NCSoft acquires "City of" Franchise!




I keep seeing people laud the last year of development. I am not seeing it. Where are the new zones for the core user base of PVE people.
Where is the new content for people like myself that actually LIKE the last 10 levels of the game?

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Faultline, with four arcs
RWZ, with four arcs and and the Rikti ship raid.

Haven't been paying attention?

I have seen the biggest changes to this game in the form of:

raiding (Bases and Hamidon)

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Base raiding got jack.
PVP got jack. The last PVP content that was put in was... Issue 7, Recluse's Victory. Note we're at issue 10 now, with issue 11 coming up.

You sure you're looking at COH?


I loathe NCsoft. Every single game they touch focuses on loot and PVP. Guess where we've been focusing the past 6 issues.

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Puh-lease. Six issues? That puts us at issue 4. Three issues had *some* PVP content, and... gee... they were talking about it since before launch. "Focus," my butt.

The "old" CoH staff didn't keep repeating the same tired canned paragraphs and sentences. I LIKED the occasional "unprofessional" remark from States, et al.

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Posi, Castle, War Witch and BAB are part of the "old" staff, chuckles.

For a "Not threatening to go away" post, it sure sounds like a "I don't pay attention, so I'm threatening to go away" post.



NCsoft will soon be announcing formal plans for the City of Heroes IP, which will include expansions and sequels to the popular comic-book inspired massively multiplayer online (MMO) game.

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I haven't read the entire thread, so I'm sorry if this has been asked already but .... what exactly does the above quote mean? Are they just saying that things will run as well or better then they did OR is it suggesting that not all future expansions will be free, and that we may have to start paying for some of them?



Hm, sounds like this could be a very good thing for CoH. I wonder - what will happen to all of those "Cryptic Studios" store fronts scattered around Paragon City?



I honestly have mixed emotions on this subject. If this can mean more time/money for the devs to get things pushed out (Villain EATs, anyone?) or even fix existing bugs/issues with the game (CoP?) I'll be very happy.

I don't think anything will get rid of my fear of the game going the way of SWG or Matrix Online. I suspect this will be NCSoft's true test to see if they can keep the game the way it has been or make it better. Making it better obviously is pure win. But even if they kept the status quo, I wouldn't complain.



Awesome. Sow where are the NEW zones, again?

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Well, now that there's a dedicated publisher with the intent to improve this already great game, AND the development team who created that great game on board, I would say "COMING SOON".

Jeez dude. It's a good thing. It's not a bad thing. Just because you didn't get a pony last issue doesn't mean this will doom everything.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



another one for the, you can't please everyone examples?

Does not always detect CoH



Anyone else have a sinking feeling that this game is goin' down?

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...because NCSoft would buy and give new facilities to the dev team of a game that's going down...

Virtue Server
Avatar art by Daggerpoint



another one for the, you can't please everyone examples?

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looks like.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



Oh, oh wait, i'm sorry..... I admit it the REVAMPED rikti zone is an addition. sort of. With more of that new RAID content as a focal point.

Remember back when they added actual enemy groups that were completely new to the 40+ game? I do. I even remember the 40+ story arcs being added. I'm sure you do also. Next came rebalances, PVP loot, raiding, and zones to support it. Welcome to Dark Age Of CoH? Or not. As stated, I am here until given reason to leave. Even then I go feeling small bit of sadness, not anger.



Awesome. Sow where are the NEW zones, again?

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don't forget faultline and the scanner missions.
They are new zones, just with a old name. They are adding new content in all the time, and now we will be getting orobourus and all new story arcs and more content.

There has been a lot of new stuff added in just the 9 some months that I have been here. If you haven't seen it its because you want to be disapointed and want to be angry about it.



o.o actually.. there seem to have been several good questions about the Cryptic logos ingame.. what is happening to them..

@.@ also, what is the name of the new studio.. its logo, and will the cryptic logo remain on the loading screen?

I am Sleepy! Hear me Yawn!!
Veni, Vidi, Dormivi!
-Alpha Kitty of the Guardian chapter of the Legion of Catgirls
Never forget--Sleepy could conquer the world, if she could just stay awake long enough. =) -Llanwe



Is Cryptic doomed ? Why did Cryptic let CoH/V go ?

I am an ebil markeeter and will steal your moneiz ...correction stole your moneiz. I support keeping the poor down because it is impossible to make moneiz in this game.



We are here to field any questions you may have about this wonderful news.


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You have probably answered most of these by now but:

i)Will we have a game to play over the next year or so?

ii)Does this move signal faster release of issues?

iii)Will there be a new 'Statesman'?

iv)Will City of Villains see new content added to it?

v)Will sub fees increase?


Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Is Cryptic doomed ? Why did Cryptic let CoH/V go ?

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Because in part, Cryptic is in development of the *competing product* Marvel Universe Online. Makes sense that they no longer have to worry about conflict of interest lawsuits.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I left in late I4, ED and the way it was implemented was the driving factor. I have since returned and am enjoying myself enough to have opened another account even.

