Alharzed's World [Open RP]




Seal 1-A5 Broken

"Looks like we've got an intruder." Six spoke with a cool, clean, precise voice. You'd never mistake her for what she really was if you saw her. She had the sweetest voice you could imagine when she wanted to have it, however, when she meant business, it took on a different meaning.

Her hair was a faded grey color with black highlights, or was it black with grey highlights? Or was it just how she sat? Black cloth covered her nose, mouth and neck and was tied neatly around the back to blend in with her hair. As for her eyes, she just wore transition lenses. As usual with all "mysterious" figures, she wore lots of black and a trench coat -- though she had a skin-tight white t-shirt on that was clearly visible.

Behind her, in a chair, sat what could be described as a Dark Servant. It didn't really mind being there and she didn't really mind it being there either -- after all, she was the only one that could see it most of the time. It didn't bother her and she didn't bother it -- happy time, right?

"This would be a perfect time to try something." She began to trail on and on about how many different things she could throw at him and decided to see how much he could take of the undead. "We'll go with... undead."

"They prefer to be called the living impaired, actually." The Dark Servant didn't really have a voice so to speak, it sounded like what you pictured. It spoke with visual words written in languages that you knew and imprinted them into your mind where you would see them.

"Whatever." She giggled and decided to play with this newcomer a little.


Seal 1-A5

Seal 1 told him where he was and in what particular area of the base. Seal was a codename, for which, few knew the meaning. 1 was simple, the first area. "-A5" was which section he was currently in. Sounds simple on paper, but when you actually go to look around... not so much. Hundreds of sections, hundreds of -A's and -B's and -Cs and so on and so forth. It's a real headache.

Bladewing would find himself just where he wanted to be. Inside -- but inside was a relative term as 'inside' was simply the beginning of this nightmare of engineering and physics. The laws of the universe seemed to stop inside for some reason -- but it made for a really cool atmosphere.

The inside was a mixture of a series of small passage ways, dungeons, asylums, Lovecraft-like objects, rooms and other things and a mixture of really, really, really big things. He seemed to be in a dungeon at the time, but it rapidly changed into what looked to be a paradise on earth and then to something else, and then to something else, and it just kept on going.

Slow movement was up ahead. It stank really bad, maybe someone or something died in here recently?

((Before anyone says anything, yes I know I am confusing as hell, but that is how it's meant to be.))



Jack was slightly surprised when he saw that the thing just dissapeared after his psionic had hit it. He was about to do it again when a fireball came and wiped most of them out. Jack laughed and smiled "This should be plenty of fun". He put his shoulder to the door, and charged. He heard splats as he made connection with the beings. He laughed giddily each time one died. He noticed he was almost out of the tide of beings (he was looking out of the window of the door), and decided to try something.

"Yahooo!" Jack yelled at the top of his lungs, throwing the car door in front of him and jumping on it, like a skateboard. Normally, this wouldn't take him very far, but with a little telekininsis, he was flying towards the pyramid. He ran over quite a few beings, throwing psionic attacks every so often. "I gotta try surfing" Jack commented as he was close to the building. As he neared, he jumped with the door, and his board-door hit the sides of the pyramid, slowly going up, then accelerating down. He jumped off as he reached the bottom, landing in a crouching position as the door skid with creaks and sparks across the street. He got up, and sighed.

"Beautiful, beautiful carnage"



At last, the duo reached their destination, entering the pyramid through what one could have described as being a security entrance at one point, despite obviously being broken currently. Nathaniel shuddered, looking around him.

"That was a rather large amount of dark energy..." He said aloud, glancing at the corners where the ceiling met the wall, as if some monster straight from the Cthulu Mythos would emerge and unravel his sanity strand by strand.

One of ours...? Maybe...

Jake, however, was already at least twenty feet ahead and through the former blast door. "You coming? Or would you rather sit here and watch the wall in case it decides to come to life?"

"Shut up, I'm coming." A newly resolute Nate virtually stomped up to Jake, cuffing him on the head lightly before marching ahead, leaving him to rub the spot where he'd been hit and chuckle.

((To clarify, this is roughly five minutes after Bladewing pulled the death thing on the door.))



Jack eventually would wind up in the same place, shoulder to shoulder with Bladewing.

Yosef just ran and followed Jack, ignoring nearly everything on the streets and kept up a constant speed trailing Jack until he went inside. He reluctantly followed.

