P.E.R.C. Screen Shot Scavenger Hunt!




Okay here goes my mighty entry:

1. Glorious Battle
Powers, Dead Tree, Plant (live tree), Mary Macomber AV, Other Heroes, Blue-white Power

2. Future Tabloid Cover
Sally GM, Beach

3. Salvaging an old classic
Purple Car and Ragdoll physics

4. The Lost Boys
Stop Sign, Brick building, BLUE jeans, NPC emote

5. Those Boneheads have balls
Brick Building (no double dipping, i know), npc emote, villiany (car theft), graffiti, Blue (Dumpster)(it was bluer when i took the picture :P)

Well, that's all I got.... hoping for third place at least. BTW If they hadn't posted this on the loader i would never have found it... Promise to watch the forums better now...



Here's my entries. I bet I'll get dinged though. But it's easier to ask forgiveness than permission. Also, please forgive the darkness of the screenies. Dunno why it does that. I've got potentially 34 points.

One. Contains: blue (the trenchcoat), NPCs emoting (might be faint, but the Contaminated emotes), Outbreak, plant, brick building, depiction of Villany (the Contaminated fighting the hero), someone mezzed (the Contaminated gripping his head - dunno if NPCs count for that), upside down truck (iffy, but in the background is a tipped over truck)

Two. Contains: blue (the war walls around Terra Volta), small boat (small and off to the side), NPCs emoting, a Giant Monster, someone using a power (my character), ragdoll physics.

Three. Contains: blue (water), plant, Giant Monster, beach, someone using a power, depiction of heroism (a lone Ice Tank valiantly fighting two Giant Monsters)

Four. Contains: blue (pants on the NPCs), someone using a power, long line of people, NPC emoting (the Arachnos arbiter-types), spider web (it's stretching the definition, but the web around the Grandville tower), wizard (the character in green is a Necromancer which is a type of wizard ), and protestors (the zombies)

Five. Contains: blue (water), plant, beach, brick building (the building might be hard to discern, but it's right by the Snake Charmer badge in Mercy, it's brick), snake, graffiti, dead player, and someone using a power.



Ok here are my entries, Ive posted some screenies for fun below these, just to give some people ideas and such.

OMG xp debt it burns!
AV (Ghost Widow), dead player(...me <.&lt, something blue, brick building, player using a power, plant, something heroic ( it was an 8 man team, we're all dead and shes soloing an AV, lol), someone whos mezzed (do holds count? GW is held good.), long line of people? (there are 4 bodies on the floor, lol), spider web? (I wanna say the leggings shes wearing, but its ur call), wizard? (is GW considered a wizard, according to paragonwiki she is of magical origin), ghost (GW again, ur call)

Mmmm, hotdogs!
Hotdog stand, brick building, NPcs using emotes (can pets be considered NPCS?), thats it I guess....>.>

Stranded on one of those floaty things. (what are they called again? O.o)
Small boat (if you wanna call it a boat), Emote (me, drinking coffee...COFFEE!), NPCs using an emote (like above, are pets considered NPCS?), something blue (ocean, sky, etc.)

Bad Oni, bad!
Protestors, NPCs using emotes, (my pets? O.o, all the other NPCs in Pocket D), player using a power, something blue, stop sign (its in big white letters in a red background, you cant miss it ), villainy (Im beating down a harmless Oni and my pets are cheering me on, lol), brick building (the platforms over by the window are kinda bricklike)

Hes gonna be feeling that one in the morning.
player using a power, plant (trees), brick building, NPCS using emotes, something blue (sky, huge FF thing thats always around when Im playing heroside)

Ok, these pics down below are for fun and helping people get some creative ideas, they are NOT for judging. Im sorry, if I wasnt so tired ATM I would list the contest items you can find in tthese pics, but for now you just get the pics.

My beach, stay off of it.

Blue! I hate the color blue!


Point blank.

Nice kick!

Kujhade and his sexy ninjas.

That poor Hellion...



Alrighty then... most of mine are more storytelling then scavangery but here goes..

Get Off My Man!!
(brick building, blue drone lights, emotes, plant {hedge})

Pay up, or we feed you to the squid!!
(emotes {threaten/cower}, GM, blue sky, power invis, purple car)

Taking time to warm the homeless
(heroic- warming homeless, power, emote, blue, brickbuilding, wizard, grafiti)

Is that a flaming arrow in your pants, or are you just happy to see me? (powers, blue, plant, ...id say thats a pretty *cough* heroic arrow)
*special thanks to Nexus Kyudo for the pose*

Dude, thats my car!
Winter finds whats left of a vehicle ownership dispute (ragdoll, power, blue, brick building, villany {killed eachother over car})




<<<<Stranded on one of those floaty things. (what are they called again? O.o) Small boat (if you wanna call it a boat), Emote (me, drinking coffee...COFFEE!), NPCs using an emote (like above, are pets considered NPCS?), something blue (ocean, sky, etc.)>>>>>

This picture is my favorite so far. BTW, it's a buoy lol


Warming the homeless...lmao! Great creativity.


