Alharzed's World [Open RP]




((*pokes thread with a stick*


*Pokes Yosef with a stick*

This was getting interesting, but yeah, it's kind of gone flooie.))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Sorry. I spent most of yesterday in the hospital and with my friends. Post coming soon.))



Skjebene smiled and ran a few fingers though his greasy grey hair and pulled a few papers out of his rather dirty lab coat pockets. "You see... if we attack this faculity with simple hit and run tactics... we might be able to get his attention elsewhere. Now, this wont work with you supers because he will clearly leave you be there. But, this will work with Longbow -- or Longbow look-a-likes."

To this day, he never mentioned where he got the Longbow Automatons, probably never will be mentioned, but it's the small details that count -- there was something wrong with every single one of them. Some didn't blink, some didn't breathe, some held their guns in a specific way, some when they talked spoke backwards or in different languages. Which often lead to the idea that they were products of fairy magic, or, quite possibly faries themselves.

Seemingly on cue, a dozen Longbow appeared out of a portal behind Skjebene.

"Gentlemen, meet your decoys." There was something... odd about Skjebene when he said this. Maube he was too a fairy -- or something pretending to be a fairy pretending to be a man. Or maybe he was man pretending to be something that which he wasn't. He was an enigma warped in to an enigma...


All around Sage, the figures vanished. Leaving only the Masquerade and himself left. The room was still barren and undecorated -- a product of an unimaginative mind or one that was purely perfect.

All around the walls words began to flow in Pearl, Binary and C++. Perfection is not achieved when there is nothing left to add, but rather when nothing is left to take away.



Masquerade finally noticed Sage, who was apparently in the same place as he was. He, of course, did not see the world as others saw it. He saw it catagorized into twelve different sections:

Truth, Fanaticism, Reason, Deception, Grace, Darkness, Law, Anarchy, Duty, Instinct, Purity and Artifice. Sage registered as nothing but darkness. This was an individual Masquerade could trust to be more forthcoming than Six, at the very least.

"What just happened?" He asked Sage.



((Hm...alright. You get one more chance, AD. ))

"Six ate seven-five, three-oh-nine." Sage shrugged with a long blink and a brief sigh, then turned and started walking to the nearest wall with a demented chuckle, raising a gloved finger for a moment along the way, "Abdul, Abdul, Abdul...excuse me, I wanna drive..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Horowitz sniffed as the Longbow 'bots turned up, watching them critically from where he hung upside-down in the crystal mechanism. Then he snorted. "Dot von't fool nobodiez." he complained. "Dey schmells all wronk, und dey lookz schtupid." Then he shrugged. "But vot do I knows? I iz chust a Jagerkin."

He turned his attention back to the miniature Pillar of Ice and Fire he was tinkering with. After a moment of grunting and scraping noises, there was a flash, and Horowitz was upside down against the wall... as well as still in the guts of the mechanism and standing to one side staring at it. The three Jagers chorussed "Hah! Vonderful! De paradox inverter iz fixed!"

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



The sun had risen to midday, the effect of the scorching heat lost on Ceus as she focused on the magic puzzle in front of her.

The massive pieces of an ancient combination lock stared back at Ceus as she stared at them. She didn't have eyes, and it wasn't alive, so the winner was hard to determine.

She spoke to Noble didactically. Not to undermine his intelligence, but it made her feel more comfortable for the people she interacted with to have a role in relation to her. Teacher/Student, Master/Slave, Boss/Minion. Being someone's equal was a concept long foriegn to her.

"Seventeen spaces on the outer ring, twenty on the inner. With the runes and the centerpiece there could be as many 2040 combinations."

"Could try'em all." she said, "But that takes to long. I'll try to translate the runes again, see if any of them make up some words or phrases. You get any epiphanies, shout out."

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



"What the [censored] are you saying?" Kamarov always had trouble understanding strange things that spoke with an extreme overdose of the German accent (or whatever he was, for all he knew he could be something similar to German.) He beamed it right at Horowitz.

"Now, now children. behave." Skjebene hissed.


Invisible hands began to work their way though the sand near Ceus. They made signs in the sand an quickly wiped them away, only to begin again in a short while.



Masquerade stayed where he was, observing his surroundings for a moment, and arrived at two conclusions. He was either in somebody's head or a different plane entirely, possibly a pocket dimension. He suspected the latter. Seeing as there wasn't much else to do, he started to perform a series of simple test.

First, he tried to teleport across the room. If he could teleport, he could escape. Following the success or failure of this experiment, he then started to probe the walls with mental probes to test them and their reactions.




I pronounce this thread to be DEAD.

Like, 'well done' dead. 'Extra crispy' dead. 'Ashes' dead.

'GONE' dead, even.



((I was waiting for more than one response to reply back.))