Jake and NATE were both inside the building and they too, also were inside with the other three men.

"What's up?" Yosef was always horrible at starting conversations.


Six saw it all. She was somehow watching everything they do and added her own little commentary to the entire situation. She apparently enjoyed what she was doing and had no problem doing it because of this. Maybe she was having too much fun? Perhaps she was.



"Not a lot. Just got dragged to a military dictatorship under the rule of an insane commander of the infamous Necronomicon. You?" Jake remarked sarcastically, burying his hands in his pockets. Nate only rolled his eyes at him, sensing the same energy from the door on Bladewings sword.

So, it was him. Guess I'll have to watch out for that.



Dorian finally finished with the soldiers he had been fighting, and although he had used a rather large blade to deal with them, no blood or severed appendages were to be found.

"Using the flat of a blade always seems to take longer..." the tall demon grumbled to himself. Then he noticed the others, and quickly flew over to where they had gathered.

"This place looks worse than the caverns in Oranbega" Dorian said aloud, then looked around at the rest of the group.

"So, whats the plan?"

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Horowitz' argument with Sage had carried the two of them through the field of black blobs and up to the door that Bladewing had shredded. The scent clearly indicated that Sage was also a construct, something that interested the Jager, but something that he couldn't do anything about now (and as to his being a construction of an insane and evil mind... Horowitz himself was a product of the old Heterodynes, so that didn't bother him in the slightest)

"And no." he added in a more casual tone, "Othar Trygvassen I am not. But enough about me - who are you, you magnificent example of Jaegerkin...?"

[/ QUOTE ]
"Haw!" Horowitz roared, clapping Sage on the back with enough force that there was a good chance that he could get catapulted through the open door and land sixty feet away. "Hy likez hyu." He grinned toothily. "Hy iz Horowitz. Hy vaz de door guard at Mama Gkika's before I gotz tossed into dis schtupid mess." The grin took on a distinct edge of fond... and rather vicious... recollection. "Vos a good time, dot vos."

"What the hell are you talking about?" Kamarov was pretty confused. "Who the hell is this Jaggermonster and why does everyone but me seem to know /everything/ about it?"

[/ QUOTE ]
Horowitz gave Kamarov a look. "Hy iz not an 'it'. Hy iz Jagerkin, vich is better. Und I told hyu... I iz Horowitz. Some people iz so slow..." he complained, utterly oblivious to the irony.

Then he noticed that Bladewing had disappeared inside already. "HOY!" he roared. "Bladeving, hyu iz not schtealing all de fun ov dis fightink. Get back here!" With that, the Jager was bounding inside, plasma and claws ready to burn and shred anything that got in his way.

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



"The plan? Kill everything that moves, take the book, destroy it, and in the mean time enjoy yourself in any way you deem fit!"

Walking ahead of the others, Bladewing tasted the air a few times and then launched a quick sense spell, seeking anything other than his fellow metas that was moving. And because the air tasted of death and decay, Bladewing sort of expected the undead...they were dealing with the NECROnomicon after all.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Sage peeled himself off the ground with a slight groan, blinking several times as he transitioned from a push-up to a standing stance once more, the dusted himself off, chuckling psychotically, "Oh yeah. He's real."

Now in the middle of the changing scenery with the others, its presence gave him a thought. True, he'd never actually investigated the possibility of it, so he didn't know if it would be done,, it was worth a try.

"Hey, Six." he whispered to apparently no one in particular, "Can you shift this place into an arena? Like something really nightmarish and such...?"

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Three shambling undead per super poured out of every door and began running straight towards the group. At the rate they were coming, each was responsible for their three. The undead didn't have any formal weapons or anything to really defend themselves with besides their fists and loose items on the ground (should there be any.)

They would attack similar to the infected in Outbreak, but they actually had counters to attacks that were melee. Or did they?

Yosef threw some fire and kept it up for a while. He had it easy, ranged and all.

Kamarov didn't really feel the need to help as he stood there looking around -- apparently he saw something out of the ordinary in the out of the ordinary place.

Six smiled and moved some hair out of her eyes.



The young mastermind groaned, pulling three disks out of his coat pocket and tossing them uncaringly on the ground. Each of them gave off a brilliant flash of light, teleporting in three Battle Drones... Well, slightly modified Battle Drones. The trio seemed to have been given an upgrade, each of them now toting a plasma cannon only slightly less powerful than the one equipped by Jake's Assault Bot.

