Alharzed's World [Open RP]




Bladewing's mouth dropped open as Dorian scored a direct hit on Horowitz and wasnt immediatly torn to shreds, then almost had to pick his jaw up off the floor when Horowitz started incinerating everything in front of him with what had to be the world's most freakish impression of a pissed off dragon.

"Wow..i have got to see if I cant get Dr Aeon to give me one of those maces."

Grinning much more widely than before, Bladewing doubled his pace, causing his blade to blur and crackle with the static electricity it created as it pushed aside the air itself.

Any trooper in his way was greeted with the sight of a sheet of darkness swinging towards him, followed by swift death and dismemberment.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



He listened patiently to the boy's explanation of how he worked with Arachnos. "You could call me an agen of Arachnos. They hire me to kill, I get the job done. Of course, I get free trips to Vegas. Blackjack tables don't know what hit 'em" he smirked. He sensed their feelings, one was scared of him, another was full of himself, and the hooded one was relatively hard to tell, except he thought Jack was crazy.

He let out a laugh and said to Jake "Don't worry,I don't bite". He turned and started to follow the path of destruction, and the one who calls himself Sage. Before the boys were out of earshot, he added "Much", then laughed merrily and continued walking.



"Whelp, I tired" Dorian grumbled to himself as he watched the Jager bash through even more of Alharzed's forces. Then he noticed there was yet another dervish of destruction on the battle field. It was a draconian wielding a katana that looked to be sending off electrical charges, and he seemed to be set to fight just as much as Horowitz was.

"If you can't beat 'em," Seraphimel said, a slight grin on his face, "Join 'em."

With that, Dorian moved into the next group of soldiers, a large, silver bladed claymore materializing in his hands with a burst of flame, and joined in the decimation.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((Sage doesn't think Jack is crazy. 'Madboy' is reference to having the Spark, or being a genius with a lack of common sense - with he initially thought when he saw Jack laughing delightfully at Horowitz' fighting.))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Seven blocks down nothing but darkness could be seen -- and the occasional blur of movement. Things of pure dark energy and negative matter loomed ahead.

The trick to fighting these was learned though countless trial and error. Every error that was made, several exploded, only to reform and taint the air and ground around the impact site. To kill these, they had to think back... way back.

Though, there was still several blocks to go before they would even come close to these beasts, they still posed a threat... somehow.

Yosef and Kamarov just kept fighting alongside all of the other supers gathered.


"Project DARKNESS unleashed so soon?"

"Infantry don't do much good."

"Be sure to go out with a bang..."




Her body absorbed the ambient energy of the area, quickly returning Ceus to her 'normal' form. A wave of her hand reconstituted her clothing and she promptly sat down and pulled out a quill, ink bottle and parchment.

She recorded down the items as she remembered them, this other book was small, yet thick. No title was embossed on the cover, but the pages had gold leafing on the sides.

The folder with the two numbers was quite plain, and she turned the image around in her mind, looking for a logo on the folder, but no such luck. She'd have to confer with the others for more information about this thing. ant? the image in her divination gave no indication it was a large radioactive ant, or a mundane army ant. She drew it onto the paper along with a description.

Stupid Fate magics. Only gave you just enough to not feel robbed, but never enough to get you to stop asking questions. Would an address and directions have really killed anyone?

Her meticulous recording of the event done, Ceus looked around. The ones who jumped in the portal still weren't back with Horowitz and it had to have been an hour or two already. That was either good, or bad...Ceus sighed. That was helpful.

Before she did something stupid, like run off after them into certain death, Ceus began to look around to see where Recluse, his cronies, and Ghost Widow had wandered off to. If you're going to make an entrance a couple dozen Bane Spiders at your back never hurt.

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



Jack loved every moment as he was walking through the carnage left by multiple people. The dead were entertaining, the dieing were entertainment. One of the soldiers wasn't even dieing, he was just limping away, relying heavily on his left foot. " 'Ello" Jack said merrily, and the soldeir stared at him with horror, sputtering. "D-Don't kill m-me" he managed. "How cute" Jack said in is endearing voice, which was more like a demented five year old. He walked over to the solder while he tried to limp away.