((Well, you aren't really moving much plot around here. Not surprised people aren't replying.))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((Yeah, Jack's just kind of standing around right now, waiting for something to happen, or something for him to kill))



"No one has any suggestions?" Skjebene pulled out numerous folders, which were stuffed with strange papers and covered in notes. He handed them to each person assembled. "Read them. In there you will find your next mission..."


Hours later.

New India at nighttime was a beautiful sight. A true sign of modern engineering and beauty that all of mankind seemed to understand. The outskirts of the manufacturing district seemed to have this same kind of beauty. Too bad it would all be darkness.

Where they were assigned to go was known as Building 4. It basically controlled all of New India's power and could overload all the backup generators.

It seemed pretty straightforward, but they needed an entry plan...


Masquerade could teleport as he appeared in a slightly larger room, also barren of everything that could be described as 'useful' or 'decorations'.

Maybe he was in a pocket dimension, maybe he wasn't. Though, it seemed like he was in a product of infinite inner and infinite outer space.



he tried to teleport [u]across the room[u]

[/ QUOTE ]he then started to probe the walls with mental probes to test them and their reactions.

[/ QUOTE ]



((When he teleported, he appeared in a different room, sorry.))



Jake begrudgingly opened one eye upon his acceptance of the briefing, glancing over the folder for little more than half a second before thinking of a complaint. "OK, if you had these mission briefings all set up beforehand, why were we asked for suggestions? Seems kinda superfluous if they weren't gonna make a difference anyway." He shrugged. "But whatever, what do I know? Lead the way, mon capitain."

Nate, still, just sat waist deep in his pool of self-pity, silently nodding to Jake's command.



Bladewing looked at the folder, then frowned.

"Take out New India's power grid? seems straightforward enough, do you have any specific information regarding the defense layouts?"

Glancing at the three Horowitzes, Bladewing slapped his own face as he imagined what trouble the triplicate Jaegermonster would unleash.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Dorian read over his folder, silently agreeing with the young roboticist.

"Building 4....Energy grid.....Massive blackouts....." the tall demon muttered to himself as he continued looking over the plans. After a few more moments, Dorian lowered the folder, and looked over to find not one Horowitz, but three.

"With three of that guy running around, I doubt we need to be too concerned about defense layouts" Seraphimel remarked, glancing from the Jaegers to Bladewing.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((I wasn't going to keep three Horowitzes running around, but this is starting to look like too much fun not to... and I'm honestly amazed that no-one has yelled at him... er, them... for putzing around with their only way out of there))

Meanwhile, all three Horowitzes were trying to get at the guts of the Pillar of Ice and Fire. "Moof, dem hyu!" one of them yelled. "Hyu schtupid... dot's my elbow!" another one... or maybe the same one, it was hard to tell... yelled. "Hyu are both eediots... get out uff de vay!"

Fairly quickly, they were brawling, in an amiable, sibling-ish-kind of way. One of them tried to sneak away to get at the Pillar again, but he was grabbed by the collar and yanked back in. The fight rolled around the platform for a bit, then all three fell off.

Winking back into view above the reflecting pond, they let out a triple, identical cry of surprise as they were doused. They clambered out, yanking one another back into the pool and splashing one another, before one finally reached the others, grinned toothily and said "Vell... dot vos fun. Vot ve doink now?"

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Jack took the folder and skimmed it breifly. He glanced breifly at the three fighting Jagers, but a glance was all that it was. Jack tossed the folder behind him casually and asked smiling "How many people do we get to kill?"



Masquerade teleported back into the same room as Sage and began the second part of his test. He started to probe the walls with his limited mental abilities.



Skjebene looked at Jake and Nate with a grin, "because I don't care what your group wanted to do. Chances are, what you would have come up with would either A, take too long or B..." He trailed off into mumbles which were pretty indecipherable as the two boys went though the portal.


"Not enough. There's several entrance points but we shouldn't take an offensive right away." Kamarov was looking over floor plans and what all was inside.

"I actually agree." Yosef quietly threw that out there.

Now, they could do several things: they could approach this covertly or they could completely smash the living [censored] out of the entire area.


Masquerade's senses would be completely overloaded, provided he had any, as soon as he touched the walls.



Moreover, he returned to find the room empty. Sage had apparently vanished into thin air. While this was of course not the truth, the man was unequivocally no longer here...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((Kasoh, I'm not helping much with the riddles and jazz because they're absolute Greek to me. Noble's a fairly intelligent man, but his creator is suffering a bit.))

Noble looked at the rings, and sighed. "This is beyond my area of expertise. Perhaps your riddles and items have something to do with all of this. The answer to the combination isn't 'ant', perchance?"

He gazed off, for a moment, and then lowered his eyes to the ground, in time to see something move.

"Did you see that?" He asked without looking. Something was writing characters in the sand.