Discussion: Halloween Event On Now!




For anyone who may have not been seeing Zombie Apocalypse events as frequently as they would have liked, we uncovered and corrected an issue with the event today, Monday, that was causing the event to not spawn at correct intervals on several servers.

If you have further concerns about the event, please be sure to use the in-game /petition command or post your thoughts here in the discussion thread.

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That might explain the attack I saw a few hours ago, I saw 10+ warning message pop up at once throughout Paragon City, Zombies were out for some brains it would seem

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Spirits seem to be spawning at a rate of less than one an hour for an 8 man team in PI.

Is this working as intended?



Am also seeing one spirit per 60 - 90 minutes of high-speed door farming. Team size makes no difference, tried combos from solo to full.

Getting all the badges in X time, and then endlessly grinding over and over with nothing new to get this last badge... it gets old fast . Also makes it extremely unpleasant to contemplate doing this on multiple toons.



Okay... after two hours of ToTing on Villains, I still hadn't seen a SINGLE Zombie Apocalypse announcement (heroes or villains). Neither had anyone on my team, some who had been playing for several hours. I'm not sure, but if they aren't every 2 hours, then when are they?

And if they aren't every one hour, then I don't think I'll be able to find the time to ever get the pumpkin head. I can't spend the entire week away from college and work for it, and I'll run into the same thing next year.

I remember the Rikti Invasions, it was as if the red warnings wouldn't stop during those weekends and every time I got out of a mission I seemed to be in the middle of one. I'd like the Zombie Apocalypse to be the same please.

Maybe you haven't gotten around to fixing Guardian? But I'd like to see a lot more of those, I'm not really interested in the other bits this year as I have plenty of extra Halloween Costume Salvage. And before anyone tells me, yes I do have the Global Notification thing that talks about Patrols in Grandville and Strikes in Sharkhead in my Global tab.

As for the Spirit issue people have complained about: It was the same way last year. Ghosts were the rarest, then Vampires, then Werewolves. And yes, I never did put the effort to get the Ghosts back then and I probably won't now.



Okay... after two hours of ToTing on Villains, I still hadn't seen a SINGLE Zombie Apocalypse announcement (heroes or villains). Neither had anyone on my team, some who had been playing for several hours. I'm not sure, but if they aren't every 2 hours, then when are they?

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I was on Guardian less than two hours ago (because I've only been home for a couple of hours) with my Peacebringer, and I saw invasion announcements. I remember Talos and Striga, among others.



Can I put a plea out to those people who are ToTing; please please, if something comes out a door, kill it!

I'm ToTing in Grandville (solo) on a level 44 character (grouping isn't her thing). It is getting *very* annoying being chased by groups of level 53 purples who kill all my pets and try to kill me. She normally runs on ruthless, but I can't kill them solo, the level difference is just too much.

It means I have to resummon and stop what I'm doing because of your ill manners.

Please, if it comes out of a door, have the courtesy to kill it in consideration for players of a lower level than yourself.

Aside from that (major) gripe, and echoing the comments about the rarity of spirits and Jack, nice event. Thank you.

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Can I put a plea out to those people who are ToTing; please please, if something comes out a door, kill it!

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I've been killing almost all of my groups (I admit I ran from a Vampire Lord boss once), but considering the enemies sticky-aggro on the door opener and ignore concealment, I don't blame people for clicking and running.

And appealing to forumites isn't going to help with all the non-forumites out there. I suggest petitioning people who intentionally run you over, and taking steps to avoid grabbing the aggro of the Halloween critters. For example, masterminds may be better off running in bodyguard mode, so the pets don't shoot at everything that moves. Also, watch out where you fire the AoE attacks.

I haven't had a problem with it so far, but I've stayed out of heavy population zones like Peregrine Island and Grandville.



Quick Reply:

The door griefing is horrible this year. I've been running my Robotics/Dark Miasma Mastermind tonight, and I haven't been able to go more than a few minutes without some joker opening a door that I'm fighting at, thus summoning +5 zombies, witches, and werewolves right in my face -and worse yet, my Tar Patch. I've petitioned three people in two days. I would've petitioned more, but they manage to stay out of my field of vision, so I can't see their names.

