Alharzed's World [Open RP]




Jack listened to the woman who went on and on about the power of this Necro book. Jack suddenly became very interested in this book. "Well, we shall scout his palaces and find where the book is. I do have somewhat stealthy abilities, so when we find the book, I will retreive it", then abrubtly finished "and handed it over to my Lord Recluse, of course", bowing slightly. He was glad he had cast the precautionary spell, so his eyes would appear closed and his mouth also.

Because they might've given him away.



Skjebene smiled at Ceus. "Now you're talking. What I am proposing is not to directly attack HIS forces but rather the books forces."

"He is not our foe, but the book is. He is simply the corrupted." Ghost Widow added.

"Indeed. We could go back in time and kill him before he is a threat but the book is multidimensional and will surely have a plan in place for us to not succeed." Skjebene pulled up his laptop again and brought up a graph.

"You see, I've been studying it for a great deal. There's alot more to it than you mention. To destroy it, you need to destroy three things."

Several voices claimed that it was not hard to destroy three things before Skjebene interupted.

"At the same time..."


There wasn't a police "station" around for a while, but there were however, small police posts every other block in hidden locations and some not so hidden locations.



Lofty didn't know this. Different world. So he just went around looking for the largest building he could find.



"Destroy it!" Jack shouted so suddenly it might've made someone jump, but he took no notice. "You are going to destroy one of the most powerful objects in the history of man? Insolent fool, we should take the book". Jack looked over at Lord Recluse's genral direction. "And give it to capable hands, of course. Now, I still propose we steal the book, then decide what to do with it. A picture of what it looked like would also help" he finished.



"Sheer overwhelming force against him in a surprise attack might work..." she nodded to Nathaniel, " only if you could find him. The man is not our foe, the book that powers him is. Take that and you have in your hand godhood and the reins to his empire. The Necronomicon cares little for who uses it, just as long as its used."

[/ QUOTE ]

Dead wrong.

And Ceus had no idea just how wrong she was...


The land burned. The seas boiled. All across the ruins of the once-great city, tall towers of flame licked greedily at the skeletons of ravaged buildings. Smoke billowed in great, thick trails toward the orange sky, and death and destruction truly reigned supreme, far as the eye could see. Even the massive black pyramid at city's center did not stand exempt, a gaping hole in its obsidian facade. And in that hole stood the man beneath the unseeming cloak of rusty brown, over the remains of another, and it was his hand that now took possession of a book, its ownver casting eye across the devastation etched below.

Not that he cared.

He turned about, leaving the remains behind, and descended once more into the depths of the pyramid, stairs and corridors the very same that he'd traversed in the opposite direction not so long ago. Only now they stood dark, dead, devoid of all that might have given comfort, breathless and lifeless as everything else about. It didn't take him long to reach the library, dark and gloomy as all other chambers, naught but the weak luminance of emergency lighting to cast light on what would take place now. The man sought out a table, and with a mighty sweep cast what it had held down upon the floor, loose pages flying through the air as pens and backs of books alike clattered down dejectedly. Then he thrust the book upon said table and pulled from the folds of his cloak a smaller sort; a mere notebook, bound in light, black leather. Casting this upon the table just as well, he produced a pen as his hand flung both books open wide.

And wrote.

His fingers wrote upon the pages of the notebook, line after line, not what he saw, but what he stood commanded to see. Without sparing the larger tome a single glance, he turned page after page of feverishly written words, yet so steady was his hand that the divine itself could not have caused a waver. Letter by letter, word by word, glyph by glyph he transcribed from one book to the other with no need for his eyes, certain that each stroke of the pen stood correct beyond measure, possessed by the absolute knowledge that what his hand now placed upon that paper for the twelfth time could be nothing other than what had stood written upon the pages of the larger work. Had stood written - for as the pen's strokes left their marks, with the same speed they disappeared from the other time. In naught but a few minutes, the work had been completed.

The larger book stood blank.

Nothing remained upon the pages that had so long held tight their contents vile, nothing but blank space upon blank slates. Useless now, the man swept the tome from the surface of the table and gathered his belongings, paying no more heed as the forlorn book tumbled through the air. Its blank pages unfurled as it spun, backing that held so long a time an unspeakable blight unto the world all but erased from existence, leaving nothing but a sad, sorry mass of seemingly ordinary paper to tumble beneath the relentless whim of gravity, mercilessly dragging void remains down to the floor. So the veiled man left it all behind.

As what had once been a tome so terrible shattered to dust upon the floor...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((Devious, my Death Note fandom thanks you.))



The Jager simply stood quietly as everyone argued. Battles with words really didn't interest him that much. "Hy iz forced to agree vit de crabby voman." he commented when the yelling abated a bit. "If de big boss haz de fancy magic book dot evervun iz so excited about, it iz... unlikely... dot taking avay his monies vill do moch."

