Trouble Connecting? Lag? Click Here for More Info!




I've had really bad lag since Issue 12 dropped. I am running a dual core intel 3ghz cpu, 2 gb's ram. Nvidia 7600gs video card. I've upgraded the drivers, I've even partitioned, reinstalled my pc. My dsl down speed is 5117kbps. I've done every sort of line, speed, and tweak test and they've all tested well.

Like I said I've never had lag problems like this when I new issue dropped and have had my computer for about a year.



I'm nor sure if this goes here- but for the last week I've dc'd several times while switching toons. I quit to the log in screen, log in, get to the server choice screen and disconnect as soon as I click on the name of a server. I haven't seen anyone else post about this- but haven't searched extensively either.



I can't finish a mission without getting disconnected. At this point I'm getting more debt than experience. The problem is not on my end, and being continually told so is getting quite annoying. I don't appreciate being used as a technical guinea pig, so I'm walking away from CoX this weekend. Have fun.



We pay for a very good game and nothing in back ... i got DC everytime i try to play ... my internet connection is 4Mb and my firewall is ok, ethernet card is ok i play plenty mmorpgs online and only in CoH i have this problem ... so as "costumer" i want my rights so please i want to play and no more "Lost connection of mapserver" or DC anymore



Ive seen a fair few of these "lost connection to mapserver", but Ive not had trouble with connecting but the last day or 2 its been a little worse. Im assuming that error is because Im in the EU - connecting to the US servers.

my hardware is more than capable of playing this game, my drivers are all up to date, the router firmware is up to date.

Ive done the nettest tool just to take a look at what it could be.

Is there a way to force the client to use specific servers? for all I know I could be being routed to the west coast when infact east coast is better (I dont play on the EU servers because Ive got friends on the US ones and Ive made alot more friends since joining)

Any ideas? If I should create this as a new thread Im happy to do so




I was one of those turkeys who bought into the specs on the side of the box, not realizing they were minimums. I have never played many PC games, let alone MMORPGs, but was excited at the prospect of City of Heroes. And when I saw that my computer met the requirements, I was thrilled.
One month later, I am enjoying myself, but a touch frustrated. I can solo just fine, but I was looking forward to joining some teams (as this game is really built for teams). The problem is that with the defaut settings, my average fps is 15. Even in safe mode, I only average 25. It's lag city!
Rikti invasions are giving me spasms. I walked out of the Freedom Corps HQ in Galaxy City the other night, just hoping to go level up, when suddenly I was lucky to move 10 feet without freezing. What should have been a short jaunt over to the Back Alley Brawler turned into a visit to the hospital when my low level character was jumped by two higher-level Rikti. Thankfully, the attack was over before I got back.
I love this game so much, and would love "the full experience," but upgrades are unfortunately not in my immediate future. My wife and I are expecting a new addition to the family, and the money is better spent on caring for the baby. A whole new computer is in the works, but unless I win the lottery, it'll likely be a year from now before my budget will allow for the purchase.
It's going to be a long year of solo City of Heroes action. I dream of the day I'll be able to contribute to a team.
I wish the requirements on the box had been the recommended system requirements, and not the minimum requirements, so I could have made a better educated decision.




I wish the requirements on the box had been the recommended system requirements, and not the minimum requirements, so I could have made a better educated decision.

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I DO deel your pain, though not as acutely anymore.
I've been playing, pretty well since issue2. I remember, most especially before CoV, when my Geforce440 was a screamer!
Then, i was FINALLY forced to "upgrade" to a Geforce5200. It was the best PCI based card I could find...and the brick-n-motor stores had stopped carrying AGP cards already. Finally managed to land a geforce 6800 AGP, and it literally changed the world(well, the part that is paragon city anyhow).

Luckily,there is ONE last bastion of hope for aging systems(AMD64 single cores and p-4s).
Tigerdirect/CompUSA(pretty darn sure they're the same company now... judging from the websites/whats for sale/prices) has the AGP bus SAPPHIRE Radeon HD 3850 .
Got to tinker on a system that had one of these cards installed with Catalyst 8.6 and oh boy does it FLY.
Now it's not gonna replace a multi-card PCI-E graphics ubersystem... but the hardware acceleration and sheer gpu power make short work of settings my older nvidia card could only dream of running.
At $150, it's a bit pricey for a mid range graphics card.... but it's sure a heck of a lot cheaper than starting from scratch.

I say, save the cash, raise the kid, and when stuff that's not even been invented yet, starts hiting the bargin bins(what, 6 MONTHS, a YEAR?) Then take some savings, and put together a nice "low-end" system.

