Consolidated Discussion - Teleporter improvements




An attempt to bring all suggestions for improving, adding and revising Teleporters into one thread.



How does one balance a Teleporter with more beacons?

Clearly you can do it with costs: Energy, Control, Prestige, Crafting. You can also do it with the size - if you need the 3x3 room to hold a pair of 3-beacon porters and can't do it in the 2x2 room, there's a balance.

You can also balance by limiting which beacons it takes.

For example, I'd like to see...<ul type="square">[*]3- or 4- beacon porter that only takes the Hazard Zones. This could really cut down the amount of Porter Main objects needed to reach all 21 Hero Zones. Probably would have to be larger than 1x1 - able to go into a 2x2 room, but not able to have another porter in there with it - and smaller than 1.5 squared so you can put 2 in a 3x3 room.[*]1-beacon porter that only takes the City zones. This could help get a third beacon running on the Startup Combo Generator if the Energy and Control Costs are less than half that of the Basic Porter[/list]



I feel that a teleporter with a slightly bigger footprint and a slightly increased control and energy cost would warrant the ability to host more than two beacons..which would cut down on room size, reduce energy/control costs slightly, and be very very convenient.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



I think the whole idea of limiting the teleport options by any sort of control/power/room size costs is unnecessarily restrictive and punitive.

What is the harm in letting people buy *1* teleporter that has access to EVERY zone they have the beacons for?

All this would do is make travel a little more more convenient, and it would mean people no longer need the giant rooms of ugly, ridiculous looking teleporters. Not to mention, it always felt really stupid and fake to have the same exact machine multiple times in the same room. They all use the same technology, why can't a single device share the data for all the locations?

I think they should take the current cost of a single teleporter, and upgrade that such that it has EVERY location for which the SG has earned the beacon badge.



<ul type="square"> [*] Raid Teleporter functionality provides team ability to use teleporter to get to mission site directly vs set spawn point for teleporters
[*] Base ability to teleport into Icon or WW or Trainer directly.
[*] Variable Size / Function teleporters as previously suggested with modified footprint, control, crafting costs.
[*] Teleport Beacons have their 'blocking' rules adjusted. I am including this here as it directly affects teleporter improvements. One of the largest headaches I have is designing the look of the beacon placement for:
Ease of Visibility to people can know where they are going
Decorations around it. Frequently run into blocking issues
-Side note Magic Beacons difficult to see depending on lighting of room/theme.[/list]

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?




Raid Teleporter functionality provides team ability to use teleporter to get to mission site directly vs set spawn point for teleporters

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I really like this idea. It would give another benefit to the raid teleporters, since base raiding is almost non-existent currently.

However, I also like the idea of another aux device for teleporters that could do this, although this could add more cost depending on how many teleporters a base has.

Base ability to teleport into Icon or WW or Trainer directly.

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This idea is OK, although personally I'd like to see in-base terminals that can provide these functions.

Variable Size / Function teleporters as previously suggested with modified footprint, control, crafting costs.

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Absolutely. Let's Have larger teleporters that could support more beacons, aux decies that allow more beacons to be added to a basic teleporter, etc. I don''t care if the teleporter or the aux device make the footprint bigger, as long as it will support more beacons (and hopefully save money vice adding another basic teleporter altogether).

Teleport Beacons have their 'blocking' rules adjusted. I am including this here as it directly affects teleporter improvements. One of the largest headaches I have is designing the look of the beacon placement for:
Ease of Visibility to people can know where they are going
Decorations around it. Frequently run into blocking issues
-Side note Magic Beacons difficult to see depending on lighting of room/theme.

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If they could modify the teleporters to be able to have the beacons directly attached, that would also be a good solution, IMHO.




Base ability to teleport into Icon or WW or Trainer directly.

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This idea is OK, although personally I'd like to see in-base terminals that can provide these functions.

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As would I , but might as well ask for both if one is easier than the other to impliment.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



My wants are pretty much what's shown already - the ability to host more than 2 zones per beacon (at higher cost, likely) would be VERY in demand, and the ability to port directly to outside a mission door post-defeat also a great goodie to have. Both would be excellent QoL improvements.



My wants are pretty much what's shown already - the ability to host more than 2 zones per beacon (at higher cost, likely) would be VERY in demand, and the ability to port directly to outside a mission door post-defeat also a great goodie to have. Both would be excellent QoL improvements.

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Ironically we had the last as a bug.

"Big Bada Boom(tm)!"
1295 Badges - Virtue
Niska: Are you Familiar with the works of Shan Yu?



I already put it in the real thread but I'll put it here too. I would like something other then a teleporter like a drop ship that you can attach beacons to. Have the drop ship drop you off at a zone. Thinking a larger version of the veteran reward ships that you can place in your base.

Works the same as a teleporter, you click and get a list. Then hop in and go.

Remember guys and gals its a game if someone kills you when you are grabbing a badge you do not die in real life. - Beef_Cake

Favorite i9 post:
Lady_Sadako: Devs: have you actually taken down the new Hami?
Positron: We never defeated the old one.
ir0x0r: Weak!



No. You shouldn't have to go that far out of your way to craft something.

Remember guys and gals its a game if someone kills you when you are grabbing a badge you do not die in real life. - Beef_Cake

Favorite i9 post:
Lady_Sadako: Devs: have you actually taken down the new Hami?
Positron: We never defeated the old one.
ir0x0r: Weak!



