Massive LONESTAR Poster (3D Poser)




That was such an amazing job with the imaging.. Just outstanding!...

*Takes a moment to let his green eyes of envy dispel*



Wonderful stuff as always!



Dude. how the hell do you make art that looks like that? Is that computer stuff or freehand paints or what? And how did you nail all the costume parts? Unreal.

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I have a short overview of how I work on my website. Check out this tutorial of a piece I did for Brandon McKinney; ---> LINK

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Amazing Tutorial Doug, my favorite part is where you say,

"... well I started to paint... and 2 hours later I was happy..."

You left out the part where the heavens opened up and the left hand of Zeus imparted greatness upon you! Stunning work!!





Damn, this SG poster has planted the seed for commission ideas again. Actually, one idea in particular, and an expensive one at that...

*Stares at conveniently timed tax refund, and ponders...*

Damn, this is going to be gnawing at me all weekend now, heh, excellent poster, and excellent advertising ; )

I can see forever 0.0



daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm that was phat !!!!

The hard things I can do--- The impossible just take a little bit longer.

If numbers are so much more important than a teammate who is fun to play with, forget about the game altogether and go play with a calculator instead. -Claws and Effect-



I am awestruck. No other word for it.

By the by, Power Aide has a simple yet awesome costume.




Lol, I can't believe I couldn't place the name Douglas Shuler. I have several Magic Cards I got personally autographed by you from various conventions!

Your work has always been one of my favorites!



*sigh* *goes back to wishing he had the money to finally get someone even half this talented to draw his since-coh-beta-main*

Looks wicked as all your stuff does. Only you could have made some of those costumes not look laughable!



Wow. I am completely humbled by the life this thread has generated, and all the awesome support everyone has. It makes all the long hours and late nights worth it, and drives me forward to jump into my next piece.

Thanks to you all for visiting this thread for a few moments, and enjoying the art presented.



That is awesome!

Member of the Justice Hundredfold, and Operation Unlimited Justice.

Her Imperial Majesty's Archaeologist of Achievements, Accolades, Exploration and History



Wow. I am completely humbled by the life this thread has generated, and all the awesome support everyone has. It makes all the long hours and late nights worth it, and drives me forward to jump into my next piece.

Thanks to you all for visiting this thread for a few moments, and enjoying the art presented.

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It's sure worth it - that was obviously a huge amount of work.

I hope that this will cause people to take a look at the other stuff you've done with all your post-work. Those pieces should really blow people away, as well.

And when you all get done wiping up the drool from Doug's stuff, please take a look at the rest of the wonderful artists that hang out here. And please hang around - we have the best Comfy Chairs (tm) in the whole forum!

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



Wow. Just wow.

Great work Doug!

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Wow. Just amazing work. The amount of detail in each character is amazing!!

lvl 50 Energy Blaster
Protecting the Galaxy, one planet at a time......
@Capt Omega



This is an awesome picture! I love your avatar btw too!

I was originally Medic Man, but I needed a change and wanted to be able to keep my monogrammed towels.



Dang, what a massively impressive piece. I can not even begin to fathom the amount of work behind this.




I was looking at the costumes of all the heroes depicted in the poster and I was able to identify what each costume piece etc was except for one! And that's the yellow/red/green/blue girl up in front! It looks like the blend pattern, but the only ones I could find were Blend and Diamond Blend, but neither fits >.>

I was originally Medic Man, but I needed a change and wanted to be able to keep my monogrammed towels.



Wow. I am completely humbled by the life this thread has generated, and all the awesome support everyone has. It makes all the long hours and late nights worth it, and drives me forward to jump into my next piece.

Thanks to you all for visiting this thread for a few moments, and enjoying the art presented.

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Your work is always top shelf, Doug. And this one is no exception. Absolutely stunning!



I was looking at the costumes of all the heroes depicted in the poster and I was able to identify what each costume piece etc was except for one! And that's the yellow/red/green/blue girl up in front! It looks like the blend pattern, but the only ones I could find were Blend and Diamond Blend, but neither fits >.>

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Heh, you got all of them except my own character, Light-Speed! Here's a screenshot for what she looks like in game;

LIGHT-SPEED - In-game Reference



Ah ok, that makes much more sense now. Thanks!

I was originally Medic Man, but I needed a change and wanted to be able to keep my monogrammed towels.



I always love your work.... 3d or magic card.



Very nice. You are hereby the topic of the day at Kill Ten Rats.



Very nice. You are hereby the topic of the day at Kill Ten Rats.

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Hehe, cool. I poked about but couldn't find the discussion.



It went up 20 minutes after you saw that. Sorry to have jumped the gun.

Zodiac Conspiracy, I still have that on my shelf.



Great job Doug