"Blow 'em away, you three." He muttered, activating rocket boots and hovering safely upward.

They obliged, each taking aim at an undead and firing.


Nathaniel was forced to remove the bondage of the patrol guard he had incapacitated earlier, using most of the material to encase one of his zombies in an ever dilating sphere. Within a few seconds, it would be crushed into a virtual singularity.

... Well, of course, not literally. But the zombie would, at the very least, become a very compact ball.

Of course, those few seconds would give the other two plenty of time to attack to which he only created a flat disk under his feet and floated upward, employing a similar strategy to Jake's.

Of course, the remaining two zombies, should they want to survive, would have to get clever.



"Aw c'mon, Six..." Sage quietly pleaded with the wall, "Be a pal?"

No response.


Sage turned his sights down the hall, where people already tore into the undead, and watched Horowitz with a smile beneath his mask. Apparently, it was time to start cooking up a plan of his own...but how should he...?

Oh yes, he knew just what he was going to do - and then he'd have the Jaeger all to himself...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Wherever Recluse and his compatriots had wandered off to, it wasn't here. Aside from a few Menders, Ouros was empty, and that was A) Suspicious, and B) Annoying.

"'Lets not rush into things', they said. 'Plan ahead' they went on."

Ceus didn't know she muttered to herself when frustrated, the same way she never realized that she would stop hovering everywhere and start pacing.

There hadn't been any signals back since everyone jumped back through the portal after Horowitz and she still didn't know why, sure the big green man was amusing and had the nicest hat she'd seen in ages, but he couldn't have been important enough to leap after.

Oh well. If they all died, they probably were not strong enough to be worth knowing anyway.

Not willing to toss herself after them, nor just sit around doing nothing, Ceus found the nearest pillar of Fire and Ice. On the off chance that the away party came back alive and somehow secured the book, it would be handy to have the items to destroy it handy.

She considered a good place to start searching and decided she'd start with the book. It was the first to come to her in the divination, and it might have important information.

She knew where several magic libraries were, and she patted the pillar, she'd just check them all at the same time.

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



Ceus wasn't sure where she was, but she didn't have any choice in what she saw and did. She did learn though some weird visions that the book wasn't magical (In the modern sense of the word).

To find the book she would have to find the folder. To find the folder she would have to find the ant. And to find the ant she would have to find out what this would mean:

"It's with favours as this arrives. The trip doesn't feel the time; the difficult situation of future, candle only to this question as it arrives. It would have to know, Skies."

There was a short pause in the mental projection.

"In the valley of the fallen angels, it is true l searched, the idol she finds. The Currentfast, the infinite storm, goes fast always."

And another pause.

"The tides without end far away, in order to discover more at last washed away null plaque that it has been encircled from sandy water. Large era, but this knew it was null."

All she knew is that each one told something about the other, which told something about the ant.



Bladewing looked at the zombies, smirked, and drew his sword and resheathed it in a lightning fast move. This action caused a crescent of energy to leap outwards at the approaching undead.

Leaping to follow his crescent, Bladewing drew his sword again and descended with an overhead blow designed to bisect anything it came in contact with.

Unless the zombie was very very sturdy, it would soon be a pile of broken putrescence on the floor.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



"Oh Great. Visions."

Once more Ceus reached into her Astral pocket and retrieved her quill and parchment. She quickly wrote down the clues, as they were.

All her effecient and meticulous plans were tossed aside as she resumed her hovering lotus position.

"Riddles." She muttered.

She cast her senses outward in a net that would alert her if anyone approached while she turned her memories inward. Perhaps she had already had the answer within her. Unlikely, but it was worth a shot.

"Bah. Humbug."

Sam Varden 50 MA/Reg Scrap
Doomtastic 50 SS/Inv Brute
Ceus 50 Eng/Kin Corr
Cinderstorm 50 Fire/Fire Blaster



While a fair number of the zombies had already been engaged by the others, there were still some that remained unhindered. Dorian meant to rectify that. He stepped out to a small group of the unopposed corpses, and the large claymore he had been wielding was seemingly consumed by blue fire.

"This..." Dorian said with a grin, as he extended his arm towards the zombies and the blue fire condensed into the unmistakable figure of a sawed-off shotgun, " my Boomstick"

The large sapphire orb of energy that followed careened towards the reanimated cadavers with frightening speed. And for whichever zombie it hit, the effects would most likely be messy.