My Top 50's:
Danger Babe MA/SR Lava Babe Fire/Rad
Valkarina BS/Shield B3D3V1L DS/Storm
Lady Elektrika Ele/Rad
Senorita Federale DP/Dev



An Example of True Heroism: The Killing of the Paladin Build in Kings Row. One of the best Epic Battles for a badge there is in COH.


An AV. How about the little seen Maestro? He was my first AV battle ever in COH.


Biggest Costume Contest EVAR on Infinity. I have never seen one bigger.


Giant Monster - Adamaster. It took me two years to finally see this GM.


Death By Vomit. Team wipe on the Positron TF.


Donut Girl 50 Mind Emp



Hey all im OmegaSyndrome here is my <ameture> screenies!
ok my first entry is of 4 fountains on a birds eye view...just for fun!

#2 is of grafitti, trees, brick building, sumfin blue and me flying :P

#3 is has a blue car, a purple car, brick building, dead tree, plant (live tree) and me waving my fire sword

#4 has mages/wizards, live trees (plant) brick building, blue barrier on wall

#5 beach, blue boat, small boat, brick building and me flying

well im beat so nice big stretch and back to bed i think Enjoy XD



Image tags don't work here Omega. You need to do a direct url link.



Pumpkin Boom - A dead player - A GM - A wizard - Someone using a power - A "ragdoll physics" picture - Something blue

Car Ambush - Something Blue - Something depicting Villainy - Someone using a power

Zombie Butt - An NPC performing an emote - A GM -A plant - A "ragdoll physics" picture - Something Blue

Invisible Purse Snatcher - An NPC performing an emote - Something blue - Something depicting Villainy - A long line of people

Come Get Some - A beach - A sunrise or sunset - A plant - Brick building - Someone using a power - Something blue - An NPC performing an emote



I'd just like to say that a couple of those look to me (which has no official say, or experience with demorecords) like they might be demorecords, which aren't allowed in this contest if you didn't know.

If they're not, some are pretty nice shots.

If they are, you could still swap them out.

Good luck!



hey badges, dont forget to add tag "people in a line" to car ambush. not sure if CW count as people, but they sure are in a line



not sure if i did this right...i am kind of new to the community thing.



A plant Something Blue, plant (dom pet), someone using a power (I think I was running shadowfall but iffy)
Absent from the picture Dj Zero Something blue, someone using a power, protester
Arachnos Flyer Something blue (cop uniform), GM (arachnos flyer), npc performing emotes, dead tree, brick building (debatable), someone using a power, something depicting villainy (about to ripper a cop)
Bad Cops plant, polarized PPD, brick building (debatable), someone using a power (sfx from shadowfall and domination), ragdoll physics, something blue, something depicting villainy, grafifti
Reeling a big one Npc performing an emote (Cpt Mako kicking), sunset (orange sky, but debatable), AV, beach, something blue

Edit : added items in screenshots



This was a fun little experience
Clockwork King AV/EB - Brick Building - Someone Using a power - Something Blue - Depiction of Heroism (wasn't sure if a dead Imp would qualify as a dead player)
It was a nice little beach small boat - beach - sunset - brick building - Upside down truck
Waiting for a battle plant - NPC performing emote - ghost - checkered flag - brick building - something blue
This the line for flu shots? NPC performing emote - dead tree - brick building - someone using power - someone mezzed - long line of people
Hanging at the club plant - NPC performing emote - DJ Zero - something blue - upside down truck *iffy*



Okay, took 2 more shots today, completing the set of 5.

Modified Pics:












Note on discrepancy on pic 3:We run a CC every Sunday on Freedom. CC Thread. I accidentally used one of my submissions as a pic review of the CC. It should be obvious that it hasn't been edited in any form but if you really want another pic in it's stead let me know, I tend to spam the SS button for the perfect shot.



Ok, lets see what we got here.

