Costume Creator/Editor, Scales, and Players
I've had a few people comment on the scales I use on some of my characters. This made me realize that I do a lot of scale fiddling on my characters. Being OCD, I took all of my main characters to the editor, put them in identical skin, hair, face, costume, color and put the screenshots side by side.
Beyond sharing the product of my narcissistic OCD, I'm curious how much all of you fiddle with the scales on your characters. Tell me, do.
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I love your char Butterfly Effect.
I actually fiddle with the scales on most of my characters. I need just the right setting to make the outfit pop in just the right areas. I tend to ramp up the hips and then pop the tummy just enough that it fits to give the perfect hiney. I also like broad shoulders. I can not stand to see the shoulders so close together bleh.
yah. there's an art to using the sliders.
"City of Heroes. April 27, 2004 - August 31, 2012. Obliterated not with a weapon of mass destruction, not by an all-powerful supervillain... but by a cold-hearted and cowardly corporate suck-up."
Wow, that's really... wow.
I love the scale sliders, and I use them all the time. Some characters need to be fine-tuned. My primary tank, Minotaurus, is the Huge body with maxed-out height. But I always thought that made him look too fat, so when the sliders came out, I slimmed him down. When I created his evil doppelganger from an alternate Earth, Minotaur X, I figured he wouldn't have had as good nutrition, so I made him slightly shorter and thinner. (Follow sig link to "M1.")
My most dramatic use of the sliders has to be for Monster Child. The sliders really allowed me to bring the concept to life. Here's a side-by-side comparison of the dramatically different sizes of costume 1 and costume 2. The Vulgara version of MC looks even bigger nowadays, because I swapped out the demon wings for the much larger Draconic ones. Haven't yet gotten the screenshot of those, though.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
My most dramatic use of the sliders has to be for Monster Child. The sliders really allowed me to bring the concept to life. Here's a side-by-side comparison of the dramatically different sizes of costume 1 and costume 2. The Vulgara version of MC looks even bigger nowadays, because I swapped out the demon wings for the much larger Draconic ones. Haven't yet gotten the screenshot of those, though.
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To quote you... "Wow, that's really... wow." Very excellent usage.
Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)

I use the facial sliders most, there are some ugly faces that look pretty with the right slides. Then I get a unique face, because not many people use the ugly female face's, and those that do...well, keep them ugly.
Definitely, this is a must, and I will reroll if for some reason (usually the result of alcohol or sleep deprivation) I do not set them right. All of my 'older' alts use the same face and all of the 'younger' alts use theirs. Furthermore, I adjust 9 different aspects of the facial sliders and set uniform height and body build for every alt. Going further, regardless of character, when in SG mode they all have yet another body build which is generally independent from their casual, battle, and raid outfit builds.
I feel your attention to detail because I 'suffer' from the same love!
I mess with them a *lot*. Each character has a specific body type I aim for, though some are more obvious than others. I don't tend to mess with the face sliders much except for particular characters that need distortions to the normal proportions
that's cool that you guys keep that in mind when designing chars, its not something I catch whenever I design mine.
I don't mess with them that much, but I'm not a good judge of if a certain look is more appropriate. I tend to just go for my standard look that seems built well enough for a char and go from there. I think I change it mostly when I change heights and then adjust to compensate for that, or if I'm certain of a character's intended look. most of the time I'm not, I'll fiddle in the creator screen to get the costume color patterns down pat, but I generally forget physique. Hell I didn't pay much detail to height early on. So now I have the Heris/Wherls at different heights.
@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!
I'm a scale slidin fool. Depending on the characters bio, I adjsut accordingly. For me, it's all a part of makin the costume/character.
I use mainly the Huge body type and unless I'm making some unusual monster/deformed type guy, I have my slider settings memorized. Head and body sliders are the first thing I do when creating a new character.
I'm always tweaking aspects of my character via the sliders. I use both the body sliders along with the facial sliders to get what I want out of what's available. Generally speaking I find that you get the most out of the torso/stomach area, the hips/shoulders, and the nose. I also fiddle with the jaw line and cheek bones a lot, since I dislike the normal settings for them. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN
I definitely use those sliders like I'm gonna slap their mamas. I like my ladies to have curves (but I have never ramped that chest slider all the way). For some reason my friends compliment many of my ladies on their nicely-shaped behinds, so I suppose I must be managing all right on that end.
The one slider that I do tend to forget is height. I've had to delete and recreate more characters because I forget that one. If only there was some way to change it later! It's the reason that Teardown, PinUp's evil alternate twin, is so enormously Amazonian. I'd already deleted and remade her about 5 times for various reasons that evening and couldn't force myself to do it again. My explanation for this rather glaring discrepancy? "It's magic. Don't worry about it."
Busting heads since 1938
Character references * My DeviantArt gallery * I am an altoholic
Nice characters! And I am all ABOUT sliders, I fine-tune the heck out of my characters. If they dont look Just So I just can't cope So much personality is in the way the face and body are put together.
I always, always make my characters look the way they "should" - long legs, short legs, full middles, wasp waists. I am also kind of particular about the facial / head sliders, really, because those can completely change how you see the whole character.
Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!
I seem to fiddle with the chin slider the most. If you look at most the female faces from teh side, the majority of them are "chinless wonders".
I'm a huge slider man. I think the defaults are just ugly, especially for the faces so I tend to tweak everything, though mostly the waists and the hips.
Miserya - 50 EM/ELA Brute (Perma-shelved)
Adriana Rayne - 42 Katana/Dark Scrapper
Cyberpulse - 26 Super Strength/Willpower Brute
Steel Heart - 24 Invuln/Super Strength Tanker
I've had a few people comment on the scales I use on some of my characters. This made me realize that I do a lot of scale fiddling on my characters. Being OCD, I took all of my main characters to the editor, put them in identical skin, hair, face, costume, color and put the screenshots side by side.
Beyond sharing the product of my narcissistic OCD, I'm curious how much all of you fiddle with the scales on your characters. Tell me, do.
Siberian Spring-50 (Cold/Rad, Rad/Ice, Ice/Rad, Sh/Ice) - KGB SS8
Chernozem-50 (Ice/MM, Emp/Ice, MA/Regen) - KGB SS8
Wila-50 (Dark/Arch) - KGB SS8
Also: Krassivy Mechtayu-50 (Ill/Rad) - KGB SS8; Ms. Hypatia-50 (Dark/Regen)