Alharzed's World [Open RP]




Alharzed wasn't in his bunker at the time of the entire attack -- he was on vacation with his family at an undisclosed location, high above the Earth's surface.

He was personally testing the air craft that his nation's scientists, engineers and astronauts created. It took a year and several months with unlimited funding and a test facility that would be in any engineer's wet dream. The craft was designed to be a reuseable ground to space station and then back again craft. It did the job well and it did it in style.

While aboard the vessel he called the Ishvar Iyada, he received the news as well as live feed from his security cameras. Before I go into detail on this, lets go into more on to what the Ishvar Iyada is...

The Ishvar Iyada is the first of it's kind of vessel. It is the only space vessel capable of tracking missles, shooting missles down, and sending fire back to the sender. It had a rather impressive range of missles to choose from; in short, they were advanced beyond anything else.

It was his personal vessel and he had a crew of 25 onboard at all times. They ate, slept, and lived up there for a month at a time before being sent back to Earth and replaced with another crew that lasted a month.

He didn't like what was going on at all. He debated wether or not to even attempt anything but action had to be taken -- and Paragon and the Rogue Isles were his targets. He didn't want to do what he did, but he did it...

Then something strange happened. He received a package... with a mask inside it. He didn't really think much of it but he set it aside for the time being. He didn't want to worry his wife with the crisis and he hung the phone up with a sigh, "take care of it."


Something that resembled an organic Council Mech hulked towards them at a pretty decent pace. It raised it's arm at around twenty meters or so and something began to glow...



Something that resembled an organic Council Mech hulked towards them at a pretty decent pace. It raised it's arm at around twenty meters or so and something began to glow...

[/ QUOTE ]

"That doesn't seem very promising" Dorian said, looking up at the hulking creature from his perch atop a pile of steadily burning zombie bits. He then extended his arm and brought the sawed-off shotgun to bear, its barrel casting out a baleful blue glow.

"Letsee how well this works..." the tall demon muttered, as a large blast of sapphire energy roared out towards the new foe.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Planning. Plotting. Preparation. Planning...wait, that was there already. Yeah, this was getting really boring. He didn't like boring. Didn't like boring at all. So he did what anyone with some common sense, basic logic, the ability to think rationally, and the complete disregard for the aforementioned would do.

Hot shot the Jaeger.

Well, not exactly. Sage did produce his gun, a large, vertically double-barreled assault cannon, which gave a happy clack as he removed the safety, followed by a most satisfied crack of thunder as he sent a CE-shell at Horowitz's techno-mace, trying to rend the thing into a million pieces. True, he wasn't a sharpshooter, but where he came from all archeologists were crack marksmen...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




The bullet impacted neatly on the plasma-throwing mace. Unfortunately, given that said mace had withstood... repeatedly... in the past the Jager's super-strong attempts to batter extremely hard things to bits with it, this really didn't accomplish a lot.

Except... The explosion tumbled Horowitz end-over-end into a pile of zombies, or at least their component bits... their febrile pawing, while quite powerful by human standards, wasn't reallly enough to hold a Jagerkin down. Shrugging out of the heap, Horowitz stared around, startled. "Hokay, who vos dot who vos trowink de kabooms?" A casual backhand divided a zombie into six parts down the middle. "Iz dot... GOTT'S FEESH IN LEETLE TROUSERS!" the Jager yelled as the mech crashed into the middle of the group, stomping heavily onto the green construct and embedding him into the stone floor.

When the foot was removed, the Jager was bare headed, the hat caught on some projection of the ankle. A low, guttural growl came from ground level "DOT. VOS. MY. HAT!!!"

((For those of you that don't know Jagers, this is your cue to run away. Screaming.))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Standing by...))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((... er, CE shells blow up? What does CE stand for, anyways? Sorry about that, that's just me being acronym-challenged))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Aoops, I might've made a mistake there then. CE stands for Contained Explosion, which now that I think about it is not a relatively common term. Should we edit?))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((Might not be a bad idea. Even if it was a fairly common acronym, I might not get it; I am, as I said, acronym-challenged))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Abdul touched the masque (pun intended) and smiled at it. There was something about it that made him smile. Then something odd happened...


Yosef and Kamarov continued to fight back zombies, or at least try to.

The Mech fired and ripped a hole though the floor -- and anything in it's line of fire.

((Sorry for short post; busy irl.))




After being shouted at by my sister, I is back. BEWARE! Sponsered by Bee-Ware Inc. Dispensing doom coated in milk and honey.


The mask in question was a smooth ivory eye-plater, with the only decor being two large bloody eyes and tears running down the otherwise pristine surface. Such masks were often seen at Masquerades in many different flavors, and they were handy when it came to disguising yourself and fooling everyone who ever knew you...

The mask reacted to Abdul's touch. It flew out from under his hand and spun to the opposite side of the room, righting itself and staring in the dictator's direction with its bloody eyes. With a florish of light, a figure came into being head-to-toes from within said facial ornament.



'Where am I?'

'Silly me, I'm always here. So why can't I see anything? No movement either. I don't think I'm even corpreal right now. And I can't become so. I can't feel anything, so...'

'Funny. I think I'm dead. Where was I last? Oh yes. Being blown up while being worn by a physical extension. I'm sure I got away from that though...So I'm a piece of ivory somewhere right about now. Which means I need some willpower to jump-start a ressurection. I'm blind, can't move, can't speak, can't hear...This may prove difficult.'

At about this point, Abdul had touched the mask. This is where one of two things happened. The Necronomicon was a significant artifact, an extremely potent magical text. Other such artifacts were commonplace, and often detailed rituals or craft that required components/summoning trapezoids/souls. In truth, these rituals were just a focus for magical entities to effect the physical world as directed by the ritual perscribed.

Then there were people with willpower. Mages often have a little in them to fuel and activate spells, psychics tend to have a small allotment as well. Then there are the few rare individuals to do whatever they want, through nothing but sheer willpower, and make it STICK. These people often couldn't control their powers and usually needed a focus to use them, much like magical entities need specific rituals to affect our world. So either Abdul was one of those rare individuals using the Necromonicon as a focus, *making the book worthless* or the Necromonicon was rubbing off on him. A spark of willpower passed from him into the mask...


"Who are you?" The slithering voice of the masked man rang through the room at Abdul, question, accusation and threat all at once.



((Okay, edited my last post, Devious. The rest of you might want to glance at it as well- the one that starts off "The bullet impacted neatly on the plasma-throwing mace. Unfortunately..."))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Bladewing turned in time to hear the word hat, and promptly catapulted himself 100 yards into the air, knowing full well that all hell was about to break loose.

And then while in midair, he recieved a message from the automated systems in his base. Paragon City was under assault by Abdul's forces and multiple weapons discharges had been detected in the atmosphere, the targets appeared to be both Paragon and the Rouge Isles.

Establishing a more secure link with his base, Bladewing left instructions for the computer.

"Engage shielding and obfuscation fields, keep all defense systems primed and ready, annihilate any opposing forces if they gain entry, and survive the orbital bombardment."

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Jack saw the giant mech, but was distracted by when this Sage almost shot the Jager's mace. Jack wasn't impressed until he saw the giant mech step onto the green monstrosity. Jack laughed until he heard the booming voice, saying something about a hat. He saw the man with the sword jump far away, very far when he heard 'hat'. Jack laughed heartily "Ahh, I get to see a show!"



The young duo rolled their eyes at the Jagerkin's outward dismay at the loss of his hat. "It was a piece of cloth, get over it! You're in the middle of a battle." Yelled Nate, either not knowing or not caring about the wrath that he had just incurred.

Jake, however, was already back on the battle, grimacing as the zombies continued to reform. "Change tactics," He ordered his units, "Deploy containment fields. Battle Drones, provide cover for Protector Bots." As he said those last two words, two more disks were pulled from his pocket, each hitting the floor and clanking about before exploding in a brilliant light and revealing two mechanoids, both covering two zombies each in a bubble, shutting them off from the world. Nate, almost simultaneously, encased his other zombie, (Jake had kindly subdued one with his Bots.) in another sphere or pure energy, thereby neutralizing the threat posed to the two of them.

"Now, instead of whining about your hat, why don't you pin some of these bastards down so we can contain them?" He shouted to Horowitz, glaring daggers at him for being so dense and superficial.



She had searched her every memory for references that would illuminate the clues given via mental projection. And to make sure that didn't happen again, Ceus cast a quick spell, something to shield her mind from being read or intruded upon. It was one of her favorite spells, not for just the handy effects, but the charming limerick the verbal component was.

Still her memories gave no inclination of ever hearing of any place described in so cryptic a manner. So she quickly googled 'Valley of the Fallen Angels.'

Amidst the garbage, satan worshipers, porn, and pryamid schemes she found a single website blogging the progress on an archeological dig. Why, they even discovered an idol recently. Could be what she was looking for.

Now all she had to worry about for this clue was the infinite storm. She'd probably have to go to Jupiter just to appease the fates.

As an afterthought, Ceus quickly typed an after action report of her divinations and the results, then emailed them to everyone whose name she remembered at the original meeting. If someone was going to stab her in the back, might as well give directions.

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



((I is returned! Whoo-berries!))

As Ceus finished sending out her message, Noble Intent approached her.

“Planning on leaving? For… ah. A dig, yes? A clue to the artifacts we must recover. Lady, ‘twould be remiss of me to let you leave alone. Allow me to accompany you.”



((for those of you unfamiliar with the Jagerkin, they appear to have an almost fetishistic (in the Voodoo meaning of the term, you sickos!) worship of their hats. You mess with a Jagers hat, and you'd better have a damn good reason, and probably an even better health plan. Or, more likely, a cemetery plot))

A red film had obscured the Jager's vision, and he didn't even register the various comments directed at him. With a howl of berserk rage that echoed through the weird non-space they occupied, he launched himself forwards.

The luckless zombie in front of him was decapitated with such force that the head punched straight through four other zombies before splattering on the wall like an overripe tomato. Another was torn in half with a single swipe, then diced as it fell, until it hit the ground as barely more than slurry.

A bound, and Horowitz was clear. His eyes were glowing red, his plasma rifle was spitting fire, and he was making a determined attempt to tear the mech's leg off and beat the 'bot to death with it. The organic metal of the robot was already deeply scored in a dozen places as the Jager's power-gloved claws raked and tore at it.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((Yay, Dogma's back. I had only dared to hope at AD's mentions. ))

Sage couldn't help but blink in surprise, though whether it was at the fact that the explosive shell had not rent the mace asunder - apparently, the thing wasn't as unstable as it looked - or Bladewing zooming past him and back outside was a good question indeed. Actually, it was a little of both, but no one needed to know that.

"Delays, delays..." he muttered as he calmly walked toward the whole mess. It was horrid, really. Even when he didn't plan something, it didn't go as planned...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi





It's a blessing and a curse to be back-Mox shouting into my ear being the cursed bit.

Also, has Yosef been abducted by aliens? Do I need to go on another idealistic crusade? My last one fizzled out and now only appears in the scoop. :/



"I can hardly refuse such a pleasant offer."

Ceus nodded at the man.

"This is what I found. These clues mean anything to you?"

She began to prep the teleporter.

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



(([censored]. I had this nice post written out and now it's gone. Son of a [censored].))


Everything began to slowly wither and die. Bricks fell and turned to sand. Metal rusted and turned to dust. The undead also turned to dust. It was dying -- everything was dying.

The supers from other time streams slowly began to feel... less physical and more mental. This happened to everyone - especially Horowitz.

Six knew what was happening and quickly found her way out of the time stream.


"I'm the end of this world." Abdul laughed quietly and slowly began gasping for breath.

"No, time is Abdul." The voice choked him and turned to the masked man, "you. Come with me." He opened a portal which sung songs which only the Gods dare think of. It shined with colors no one has ever seen or heard of before. It slowly tore apart reality and time itself -- unraveling sanity strand by strand.


Valley of Fallen Angels

Ceus and Noble Intent would find themselves standing in a barren valley with two stones in front of them. Each had several runes on them.



"These clues mean anything to you?"

Noble scanned the lines written down. It was... indecipherable. He shook his head. "No, but 'twould seem that it will become more apparent as time goes on, yes?"

Valley of Fallen Angels

Noble Intent took an immediate step or three to the side. Teleporting somewhere had the nasty effect of leaving a person exposed, and people tended to notice it.

Especially when said teleportees landed in places of spiritual or religious importance, as the runed pillars in front of him might indicate.

"Have you any idea what we might find here?" He asked his companion.



((you know, I'm really not sure what you're shooting for here, Yosef, so I'm just going to run with it; if I've gotten ahold of the wrong end of the stick, let me know and I'll edit accordingly))

With the slow distintegration of the timeline and the reversion of non-natives to more... cerebral... forms, Horowitz changed. This was not a happy change for those that the Id-driven Jagermind had identified as 'enemies'.

The Jager's form blurred somewhat, as he slowly became an avatar of berserk rage, a green cloud of raw killing intent that spread slowly to encompass most of the citadel. Alharzed's troops died by the thousands in flickers of lightning that stabbed out of the green murk... lightning that could almost be mistaken for stylized claw-slashes, from the right angle. Those that were part of Horowitz' 'pack' would probably be largely unaffected, although the all-encompassing rage that currently composed very nearly his entire being might have some interesting backlash for psi-sensitives.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((I take it to mean that since we jumped into an alternate/past version of our world, and have been mucking up alharzed's area, we have somehow "destabilzed" time itself, and as such our little alternate past is going poof....i could be horribly wrong though.))

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Masquerade was not impressed by Abdul's light show. He didn't see things physically, he saw the world around him as concepts. But Masquerade figured that this man HAD helped him by touching the mask, so perhaps it would be worthwhile to just see what he wanted.

He went through the portal.