Then he grinned again. "Az to finding him? Dot iz not a problem. I iz Jagerkin; de hunt iz in my blood. Hyu cannot hide from de Jagermonsteren." Turning his head aside to Bladewing, Jager Horowitz muttered (what he thought was) under his breath "Vun schtupid idiot vit de magic book iz as bad as de next. Ven ve find it..." he held up one of his power gloves, flexing the razor-sharp claws. "Ve iz going to be playink a leedle game uff paper-shredder."

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



"You'll be playing paper-shredder with that artifact when you rip it from my cold, dead hands, beast" Jack shouted, although no one but Jaeger could hear him. "You've no idea what power could become of that, so you will stay back from that book or I will make you". He had screamed this, although no one else had heard it. Jack had just sent the words to the big oaf's mind, which was somewhat hard to do. He cast horrible pictures into Jaeger's mind, him burning, him being impaled on a spike, his skull on a wooden stick, and other images that are far, far worse.

To everyone else, he looked like he was just standing there.



"I agree with the Jagerkin, the book needs to be destroyed."

Dorian looked around at the collective of heroes and villains, his gaze staying on Jack for a few seconds longer than most.

"Also, if the book is as powerful as the claims make it, I doubt the Alharzed will be foolish. The book wouldn't allow him to be."

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((doodaa, that above comment has me cracking up, but i wont tell you why. If you want to know read the webcomic Girl Genius at

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



"To destroy the book we'd have to destroy several things at the same time. I'm not sure what those things are at the moment, but I do know that they are probably not too obvious." Skjebene went on again. "Anyone have an ideas on what to do?"



((I didn't read all of the comics, so I don't know why it's funny. Glad I made someone laugh today though ))

Jack pretended not to notice, but was taking in the fact that some demonic looking man was glaring at him. "Fine, we shall destroy the book" Jack said, although his voice was forcibly flat. He looked to the patrons "We find out what these objects are, of course. By force, sadly, if it comes to that". Jack put his head down, pretending to be sorrowful, when his tone of voice suggested he would love doing just that.



((You should finish reading those comics, Doodaa- it's a good read. And if you want to know why trying to do anything to a Jager mentally is funny, well... Horowitz isn't quite that dumb, but still...))

'Horrible imagery' washed off Jager Horowitz' mind like water off a duck's back. Aside from the fact that the quasi-immortal monster had seen and done far worse riding with the infamous Heterodynes, trying to attack a Jager mentally was like poking the back end of a Brachiosaur with a stick. You might get somewhere eventually, but it would take a good while, and a whole lot of power. And probably a larger stick.

If Horowitz noticed the mental shrieking, he gave no sign. "Vot to do? Vy not chust keel everyting betveen us und de book? Den ve haff time to play vit eet, und smash vot needs smashink." The Jager beamed, confident that he had solved the problem.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Don't call it shreiking!...It sounds girly ))

Jack sighed at the green oaf as he gave his suggestion, then said "Well, you can be our test subject Mr. Jager. Go, and smash as many things as you can in as little time possible, then come back and tell us how it went". Jack sighed again and asked "So the plan is...?"



((Gott's little feesh in trousers! That is not a smart thing to say to a Jaeger! ))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((... yeah. Yosef, if it's alright with you, that'll be the catalyst to get things going, since Horowitz would immediately assume that that was permission. Like I said, he's not THAT dumb... but he ain't that bright, either. Especially when it comes to "accidentally" misinterpreting things to get a fight started sooner >.&gt)

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Not a question of bright/dumb. In the words of Xykon: "Don't confuse my not caring with not knowing." ))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi





"Very well then." Skjebene smiled. "That leaves of where to start from. I believe that we would work best as hit and run tactics. Seeing this, first mission will begin tommrow morning promptly at 0300. I suggest you rest up."

Mender Michael wheeled a crate of blankets and pillows in and began to pass them out.

Yosef and Nikolai were one of the first to get in line and threw them in a corner.

"If you can't sleep, we'll get you set up with a head start on the operation today." Skjebene added. "Just come inside and we'll get you all set up."

Both of them walked towards Skjebene.



Ceus didn't actually think she could move anyone to actually destroy the book. Recluse himself, and probably a few of the independant agents probably already had plans to aquire it for themselves before the end. It was alright, magick had rules and payments for such power were always required.

Ceus nodded to Skjebene the motion slow and deliberate. When one doesn't have a face, body language became very important, "I...could try a ritual to divine the items needed to destroy the book. I would need a piece of it, a verse from it, or I'd be working from memory, and I haven't seen the book in almost 1500 years."

"It would be noticeable magicks however, not like the subtle fortune telling of the Mu, it could bring discovery by those who are equally magically inclined or by those who we wish to destroy."

She felt stupid for offering, it was a complex ritual that she had watched Morgan LeFey perform, never having need of divining a macguffin before, she had just set the ritual in the back of her mind. She was more used to killing people.

She really didn't want to die just to get back at a book.

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



Bladewing walked towards skjebene and glanced back at Horowitz.

"Come on Jaeger, lets see where we get to play."

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



((let me know if I've gone overboard for what you've planned, Yosef. An unleashed Jager is... erm, rather dangeous))
"Well, you can be our test subject Mr. Jager. Go, and smash as many things as you can in as little time possible, then come back and tell us how it went".

[/ QUOTE ]
Bladewing walked towards skjebene and glanced back at Horowitz.

"Come on Jaeger, lets see where we get to play."

[/ QUOTE ]
Horowitz was already gone. At Jack's comment, he lunged through the portal with a roar of "VE HUNT!"

Popping out in front of Alharzed's citadel, he swarmed up the walls like a spider, power gloves biting chunks out of the wall as he simply dug his fingers into the stone. The Jager fought like the unholy spawn of a crazed Bengal tiger and a superball, ricocheting between 'booky-boyz', clawing, biting, hurling them off the wall, or simply ripping them in half. Nearly three dozen of Alharzed's standard guard troopers lay dead or dying in as many seconds after Horowitz' appearance, and the way to the main gate was, at least for the moment, open.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



"Rest is for the weak" Jack muttered, seeming to draw back on memories. He snapped back to the real world as he heard Jager scream and leap through the portal. "That could be problematic" he muttered, and walked over to where they could get head-start instructions on the mission. He heard a being offer to help find these items, and Jack was about to object until he read her surace thoughts. Jack thought she had a slim chance of actually performing it correctly, so he kept on walking.

He looked over a man whose name appeared to be Skjebene, and asked "So, what do we have for a mission breifing today?"



Nodding, Nathaniel began to stroll toward the designated briefing area, glancing back to make sure Jake was following behind him.

Of course, he wasn't.

Already laying down, Jake seemed rather comfortable, his head on a pillow and his eyes shut in a rather serene manner. His hands lay behind his head, and his legs lay sprawled, almost as if they didn't care where they laid.

"Jacob, you heard him. Let's go get briefed and start on our task."

Silence answered him.


"I'm asleep, jackass. And it's Jake."

"Jacob, come on, we have to start. There's no sense sleeping when we haven't even done any work." Nate said with continuing irritation, folding his arms across his chest and glaring at the lazy roboticist.

"Nah, I'm sure the Jager thingy's got it." He commented, clearly not caring whether or not the Jager thingy really did have it or not. He half opened one eye, sparing a look at Nathaniel. After a moment of silence, he sighed.

"Do I have to?"


"Dammit..." He muttered, slowly getting up and scratching his head. "Fine, you lead."

The two of them walked to the designated area, one with a purpose, the other with a sense of dread.



"Oh my..." He sighed. "Change in plans. No sleep tonight. First task: get Horowitz back." He smiled.

Yosef and Kamarov jumped through the portal and landed next to Horowitz who was in the middle of some sort of rage. As all those who followed though the portal would find themselves next to Horowitz.

Not really knowing what to do, Kamarov jumped and ran around looking for possible people in charge and or communication hubs and began systematically taking them out one by one.

Yosef followed Horowitz throwing blasts of fire and the occasional ball of fire at the foes around Horowitz and approaching. He never stopped moving and wasn't really noticed by the soldiers.

However, Horowitz was. Troopers kept coming, a seeming endless swarm after swarm. Squad leaders were yelling orders and frantically trying to figure out what had happened. Snipers were taking their aim...


"Dimensional disturbance. Skjebene's portal is offline."


"It's begun."

"Already? Push the meeting ahead."

"That will break protocol."

"Do it or I'll do it for you."

"Aye. It's done."




He spoke this word as a lax, confident remark. He, of course, being the veiled man who'd just appeared before the pyramid. Not stepped from a portal, not materialized out of teleport; just appeared from a shadow, the gloom cast by some inanimate object of appropriate size.

And the remark very much mirrored his thoughts. Normally, the only thing that happened when he appeared here was a squad of guards wanting to arrest him for trespassing...and then the slaughter began. This time, however, it seemed the latter had come first. How interesting. Maybe there really was something to the number 13. In any case, the present situation enthralled him to no end.

Not a dozen meters from the wall he stood, right on the main road, less than two meters tall and garbed in a ragged cloak of rusty brown, the crimson eyes that followed a certain Jaegermonster's motion up on the wall the only visible parts of his body beneath the hijab-like hood of his cloak. Well, not exactly, but from this distance the few strands of equal-hued hair that hung from his forehead and into the slight bit of orange hide between eye sockets and the thickly bundled cloth that hid the lower half of his face were details somewhat hard to see.

And indeed, he did just that: he stood there. He had no worry for anything going on about him. The Guardian would take care of what might mean him harm. It always did. Thus nothing existed for him now save Horowitz, the veiled stranger fascinated by the Jaeger's swiftness, smiling broadly beneath his mask.

This was a sight to see - and therefore, he'd take the chance to see it...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