Entry 1-Rumble on Monster Island: Shows a Plant, a Giant Monster (a few acctually), People using powers, Act of Heroism, and Something Blue (buff icons and costumes, if neither of those work, the sky is blue)

Entry 2-Taking the Fight to Luminary: Shows an Archvillain (Luminary isn't an Archvillain, but she fits the idea I feel, she's difficult to see too, you have to look through my character, you can also see her blue energy melee orbs to the sides), a Plant, a Dead Tree? (Carrion Creepers, do they count for that?), Someone using a power (my character is using Whirling Hands as I took this), Ragdoll Feature (note the defeated Longbow in the back), Someone mezzed, something blue (ice blocks), Something depicting villainy (fighting a signature hero), and a dead player (she's dead through the fog cloud, next to the hostage).

Entry 3-Nuke the Whales!: shows a small boat (if a Submarine counts as small), NPCs doing emotes (if Mastermind pets count), Someone using a power (my toggles are on), Something blue (one of them has a blueish costume on, drowned out by the green aura of a temp power), and Protesters

Entry 4-Aeon Tech: Shows a plant, an NPC doing an emote (handing out pamphlets, he's in the back under the lion statue), a dead tree (maybe), A brick building, someone using powers (my toggles again), a base portal, and something blue (hey, the portal is blue, isn't it?)

Entry 5-Disco Stud!: Shows a plant, a brick building, someone using a power (my character is in the position after executing a Storm Kick), Ragdoll feature, Act of Heroism, and something blue? (that railing looks blue).

That's all I got on short notice, though they're pretty good, especially the Luminary fight picture

Casual hero since 2004
Citizen of Protector
@Zork Nemesis



entry #1 ten listed items ten items here[/url] dead player, plant, SG items (telepads), Costume Contest, brick building, player using a power, something blue (see chairs in background) protesting, long line of people, spider web (see SG flags)

entry #2
3 listed items NPC using emote (goldbricker in the background) Hotdog vendor, graffiti on wall behind me

entry #3
6 listed items Fountains, Rikti Invasion, mezzed player, ghosts (numina is a ghost and so is a spectral terror), AV/EB (Infernal is either of these) Depicts Heroism

entry #4
4 listed items small boat, sunset, beach, checkered flag

entry #5
1 listed item just one item, but hey I got the "wizard" so it's ok with me



1) Port Oaks: Boulevard of Broken Dreams
Contains: A small boat, a plant (tree), an NPC performing an emote, a brick building, a stop sign, a Snake, someone using a power (Hide, look close in the middle), and an upside-down truck. It also technically has dead tree in it (the planks), but I'm not sure if you'll count it.

2) Even the most hardened criminal knows it's important to wash your hands.
Contains: Breakout, graffiti.

3) Masterminds are always hogging the dance floor...
Contains: An NPC performing an emote (cage dancing), DJ Zero, a fountain, someone using a power, something Blu! (blue), and a long line of people.

4) Bachelor #1, if you were a plankton, what kind would you be?
Contains: A plant (trees again), a beach, a sunset, a Costume Contest, someone using a power, and something Blu (blue) again.

5) A sudden attack surprises the defenders!
Contains: An NPC performing an emote (Vanguard guy near the doors, standing to attention), a Rikti invasion, a brick building, someone using a power, something blue (various parts of costumes), a long line of people (they were lined up for the invasion when the blast hit.)

Thanks again to the members of Q Patrol, Q-E.V.I.L., and Pride for posing for some of these pics! You guys and gals rock!



1.Arch-Villain: "Marry me, Lord Recluse!" "...ummmmmmmmm" http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d1...eitanna/AV.jpg
2.Dead Tree: one-person party of pirate ninja under the dead tree %D http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d1...anna/tree2.jpg
3.Ragdoll Physics: longbow never give up..<.< http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d1...na/ragdoll.jpg
4.Beach: we know this movie with guy on the island and his friend ball..<.< http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d1...anna/beach.jpg
5.NPC emote: got some buck!!???? http://i34.photobucket.com/albums/d1...a/npcemote.jpg

lol this was fun




The amazing, disappearing Mirror Spirit
Fountain, plant, brick building, blue, ghost (does invisible manifistation of a mirror count?)

Shortest 88 yds I've ever seen photoshopped only to remove profanity in chat.
small boat (in the painting),beach (in the lighthouse painting), blue (basse's glasses)

Winter Lord filling in for Atlas
plant, GM

Mask.. too.. heavy... must sit... down
NPC emote, blue.

This'll get me out of this wall, pull my finger! Wait, I don't have fingers. Dangit!
AV, dead player, Using powers, ragdoll physics (demon in early KB)

[/ QUOTE ]

Ok, this is my final submission, the last one is new, and it's replacing the one below, I like the shot, but that line in Grandville has been too popular

This is just because I'm a villain, isn't it?
NPC emote, long line, someone mezzed, blue.