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  1. when making a 3 color scheme that works..its best in my opinion to pick two colors that go well with each other.. usually a very dark color with a very light color.. and then accent those two colors with either black, white, or gold.

    Sometimes I will choose two of my accent colors and pick one color that goes well with The Crown who uses Black and Gold, and accents it with Red.

    There ARE two color schemes that work though.. the key to a good 2 color scheme is focusing on textures and patterns rather than the colors. A 2 color scheme can look great if it is implemented in a way that looks clean.. but usually, again, it needs to have one of my three accent colors as one of the choices.

    EDIT: I should also add that this is just my personal opinion. And also that Grey is another possible accent color.. I just dont use it much I feel it lacks the "pizazz" of Black/White/Gold

    EDIT EDIT: I should ALSO add that 2 color schemes rarely work well with a tech look. They work best with silver/golden age heroes.
  2. Awesome .. Ill do my best to make it for a run .

    In all my time playing ive actually never completed a task force of any kind hehe. I tend to play in pick up groups.
  3. Vanguard pieces are my next goal with my character Goblin . Im level 32 right now but yah..ive been imagining what I might be able to do with some more metallic pieces.

    I love reincarnate btw .. after that costume contest I went and made another attempt at an Egyptian look.. still came out horrible hehe. Im holding on to a good name though..someday ill get it right and finally have my Egyptian guy.

    Nice look on Hecate. Ive never been a very good judge of the female costumes..but that seems like a pretty good one to me. Its very dark colors, but you can still make out the highlights. Nice effect overall.
  4. So ive got a problem.. but its a pretty nice problem to have.

    My original costume is so well liked that every time I try and make an alternate look.. it comes out worse than my original.

    Either I dont like it..or everyone else doesnt like it..and now after a year with my original look, I find that I want to change things up every now and again and get a new look.

    So since ive failed every time ive tried to do this, I figured I would come here and see if the creative folks on the board could give me some help .

    Here is The Crown.

    The top one is my original costume..the bottom one is my current failed attempt at a good alternative look.

    The Crown

    Sorry if the quality isnt too good.
  5. Ok this is the last change least until i get my second costume slot. I like where the look has gone..and I find it "fun" to look at when im playing, so im not gonna try not to get too hung up on whether or not it could win a costume contest

    Here is the final costume (along with all the previous ones)
  6. The sad thing is that since ive posted that one, ive already gone and changed it again hah.. ill wait and see if I stick with this look before I post it. I think I will though, ive finally found a look that I like, and its using a costume piece that i never see used, and always wanted to, but never found a way to make it look good.
  7. I love Comrade personally. Great Britain as well. Course..ive always wanted to make both a british and russian hero/villains, and they never turn out as good as those two.

    After those two.. Keystone, Hordesman, and Blackguard are all sweet too.

    Actually..not one of those characters look bad..but those are the ones that make me slap my head and say "GAH!..why didnt I do that?"
  8. Ok folks..well the patch is out and this is the design I went with.

    I dunno.. I really liked the buckled leather pattern but now that ive looked at it on my character a bit more, I may go back to my old pattern. Its nice looking but I think I liked the more uniform-ish look of my old stuff.

    I went with gold armor cause the color stood out, and meshed well with the green and black..and looked fairly "sturdy"..though again, I think I may like the gray more.

    I will probably stick with this look for a while, or until I can get some influence cause im broke hehe

    When I do change it, I may go back to something closer to the second version I posted.. but with a different color than gold on the legs/chest..and possibly a darker shade of gray for the armor.

    Thanks for all the advice everyone..feel free to continue with it. As you can still not completely decided on what im going to do with it.
  9. ive got a new version up. Again, im not sure. I think the clothes(legs) are better, but im not sure if I like the more subdued torso that I went with.

    it looks more realistic and "rough" i think..but now for some reason the costume just doesnt "POW" anymore to me.. maybe its cause ive been looking at it too much.

    By the way I have decided to name him Bad Fist.. it is sufficiently brutish.
  10. TheCrown

    All my Alts

    I have no problem with dark/gritty characters that are well done. The Spawn/Morbius/Punisher/Blade clones are the ones that tend to annoy me.

    All of these seem very well done.
  11. I tried going with a "street clothes" look..but I found that the jeans and tshirt thing just didnt look as good.

