Discussion: A Message From the City Scoop




Don't give me that invasion tripe, I know what's going on. The staff is busy doing MEAN things to poor Mr. Bubbles and making little girls cry!!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah. Those Scoopers are out there harvesting Little Sisters.

[/ QUOTE ]

If that's the case we will never see the scoop again, you don't mess with the little sisters, without dealing with the big daddies, and Mr. B is no slouch. If they survive, next scoop will come to us from the hospital.

"You aren't the sharpest tool in the shed, but you are a tool nonetheless."-American Demon.




I heard that they are having a party, and 'They' are the pizza men from Pizza Hut, Dominos, and Papa John's. They decided to order from all of them to avoid a super-powered brawl over which was better.



No Scoop this week.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think someone must be leveling alts...or in I-11 beta...either way glad to hear there's no scoop this week!



I11 ? .. new powersets?
5th? Oh i miss beating you guys to bits

New season of Heroes?

all questions have answers just need to find them




*Earth calling Moonbase. Come in Moobase*

*Have you spotted the Fifth Column? Over?*

*Earth calling Moonbase. Come in Moonbase...*

[/ QUOTE ]

"This is Major Tom to ground control.
Im stepping through the door
And Im floating in a most peculiar way
And the stars look very different today...

For here...
Am I sitting in a tin can
Far above the world
Planet earth is blue
And theres nothing I can do.

Though Im past one hundred thousand miles
Im feeling very still.
And I think my spaceship knows which way to go
Tell me wife I love her very much. (She knows)."



or in I-11 beta...

[/ QUOTE ]
Actually I-11 beta hasn't started yet, and a lot of scoop staff don't get invited to the closed betas.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Two words....

Key West


by Star Ranger 4
WE ARE HEROES This is what we DO!
When you wake up seek the courage and strength to do the right thing.
Decide that this will be another day in which you Walk The Talk.

MA #14724 Operation: Discredit @American Valor
Sentinel Of Liberty SG



Please use this thread to discuss the below announcement:

I'm not quite sure what to make of this, but I just found this hastily scribbled note on my desk from the City Scoop, our player publication for Supers, by Supers. It says:

"Don't have long. They're coming. No Scoop this week. Send our regards.

-Scoop staff"

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

</em RP on.>

/em Calls Murderess Rose

/em Yea, some one warned them we were coming, should i cancel the hit?

/em ok, we stick to the plan.

::Brought to you by The Trust ::



im torn between:
"Azn Gold FARMERZ!!11!!!!1!!"
"You all keep using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."



Well, I think I know what happened...The horoscope writer obviously ticked off the Entities, and ya know how much paper people use around there? The shredding, and the buying of more paper, and the shredding...so wasteful, that the trees finally snapped, and broke new ground to go after the city scoop. Lemur Lad took a picture of a super hero, in a not so good position, and is now being hunted by a sg full of fire.rads. Tundara, acting so innocent in this entire scheme actually sent out a angry mob of otters in chase of the city scoop. The rikti, seeing a large amount of creatures in one area, sent out many many rikti down to destroy all life, as usual. Thus they had to evacuate the building, to protect the lives of all in the building. I wont expect to see them alive again, for as you all know, nothing is more powerful then an angry mob of trees, fire.rads, rikti, AND tundara's mercenaries. The reason no one but me knows of this (except me, I was wearing a tin foil hat at that time, so I wasnt effected) Was because the otters have been harvesting thousands of bombs filled with sleeping gas. Lighthouse being the first to awaken from this gas, found the note. May the City Scoop writers not only be remembered for their writing, but for the sacrifice they made on this day.



Well, I think I know what happened...The horoscope writer obviously ticked off the Entities, and ya know how much paper people use around there? The shredding, and the buying of more paper, and the shredding...so wasteful, that the trees finally snapped, and broke new ground to go after the city scoop. Lemur Lad took a picture of a super hero, in a not so good position, and is now being hunted by a sg full of fire.rads. Tundara, acting so innocent in this entire scheme actually sent out a angry mob of otters in chase of the city scoop. The rikti, seeing a large amount of creatures in one area, sent out many many rikti down to destroy all life, as usual. Thus they had to evacuate the building, to protect the lives of all in the building. I wont expect to see them alive again, for as you all know, nothing is more powerful then an angry mob of trees, fire.rads, rikti, AND tundara's mercenaries. The reason no one but me knows of this (except me, I was wearing a tin foil hat at that time, so I wasnt effected) Was because the otters have been harvesting thousands of bombs filled with sleeping gas. Lighthouse being the first to awaken from this gas, found the note. May the City Scoop writers not only be remembered for their writing, but for the sacrifice they made on this day.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup. That seems to be the most logical explanation to me.




You all know the Vanguard are the Fifth Column in disguise right?

The "V" for Vanguard translates to 5. V is the Roamn numeral for 5. 5 is the Fifth number in the acension of numbers (not counting zero). V = 5!!!


"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.




You all know the Vanguard are the Fifth Column in disguise right?

The "V" for Vanguard translates to 5. V is the Roamn numeral for 5. 5 is the Fifth number in the acension of numbers (not counting zero). V = 5!!!


[/ QUOTE ]

Nah. Vanguard came about during the first Rikti war. Though it's entirely possible that 5th Column spies or sleepers or what have you exist within Vanguard, I don't think they run the show. Besides, the 5th are too busy digging up Reichsmann in Boomtown to worry about fighting aliens. After all, the only guys in Boomtown at all these days are Clocks, Trolls, Council (for whatever reason, probably just 'cause the 5th used to hang out there) and, if I remember correctly, Outcasts. Plus they cap at 19 in that zone, so I'm sure the lvl 54 AV they dig up will be more than a match for anything in the zone except for Babbage, a fight which I predict would end in stalemate, much like the legendary Hamidon Duel during I9 closed beta.