Nothing says "I will die alone and unmissed" like griefing the Halloween Event.

That, along with the removal of Tier 3 Inspirations and the ridiculous number of Trick doors I'm getting for every Treat, means that I may well do as I've never done before, and give up on the Halloween Event before it's done. Well, the Trick-or-Treat portion, anyway. Fortunately, there's the Zombie Apocalypse this year. By bad luck and back timing, I haven't participated in one yet, but that'll change soon enough.

BackAlleyBrawler: I can't facepalm this post hard enough.
ShoNuff: If sophisticated = bro-mantically emo-tastic, then I'm going to keep to my Shonen loving simplicity dammit.



Umm.... Champion still is not getting frequent Zombie Invasions. They are still spawning altogether at the same time and not in more staggered spawns like the Rikti Raids. Lighthouse had said the issue was fixed but doesn't look to be corrected in game yet.

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winter event ftw...



Well, I've spent a boring evening in futility, going through a cycle of doors I've got mapped out in the RWZ for my badger. I started the evening with 14 of the 15 event badges, missing only Buster, for defeating ghosts that spawn from Trick or Treating.

Three boring hours going from door to door to door, more than a hundred zombies and witches and pumpkinheads down, more than a score of werewolves and vampires. And not ONE ghost. In three hours. Not One ghost

Please tell me this isn't "operating as intended".

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I have 4 complaints about this year's Halloween event:

1) Low Spirit spawn rate, yadda-yadda-yadda.

2) Zombie Apocalypse in Hazard Zones. Why? What's there to protect? I've only participated in one Zombiespawn in a Hazard Zone, and that's because I was already going there for a mission anyway. I'm not going all the way to Dark Astoria for a Zombiespawn. Not worth the zone-time. The Rikti Invasion has it right: stick to the city zones.

3) A Zombiespawn is just a mindless kill-fest. Call me spoiled, but I like the 2-stage Riktispawn -- first bombs, then Rikti madness. Would have been nice to have something similar for the Zombies. Maybe we can spend the first half saving citizens from Zombies, then go in for the kill-fest? I don't know, just something to make it a little less mindless.

4) Who the heck ARE these Zombie guys, anyway? At least with the Halloween Events and Winter Events of prior years, we got a little backstory on the web site. The Rikti have plenty of story baggage to make it personal. This time it's like, "Here's some Zombies. Have fun." Care to tell me WHY zombies are popping out of the ground this year? Who are the Nightmares, and what do they want? If Paragon City is in Rhode Island, what's with all the redneck and hillbilly corpses? Enquiring minds want to know!




Three boring hours going from door to door to door, more than a hundred zombies and witches and pumpkinheads down, more than a score of werewolves and vampires. And not ONE ghost. In three hours. Not One ghost

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As usual, my policy is that I don't grind to get badges. I enjoy doing some trick-or-treating, but I'm not going to overdo it with any given character. I got near the point of grinding yesterday with a couple characters trying to get the extra costume slot, but that's a costume slot and not a badge.

My approach this time around for most of my characters is to get one Halloween badge they didn't have before. I picked up Dead Head for three characters tonight, and Apocalypse Survivor for my level 50 Ice/Ice blaster. (My third solo Apocalypse Survivor badge so far!)

I got Buster for six characters (including the Ice/Ice blaster) in previous Halloween events, and that's enough Busters for me.



The good: The zombie invasion's a great idea! Also very glad about the doors.

The please fix: Please up the frequency on the zombie invasion. For those people who don't have four and five hours a night to play, it's very difficult to find. It's even harder if you play weird hours of the night and have to find a team - there may be an invasion, but if you can't get enough people together at 4 a.m., you're not getting anything but the lowbie badges. I got lucky Saturday night - my husband's hung around for seven hours over the past two days and hasn't seen a thing.

And, would please like to see more Halloween salvage, ghosts and Tier 3's.



Leave the saving of the world to the men? I don't think so! -Elastigirl

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We are to discuss problems and issues here? Ok here goes:

Virtue Sever. Zone: Talos Island.

