Discussion: The City Scoop! August 10, 2007




Week 13 of "The City Scoop” a publication for Supers by Supers!

This week’s edition has the contest winners and speeches from the “Call To Arms,” contest that was sponsored by the scoop. There are also some new articles and features including player tips for base creation and roleplaying. I think all can agree with me that this player created feature is a great addition to our community.

Discussion on the latest edition of "The City Scoop" is located here.

If you would like to do a feature article, have an event covered, or join "The City Scoop" team please PM Hertz or Marcian_Tobay

If you or someone you know should be considered for ‘Behind The Mask’ please contact Teldon

If you need some “Advice” or would like to “Ask The X” contact Lady_Athyna or LiquidX



Ex, today is the 10th, not the 9th

- Protea

And for a while things were cold,
They were scared down in their holes
The forest that once was green
Was colored black by those killing machines



The issue needs more ducks!

great job as always folks.

I found the SG ladder in the Pvp section very interesting. Hopefully that competition really takes off

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Ex, today is the 10th, not the 9th

- Protea

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AH shucks... I guess since I was changing a flat tire last night around midnight I must have missed that memo...

I'd like to know who stuck my tire!




*blames Kenya*

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Congratulations, Stripling! You make "The Artful Dodgers" proud!

"This is my home!"



*plops on top of City Scoop* Nomnomnom.



Wooh, Honorable Mention!
*checks spelling in my name*
Wait a minute, I think there's a spelling error in my name in the Scoop. It's True_Marksman, not True_Marksmen. There's only one of me (that) I know of. Oh well, close enough, and still got my name in the Scoop, and got a free bumper sticker! Wooh!



Are all the artists and the art in this issue properly arranged? Dragonberry in the suit is by Bro Shia, aka DrunkFu. There are some other mix ups, I believe.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Congratulations to all the speech contest winners.

I liked what I wrote, and I feel like sharing. It may not have won, but I hope you enjoy what I submitted for the contest.


Today, the trumpets of war blare once more.

War... It sounds trite, when it passes our lips these days. To war against evil. To war against oppression. To war against one another. And in these perilous times, when the apex of our race – the superhumans – finds itself divided by ethos and by temperament, war has become the very definition of our lives.

But many years ago, when the foul wind of the Rikti blew across the world, all superhumans of our beloved Earth rose, as one force, to stand united against their brutal invasion. Together they anchored, side by side, to defend to their last breath the shores and peaks of our marvelous world. Together, they fought; they wept; they conquered; they died. They shed tears and blood and their very lives in the cause of common survival, communal victory. Together, they flared impossibly bright, and burned with a ferocity and bitter majesty not seen on the face of our world since the dawn of myth.

Together, they were magnificent.

And today, the Second Rikti War looms over our beloved Earth like a black sun.

Humans are, and ever have been, a race nourished by pride. Pride in faith, in self, in patriotism and in self-determination. Pride in our hope; in our dreams; and in our belief that our best days are yet to dawn.

But with the Rikti invasion, eclipsing the sun of our achievements, there will be no dawn.

If we fail, no sagas will be written of us. No songs will be sung of us. Because there will be no bards, nor chroniclers, no any human life left in all the universe. No laughter, no weeping will echo across the barren wasteland of Earth. No sweet wind. No life. Merely a red, red rain, to drown the dust of our civilization, forever.

If we fail, we will be but the first to fall before the Rikti onslaught. Beyond us, our families, our parents, our children. Our people. Our history. Our civilization.

And so today, we sally forth as we did those many years ago – a vanguard of superlative skill and determination to once more shine, as our forebears did, with a light to destroy the Rikti darkness that threatens Earth’s cerulean skies.

Today, we shall once again be magnificent.

Up, arms! Stand like iron, and steel your hearts!

UP, arms! Let our mighty roar shake the heavens!

UP, ARMS! And let us remind these upstart invaders once more that TITANS yet prowl the Earth!



Turgenev, that was you? I loved that entry! Even though it didn't make the final cut, it was quite fantastic!

How would you all feel about us proceeding to run a sampling of the more notable entries in the coming weeks?



