Discuss: Positron & Castle on Split Infinity Radio




But _Ilr_, I need to be able to talk to everyone, not slur!

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I shall "try" my hardest to be on my best behavior...

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You're never on your best behavior!

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neither are you!

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Dirty lies and slander! I'm a perfect angel, I'll have you know.

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Turbo, it's her show...she doesn't NEED to be on her best behavior.

We Peanut Gallery members, on the other hand, need to avoid from being shellfish.


<ahem> Okay. Enough. I'm...I'm a sad, sad man, truly...

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608



Dirty lies and slander! I'm a perfect angel, I'll have you know.

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Slightly more on topic, RUN POSI AND CASTLE! There are no words to describe the insanity. None.

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It's true, y'know. Heck I blab all the time on air and *I* don't even have the words to describe it all.


- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608



Yeah I listen to a lot of DJs and their webshows and I'm pretty sure Drunk-on-Air is their natural state.
(especially the ones on Idobi)

And yes, we need to get Castle drunk too b/c he Knows things about the Market that he's not telling us...yet

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Okay, I'm all for devs partyin' and relaxing, but SIRadio station policy is no drunk/inebriated by various substances DJs on-air. Doesn't quite help you do your 'job'!

Hrm. Maybe we're the prudes of the internet radio world?

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Pft..."prude, schmude"...the policy helps cut down on drunken rants. Which is a GOOD thing, IMHO.

Besides, drunk people are only fun to sober people anyway.

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608



Hrm. Maybe we're the prudes of the internet radio world?

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Only if straight up insane isn't part of the equation.

Also, y'all don't need to drink on the air, you're crazy enough to start with!

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Well we have to make up for the lack of inebriation somehow!

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Thought that's what you kept me around for...

- Green Lantern
"Say, Jim...woo! That's a bad out-FIT!" - Superman: The Movie

Me 'n my posse: http://www.citygametracker.com/site/....php?user=5608



So... does this thing start at 8pm EST like Lighthouse states in the OP, or 7pm EST as it states on the main SI Radio page ?



So! One of our owners lives in England and the other in Greece. When they started the station, they centered the schedule upon GMT time. (I swear this explanation is going somewhere.)

We also do our sets in three hour blocks. Its friendlier than four, and the listeners aren't satisfied with two. You get the idea.

EST is -5, so 7pm EST = 12am GMT. Just the top of the hour on the GMT schedule, where the day begins. That's why on the main SIRadio.FM website it says 7pm EST.

-Technically- I start then, and can begin gearing up any extra listeners that come in late. It gives everyone a bit of buffer room. I'm clocked in to be harassing Posi and Castle at 8pm EST, though.

We'll have to see if we can get Positron into the IRC again. No Rick Astley for him this time, though. Pffbt, refusing to talk until I play the whole song.



hmmmmm I see a Rick Roll coming ....close to 7 PM ...hehehehe



hmmmmm I see a Rick Roll coming ....close to 7 PM ...hehehehe

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Hrm... Would that be because you're on in 90 minutes? Mebbe mebbe?



One hour to show time!

See OP for more details to listen in to a live interview with Castle and Positron.




And the interview should be ready for download in approximately an hour! I'll link it in here when ready.



cool ill look forward to this interview

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



And here we go!

Just visit the news post on our website to download the interview. I broke it up into two parts, nearly thirty minutes a piece, to hopefully be friendly to the slower connections.

If there's any problems with them, just let me know!



can someone post the main points of the interview?



We discussed Powerset Proliferation, went over i12, some listener questions, and a bunch of other things.

I have to work early in the morning, unfortunately. I'll try to get at least the highlights of the interview posted in text tomorrow afternoon.



You know despite Jules being nervous as heck (as I kept telling her) and being a poor interviewer, the interview was quite good since Castle and Positron tended to carry almost the entire thing with their awesome development stories.

<Pokes Jules some more with a stick>



You know despite Jules being nervous as heck (as I kept telling her) and being a poor interviewer, the interview was quite good since Castle and Positron tended to carry almost the entire thing with their awesome development stories.

<Pokes Jules some more with a stick>

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So Jules doesn't drink... but what was she smokin'?

Don't quit yer day job kiddo -- unless this is your day job!



You know despite Jules being nervous as heck (as I kept telling her) and being a poor interviewer, the interview was quite good since Castle and Positron tended to carry almost the entire thing with their awesome development stories.

<Pokes Jules some more with a stick>

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So Jules doesn't drink... but what was she smokin'?

Don't quit yer day job kiddo -- unless this is your day job!