    As for putting more gold and blue on the legs.. I toyed around with it a little bit but couldnt come up with something that looked right. The idea is to put all the emphasis on his arms, since that is the key point of his concept. So I really want the legs to be noticable as part of his "under"-costume..but not to tie it in with his arms/chest.. as that would make it appear to be part of his armor.
  12. yah the legs and chest are being difficult.

    I wanted a distinctive look to the bottom (non-armored) that it would actually appear as though this was a guy who has armor strapped on over his clothes.. rather than having the armor pieces dominate the whole look.

    Unfortunately, the way I wanted to colors to work on the bottom pieces...there werent many patterns that would make it look how I the Dagger patter won by default on the pants. I agree it looks a bit out of place.
  13. I wanted to get some opinions on this costume.

    Personally...I think it looks kind of cool, but I also think alot of people may not agree with me .

    The concept is a big angry WP/SS Tank with some nifty arm augmentation and a "If it looks at me funny, im gonna put 2 tons of metal glove through its face" attitude. Pretty basic stuff.
  14. nah that is the trenchcoat with the tattered sleevless look.
  15. Man that is awesome.. wish I hadnt missed the signup
  16. Well im not an artist.. but when it comes to things im good at, I find that practice makes perfect.

    What I mean by that is..instead of trying to recapture what you were doing before, perhaps you should try and move forward with your art. Try some different "art forms".. if you are a comic booky type artist, give some comic strip cartoons a shot.

    Read up on some new ways of doing things.. try to learn a few new tricks.

    I dunno if im making much sense here since I cant truly relate, but.. the problem you are describing where you sit down and put pencil to paper and nothing comes out.. it sounds to me like your current "toolbag" is not providing you with the "oomph" to fire up your imagination and put your thoughts on paper. Learning something new may help you to view your art in a different light, approach it from a different direction, and as a may be able to recapture your previous abilities, and even be a better artist by the time its all said and done.

    This may be absolutely no help to you .. but I thought id throw it out there anyway.

    Hope it works out.
  17. That is awesome! Thanks Chisoku!
  18. Most people have no issue with black in a costume.. and the people that DO have an issue, only dislike it when it is the main color, rather than an accent.

    Ive found that most costumes i make work well with black as an accent.. and I rarely make a dark hero.

    Anyway. Id love to take part in the Guide you are creating, but I dont have the time to do it. Ive got a couple costumes in my "saved costumes folder" that I could probably post, but i dont have the software to do it right. Pasting them in to paint and putting them on photobucket takes away half the detail.
  19. That is on both the gloves and boots.
  20. Waist is too skinny and you cant really see all the details of the costume... but here is a concept for you.

    Volt Sentinel
  21. In regards to costume pieces.. that is alot harder to give tips on.

    Costume pieces, in my experience, are almost entirely dependent upon the players personal preferences.

    For example, I really dislike the hoods and the "scarves" that cover the lower part of the head. I just think they are too...i dunno.. "Image comics"...if that makes any sense.

    However, I have seen some really good costumes that use them to good effect. I know some people dislike my use of the bone boots and gloves on a hero... I think it looks good, some people think it looks too "evil".

    Therefore, the only recommendation I can really give in regards to costume pieces is;

    - Dont feel obligated to use something from every costume slot. Sometimes a really good simple costume is ruined by the overuse of "flare".

    - Dont be afraid of straight lines and blocky patterns. Alot of people seem to shy away from the simple patterns in favor of the more detailed ones.. but some of the best patterns in the costume creator are the Line patterns.

    - If ya just cant decide what to put somewhere.. think about what kind of hero you are making.

    ---What is his origin type(Natural? Tech? Magic?)

    ---If he was in a comic book, what heroes would he be associated with (X-Men? Justice League? Cosmic? Golden Age? Silver?)

    ---What pieces are you SURE you want to include in the costume? (if any)

    Take all that information, go to google images..and look up comic book art that fits within those parameters. It is a great way to get ideas for a costume.

    I used this method just recently to create a cosmic hero that I was struggling with. In the end it was a picture of Adam of my all time favorite heroes.. that helped me to finish the costume and make something I was satisfied with.

    p.s. Thanks for the nod Chisoku
  22. TheCrown

    Patriotic Heroes

    Texas Tough

    He isnt actually created yet.. im sitting on the name and costume, waiting for I11 so he can be a natural origin Claw/Willpower scrapper with the "Flat Blades" style claws.
  23. I like the tails on fiesty, but the bangs on pigtails.

    Yah im no help.