My wants are pretty much what's shown already - the ability to host more than 2 zones per beacon (at higher cost, likely) would be VERY in demand, and the ability to port directly to outside a mission door post-defeat also a great goodie to have. Both would be excellent QoL improvements.

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Ironically we had the last as a bug.

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There are two ways to force "zone to mission door".

First, assume you're defeated in the mission, and your mission takes place in a zone without a beacon.

If you go to the base hospital and take the blue column out, you get deposited right in front of the mission door. This works particularly well for the Cavern of Transcendence Trial, Sewer Runs, the Abandoned Sewer Trial, Shadow Shard missions and PvP zone missions.

Secondly, if you log out in your base after hitting the base hopsital, the game appears to deposit you at the mission door when you sign back in.



I would like a second set of beacons that are freestanding (in much the same way you can get freestanding SG banners) instead of only having wall mounted beacons. I've found that wall mounted beacons force you to do ugly things like raise the teleporter up 2 levels from the floor or weirdly construct your base to always have open walls next to the teleporters (not easy to do).

I definitely wouldn't mind seeing an advanced teleporter either. It would need to hold 5 or more banners and take up no more than 4 times as much floorspace as the basic teleporter. On the hero side especially it gets kind of crazy how many teleporters you have to install just to get a full complement of beacons in the base.

Another option might be a "modular" teleporter, where you could attach "beacon computers" to it that would allow you to add another beacon. That way you don't have the logistical nightmare of trying to squeeze a ginormous raid teleporter sized device in your TP rooms, but you still have to make a lot of room for the extra beacons.

Also, a beacon that drops you back off where you died (if you died in the zone) or right next to the door for your door mission would be really nice. I think Positron has mentioned wanting to add this in the past, and I hope they get around to it soon. I would attach it to my base hospital and never look back.



Make the crafting of an Improved Telepad require a unique piece of salavge that can only be aquired through the CoP TF or SG related TF.

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No. You shouldn't have to go that far out of your way to craft something.

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How about a use for all that special salvage we've been accumulating?

Recipe for Arcane Improved Teleporter: 10 Spells of Power, 10 Scent of Brimstone, 10 Demon Heart

Recipe for Tech Improved Teleporter: 10 Alien Tech, 10 Abberant Tech, 10 Nano Fluid



I'd like a use for those, well other than using them for auction house sales badges .

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Probably not a good idea to require something level capped 50s can't earn on their own. Just my opinion.



I have no problems with requiring special salvage for it. I just have problems with require a specific task to get that salvage.

Remember guys and gals its a game if someone kills you when you are grabbing a badge you do not die in real life. - Beef_Cake

Favorite i9 post:
Lady_Sadako: Devs: have you actually taken down the new Hami?
Positron: We never defeated the old one.
ir0x0r: Weak!



Perhaps not.

However - if you exemp down and join someone else's PvP zone mission, do you get salvage matching your actual level, or the level of the mission?



Perhaps not.

However - if you exemp down and join someone else's PvP zone mission, do you get salvage matching your actual level, or the level of the mission?

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If your talking about invention stuff, the level of the salvage is determined by the level of the mobs you fight as is the level for the class A mob kills recipes. The class B mission end recipes that are awarded at the end of a mission are awarded at your level regardless of sk or exemp status.

Remember guys and gals its a game if someone kills you when you are grabbing a badge you do not die in real life. - Beef_Cake

Favorite i9 post:
Lady_Sadako: Devs: have you actually taken down the new Hami?
Positron: We never defeated the old one.
ir0x0r: Weak!



Perhaps not.

However - if you exemp down and join someone else's PvP zone mission, do you get salvage matching your actual level, or the level of the mission?

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If your talking about invention stuff, the level of the salvage is determined by the level of the mobs you fight as is the level for the class A mob kills recipes. The class B mission end recipes that are awarded at the end of a mission are awarded at your level regardless of sk or exemp status.

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I'm not. I'm refering to PvP zone special base salvage (which is presently near-useless). As you may have noticed, certain salvage is given at certain levels, or at least in certain zones. The question is one of whether Exemplaring can allow a level 50 to get Scent of Brimstones from PvP missions, as opposed to Weapons of Mu.



Last I heard, there was a bug about that salvage. Something about it not being awarded at all.

Remember guys and gals its a game if someone kills you when you are grabbing a badge you do not die in real life. - Beef_Cake

Favorite i9 post:
Lady_Sadako: Devs: have you actually taken down the new Hami?
Positron: We never defeated the old one.
ir0x0r: Weak!



yes that is correct, to my knowledge warburg as well as maybe Bloody Bay PvP missions do not award the special is an odd bug, also warburg quad turrets graphics are bugged, the turrets arent there but the flamethrowers are.

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper



Warburg Resist Buff missions don't in my experience. The other three door missions have rewarded salvage without any problem, so long as I'm in SG mode.



I would like a second set of beacons that are freestanding (in much the same way you can get freestanding SG banners) instead of only having wall mounted beacons. I've found that wall mounted beacons force you to do ugly things like raise the teleporter up 2 levels from the floor or weirdly construct your base to always have open walls next to the teleporters (not easy to do).

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Duplicate freestanding versions of each existing beacon would be great for making it more apparent which teleporter went to which zone.