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If I sounded odd, I do apologize. I'm on medicine for rheumatoid arthritis and Lyrica for fibromyalgia, which the dose was just increased. It can seriously impair a person's ability to speak coherently at times.

And no, I'm only the volunteer station manager, FitzSimmons. I'm a library clerk by vocation.



That interviewer should have been thrown in a suitcase and tossed into a river. Half the interview I spent skipping her dead air and constant @55 kissing. Hell half the good questions were ASKED BY CASTLE. Yeesh. But some good answers.


I saw your explanation and I am truly sorry for your medical condition. But if you couldn't physically handle such a difficult interview then you should have passed it to someone else that was fit for it.

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



I havn't seen/read the interview yet, but you guys should be ashamed of yourselves for your blatant [censored]-tossing at someone who has decided to use her freetime to provide everyone with not only a Dev interview, but a place to download it and a coming transaction of said interview.

*Gives Jules a round of applause* I for one thank you for your time and effort. If you think the interview went badly, Jules, then take it as a learning lesson for the next time.



can someone post the main points of the interview?

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Here are the main standout quotes that struck me from part 1. I'll get to part 2 after lunch.

On the subject of stalker PvE love:
"Funny, we actually just got out of a meeting discussing that exact topic. We've got some great ideas, I can't really talk about them here since we haven't even tested them yet, but we've definitely got some things that should probably be showing up on the training room fairly soon I hope [after issue 12 goes live]."

On the subject of continuing powerset proliferation:
"The first batch that we did is going to be the largest single batch that we do, but it's going to be an ongoing sort of process."
"It'll never be two issues in a row where we didn't proliferate something."

On the subject of empathy and villains:
"Villains, you know, we have a solution for them and their empathy problem that'll be coming in the next issue, but let's just say that the word 'empathy' is far, far, far away from that set."

On the subject of new IOs:
"IOs are like proliferated powersets; there may be an issue that goes by where we don't do any, but there won't be two issues in a row where there are none."

On the subject of plans to add purple sets to categories lacking them:
"Specific plans, right now, no. But there definitely is an opening there for us to add them, and it's a logical place for us to add more purple sets, so I wouldn't be very surprised if that's what ended up happening."

On player-created content:
"I actually can't say anything about it right now, but I have a feeling that at some point this summer I'll be able to talk all about it."

On the subject of how not to get the bug hunter badge:
"I've actually had to deny the bug hunter badge to a few people, simply because, you know, the bug they found was great, and when we did the logs we saw, wow, you tested that 800 times over two weeks and *then* you reported it."

On the subject of more SFs and the agony of Positron:
"I'm debating whether we should do more strike forces for the villains or we should fix the Positron task force first, so that's still up in the air. (DJ Jules: I've run that task force maybe three times, and I've been playing for three years. Positron: Wow, I didn't even run it three times when I was testing it.)[...] That task force was actually supposed to be two separate story arcs, and I was basically implementing it off of a story line, or two story lines that was written for the game, and, you know, just breaking down the story line into missions [...] and then it was like, oh, we can't actually put two different story lines on this one contact, you're going to have to make it one giant one. So, that's what I did, and now you all have to live with it. For now."



That interviewer should have been thrown in a suitcase and tossed into a river. Half the interview I spent skipping her dead air and constant @55 kissing. Hell half the good questions were ASKED BY CASTLE. Yeesh. But some good answers.


I saw your explanation and I am truly sorry for your medical condition. But if you couldn't physically handle such a difficult interview then you should have passed it to someone else that was fit for it.

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Jeebus. Could you be more of an [WARNING EXPLICIT LYRICS]?!? Jules has done a great job over the years and is a CoH/V treasure. Everyone can have an off day. And your backhanded apology doesn't cut it either.



can someone post the main points of the interview?

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Here are the main standout quotes that struck me from part 1. I'll get to part 2 after lunch.

On the subject of stalker PvE love:
"Funny, we actually just got out of a meeting discussing that exact topic. We've got some great ideas, I can't really talk about them here since we haven't even tested them yet, but we've definitely got some things that should probably be showing up on the training room fairly soon I hope [after issue 12 goes live]."

On the subject of continuing powerset proliferation:
"The first batch that we did is going to be the largest single batch that we do, but it's going to be an ongoing sort of process."
"It'll never be two issues in a row where we didn't proliferate something."

On the subject of empathy and villains:
"Villains, you know, we have a solution for them and their empathy problem that'll be coming in the next issue, but let's just say that the word 'empathy' is far, far, far away from that set."

On the subject of new IOs:
"IOs are like proliferated powersets; there may be an issue that goes by where we don't do any, but there won't be two issues in a row where there are none."