From Noon to 4 pm Australian Eastern Standard time, (its 5:35PM when I'm posting this) we hunted Jack of Irons. 2 teams were knocking over Eochai with a sickening regularity. It got very frustrating very fast. But we persisted.

Not a single Jack spawn.

We all got the Ghost Touched badge, having started out with never having defeated any spirits, so that was ok. but still it was very annoying.

Now I am a veteran with multiple alts, and I can say for sure that this has left an unpleasant taste in my mouth. I suspect its a bug, but I doubt that I'll be Jack Hunting again this event. We should have gotten a Jack after all that time. There was even a zombie apocalypse at the end. But still no Jack. ToTing is fun, particularly on a team, but Jack hunting is a chore currently.

Could the chance of spawning him be changed just a little?

Maybe to 1 in 5 or maybe so that its not an exercise in futility? (aka hit pumpkin head a certain number of times and you are guaranteed a Jack, you just don't know were you are in the sequence)

Yes I have the logs to back this up.

I want my Jack!!

But as I said before, ToTing is fun.


"Just as I knew all of life's answers they changed all the questions!" - Unknown (seen on a poster)
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Adding to this thread

I just got off of Freedom where I've been for the last 4-5 hours, and in that time not one single Apocalypse generated anywhere on the server. Is this "working as intended"? What exactly is the time between spawns? It seems a bit ridiculous that I have to log in and park myself someplace for hours and hours waiting for an Apocalypse to spawn.



did the devs listen to any input about griefing? obviously not. Pi was hell on a level 41 and there is no where else to go.

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Tried Founder's?

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cant tot there if you are over 40.

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If you take an Flashback mission that exemps you to 40, you can ToT in Founders (or even Crey's or Bricks) and be at the top level of the zone and not worry about city spawns hurting you nor someone knocking at your door and giving you spawns higher than you can handle.

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anyone know what the 4 costume pieces are that you can get from the zombies? pics would be nice too.

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This might be up to date, not sure.

Paragon Wiki

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Fixed your link. This section is specifically about the Zombie Invasion. The Wikia site isn't being updated; we moved over to the Titan Network a couple of weeks ago. The new URL for the main page of the site is:

We've been saving Paragon City for eight and a half years. It's time to do it one more time.
(If you love this game as much as I do, please read that post.)



Adding to this thread

I just got off of Freedom where I've been for the last 4-5 hours, and in that time not one single Apocalypse generated anywhere on the server. Is this "working as intended"? What exactly is the time between spawns? It seems a bit ridiculous that I have to log in and park myself someplace for hours and hours waiting for an Apocalypse to spawn.

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See ANNOUNCEMENTS section regarding the glitch they just fixed. Zombies should be spawning as intended now.



There is an interesting rumor going around. I've heard it mentioned by several others at least 7 times last night. I might've seen it happen. I'm not too sure. I'll check it tonight when I'm back from work.

Supposedly the doors, when Trick or Treating, will swing open 2 or 3 times allowing more monsters come out.

Out of curiosity, I follow one group (but I didn't join) to a door near the hospital and watch. 4 of the heroes were standing pretty far from the door so the "hand" wouldn't be in range of the door. Then one hero opened the door and out came out 3 vampires, 2 witches and 2 werewolves.

Eventually the fight spilled out to the street and it was cool as hell to watch. It was like a horror version of the street fight in Big Trouble in Little China. Anyway, I saw the doors swing one more time and a slew of zombies & ghosts poured out.

Eventually the fight ended and the next hero opened the door. More zombies and 2 werewolves come flying out. 5 minutes later, the fight ends. This time the doors do not open again

Could this be a glitch or is programmed to randomly happen?



did the devs listen to any input about griefing? obviously not. Pi was hell on a level 41 and there is no where else to go.

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Tried Founder's?

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cant tot there if you are over 40.

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If you take an Flashback mission that exemps you to 40, you can ToT in Founders (or even Crey's or Bricks) and be at the top level of the zone and not worry about city spawns hurting you nor someone knocking at your door and giving you spawns higher than you can handle.

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and get zero xp. All because the devs chose 2 hours in the middle of an afternoon to test it. I dont expect to see any fixes for the problems this year, next year they will do the same testing scheme and create all new bugs to live with. If you are on a toon that puts out AOE debuffs or has an agro aura, you can expect to be cleaning up other peoples spawns. Oh, and controllers with pets. You know, the ones you cant put on "safe".

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Adding to this thread

I just got off of Freedom where I've been for the last 4-5 hours, and in that time not one single Apocalypse generated anywhere on the server. Is this "working as intended"? What exactly is the time between spawns? It seems a bit ridiculous that I have to log in and park myself someplace for hours and hours waiting for an Apocalypse to spawn.

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See ANNOUNCEMENTS section regarding the glitch they just fixed. Zombies should be spawning as intended now.

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I did. Lighthouse posted at 3:43 PM PST that the error in spawning was fixed on Monday (yesterday). Well I played from about 8 PM-1 AM PST last night and there were no zombie spawns at all on Freedom. So either the timer is very long and the zones are all synched together or it's still borked.



There is an interesting rumor going around. I've heard it mentioned by several others at least 7 times last night. I might've seen it happen. I'm not too sure. I'll check it tonight when I'm back from work.

Supposedly the doors, when Trick or Treating, will swing open 2 or 3 times allowing more monsters come out.

Out of curiosity, I follow one group (but I didn't join) to a door near the hospital and watch. 4 of the heroes were standing pretty far from the door so the "hand" wouldn't be in range of the door. Then one hero opened the door and out came out 3 vampires, 2 witches and 2 werewolves.

Eventually the fight spilled out to the street and it was cool as hell to watch. It was like a horror version of the street fight in Big Trouble in Little China. Anyway, I saw the doors swing one more time and a slew of zombies & ghosts poured out.

Eventually the fight ended and the next hero opened the door. More zombies and 2 werewolves come flying out. 5 minutes later, the fight ends. This time the doors do not open again

Could this be a glitch or is programmed to randomly happen?

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It seems for some reason that ToT spawns are getting stuck behind doors that don't open. I noticed this when ToTing at the motel in PI. What then seems to happen is that when a door does eventually open all the previously stuck critters come out in waves, so you get a lot more than expected.

I noticed this when Controller pets were acting really wonky -- they could "see" the spawns that were stuck behind the doors. When I went to investigate with my Inv/SS tank I saw my Invincibility buff go thru the roof when I got near the door in question, clearly indicating the critters were there, stuck behind a door that won't open.



Adding to this thread

I just got off of Freedom where I've been for the last 4-5 hours, and in that time not one single Apocalypse generated anywhere on the server. Is this "working as intended"? What exactly is the time between spawns? It seems a bit ridiculous that I have to log in and park myself someplace for hours and hours waiting for an Apocalypse to spawn.

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See ANNOUNCEMENTS section regarding the glitch they just fixed. Zombies should be spawning as intended now.

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I did. Lighthouse posted at 3:43 PM PST that the error in spawning was fixed on Monday (yesterday). Well I played from about 8 PM-1 AM PST last night and there were no zombie spawns at all on Freedom. So either the timer is very long and the zones are all synched together or it's still borked.

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I know they're all clumped together, because when one zombie attack happens the other zones, both hero and villain sides are sure to follow, and that there is like a 6 hour spread between them. So I don't think this is exactly "as intended" however how should we know what's in the minds of the Devs?

I also played on Freedom last night and the laat invasion was at about 7pm or so. It started in PI I think, and started happening through out both side's zones, when it finally got to Steel Canyon (Where I was) The last couple of zones happened before Steel was over and by the time Steel was over the string was almost ended. I played till 10 or so and nothing else the rest of my playing time. If you played till 1 depending on which time zone you're in, then that means it was at least 5-8 hours after. (I'm in CST time zone.
and I'm also assuming you're in the continental.)

Freedom Horde! Join the Ranks!



I helped kill Jack with like a dozen other people two days ago on Virtue in Cap. I stuck through the whole thing and didn't get a badge for it. I was even there well before the attack even kicked off.

Other than that.. werewolves hurt! My web grenade does nothing to stop them