Jack grabbed his shoulder and spun him around, then placed his hand on his head. The soldier let out several screams of agony before dropping to the ground. Jack giggled, and decided at the rate te green oaf and the others were going, he wasn't going to take part in any fun. So he started walking again, then jogging, then running, then full out sprinting until his feetlifted off the ground and he flew through the air.

He finally saw the lump that was Jager and decided to descend. He outstretched his arms onto the coming crowd of soldiers and floated silent. After a moment, followed by murmurs, the soldiers stood perfectly still. As the seconds ticked by, it seemed they would never move.

Then, all hell broke loose.

The soldiers started shooting each other, throwing grenades, and plain out trying to kill each other. Jack droppedto the ground and held his head. "Whoooo, that one was a doozy", and he stumbled back up to full height. Then, he smiled insanely widely and gave a long burst of maniacal laughter, watching the carnage he had produced. He even went to the measures of clapping fo particularly devastating results.

"I love this!" he shouted to no one in particular.



"Nate..." Jake said, slowly regaining his composure, "Keep an eye on that guy."

"Nathaniel..." He muttered, stupefied along with Jake at the scene of pure destruction Jack unleashed, not even able to spout an insult.

Sighing, Jake turned around, shaking his head vigorously. "I hate my job."

"Anyway, should we continue?"

"Yeah..." Nate responded, shaking his head in the same manner. "Where do we start? I don't think we're really needed on the battlefield."

"True..." The resonse came. Slowly, Jake's eyes wandered to the great pyramid that seemed to be invisible to everyone else. "We could probably check that out." He mused, looking to his comrades off to the side.

"I don't see why not." Nate agreed, starting toward the entrance.

Soon enough, if there were no interruptions, the two would reach the grand entrance. But would they be able to get in?



((Actually, I think everyone's headed more or less towards it...of course, I imagine our resident Jaegermonster might just be perpetually turned in the direction of greatest troop density, but then that's just my guess. ))

Sage just kept walking casually, his pace one of unhurried leisure. He didn't much seem to care about the darkness that had gotten between him and the pyramid, and to be perfectly honest, he very much didn't. Writing something down in a little notebook he'd produced from his cloak seemed a good deal more important.

Note to self: remind 'Abdul' to hire more qualified soldiers.

PS: pick up flashlight.

He really had to figure out a way to remember that last one. It had been there since the second time...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




There were many, many, many interruptions. First there was a small patrol walking down the street doing regular checks. They saw the two boys and decided to approach them with intent of apprehending them as, surely, two teenage boys shouldn't be out when the city was declared a warzone.


Faultline, Paragon City

"Faultline has just been invaded! We don't have many details, but all we do know is that Alharzed appears to be making his assualt on Paragon City." Microsoft Sam always did do a poor job at saying messages, but it got the meaning across. The message was broadcasted thoughout the entire city. Sirens were raised, Longbow were summoned and several other paramilitary groups were also rallied.

Alharzed did indeed send a countner assault out -- and it was massive. Several hundred soldiers and tanks were air-dropped into Faultline and more kept coming.



((actually, Devious, Horowitz is 'on the hunt'- he's pointed in the direction of the most Alharzed-sense))

Horowitz was a green tornado, a howling force of nature tearing through the troopers with claws, fangs, and plasma. A handful of shots had hit him... far fewer than probably should have, given how reckless he was apparently being, but the Jager gave little to no indication that he had been wounded. The sheer speed and ferocity of his assault, along with the assault of those trailing behind him (or occasionally passing him, which brought a renewed burst of impressive violence from the big green construct), was making it difficult in the extreme for any kind of coherent resistance to be formed.

Then the Jager rounded a corner and came face-to-... nothing... with the blobs of darkness. He recoiled in shock, then hosed them and the surrounding area with plasma and random giant chunks of masonry, vehicles, and anything else he could tear loose and throw. He might not have been too bright, but you didn't survive for long under the Heterodynes if you didn't learn to treat the unknown with at least some caution.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Ah. I thought we had 'ported in practically right next to the pyramid, but everyone else decided to go off on a destructive tangent. >.&gt)

The duo paid the guard little, if any, mind, Nate simply raising a hand to him in passing, and Jake glancing at him with no particular interest. The guard, dumbfounded for roughly half a second, quickly gave chase, to which Nate only sighed and held out his hand again, this time in more of an 'open palm' style punch.