Thanks for the generous words, Marcian. For my bit, heck, I think there should be (with authors' permissions) a list of all the submissions, so people can read what was sub'd. Or they could post it here, or in another thread for that purpose. Or feature another City Scoop, like you brought up. It'd be a great balm to soothe us losers! (Joke, joke... kinda...) *snif* *drowns sorrows in his brand new p1mp rig he just built XD*



I'd love to read a for more of the entires, maybe one or two per issue for the next month.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Thanks for the generous words, Marcian. For my bit, heck, I think there should be (with authors' permissions) a list of all the submissions, so people can read what was sub'd. Or they could post it here, or in another thread for that purpose. Or feature another City Scoop, like you brought up. It'd be a great balm to soothe us losers! (Joke, joke... kinda...) *snif* *drowns sorrows in his brand new p1mp rig he just built XD*

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We’ve been kicking around the idea of having more “fan” writing in the Scoop. I think that those two events can tie in together nicely…



I'd love to read a for more of the entires, maybe one or two per issue for the next month.

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They were amazing. It was hard trying to pick just one for each category, and I know people say that, but damn if it isn't true! I still have my notes on my desk with a list of which ones to re-read and try to narrow it down some more.

And wow Turg, if I'd known that was you... uhh, maybe that's why LadyK didn't tell who submitted which one...



Ack! You're right! Art Booboo!

Thanks for catching it!



Yay, I'm a finalist! Thanks to the City Scoop for holding such a nifty event!



Sweet. Loved the interview of Lumina. It's great to see what has influenced our resident author of the bible on how to use archery.



Are all the artists and the art in this issue properly arranged? Dragonberry in the suit is by Bro Shia, aka DrunkFu. There are some other mix ups, I believe.

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Hrmm, there's some others, I know who did who on these though.

The second picture up there, the one named "Dragonberry" was done by me rather than Sayterra - Say's work is alot nicer than that >_>

The fourth or so picture down, "Megagalactic Void" was a Collab by Scarf_Girl and myself, rather than Sayterra - who is a wonderfull artist and awesome person, but sadly had not to do with that particular peice. Scarfgirl did the linework and I offered to color it.

The picture after that "E-razor" was drawn by Scarfgirl, as a present for Grabthars_Hammer (I think) though I did a color version of that too!

It is however a delight to spot pictures of mine in the Scoop, and I think you all do a fantastic job on it!



I am so wowed! I won a cape? For my little archer's speech...Wow...

I don't win contests, ever! Now I am gonna have to write that well on the SG's website, or they they'll never let me off the hook!

W00t! sheesh! I am so honored! Thank you Scoop!

Stripling/Wylde Hunt



Art info issues are my bad!

I apologize. I did the articles from work and was interrupted a few times. I can see about having the issues editted! I'm *sooo* sorry!!!

Edit : I'm really, really, really terribly sorry I made the errors on the authors. I am unable at this time to have it fixed, but will make it up to you in the next issue. I am not overlooking you or your artwork, it is, in fact, quite amazing. I really just need to collect the weekly art pieces without distraction. I'm sooo sorry. I will make it up to you!



I don't win contests, ever!

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you just did
stop lyin

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



imma jump in here--- and i know you all are waiting on baited breath... here comes rose.... shes gonna start trouble.... i know-- i hear lemurs heart pounding from here

this week-- i would like to issue praise to the scoop-- they did a very fair and balanced coverage for each of the servers- and while i still think its mostly fluff-- it was interesting fluff this week. good job

lemur--- dude-- you can breathe now...

"I don't wonda what Rose is like in RL, I just imagine she is a catgurl an' wish I could cyb0r wit her. "
- the legendary J-man

Silence!!! I kill you!



He he… I refreshed my screen and saw that you had posted in this thread. My gut reaction was “Aint no WAY she could have a problem with this week’s Scoop.”

Glad it worked out, Rose. Keep telling us when we screw up, though, k? We do love the feedback.



Art info issues are my bad!

I apologize. I did the articles from work and was interrupted a few times. I can see about having the issues editted! I'm *sooo* sorry!!!

Edit : I'm really, really, really terribly sorry I made the errors on the authors. I am unable at this time to have it fixed, but will make it up to you in the next issue. I am not overlooking you or your artwork, it is, in fact, quite amazing. I really just need to collect the weekly art pieces without distraction. I'm sooo sorry. I will make it up to you!

[/ QUOTE ]

I dont think it's a big deal, and dont really mind myself - so dont worry much! They're all linked to the right artists when you click on them, anyhow. You're not really getting paid or anything for this anyway, right? I think you and the rest are doing a wonderfull job on the Scoop, its fun to read and check up on