Just as an example. I got a call to replace a p3-800 that the motherboard blew on, just recently. the cheapest complete system i could find was a $450 Dell, with a dual-core, a gig of ram, Sata drives.. and an on-board graphics that's on par with my dedicated(although as an agp, signifigantly dated) video card. Oh, and they threw in a 19" lcd monitor for that price(though I'll be sad the day my 21" trinitron based IBM monitor finally goes to the great landfill in the sky.



Hmmm, Poking through the links quickly, it seems they all point to issues with the client not the servers. I am sorry being in IT I know for a fact that servers have issues as well. Especially after updating when it seems most of the problems re-emerge.
Sorry not buying it.

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But being in IT you would also know that if 99% of your users are online without problems, then the 1% having problems will not be caused by server problems or misconfiguration on the server side.

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Actually, whenever there is a new patch, the weeks after are plagued with a lot of lag. After a month or two the lage ceases until the very next patch. The difference is the # of players on the server. I'm not sure if where the lag comes form (no particular issue jumps out) but lag does increase a great deal with each and every patch immediately after the patch and then tapers off as people stop playing.

So, apart from framerate lag, there is some kind of issue with the servers or the code, or something generating extra lag. I know that sounds goofy but if you've been playing long enough to remember i1 then you remember a lot less lag from the game overall even with a big load of players.

Having problems re-emerge might be more of patch bugs but the lag is omnipresent for weeks after new patches. It would be nice to hear Dev's chime in about that. It could be lack of bandwidth due to downloads of the patch but I'd hope that the patch would be on separate servers and circuits than the servers we play on. If not then there's your issue, too many IO's. It could be the servers need an update to handle the new code since i7 and CoVeven though the "dots" show green almost all the time on most servers. it could be that the game renders too much and renders player characters no matter their distance on a map which would explain lag outside. I could think of a lot more but until the Dev's or tech support are more forthcoming, we'll never know.

BTW, it's not 1% having issues. It's much much more of this forum would be a dead spot and my entire SG would not continually ask me for tech support. IMO.

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I have a newer computer running a dedicated DSL line with a very, very fast thoughput and live in Missouri. My friend lives in Los Angeles with a Cable Modem and an older system using ata133 drives, also on a fast connection.

Both of us are experiencing the same exact lag, freezes, stutters and rubber banding. Now how can two people with completely dissimilar machines and video cards, on completely different data lines and routers be having the same exact problems?

I vote it's a server problem.

I can't feel my legs..!



Just went to the prescribed link given by Lighthouse:
to fix my LAG issues.

And I get this message:
"Operation Failed" - "Illegal parameter"

I tried the link in both Mozilla and IE and both state the same message. Proof again that my LAG is server side and not my machine.

I can't feel my legs..!



Anyone have a solution to being able to log in but when selecting specific characters on certain maps they don't load and kick you back to the log in screen with a message reading: No mapServer connection. Try again.



I downloaded the free 14 day trial of CoH

I installed the patcher and downloaded the game, but it won't seem to let me connect to the login server when i run the game. I lowered all my firewalls. I am on vista running on a new laptop.
It has let me connect and brought me to the server selection screen once, but once I clicked a server it brought me to the same message saying it couldn't connect to the login serer. This happened with several servers. At one point i was able to log in and create a character but once i logged out i have not been able to get in since (with repeated tries for over 2 hours) I am connected to the internet via wireless through the University of Maryland so i'm not using a router. Other games i play work fine and i don't have problems connecting. The antivirus programs i use are Norton Internet Security and the free version of AVG. My windows firewall and my Norton firewall are both lowered so i have no firewalls up at all when i try connecting.



I downloaded the free 14 day trial of CoH

I installed the patcher and downloaded the game, but it won't seem to let me connect to the login server when i run the game. I lowered all my firewalls. I am on vista running on a new laptop.
It has let me connect and brought me to the server selection screen once, but once I clicked a server it brought me to the same message saying it couldn't connect to the login serer. This happened with several servers. At one point i was able to log in and create a character but once i logged out i have not been able to get in since (with repeated tries for over 2 hours) I am connected to the internet via wireless through the University of Maryland so i'm not using a router. Other games i play work fine and i don't have problems connecting. The antivirus programs i use are Norton Internet Security and the free version of AVG. My windows firewall and my Norton firewall are both lowered so i have no firewalls up at all when i try connecting.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not a technical guru but if the university is blocking certain things from going through their firewalls the problem may lie there. You may have to contact their IT department to see.

Also you may want to make sure certain ports are open..