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



Horowitz, meanwhile, had started to laugh when the zombies popped out. "Hoy! Revenants. Und here I thot dot hyu pipple vere suppozed to be so very advanced. Dese things are hyuseless... dey break vay too eazy..." he suited actions to words, knocking a zombie's head into the middle distance with a baseball-bat-stlye swing of his plasma-rifle-mace-thing, then pulling the arms off, "Dey'z schtupid... und schlow..." he added, stepping aside as one zombie lunged very slowly at him. The zombie that had been trying to grab him grabbed another zombie instead, and the two industriously chewed on one another for a bit before breaking loose and turning, looking more than a little maimed.

"Und dey schmells awful." he finished, wrinkling his nose. "Dere's scho many other troops dot he could be usink... even de booky-boyz vere better dun deze things." He hosed a couple of nearby zombies with plasma, turning them into briefly mobile torches.

((yeh, zombies vs. superhumans? Especially something like Horowitz? Not gonna slow us down much. Gimme a super-zombie or something, Yosef... something Horowitz can hit... I want to write a big, brawling fight scene!))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



((I will write one tonight. I will be out mostly today due to family stuff.))



((That's cool- and no panic. Given that Horowitz is a 'combat monster' in the most literal sense of the words, I'm looking forward to it))

"A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head." Seven Habits of Highly Effective Pirates

MA Arcs: #12285, "Small Fears", #106553, "Trollbane", #12669, "How to Survive a Robot Uprising"



"Hm." Sage remarked as he watched the carnage up ahead, again apparently whispering to the wall, "You guys are going to have to step this up if you actually want to beat these folks. No, seriously. Six...Abdul...anyone?"

Guess not.

With a shrug, the veiled man simply kept up what he had now been doing: reading in the little notebook he'd produced from his cloak and scribbling this and that onto the walls here and there (along with some creative rearrangements here and there).

Best of all, no one seemed to be paying any attention to him whatsoever. This was just too easy...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi




Jack sighed as he left the sight of his carnage and walked into the broken door, and inside was quite a sight. The room changed every couple of moments, from one thing to a totally random another. "I agree with the sword-man, kill everything, and find the book". Jack frowned I should get ahead of these clowns and find the book, replace it with something else... he thought. He looked around instantly as he said that, and checked his mental blocks. They were still in place, so no one could acess his mind. He was about to start walking when zombies poured out of the doorways.

"They have brains, rotting brains, for sure, but brains" Jack said, smiling widely. The three zombies coming towards him instantly started attacking each other, and after a couple moments of a fight, there was one zombie left with half an arm and a leg missing. "Pity" Jack said as he approached. He kicked the one things remaining leg, making it fall to the ground. It's torso was 'standing up', so Jack decided to have a little fun.

He took a couple steps back, ran forward and punted the zombie's head off with a field goal kick. "It's good" Jack smiled, then walked back to the group to see what had become of them.



The undead didn't die. They simply pulled themselves back together somehow and kept coming in bigger and bigger numbers. Sheer force wouldn't hurt these undead.

Off in the distance, there was a great harmonic sound of something large and terrible coming this way. It didn't sound too far away, but at the same time, it sounded very far away. Who knew what it was?

The things Sage wrote on the walls didn't stick. Whatever was written into them simply fell to the floor.



((And. first day of school done.))

Years turned into months. Months turned into weeks. Weeks turned into days. Days turned into hours. Hours turned into minutes. Minutes turned into seconds. Seconds turned into milliseconds. Why? Too many reasons. The main one: everything was dying.

It was written that the true challenge in time travel was not to do it, but to stabilize it. After a set amount was introduced into a time stream, it was no longer stable for human life and slowly began to unravel every fundamental law of physiscs.

That's what was happening.

Plus, it might just be the fact that this was simply the /wrong/ universe for destruction -- but none of them knew that.



((Okay, okay, I'll move then. ))

Sage performed the equivalent of quirking an eyebrow at the droopy dust. Then he gave a shrug, and dropped the pen back into the notebook, which quickly ate the writing instrument. Apparently, the changes here were not by the power of the Necronomicon, but from something else instead.

Oh well. So for now, he'd just have to keep following the people vaporizing zombies - at least until he found a proper location. Big deal. He'd done worse...

"If I had Force powers, vacuum or not my cape/clothes/hair would always be blowing in the Dramatic Wind." - Tenzhi