The problem, of course, was that his hand was a good yard away from the man.

But soon enough, its purpose was made clear. Specks of what appeared to be pure darkness seemed to defuse from the air itself, attaching themselves to the feet and hands of the man, and connecting them both with an increasingly shortening chain. Soon enough, the guard was forced to the ground, a newly formed gag covering his mouth, essentially incapacitating him indefinately, as well as giving him the amusing appearance of having been hog-tied.

"Seems like a lot of effort just to get past him." Jake commented, craning his neck over his shoulder to look to the guard as he walked. "I mean, you could've just encased him in a bubble or something until we got past."

Nate shrugged. "This is more fun."

The two continued walking down the street to the entrance, once again paying the guard no mind.



Jack was still laughing at the show he had put on until the Jager came and killed them all before they could do that to each other. Jack sighed "He doesn't see the art in killing, does he?". He couldn't keep pace with the Jager on foot, so he hopped into the air again and followed the big wave of destruction. He followed everyone around a corner and saw that there was no enemy. Jack was about to say a snide comment when he noticed that something was there.

There were blobs of darkness, and Jack immediatly flew behind a car the Jager had missed and looked at one of the creatures. "I hope these things have brains for me to play with" Jack snickered, and concentrated, searching for information that would be found in the blobs mind. If it had one.

((So, I need some info on these things. Like do they have brains? Other stuff too would be helpful))



((They don't have brains. They simply are. There is a really easy way to beat them, though.))

((Also, Krazy, that's some pretty kinky stuff. ))

The blobs hovered around and began to rush the targets at the slow speed they were limited to. Anything they touched became absorbed into their overall mass and eventually, they would absorb each other anad that could be a rather huge problem.

Two went for each member of the team. One went low, the other went high.

Kamarov just kept running instead of trying to fight them, it seemed to work for him. Until he made the mistake of running over a bunch of spent rifle cartridges -- they just got bigger and faster.

Yosef jumped up and hoped that he could knock them around a bit with plasma. His limbs were covered in the substance and didn't burn him one bit. He jumped high and landed a powered up overhand strike on the beast...

Mistake number one. It blew up sending everything but the other blobs in a 2 meter range flying.



While the amalgamation of attackers struck and otherwise engaged the dark creatures, Sage dealt with them in his own way - nice and simple, and with no effort whatsoever. His method of dealing with them?

He didn't.

He just walked right through them.

"Evenin', boys." he gave them a curt salute of two fingers as he proceeded through the narrow passage they formed for him, leaving the cloaked figure alone and unbothered - just like the last eleven times...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((Uh, Yosef? Does Horowitz bombarding them with Plasma and large heavy objects do anything?))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((I think it's implied that stuff like that will cause them to explode. ))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((... yes, but... shouldn't the lot have exploded then? I'm not about to take control of NPC enemies unless explicitly told to do so >.&lt)

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((And I missed that post about Horowitz blasting them. Lets just assume that they blew up and reformed to create several smaller objects.))

Sage was able to walk right though the black mass but several did break off and follow him.

Nikolai saw that this happened and decided that it would be worth a shot -- they didn't seem to harm him. Several leaps later, he was on the other side standing with Sage.

Yosef however, had several pissed off blobs floating at him. He could try and keep throwing fire at it, but it probably wouldn't work.

There was a voice that sounded cold and unforgiving that echoed inside his head. Psionics.

"Try psionics!" He yelled at no one in particuliar and ran around trying to keep his distance.

Then they got smart - they seemed to become solid so you couldn't run though them anymore, and they also started to emit dark blasts at everyone by Kamarov and Sage. Infact, they ignored those two all together and focused on the others.



Jack began searching through the blobs, but found nothing to be searched. Jack shouted a curse and kicked the car he was hiding behind's door, which got dented. Jack smiled wickedly, and kicked the door until it was off it's hinges. He picked it up "This will work nicely for a shield" he said, hoping to be able to bash their non-apparent faces in.