On the subject of plans to add purple sets to categories lacking them:
"Specific plans, right now, no. But there definitely is an opening there for us to add them, and it's a logical place for us to add more purple sets, so I wouldn't be very surprised if that's what ended up happening."

On player-created content:
"I actually can't say anything about it right now, but I have a feeling that at some point this summer I'll be able to talk all about it."

On the subject of how not to get the bug hunter badge:
"I've actually had to deny the bug hunter badge to a few people, simply because, you know, the bug they found was great, and when we did the logs we saw, wow, you tested that 800 times over two weeks and *then* you reported it."

On the subject of more SFs and the agony of Positron:
"I'm debating whether we should do more strike forces for the villains or we should fix the Positron task force first, so that's still up in the air. (DJ Jules: I've run that task force maybe three times, and I've been playing for three years. Positron: Wow, I didn't even run it three times when I was testing it.)[...] That task force was actually supposed to be two separate story arcs, and I was basically implementing it off of a story line, or two story lines that was written for the game, and, you know, just breaking down the story line into missions [...] and then it was like, oh, we can't actually put two different story lines on this one contact, you're going to have to make it one giant one. So, that's what I did, and now you all have to live with it. For now."

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow thank you Wonderslug! That's a nice recap so far.

I just want to publicly thank DJ Jules and Split Infinity Radio for making themselves available to host this show on our schedule. There are some people I have learned I can count on and Jules is one of those folks.

I hope Castle and Positron were on their most Gentleman like behavior, and I hope the Community likes what they are hearing for the future.





And part 2:

On inspiration conversion:
"So how about just let me change three into any other one, and so [pohsyb] was like, 'Yeah, it should take me about an hour.' Next thing I know, an hour later I've got the ability to cash in three of my inspirations for one other thing. Of course, you know, there were ten bugs associated with it, but we got those fixed in good time." (Castle: Greatest feature ever.)

On the power number displays:
"That's a feature I was kind of scared to put in, because a lot of players don't want to see all those number, and it's very intimidating for a lot of players. But on the other hand, more hardcore players live and die by those numbers, and they absolutely want to see them, so ultimately we just decided to go ahead and put it out there so if players don't want to see it, they don't have to look at it, but it is there for those who do want it."

On the empath badge:
"I put one too many zeroes on the thing, and by the time I realized that it was really absurdly hard to get, it was too late because people had already tried to get it and I didn't want to invalidate their play experience or the achievement they had earned. (Castle: That's the first time I've heard that story.) [...] Ten thousand Rikti monkeys changed when we changed the way--a core mechanic of the game changed, which was herding. Ten thousand Rikti monkeys was literally put in because you could herd a hundred Rikti monkeys at a time and kill them all."

On new power trays:
"I asked for a fourth power tray, and pohsyb turned around and said, 'Here's eight more.' [...] We use them a lot here internally in development because we have a lot of binds and macros to execute a bunch of slash commands that we have access to, and now with all the power trays we can have all our binds up at all times."

On the possibility of more than five costume slots:
"Yeah, there are thoughts behind that, [but] every slot we add, though, is tech, so we need to schedule the tech time to add the extra slots. And of course how you're going to get them, 'cause it can't just all be Halloween salvage."
"As our tech director keeps telling us, anything's possible with tech, it's just, you know, how long it's going to take to get done. So anything's possible. The sky's the limit. It's just the timeframes may not allow for things to happen."

On the Roman costumes:
"I was very happy with the Roman costumes. They were so well done that I didn't want them to just be given out in the normal costume creator--this had to be a reward of some sort. So since we were planning on doing the Roman zone, I held off releasing them for the longest time. They've been in the game for a long time, but I wanted to make sure they were actually given out in a memorable way."

On favorite I12 features:
Castle: "The villain epic archetypes. No question. I like how flexible they are, I like that you can basically do a respec and completely change the way your character plays. None of the other archetypes in the game really have that much flexibility."
Positron: "My favorite part of issue 12 would have to be 'the surprise' in the Timesaver(?) task force, and that's all I'm going to say."

On unlocking Rularuu weapons for villains:
"There's more than just Rularuu Overseers that will unlock that. Any story arc that you get a souvenir clue for that even touches the Shadow Shard will unlock those weapons."



Positron: "My favorite part of issue 12 would have to be 'the surprise' in the Timesaver(?) task force, and that's all I'm going to say."

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That would be the Time's Arrow task force.



Nice interview. Thanks for the downlaod version.

Hope your 'wipe out' from the Meds gets better soon Jules.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617