means you can track down the recent instabilities I'm seeing on Virtue.
After all, what's the use of more toys if all the ones you get don't work well?
Good bug hunting, ladies and gents!
"I'm flying free with my beautiful butterfly wings!" ~ Randy Marsh
I hope two of those big fixes are the chat bug and the mission selection bug.
And please please please *crosses fingers and wishes on a star* let me be in Issue 14 beta. I have some writing to test out. The RP writer in me is crying out for it.
Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.
I can has beta invite?
"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull
"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat

I just hope one of these pre-I14 fixes is the Dark Consumption bug. Resisting more then 60% of DC simply because I'm running Murky Cloud isn't that fun. :/
[/ QUOTE ]That sound like someone marked the wrong element resistable. Generally an easy fix, if that's what happened.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
Ah the old need to fix bugs but have to roll out a new Issue paradox: each Issue has bugs that won't be fixed in any kind of reasonable timeframe because they are too busy making a new Issue with new bugs...
Ah the old need to fix bugs but have to roll out a new Issue paradox: each Issue has bugs that won't be fixed in any kind of reasonable timeframe because they are too busy making a new Issue with new bugs...
[/ QUOTE ]
yes please fix the old stuff with all its problems before you toss out more stuff that needs fixing too!
I can has beta invite?
[/ QUOTE ]
with the last few betas "picks"....trust me..you dont wanna even be involved
I just hope one of these pre-I14 fixes is the Dark Consumption bug. Resisting more then 60% of DC simply because I'm running Murky Cloud isn't that fun. :/
[/ QUOTE ]That sound like someone marked the wrong element resistable. Generally an easy fix, if that's what happened.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, I think that Murky Cloud resist End Drain, and it's apparenlty resisting the user's own power.
Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth
Thanks for this recent burst of info, Posi. Especially thanks for being willing to put up with all the complaints and negativity and still come here and let us know what's going on. There are those who understand you guys are especially busy right now and gave you the benefit of the doubt, but of course you don't hear much from them. You guys make a great game and the awesome level of communication is one of the things that really sets it apart.
I just hope one of these pre-I14 fixes is the Dark Consumption bug. Resisting more then 60% of DC simply because I'm running Murky Cloud isn't that fun. :/
[/ QUOTE ]That sound like someone marked the wrong element resistable. Generally an easy fix, if that's what happened.
[/ QUOTE ]
Actually, I think that Murky Cloud resist End Drain, and it's apparenlty resisting the user's own power.
[/ QUOTE ]
And most self "buffs" - such as the end gained through dark consumption - are marked unresistable so that doesn't happen.
Sounds like that checkmark on Dark consumption got removed. It's basically the same problem with the build-ups being resisted by damage resistance powers.
Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.
Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.
I don't consider myself a vet, yet... but I and many others appreciate these post regardless of how often they come.
Your priority is to fixing and making the game better not being on the forums, so thanks.
If its broke, don't fix it... I like the chaos!
Thanks for the explanation.
Positron and Development Team,
Thanks for the communication. This is very heartening, and I for one appreciate it very much.
I appreciate the indication that correcting problems caused in the last Issue launch are taking precedence before rolling out new content. That makes sense. Stacking on more problems in order to focus on getting content out without correcting old problems does not.
While many of the bugs that you refer to are not game-killing by themselves, there is a point (and it is different for every one of your clients most likely) at which the pile of niggling issues does become game killing. They become unpalateable and unacceptable when taken as a whole. (Think straws and camels)
The last two months were almost at that point for me personally. The jury is still out for my part. I will just have to wait and see if your actions match your words. I really do hope there is congruence.
It matters.
Oh, so the i13 pvp things will be reverted? And base-raiding?
A lot of concern was voiced about the last patch going live with several issues in it still not fixed.
While these issues are worthy of our attention, and are being worked on, there were several behind-the-scenes fixes that were not apparent to players. Some client crash bugs were fixed, as well as a couple of server stability issues.
We had a small, very small, window in order to get these fixes to the live servers in time for Double XP weekend. To ensure our players would have the smoothest experience possible for that weekend, we made sure that the client and servers had as many of their game-killing issues fixed as possible.
With Double XP weekend now in the past, we can now go ahead with releasing fixes for some of the bigger, more obvious, yet not game-killing, bugs on the known issues list. Were also rapidly moving towards getting Issue 14 beta onto the Training Room, and when that happens, further Issue 13 fixes will need to be rolled into Issue 14. We dont want to close out 13 until we feel that we have nailed all the big-ticket issues, but we also dont want Issue 14 to be kept out of your hands any longer than is absolutely necessary.
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