Lastly... Haveing multiple Antiviris software running at the same time is not a great thing as far as resources goes...

Welcome to the community by the way.

Dragon-King First level 50 -- Fire/Nrg Blaster
(and to many alts to mention)
Originally by Arcanaville: Everything in Praetoria was designed during a drinking binge in which the devs temporarily forgot the rules.



I downloaded the free 14 day trial of CoH

I installed the patcher and downloaded the game, but it won't seem to let me connect to the login server when i run the game. I lowered all my firewalls. I am on vista running on a new laptop.
It has let me connect and brought me to the server selection screen once, but once I clicked a server it brought me to the same message saying it couldn't connect to the login serer. This happened with several servers. At one point i was able to log in and create a character but once i logged out i have not been able to get in since (with repeated tries for over 2 hours) I am connected to the internet via wireless through the University of Maryland so i'm not using a router. Other games i play work fine and i don't have problems connecting. The antivirus programs i use are Norton Internet Security and the free version of AVG. My windows firewall and my Norton firewall are both lowered so i have no firewalls up at all when i try connecting.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not a technical guru but if the university is blocking certain things from going through their firewalls the problem may lie there. You may have to contact their IT department to see.

Also you may want to make sure certain ports are open..

Lastly... Haveing multiple Antiviris software running at the same time is not a great thing as far as resources goes...

Welcome to the community by the way.

[/ QUOTE ]

Thanks man, yeah I think I'll uninstall AVG for the time being.

I was afraid that that i may have to contact our IT people here, oh well. I'll check out the port stuff right now then post back.

But regarding that port business, i HAVE been able to log on and play without getting DC'd like i said above, if those ports were never open to begin with, shouldn't i have never been able to log in in the first place?

Thank you again.



I spoke with the IT guys here and all the ports are open besides TCP ports 135, 139, and 445. UDP ports 137 and 138 so that shouldn't effect me. Man i'm really at a loss, i was able to log on again today for a bit after a long time of trying. Once again it says i cant connect to the login server. 99% of the time i spend 4 minutes waiting to log in just to get that message.




I vote it's a server problem.

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Actually I suspect it's a network issue in the data center that hosts the servers. If it was a server problem, we'd see more entire zones or servers crashing dead and booting people off. However, if their network throughput is saturated or simply has some excess latency, then when there's alot of data flying around, things can slow to a crawl, packets dropped, and lag results.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Hey people,

Any 1 else havin connection probleem, since the new patch ?

I constently havin the "lost connection to mapserver"
in my screen...

is it because bugs? or does the prob lay on my side ?
what i dont get if it is.
because before the new patch,i never ever had this....

its realy pissin me off, i cant even play normaly.
already did a router reboot and rebooted my modem etc...

was just wonderin, if i was the only persoon...



Anyone else having login server problems the past few day I get the connection #1 through 6 sometimes trying to log on only once ever have I had theis problem b4 when closed beta testing of I11 on test.

Just wondering. It sometimes takes 5-10 minutes to get to the login *shrug*



I'm getting the can't connect to DB server message on every server I've tried. I've tried over the last couple days and the same thing has happened. I can make it to server select screen, when I click it holds for 10-15 seconds and then sends me back to the log in.



On a note to the lag, if it's simple lag people may want to make sure supress other player effects is on. Mine reset and I didn't realize it for a couple of days.

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Just curious, does suppress other player effects still supposed to work? I know mine always resets to disabled if I ever try enabling it...

Plus it seems there wouldn't be as much complaining about people leaving toggles/auras on in Markets and such if this actually worked. So, I'm



kk i tried to log on my account for a while and got this

The game client was unable to connect to the login server. This may be due to a local network issue....blah-blah (and i have inetrnet actually)

after few tries i got this:
There was a problem detected in the game database system, please contact Customer Support at

what is going on?



Getting really sick of this BS. My entire team has been plagued with disconnects, rubber banding, and just general lag. It can't be on my end when we are all using different ISPs located around the country.

It keeps getting worse, and if this continues I will be closing ALL of the accounts I pay for (currently 4). I fail to see a reason to continue paying for service I am not getting.

It isn't my machine (I can run at least 4 copies of the game on this machine full tilt with no issues, or could before these recent issues. i7 + 12gigs ram + 4870 1g video card).
It isn't my network/isp as my SG mates lag out at the same times I do

This is REALLY trying my patience.



I am having extreme lag issues upon entering the tunnel in the villain starting area, to the point where the game locks up and it becomes impossible to play. I am trying to read the guide on troubleshooting this lag, but when i click the link, it loads a blank page. Is the link broken?