I need some help.
Hmmmmmmmmmm would the winners (2 male, 2 female, hero and villain) of a big costume contest were holding on the protector server interest you? The contest is a tribute to I11 Flashback and Silver Age Comic theme?
I was thinking a shot of male and female hero vs male and female villain in their OLD SCHOOL costumes as one of the prizes.
If you are interested let me know, maybe it will get the creativity flowing.
View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6785073/1/Meus_Profiteor#
my email chrismfears99@yahoo.com
That really kind of just goes against what my post was about in the first place.
I can't seem to draw anything, I'm not sure how feeling like I have to do a really great job on something in some sort of time line would make it any better.
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
That really kind of just goes against what my post was about in the first place.
I can't seem to draw anything, I'm not sure how feeling like I have to do a really great job on something in some sort of time line would make it any better.
[/ QUOTE ] No worries, just thought the "Silver Age" could give you some inspiration.
I guess what you need isnt something to draw, you are looking for a MUSE.
View the story of W.A.R.F.A.C.E. and Septimus Bane here: http://www.fanfiction.net/s/6785073/1/Meus_Profiteor#
my email chrismfears99@yahoo.com
We all get the artistic duldrums from time to time , I sometimes just take a breather to renew and recharge my artistic batteries .
Sometimes an awesome anime, movie or game sparks my creative juices
Sometimes switching to a new medium ((im having alot of fun with super sculpey at the moment)) can give you that boost your looking for .
Also it always helps to have friends to do a jam session with , theres been lots of times I have been burnt out on art and some friends will come by and we'll bring out the sketch pads and doodle away drawing carrictures or characters we are into at the moment
anyways you'll be out of your slump in no time kiddo
stiff upper lip and all that .
I like thinking about the seasons and holidays and things like that. Like the leaves falling and turkey day coming... drawing your character enjoying those things that you like too (makes it easier if you are feeling the same things you want your picture to say).
Well, with the Xmas season coming up, might as well jump onto the bandwagon and draw Xmas-y stuff.
When you say you can't draw, do you mean the stuff coming out isn't what you want it to be specifically, like say your circles are ovals your straight lines are curved? Are you trying to draw something in particular? Is this for yourself by the way?
If it's inspiration you're lacking I would suggest to go see some live art at a museum. Add that to your finding something cool to watch, and let's not forget something to listen to as well... you need to ignite your senses, eat something fun...
Often a rutt is caused by the grind of the same daily routines, so you need to change that first before anything will change with your spirit. I've heard many people suggest decluttering your work space, so that only what inspires you is within reach or sight.
If you're looking for specific technique, I'd need to know what you're trying to achieve, and perhaps we can go from there...
Oh and get some hugs... (((((((((Hexy)))))))))))))
It's a little chilly now but when I get in a rut, I like to sit outside and draw from life around me. A pond w/trees and birds, maybe stare at the mirror and do a self portrait. Maybe you can add a costume to a self portrait...
The good thing about ruts is that they don't last forever.
[url=http://starwindgraphics.deviantart.com/]My deviantArt page[/url]
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I always try to read a good book or watch a great movie. Things like that make me want to draw and usually jolt me out of my ruts. Sometimes I try to do something COMPLETELY out of the norm for me, or make weird challenges for myself (like a chibi Freddy Kruger) to inspire me.
Good luck! It stinks to have drawer's block.
Here's the kicker. I've been in this proverbial rut since April. I've changed mediums a couple of times, I've tried an array of different things, still life, characters, animals, scenery and so on.
When I say I can't draw, I mean nothing is happening when the pencil hits the paper. I just completely go blank. I might be able to draw a bad stick figure right now if I tried. *sigh*
Thanks for the suggestions all. I am starting to feel like I've tried everything already though. Something will get it going again eventually I suppose.
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
Hexy, I know exactly what you're going through.
I've been in that rut for a few years now.
Found out there were a myriad of problems causing it:
Lack of social connectivity. When I broke up with my last boyfriend, my gaming group went with him. Suddenly my friends dried up and the only social contact I had was with people online. Now I have a husband and son, which helps, but going to conventions where my online friends are helps tremendously as well. Those times are when I'm more prone to draw something. Other than that, my rut is still ongoing.
My thyroid pretty much stopped working. I'm now on medication for it, and it helps, but it is not the whole of the problem.
Complete lack of inspiration. When I'm not gaming, I have nothing to draw on for inspiration. My creativity dries up, skills get rusty and fall away without use, and then when I do manage to get something on paper, it looks like crap, which feeds the feeling of despair and frustration, which makes me lack inspiration. It's a fearsome cycle.
Look into different aspects of your life and see what kinds of changes may have affected your desire to draw. What has happened that may have impacted your creative outlet? Check with a doctor to make certain your hormone levels are okay, or that there isn't something physically wrong. Identify the markers and then work on correcting them. THEN you may find your creativity and inspiration slowly returning.
The worst thing you can do, however, is force yourself to do something you have no inclination to do. That may only compound the situation by frustrating you further.
"If I fail, they write me off as another statistic. If I succeed, they pay me a million bucks to fly out to Hollywood and fart." --- George A. Romero
"If I had any dignity, that would have been humiliating" --- Adam Savage
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Oh, I have a whole slew of health issues I've been battling for about 6 years now. I'm not really sure they are the cause of this most recent lack of creativity, but they do factor into it. But I'm fairly use to dealing with them now.
It might sound silly, but I'm hoping I11 and it's new hair styles will provoke some creativity hehe.
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
ok hex.. we talked during TOT. just draw one thing.
A SPORK just focus on something silly like that.
Kinda like looking for something by not looking for it.