As he hefted the door up, grabbed it by the inside handle and preapared to charge, he heard someone yell for them to use psionic blasts. "They don't have a brain, incoherent fool!" he shouted back. But, his curiosity got the better of him, and, without dropping his car-door-sheild, he picked out the nearest blob and sent a small psionic blast at it, still not knowing what it would do.



"Really now?" Sage remarked to Nikolai, a malicious undertone in his voice. His eyes narrowed at the man as he gave him a once-over, trying to figure out why the dark beings weren't going after the guy.

He turned a sideways glance toward the shady thing closest to him, "I don't suppose I can actually order you boys around? No, didn't think so."

"As for you..." his gaze locked Kamarov's eyes in a wicked glare, "What am I going to do with you? Oh...I know..."

Reaching an arm around Nikolai's back faster than greased lightning, Sage's voice had taken on a madly excitable tone, the cloaked man sweeping the gloved fingers of his other hand encompassingly through the air, "You can be my spunky sidekick! Join me, we'll blow the world, escape by the skin of our teeth, and then it's cocoa and schnapps all around! Whaddaya say? It'll be fun..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




"You can be my spunky sidekick! Join me, we'll blow the world, escape by the skin of our teeth, and then it's cocoa and schnapps all around! Whaddaya say? It'll be fun..."

[/ QUOTE ]
Horowitz' head whirled when he heard that comment. He had been futilely blowing blobs to bits for a while, but... he stormed over to Sage. "Othar, hyu schtupid... vot are hyu doink here..?" he demanded. Taking a closer look, he complained. "Hoy! Hyu iz not Othar Trygvassen, GENTLEMAN ADVENTURER... iz hyu?" the Jager said, trying to peer under the hood, even reaching out a hand to try and lift it out of the way.

Then he paused, sniffing. "Vot hiz hyu?" he asked, trying to puzzle out the scent.

((yes, Horowitz knows the Castle Wulfenbach Jagers))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



"I..." Sage let off Nikolai again, clenching a gloved fistbefore his chest as he stated without pause and with somewhat psychotic confidence, " an archeologist."

While this probably wasn't the answer Horowitz expected (if he expected a vocal answer at all, and didn't just rely on his nose there), it was probably as good as any, for telling the Jaeger he was a Khevrakht likely would've told the green-skinned construct precisely squat.

Sage's scent, however, spoke volumes. Though unfamiliar, Horowitz could probably identify an amalgamation of creatures within, but so expertly grafted together as to make a being just as whole as anything nature could've brought forth. Moreover, it held an undertone of brutality, but also of free and vibrant creativity, and all this information was probably more than enough to bring the Jaeger to the very correct conclusion that a Khevrakht was a creature constructed by some great, yet decidedly demented (and probably evil) mind.

"And no." he added in a more casual tone, "Othar Trygvassen I am not. But enough about me - who are you, you magnificent example of Jaegerkin...?"

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




The darkness faded after it had been hit with the psionic attack. Maybe that was how you were to defeat them?

Yosef threw a fire ball into the middle of the mob and they too faded. So many after exposure to psionic they were weakened?

It could be.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Kamarov was pretty confused. "Who the hell is this Jaggermonster and why does everyone but me seem to know /everything/ about it?"



Bladewing found himself before a large and quite formidable looking blast door in the pyramid. A small slash from his sword made almost no visible mark on the door, so it was time to have some fun.

Tracing some symbols in the air, Bladewing adjusted his stance to tensed split legged stance, crouching down so he knees almost touched the floor, and then he sheathed his katana.

The scabbard began to glow and vibrate, small electric charges playing along it's filigree, arcing between the inset runes and the metal of the tsuba on the sword.

Grasping the hilt, Bladewing solemnly intoned"KurokenryuuIai SHYOUTENRYUU"

As he shouted the final word, he drew his sword, Slashed the door, and jumped at the same time. The result of which was that when he landed and resheathed his blade, the door looked exactly the same, except for a line of darkness directly along it's center, and a swirling ball of darkness at the top of the line.

When the katana clicked back into it's scabbard, the ball exploded downwards along the line, taking on the brief appearance of a dragon's head, before it slammed into the floor and the door toppled forward, sliced cleanly in twain by the force of Bladewing's technique.

Grinning at his work, Bladewing set off deeper into the fortress, drawing his sword once more and preparing for some serious bloodshed.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper