Alharzed's World [Open RP]




Jack sighed as he watched the Jager, saying "That was very anti-climatic, I was expecting more carnage". Then he noticed the change that was occuring, people were becomng less tied to the physical world. "This is..." he said, then began laughing madly. "This is FANTASTIC!" he shouted. Since his powers were of the mind anyways, this change would be extremely welcome.

((I am a bit confused))



((To explain...

Basically... the universe that Horowitz was so eager to get into and smash, as well as the rest of the group was the wrong universe. It was simply a trial and error universe discovered by Skjebene to attempt to futher his research into time travel and what time streams can take before slowly dying.

The time stream that all of us jumped in to is dying because of that -- good intentions or not so good intentions.))

One by one all the supers began to vanish and reappear in Ouroboros to meet a not so happy Skjebene. "Idiots. Three months of experimentation down the drain and an entire multiverse of creation and life -- gone! Even yourselves in that universe are gone."

Yosef didn't really care and said nothing.

Kamarov luaghed, "well, it didn't kill us. Now we know what not to do."



((Ahh, thank you for clearing that up...))

Jack felt a pulling sensation and found himself back in Ouroboros. He snickered at this Skjebene, and remared coldly "I'm sorry I ruined your pet project", now his tone lightened up as he let out laughs "Although, I can now add 'Aided to destroy a seperate universe' to my resume". He sighed, then instantly recognized something. Two of the heroes that were here, weren't. Their brain-waves were now missing, and one of them was the one whom had discovered the objects to destroy the Necro-book. Jack wasn't very happy.

"And where, may I ask, are our two noble heroes?"



Everything began to slowly wither and die. Bricks fell and turned to sand. Metal rusted and turned to dust. The undead also turned to dust. It was dying -- everything was dying.

The supers from other time streams slowly began to feel... less physical and more mental. This happened to everyone - especially Horowitz.

[/ QUOTE ]
"Buh?" Sage suddenly felt a tad tipsy, stumbling for a moment before he managed to steady himself again. His eyes narrowed as he pulled a periodic table from his cloak, hanging it in the air before his eyes, "Hm...that's just mildly unhelpful. This doesn't make any sense at all, how am I...?"

The sudden rotation of the paper interrupted him, turning the table upside-down, and returning a generous smile to Sage's partly hidden visage, "Ohhh, of course. I can't believe I didn't see that. I guess we should leave then, huh?"

They - or rather it, now - agreed...

Six knew what was happening and quickly found her way out of the time stream.

[/ QUOTE ]
"My, what a mess." Sage greeted her colloquially, the robed man's back turned to her as she arrived in safety. He closed the notebook in his hand, returning it to his cloak, then eyed the (for a human) somewhat strange-looking hat he'd picked up, "You know...I miss him already. I never even got a chance."

"Say, what about you then?" he turned to her, eyes closed for a moment with the wide smile beneath, "I know this lovely place down by the Riviera..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




In the last few minutes, Dorian had been fairly confused. First, Horowitz goes berserk on the zombie-mech thing, then everyone suddenly shifted into different stages of existence, and finally time just fell apart.

One by one all the supers began to vanish and reappear in Ouroboros to meet a not so happy Skjebene. "Idiots. Three months of experimentation down the drain and an entire multiverse of creation and life -- gone! Even yourselves in that universe are gone."

[/ QUOTE ]

"All intellectual assumptions aside," Dorian said, glaring down at Horowitz before continuing, "Is there a reason why we weren't informed of that before, or was it purposely left out of the mission briefing?"

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector




Does maskie get a reply? :3




Masque wound up in a room -- I know, very descriptive, but that's all it was, a room. The room was approximately twelve by twenty-four, inside it sat six beings. These beings were simply there, they had no structure besides a torso, two bone-thin legs, bone-thin arms, and a head with two holes that seemed to be eyes -- but they lead no where.

"Where you are..." The lead imprinted words and emotions into pure willpower.

"...there is no time..." The second also added in a similar fashion.

"...there is no reality..." The third continued.

"there is only us and you..." The fourth added.

"...and we are you..." The fifth seemed to take on some personality.

"...and you are us." The sixth burned and reformed.

Though he couldn't prove it, Masquerade would have the feeling that there might be another of these 'its'. Maybe it was he? Maybe it was she. Maybe it was just a meaningless thought in a world of non-reality.


Skjebene didn't like how he was reacted to. "I supposed I deserve some sort of explanation... The only time we will ever be going back or forward in time is when... well, I actually know how to do what we wish to do without it blowing up on us like that."

He smiled. "I was close to getting rid of everything after I saw the unstable dimension we created, but I realised... maybe that was supposed to happen because I was attempting to create something only the God's dare dream of..."

His voice took on a different tone.

"...and it did happen you old fool. They knew it would happen and they decided to tease you by showing you in essence what they wanted. What you wanted to see -- the perfect portal."

It went back to normal.

"Did I mention that it happened to that Abdul? He could have perfected it! Or maybe it was just something no one's ever seen before. That portal... it wasn't like anything I've ever seen."

Nikolai Kamarov realized that Skjebene was probably quite insane or quite wise, maybe he was both. He didn't mind hearing these monologues, they interested him.

Vanya realized the same thing around the same time Kamarov did.


Six smiled, "and who might you be?" She had appeared on what appeared to be an endless expanse of grass and nothing more.



Masquerade responded to the six beings with cold and apathetic words.

"Life itself is only a vision. A dream. Nothing exists save empty space and you. And you..." He waved an arm to indicate the six beings. "Are but stray thoughts, all to be forgotten."

His fingers starting glowing faintly with golden energy.

"Unless you are thoughts that can hold my interest. I have been asleep for a long time, and I awaken to a raving creature who may or may not have awakened me for his own purposes. Either confirm my suspicions or turn me loose, while keeping in mind that there is no such thing as middle ground."



Sage's smile remained as well, though his eyes did open once more, taking some of the friendly innocence from the visage beneath the cloth, "Who? Who is but the form following the function of what, and what I am is a man in a mask. Oh, don't worry, I'm not questioning your powers of observation. I'm merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




"Have you any idea what we might find here?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Glancing at the barren site, Ceus shook her head, "This clue mentioned an idol, and to beware the Currentfast--which was capitalized, so its a proper noun, a thing that is an infinite storm and it goes fast."

She shrugged, "I first thought of Jupiter. Could be more metaphorical though."

Ceus waved her hand in a careless gesture at the pillars of runes. "These runes though, I can read. Its some derivitive of Mesopotamian Rune Magick."

She retrieved her pen and parchment and sketched the pillars and runes as they appeared. Satisfied, she approached them, hovering inches off the ground.

((And despite all evidence to contrary, Ceus is a villain. She just has a history with the Necronomicon and it would suit her just fine to rid the world of it. Its purely selfish.))

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



((I spent a good 3 hours working on my project for CW. Yay horror stories. Now to work on inspiration for it.))

"You will serve your purpose." The words came out of no where and appeared to go no where.

"You will go to him, in a world where our power extends far more than anything he could ever imagine -- even the Necronomicon is a play thing to us." The voice rang out again.

"You will go to what they call New India." It slowly said these words as if it was pained to say them... somehow.


The runes slowly deformed as that part of their structure was being redrawn. It was odd, for sure. Once they were completely redrawn, they collapsed into the sand and rock and twisted and turned in coordination with the steps above. Perhaps a giant combination lock?



"Wait, so that whole escapade to save this lug was in vain?" Jake noted, hiking a thumb to the Jagerkin and scowling slightly at the wasted effort. He muttered, something, not waiting for an answer and turning to Nate. "And you dragged me out of bed for him! I knew I should've just laid there. Next time, let the veteran decide, OK?" Still scowling and cursing under his breath, Jake reclaimed his previously lost pillow and comforter, tossing against a wall and plopping down onto them. "If you need me, don't ask." He shouted across the rooming, eyes shutting like a broken camera, doomed to never take a picture again.

Nate, naturally, returned the scowl, however, knew internally that he had in fact made a mistake, and Jake was in fact correct. And this upset him. Jake was the senior officer and longer veteran of the two of them, and the fact that he had just rushed in while Jake's combat instinct (Or laziness? Nate was inclined to believe the latter, but you never could tell with him. He was like a bomb of genius that only went off a fourth of the time.) upset him to no end. His newb was showing, and he knew it.

"Well, fine, we'll put the oaf on a leash and get down to business. Where do we go from here, then?" He said, nearly shouting, clearly attempting to conceal his error from his pride.



The six beings found their voices met with harsh laughter.

"No." Masquerade chuckled. "I serve only my own interests. I will not be commanded by you nor anything else unless it suits my own needs. You are boring me, playthings. Either give me knowledge I can use or you will be discarded like the errant daydreams you are."

And this was a perplexing statement-this weak creature before the six magnificent beings had no physical strength to speak of, an extremely frail body and no magical or technological influences that could give him power. The only thing he had going for him was an extremely small selection of psionic abilities, which were not extensive or to be relied upon solely in any fight. He either had to be ignorant or mad to threaten the six, and beings such as they would probably know this...



"Go to New India? Again? Already?" Sage queried disappointedly head tilted slightly to the side, "But I just came from there."

"Not to mention I lost someone..." his gaze drooped, going to the hat in his hands again, "Someone so endearing. Can't I take just a little break to get over him...?"

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Horowitz, meanwhile- reconstituted to a more physical form- was hanging upside down, poking about in the guts of the crystal Pillar of Ice and Fire mechanism. "Pffft... hyu think dot hyu ken be makink de private hyuniverses vit dis? De aetheric conversion matrix iz burnt out, de paradox inverter iz backvards... hy t'ink... de trans-temporal vaveguide iz smashed, und de steam power haz fizzled."

There was a brief shower of sparks, and the Jager glanced up to the stares directed at him. "Vot?" he asked, a puzzled look on his face. Then the voice informed them they were going back to New India, and the Jager shrugged. "H'okay." was his only comment.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



Jack finally got bored and started walking over to no where in particular when he stopped to watch the two boys fight. "Quiet down boy!" Jack said to Nate, then continued walking to who-knows-where.



((Pst, Cham - Sage is with Six, as in not with the others. ))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Skjebene stopped rambling and spoke up. "So, who has an idea?" He already had a plan and simply wanted to see who was the brightest of the bunch.


Six became formless, similar to the other six beings.

"If you help Abdul, there will be a very nice reward in for you." Willpower did a great job of presenting exactly how they felt and exactly how truthful they were, which was quite truthful.



"I will require this reward up front." Masquerade replied with complete indifference. "That is the protocol for servitude. A sign of trust. And I don't trust you."



Jake, still with his eyes closed, recited his plan once more. "Again, if we destroy his economy, we destroy New India, which is, at this point, potentially just as dangerous as the damned book itself. All it will take is an assault on his mining facilities, or his factories, or whatever. Odds are they won't be defended nearly as well as anything near his physical self."

Nate thought to speak up, (He had ignored Jack's previous comment, his mind in other places.) but quieted down just as quickly. Jake was right last time, why wouldn't he be right now? Defeated, his shoulders slumped, nodding a silent agreement to his, in his mind, superior's plan.



Six became formless, similar to the other six beings.

[/ QUOTE ]
"And what's the point of that?" Sage remarked, sounding a little disappointed, "Now I couldn't even use you for parts..."

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




"Again, if we destroy his economy, we destroy New India, which is, at this point, potentially just as dangerous as the damned book itself. All it will take is an assault on his mining facilities, or his factories, or whatever. Odds are they won't be defended nearly as well as anything near his physical self."

[/ QUOTE ]

Dorian decided to speak up.

"Alright. But I doubt Alharzed would just stand idly by while a portion of his power is destroyed. If we go about that rout, we need to make sure New India can be taken down quickly, not allowing time for interference from Alharzed, or the book. However, we would need a force of significant power to accomplish that..."

Then the tall demon looked over at the Arachnos Patrons, more specifically at Black Scorpion and Mako, before turning to Bladewing and Horowitz.

"And I think I know just the people for the job"

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



((Well, this died a lot faster than I'd expected. ))

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




((Well, this died a lot faster than I'd expected. ))

[/ QUOTE ]


But I was actually participating!!!!


Figures that the first thread I actually get into after a while dies x.x))

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector