Unique use of Bosster pack Costume parts




Ok, lemme try this again. Posted this in the wrong thread the first time.

I've been having alot of fun mixing and matching the Cyborg and now Valkyrie booster back costume peices. Jacobi Law got a fresh new look this week...... Jacobi's new digs. If you know what Jacobi looked like before, the change is not that extreme.

I'd love to see other peoples use of the Cyborg and Valyrie packs that use peices to make other original looks. Please feel free to post your screenies here!



I've used most of the boosters to add onto or smooth out (in the case of the recent set) the look of my Shields/Mace tanker, Donnerkind.

Who's name probably translates into absolute gibberish. Considering he's sort of a joke character, I'm not really too upset if it does. :3

Had to brighten the shot, because it was a quick one-off snapshot that I couldn't really find better lighting for. Sort of annoys me that indoor lighting effects on characters depends more on zone-lighting then indoor lighting. Or it does for me. >>




BTW Jacobi looks VERY nice. Gratz on using subtlety to make a wonderful costume. Nice color choices etc. without being overly-bright.



Good looks here!

I've used the pack for some obvious efforts of course but I'm also adding some bits here and there where I can for other concepts.

This one, I'm not sure if I'm in love with it yet, I did it at 4 AM this morning so lord knows if I was thinking clearly!

This is a costume for Primeva, a primeval nature spirit/daughter of Gaia type, who has incarnations of Plants, Air/storm, Earth, Fire and Ice/water. This costume I'm displaying is for Ice/water. I used the Valk set for the round and shiny bits to help get the ice feel across.

Primeva - Ice Form

I'll probably mix and match more geometric shapes when I get the Vanguard shiny bits. Or at least see how it looks.

My Corner of DeviantART

The Queen's Menagerie



Warmoon again. Roman chest detail, Rularuu fangs, rest the non-wing valkyrie pieces and little else



Vey nice looks to everyone so far! I gotta say GodBreaker is one of my favorites I've seen. Rarely do I see a costume I would like to use myself, but that one is sweet....fits the name also.

Here is Jaboci's Romi battle armor. Sorry if you can't see it very well. I have been having problems getting bright screenshots lately. Even with some photoshop help ut's still pretty darkitydarkdark.



In agreeance with that comment, pretty much all of Powerforge's costumes inspire me in some direction with my own.

My 50s:
Hero: Armor Assassin (scrapper), Cross Dresser (scrapper), Surly Seaman (blaster), Defensive End (Tank), Rad Rhino (Cont)
Villain: Beast Infection (Corr), Sweet Zombie Jesus (MM), Milk Weasel (Stalker), Orgullo (MM), Agent Eris (Crab)




BTW Jacobi looks VERY nice. Gratz on using subtlety to make a wonderful costume. Nice color choices etc. without being overly-bright.

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Godbreaker and Jacobi both look AWESOME! And dig the name muchly, GD.

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately



Nucleogenesis got himself a chronosuit made mostly of Valkyrie parts, but there are some Cyborg and Vanguard bits in there too.

Closer Look

I'm not certain I like the colour scheme, though. It needs something, but I'm not sure what.



Nucleogenesis got himself a chronosuit made mostly of Valkyrie parts, but there are some Cyborg and Vanguard bits in there too.

Closer Look

I'm not certain I like the colour scheme, though. It needs something, but I'm not sure what.

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If you don't mind an opinon, I'd try using some dark Green Accents and making the goggle lenses orange. Just a thought.



What are those shoulders on Godbreaker?



Great looking costumes here

Warmoons second look is made of win. Run with it

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Thank you, and I will run with it. For many characters, I only do one costume, and each slot has variation of that costume. In the two shown from Warmoon, one is the bottom with skin, one is the bottom with pants version. Same costume, looks, and recognition, just variations of the theme Also have a version with skirt, a version full armour no skin showing etc.



Nucleogenesis got himself a chronosuit made mostly of Valkyrie parts, but there are some Cyborg and Vanguard bits in there too.

Closer Look

I'm not certain I like the colour scheme, though. It needs something, but I'm not sure what.

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Perhaps throw in some white? I like the combination of blackish, bright green and white.

Though, Jacobi's ide could look quite cool too.

And, yes... all the costumes in this thread are rocking! Especially Godbreaker and the Warmoon with pants.



Mystic Fortune was the first toon I ever made, and his costume has evolved many times over the years. With the addition of the Valkyrie set I can proudly say, I think its finished.

Front view
Close up of mask
Action shot

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Love that and Warmoon too!

Thanks for all the nice comments folks.

The shoulders/chest/helmet are all part of the Roman Costume which you can unlock by running the ITF.



Mystic Fortune was the first toon I ever made, and his costume has evolved many times over the years. With the addition of the Valkyrie set I can proudly say, I think its finished.

Front view
Close up of mask
Action shot

[/ QUOTE ]

I like how you made the helmet look like a full mask kinda like those shiny faced guys from 300. Good stuff.



Making a combo of the Valk & Cyborg packs (as well as a few other Tech pieces) has gotten me what I think is the best Power Armor character I've made in CoH

Starcharger (front)

Starcharger (back)

Also, I've found that the Boxing boots looks awesome with some of the Valk bits.

Zhukov's Fist (front)

Zhukov's Fist (back)

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



I think it's telling that almost everyone here used the new non-winged boots. They're by far the best big boots we have now.

ronntuonnthunntrovarrhounawnskawntoohoohoordenenth ur-



They are pretty big, yeah.

I decided to remake a katana scrapper into a dual blades, the way she was supposed to be but we didn't have them yet.

Clio the first

Clio the remake
I used the biker jacket and certain Valk accessories, I really love the Shoulder 3 option.

Then, here's my Phoenix
I like how the skirt option makes it SORT of look like a feathered tail

Now if only the face options could be multiplied, because while I like the headwings, I want her to have both that and her jester nose/bird beak too.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Can someone point me to where to buy the new booster pack? I can't find it on the playNC site. Or is it only available for Mac still?




Can someone point me to where to buy the new booster pack? I can't find it on the playNC site. Or is it only available for Mac still?


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Where it says "buy now". It's open for both PC and Mac use. If you're already on a PC, all it'll do is tag your account for the goodies and an extra month of payment, and add one folder to your COH directory which is unused on a PC.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Mystic Fortune was the first toon I ever made, and his costume has evolved many times over the years. With the addition of the Valkyrie set I can proudly say, I think its finished.

Front view
Close up of mask
Action shot

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VERY stylish. I like.