The City Scoop! ~Discussion~ September 28, 2007




I woulda laughed my butt off.

[/ QUOTE ]

*Shakes fist at heaven*




Egads! I look chubby or preggers in that photo!!

*makes mental note not to have any more close-up pics taken in new "greek-style" blouse...full body shots only from now on!*

Great article Xury2!! It was a pleasure to meet you and the rest of the CO* folks at the meet 'n greet! And yes, I am indeed no "sidekick."



I'm presuming it SHOULD read "The door comes to those who have travelled".

Athy, it's the series of longs and shorts at the top of the first page. Here's the quote of the original:

-.... . / -.. --- --- .-. / -.-. --- -- . ... / - --- / - - .... . / -.. --- --- .-. / -.-. --- -- . ... / - --- / - .... --- ... . / .-- .... --- / .... .- ...- . / - .-. .- ...- . .-.. . -..

[/ QUOTE ]

Is there a class or something to read that?

[/ QUOTE ]

Probably. But that requires effort. I find The Google is much easier at providing stuff like this to solve my everyday morse code problems.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh thank you Turg!


[/ QUOTE ]


So, Editors: Pony up. You drop in a Morse Code message at the top; change some of the symbols to red for some reason; and either intentionally botch the paste, or need to learn some CTRL-V skillz cuz the original version is kinda odd. What gives?

Yeah, yeah, "how did that get there", okay, Arctic Sun lives, oooooh, ghosts in the GUI telling me to kill my neighbor, now I got bad fortune cookie messages in the newspaper. What's next, Turg's next contact is a Teddy Ruxpin telling me "to achieve Nirvana, you must kill everyone in Uruguay"?

...hey, Uruguay's in South America, and so is that 5th Column base that Recluse raided... coincidence? I think NOT!

(rubs temples) Need. Sleep. G'nite.

[/ QUOTE ]

Turg, sweetie. Did I ever tell about the time I worked at a video rental place? See, this was back when reboot and kick were the same thing.

Funny thing, I got too close to the computer and it died. It hated me. Maybe it was the microwave pizzas I put in there. Anyway, one time it died and I was only person there. So I called Suzette. She'd gone to this computer doohicky class and was supposed to know all that stuff. Well she said to kick the computer. Remember earlier about kick and reboot? Well I didn't know that then. So I kicked it. With studded 80's boots.

I swear to every god, I am the most tech/internet illeratate person on the 'net. It's why I marry tech guys. I don't have to know that crap.

David! What's that?



I also would like to give a thank-you to ArmlessDan, and Balorn. Some of my pics got messed up, and they had a few we used here.

Thanks again guys.

Former King of PWNZ
Franziska Von Karma says you will listen to every word I say.



OH GOD I FAILED AS A CODER!!! I don't know how that got there. Its not in my html code.

Thank you for not lynch mob!

[/ QUOTE ]

oh shi...

[/ QUOTE ]

I seem to recall someone saying they were using "PIE" for the sake of their children.

Please, Ms. A-1. Think about your children.

(...why did you marry a steak sauce?)



OH GOD I FAILED AS A CODER!!! I don't know how that got there. Its not in my html code.

Thank you for not lynch mob!

[/ QUOTE ]

oh shi...

[/ QUOTE ]

I seem to recall someone saying they were using "PIE" for the sake of their children.

Please, Ms. A-1. Think about your children.

(...why did you marry a steak sauce?)

[/ QUOTE ]

Pie...Well...I had a baby at the keyboard. I swore I hit P instead of S but he musta hit S instead..and of course in my haste I didn't notice and boom..


Steak sauce...well....umm...*insert naughty NSFW work about tube steak and stuff here*

Member of the [url=""]RIMC[/url]
[color=red]Official Beer Wench of PWNZ[/color] Arc 452196 When Madness Reigns over Reason. Play it and PM me your constructive criticism on what I can tweak before Oct 20th. <3 U all



Hmm let's see here. "The door comes to those who have traveled"(sic)... Anyone else have theories about that one? Mine seems too obvious to be true, but I find myself wondering if there's a special hidden (in plain sight?) door in Fort Hades now...

I'm also wishing I'd taken code study more seriously. All I remember is 'a' 'n' 's' and 'o.' Lame.



I look forward to a lot more myth smashing in the future.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Let us not overlook another subtle hint in the classified ads.

Menders seek like-minded individuals. Call (555) 687-6267 ext. 67.

Something is coming dear friends, something big. And I fear..nothing will be the same, once it gets here.



Great job as always on the City Scoop! I still think it's incredibly awesome that this exists, and it really shows how great the community here is - both the players for making it, and the people at NCsoft and Cryptic for giving it an official place.

Anyway, for anyone that wanted to see the Q&amp;A with Richard Garriott, here's the video I took:

Tech support IRL, CLR/DRU/MED/WHM/PRI/DEF. Hmm, I sense a pattern...
S 80% E 80% A 40% K 0%
A few of my alts



Another great edition guys!



Some awesome cotumes in the servers winners: Doc Aquaticus, Autumn Nymph and Hell O Ween are great, really great !



Hello everyone, it seems that gremlins ate the proper clue for 14 Across "Nemesis has many of these." The clues 14-16 should have been 15-17 in last weeks crossword puzzle.

You can refresh the Puzzle pages for last week's solutions for the corrected versions, or you can use these links to get the proper versions:

Full Color Crossword Solution
Black and White Crossword Solution

I would like to thank Snorii for pointing out the mistake.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



ZOMG, I can't believe Xury Rick Rolled me!!

(seriously, I had NO clue what Rick Rolling was before this, it was quite easy to Rick Roll me, next time I won;t be so easily fooled...)

Seriously, this is cool, much better than some article on some all women's school located in New Overbrook that threw some Beach Party in Peregrine Island a few weeks ago for Labor Day... *glares at Marcian* *grins*