I'm not artist. but I know a rut when I see once.. but I always do something goofy when I need to break up my ruts.
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ok hex.. we talked during TOT. just draw one thing.
A SPORK just focus on something silly like that.
Kinda like looking for something by not looking for it.
I'm not artist. but I know a rut when I see once.. but I always do something goofy when I need to break up my ruts.
[/ QUOTE ]
*points up*
When I say I can't draw, I mean nothing is happening when the pencil hits the paper.
[/ QUOTE ]
Spork, bug, teddybear, cheeseburger.. it doesn't matter what it is, it just ends up being a line or two before I just can't focus on it anymore and nothing happens.
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
Hmmm...my suggestion? Draw States in the forum banner while you are posting.
ok hex.. we talked during TOT. just draw one thing.
A SPORK just focus on something silly like that.
Kinda like looking for something by not looking for it.
I'm not artist. but I know a rut when I see once.. but I always do something goofy when I need to break up my ruts.
[/ QUOTE ]
*points up*
When I say I can't draw, I mean nothing is happening when the pencil hits the paper.
[/ QUOTE ]
Spork, bug, teddybear, cheeseburger.. it doesn't matter what it is, it just ends up being a line or two before I just can't focus on it anymore and nothing happens.
[/ QUOTE ]
Could you let your hand do whatever it wants without focusing on what its putting out?
blech, that sounds like awful advice.
You've got the artist's equivalent of writer's block. From the sound of it, you've got the type that's largely unresponsive to the "schedule time and force yourself to..." kind of block-counter. It may feel like a lack of inspiration, but finding inspiration isn't always the cure.
Illness can play a role in "the block"- my sleep issues can leave me too mentally fatigued to write, for example. To be honest, though, when my illness is involved, it's usually one of two ways: 1) it's my excuse- it serves as a "justifiable" distraction for not committing to writing or 2) I'm avoiding it- there's something that I *should be* doing... something that *should be* given priority, but I'm putting it off. Deep down I KNOW what I need to be doing, so my subconscious is undermining my other efforts until I get my act in gear.
It doesn't have to be illness- any avoided task can serve as a great creative barrier.
Forget about drawing for a moment. Give yourself a hard, honest look. are there any issues you're putting off dealing with? Anything nagging at you? Anything gnawing at the fringes of your mind? Any backlog of things that you're just not getting done?
Focus there.
And doodle while you do it.

Well im not an artist.. but when it comes to things im good at, I find that practice makes perfect.
What I mean by that is..instead of trying to recapture what you were doing before, perhaps you should try and move forward with your art. Try some different "art forms".. if you are a comic booky type artist, give some comic strip cartoons a shot.
Read up on some new ways of doing things.. try to learn a few new tricks.
I dunno if im making much sense here since I cant truly relate, but.. the problem you are describing where you sit down and put pencil to paper and nothing comes out.. it sounds to me like your current "toolbag" is not providing you with the "oomph" to fire up your imagination and put your thoughts on paper. Learning something new may help you to view your art in a different light, approach it from a different direction, and as a result..you may be able to recapture your previous abilities, and even be a better artist by the time its all said and done.
This may be absolutely no help to you .. but I thought id throw it out there anyway.
Hope it works out.
Spork, bug, teddybear, cheeseburger.. it doesn't matter what it is, it just ends up being a line or two before I just can't focus on it anymore and nothing happens.
[/ QUOTE ]
Ok.. start with triangles then...
Yeah, I'm no help.
I'm an artist, and have had this happen to me. I would go back to old artwork and just copy them. Or copy other peoples artwork. You are drawing, but don't have the stress of *having* to be creative. After awhile it works itself out.
Of course, any health problems might throw this off, but this is what I do.
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OMG!! Please add these costume designs now!
This is an exercise I used to do sometimes back in the days.
Get a black pen (preferably a pine point one as opposed to a ball-point), close your eyes and draw about 20 dots on random places on the paper. Then open your eyes and try to "connect the dots" and create a picture from it.
I don't know how well this will work for art, as it does for my writing. But I tend to watch a few movies or TV shows that have beautiful imagery and writing (Stargate SG-1 yesterday in particular spurred some writing juices).
Then i turn off all the lights, light a candle and pour a glass of Port or Ice Wine, (though its subject to your own choice). and begin to write.
When I was in Art school, the same principle worked more or less, though it was Coffee blended with a packet of hot chocolate. (Side Note: Remember which side your water is to clean your brush and which side your drink on is.....mistakes are memorable)
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Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?
Forget about drawing for a moment. Give yourself a hard, honest look. are there any issues you're putting off dealing with? Anything nagging at you? Anything gnawing at the fringes of your mind? Any backlog of things that you're just not getting done?
[/ QUOTE ]
Nada. I literally have nothing to do. My time is completely free and I used to like spending that time drawing or painting. Neither of which I can seem to be bothered to do now even though a good part of me wants to.
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
I'm an artist, and have had this happen to me. I would go back to old artwork and just copy them. Or copy other peoples artwork. You are drawing, but don't have the stress of *having* to be creative. After awhile it works itself out.
Of course, any health problems might throw this off, but this is what I do.
[/ QUOTE ]
That's not a bad idea. I might have to give that a shot.
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray
To make a long story short, I can't draw. I don't mean I've injured myself again, I have been in this super rut for months now (I'm sure some of you know.) and every time I pick up a pencil.. well, nothing really happens. There are lines on paper, but they look more like my pencil barfed on the paper than anything else.
So, I'm begging and pleading with you all, anything that you do to get yourself out of one of those uncreative holes.. Please for the love of all things artsie tell me. I need to try something different and I'm completely out of ideas.
�Alas, regardless of their doom, the little victims play!� - Thomas Gray