Guide to Guides




My Fire/Ice Blaster and Blaster Epic Powers guide is in my sig. It was on the old thread, but I figured I should repost it on the new one since it never got added to the Blaster Guides list yet. I think that's someone else's job, but I don't know how this works =P



My Fire/Ice Blaster and Blaster Epic Powers guide is in my sig. It was on the old thread, but I figured I should repost it on the new one since it never got added to the Blaster Guides list yet. I think that's someone else's job, but I don't know how this works =P

[/ QUOTE ]

AT guides need to get posted at the end of the guides section for that AT, that way they have less chance of being missed.

If you have a question regarding how to get there let me know.




I would like to add my guide as well. Please be aware, this is currently the front end only, but this will remain the valid link as I input the data.

Proc Tactics and You

Warning: I should warn that I am a very image-oriented person, so the site is image-heavy. For those with poor connections, I apologize for any inconvenience you might experience. That said, each Archtype section uses the same set of images. Once you've looked at one AT's section, the rest will be much faster

Guide to my guide: I've noted a whole host of threads popping up on what procs do what, and does it work well in 'X' power? Admittedly, I had (and still have) questions like these, but when I started to see clone threads asking the same questions, where I felt I could start answering them myself, I decided to put together a list of these answers, as well as a power or powerset-specific tactical analysis of a proc.

The main page: click on any AT symbol to view that AT's info. This page will look the same for every AT (with a descriptor letting you know you have the correct AT's page).

The proc table: click on any proc to open a text window that will list all uses for the relevant AT. I used the images because, as I said before, I am a very image-oriented person. I did provide a roll-over display that names each proc's name, and what it does, but not what power type this slots into. That information is part of the color-code most will know by now. It will also be listed in each window that pops open.

The wall of text: Each window that opens will start with a description of the proc, followed by how effective it is, and what power type is would be most effective in. Lastly, a list of powers will explain specific instances/tactics.

Color coding: Not everything I will be putting into this guide will have a chance to be 100% tested. So that I don't mislead anyone into buying expensive procs for them not to work as expected, I will be color coding the guide. Any tactic that is in yellow, is to be considered conjecture only. As I or others are able to test, I will be able to either remove the tactic, or set it as a confirmed tactic. Tested tactics will appear as normal text.

Obviously, I am not going to be able to test every combination or AT. I have never touched an emp, and stalkers just don't do it for me. With that in mind, I would welcome any input anyone can give, so that I can continually update this guide. So PM me with questions, ideas and tested facts/tactics!




Thanks for your guide, however, two things:

1. Clicking on the proc icons do nothing for me. Both in Firefox and IE.

2. Please start a new thread in this forum to discuss your guide. This thread really shouldn't get bogged down with a discussion of your guide if it comes to that. It will also give players a chance to discuss your guide or ask questions.


Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



As I mentioned, this is just the front end. I wanted to provide the link here, since there was a call for guides. I will be adding the html for each proc as quickly as I can.

I'll go ahead and place this up in a separate thread. Thank you.



Updates to the Guide to Guides (personal note to self on what needs to be edited up top, which will happen... soon...):

PvP Zone Guide v3 updated for I11. Put a link to it under general PvP, section VII.

Replace base section with Guide to Base Guides and Resources Snow_Globe I11

Replace badge section with Guide to Base & Gladiator Guides and Resources Snow_Globe I11

Replace old guide with new, updated one: Lady Grey on a Dollar a Day Kinetic_Kitten I11

Speeding Through New DA Repeatables || Spreadsheet o' Enhancements || Zombie Skins: better skins for these forums || Guide to Guides



Dead link:

Leveling Chart (AnotherDeadHero) [I2]

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



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