Also on Steam




The City Scoop Writers were kidnapped by the evil Chuck Norris of Berzerko world.

that is all.



Well, I think I know what happened...The horoscope writer obviously ticked off the Entities, and ya know how much paper people use around there? The shredding, and the buying of more paper, and the shredding...so wasteful, that the trees finally snapped, and broke new ground to go after the city scoop. Lemur Lad took a picture of a super hero, in a not so good position, and is now being hunted by a sg full of fire.rads. Tundara, acting so innocent in this entire scheme actually sent out a angry mob of otters in chase of the city scoop. The rikti, seeing a large amount of creatures in one area, sent out many many rikti down to destroy all life, as usual. Thus they had to evacuate the building, to protect the lives of all in the building. I wont expect to see them alive again, for as you all know, nothing is more powerful then an angry mob of trees, fire.rads, rikti, AND tundara's mercenaries. The reason no one but me knows of this (except me, I was wearing a tin foil hat at that time, so I wasnt effected) Was because the otters have been harvesting thousands of bombs filled with sleeping gas. Lighthouse being the first to awaken from this gas, found the note. May the City Scoop writers not only be remembered for their writing, but for the sacrifice they made on this day.

[/ QUOTE ]
I think we've found a new guest writer for the upcoming "Wall of Text" article.



Okay okay okay enough joking- do you know if they need our help Lighthouse??

Anything we can do as a community to help the City Scoop staff we will be there to help!!

"I'm not scared of anyone or anything Angie. Isn't that the way life should be?"
Jack Hawksmoor, The Authority.



Okay okay okay enough joking- do you know if they need our help Lighthouse??

Anything we can do as a community to help the City Scoop staff we will be there to help!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I cannot confirm nor deny that I cannot confirm nor deny that we may or may not require help or assistance.



Okay okay okay enough joking- do you know if they need our help Lighthouse??

Anything we can do as a community to help the City Scoop staff we will be there to help!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I cannot confirm nor deny that I cannot confirm nor deny that we may or may not require help or assistance.

[/ QUOTE ]

And I deny that I have any confirmation on what he allegedly just said.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Though I can confirm elecroshock theraphy works wonders on crazy barefoot scrappers.

Shadowy Presence - Absolutely, positively worse than playing a Kheldian... --Myrmydon



Okay okay okay enough joking- do you know if they need our help Lighthouse??

Anything we can do as a community to help the City Scoop staff we will be there to help!!

[/ QUOTE ]

I cannot confirm nor deny that I cannot confirm nor deny that we may or may not require help or assistance.

[/ QUOTE ]

And I deny that I have any confirmation on what he allegedly just said.

[/ QUOTE ]
We don't demand solid facts! What we demand is the total absence of solid facts! We demand that we may or may not give semi-official statements about what may or may not have happened!

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



I tried. I really did but I just can’t make it without my weekly fix of the City Scoop. How about we all make our own version and call it the Mock-Scoop? I’ll even get the ball rolling by doing...

Advice From The X (Not!)
LiquidX won’t be doing a column this week because, unlike most of our readers, he has a life and is far too busy to answer your silly questions. Please insert your own obscure cultural reference here to make yourself feel cool and superior to all those who don’t know what the hell you are talking about. Toads!

Heh, that actually helped. Please feel free to do your own parody of your favorite or least favorite section.



I tried. I really did but I just can’t make it without my weekly fix of the City Scoop. How about we all make our own version and call it the Mock-Scoop? I’ll even get the ball rolling by doing...

Advice From The X (Not!)
LiquidX won’t be doing a column this week because, unlike most of our readers, he has a life and is far too busy to answer your silly questions. Please insert your own obscure cultural reference here to make yourself feel cool and superior to all those who don’t know what the hell you are talking about. Toads!

Heh, that actually helped. Please feel free to do your own parody of your favorite or least favorite section.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bah! That was nothing like what I would have done for my column!

I mean, there was no link to a Rick Astley video ANYWHERE!



Gah! As if I'm not suffering enough from withdrawal that I have to be reminded of that evil evil man. *Shudders*

Okay so no takers. Guess I'll just have to keep trying to entertain myself until the sheer horror of it all forces them to bring the Scoop back, which is going to happen anyway.

Here's my version of what might been this last week's...


)342 47#j,

U s0 s3xy. )0 U th1nk 1 b3 s3xy 11k3 U? #0w s0?

--P1mpl3d G33k

Dear Pimpled Geek,

Sorry but Athy was too busy staring at her sexy bod to read your question. Athy has got to go take a bubble bath and stare at herself some more, without any clothes on. Sweet dreams, Suckxor!


Dear Athy,

I’m a blaster with a big dirty gun and I like to shoot it off a lot when I’m alone and looking at your sexy picture in private but I need more privacy to blast of my very large gun while looking at your sexy picture when I am alone. What should I do about the fact that I can’t stop blasting off my hot gun in private when I am alone and looking at your sexy picture? I think I need a good Dominator to help me and my steaming gun that I like to shoot off a lot in private. Can you help me find a new Dominator that is as good looking as your picture, and is you, to control my huge smoking gun that I shoot off so much?

--Didu Getzesexualinnuendo?

Dear Jerk,

Sigh. Athy does not get paid enough for this crap! In fact, Athy doesn't get paid anything for this freaking column! That’s it! Athy quits! Athy is too sexy for this bull****!!!