Despite some issues (pun intended) and various gripes, I think there has been a lot of improvement and see a bright future for COX, ASSUMING NCSoft lets Cryptic do what they do best, without undo inteference.
Until I read about a NCS bigwig making such a statement I am gonna remain a bit skeptical. If for no other reason than: it's a different entity, they will have different priorities and ideas, and more beancounters and deadlines.

Masterminds annoy everybody, sooner or later. Heck, Masterminds annoy themselves.



Where are the new zones for the core user base of PVE people.

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And, to be fair, just adding new zones will cause a problem of dilution of the population which will make finding people and a team more difficult and will give us thi 'ghost town' feeling that people dislike and that is always bad for the game's image.
Improving the zones is actually a good solution to avoid all that while at the same time, keeping the zones up to date in term of techniques and add everyuthing they learned since the game launch (zone wide story arc; more dynamic and unique looking zones...)

So, I would not be expect them to add any new zones anytime soon.



I have really two questions and I apologize if one of them sounds really stupid. I know Statesman isn't coming along and that the character is the property of NCSoft now, but will he still be allowed to communicate on the forums here with a red name and will he and Matt/other developers still communicate even if it's unofficially?

Second question, now that our NCSoft overlords are in charge, can we please, please, pleaseeeeeeeee get more character slots per server?? And yes, I'm willing to give money!



For some strange reason I felt like I just broke up with a girlfriend, but my friends are all saying that's ok you will find a new, and better one...

I have been around since the days when City of Heroes went silent and they totaly redesigned and came up with the new AT system. I remember the E3 video where they announced the new game design and saw flying for the first time.

As much as I disagreed with Jack on many of his nerf decisions, I knew he was a comic geek through and through and it was a labor of love. I really find it hard to believe he gave up his baby....

For folks that have been around since the begining, I feel a little cheated. The annoucement should of came from you Jack, even in your reduced role. Your silence really hurts, not even a good bye, thanks for the memories (sigh).

I hope NCSoft is successful as captain of the ship. It shows a strong commitment to bring the creative team over. I am sure all the new folks are trying to figure out how to fill out their time cards with a new system and wondering how to transfer my insurance, etc.

My advice to you is be carefull of your promises, recognize uncertainity will result in fear and trepidation, keep involving your stakeholders (us) in your thoughts and decisions, and keep true to what the game is at its heart and we will stick around.




Will this transaction have a positive impact on the Cathedral of Pain getting implemented and base raids being touched up and finalized, or are they essentially off the table now at this point?

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I can't answer for NC but, recently Ex and LH have shown a bit of a soft spot for PvP. If they're now part of the company calling the shots, I think it's a safe bet that Base Raids and such might be getting some attention soon.



One other small question, will Cryptic's logo be removed from ingame stuff? It would feel kinda odd if it was.



I have been waiting on that "pony" for, oh like 6 or 7 issues. I realize that lots of people like PVP, and find that as their "new content", still more love to play the game pre- 40, ad infinitum, on numerous alts. I am a member of the core target audience CoH was marketed to at release. Unfortunately for me, I grow attached to my characters, and don't want a stable of 50s with 100 hours on then. I want to spend 400+ on each character.

The PVE player in the post 40 game that is not interested in loot has been largely neglected for well over a year. the 40+ game is now seemingly gearing up to be loot, raiding, and PVP. I'm sorry that I cannot be optimistic about this trend. I just can't be happy about this game becoming everything it wasn't.

I suppose some can rejoice, and embrace this ongoing trend I see. Many others may be too busy simply playing to see it, or too new, or, perhaps I am seeing something that isn't there. All these are viable, as well as other possible scenarios. I wish nothing but the best to those who find the PVP/Loot/Raid refocusing appealing. I will be here, until i'm not here.



Just when I thought this game was over the hill and dwindling down with MUO on the horizon.. turns out this is just the begining.



Oh, oh wait, i'm sorry..... I admit it the REVAMPED rikti zone is an addition. sort of. With more of that new RAID content as a focal point.

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Oh, those four new arcs in there are a figment of my imagination? Not to mention the repeatable missions? Not to mentiont he arcs in Faultline?

Shame on them for actually making *completely unutilized* zones useful! They should jsut add more and more, ignoring the completely dead zones!

Get serious. It's not PVP stuff. Not even 1/3 PVP, no matter how much you want to *whine* about it.



Oh, oh wait, i'm sorry..... I admit it the REVAMPED rikti zone is an addition. sort of. With more of that new RAID content as a focal point.

Remember back when they added actual enemy groups that were completely new to the 40+ game? I do. I even remember the 40+ story arcs being added. I'm sure you do also. Next came rebalances, PVP loot, raiding, and zones to support it. Welcome to Dark Age Of CoH? Or not. As stated, I am here until given reason to leave. Even then I go feeling small bit of sadness, not anger.

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Lallendos, the remembering back part is valid, and here is why. Remember back when Cryptic Studios and NCsoft had a 50/50 venture interest in the success of COH/COV.

What in the last 18 months changed?

What can/will change with only one group owning 100 percent vested interest?

If you can answer those questions you will find the root of your complaint as well as the solution that is presented in this acquisition.




The players should be seeing more resources and development for the title they love and support.

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