The Villain Epic AT FAQ v1.0




The Incarnates sound interesting. Is anyone daring to venture guesses at just what kind of abilities they would be packing, yet?

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I am guessing you would be able to pick from a pool of Greek Gods, since this is where States and Lord R got there powers. Diana was an archer, so I am thinking an epic feel on archery blast. Apollos sun god, maybe fire based. AIres god of war, possibly a melee type or even better Hercules as a melee type. So in other words, there are several power types you can choose from based on a god, and they will be more intence like the Kelds are.

That is what I think.



I know double posts suck, but I just thought of something. Do you think it is possible to customize the Nova and Dwarf form? Maybe you want your squid a little bit bigger or a different face, or maybe pink. Have a skinny dwarf. They should impliment this with the Evil Kelds, or would this fall under power custimization and be deamed impossible.



I know double posts suck, but I just thought of something. Do you think it is possible to customize the Nova and Dwarf form? Maybe you want your squid a little bit bigger or a different face, or maybe pink. Have a skinny dwarf. They should impliment this with the Evil Kelds, or would this fall under power custimization and be deamed impossible.

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(a) Falls under power customization, same reason you can't customize henchmen.
(b) Kheld forms look they way they do for a reason.



I am guessing you would be able to pick from a pool of Greek Gods, since this is where States and Lord R got there powers.

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Statesman (from Statesman's Strike!) had, in addition to Super Strength and Invulnerability, another pool called Electric Mastery. It had Charged Bolts, Lightning Bolt, Lightning Ball and I think Zapp.

Lore-wise, it was explained to me that the Well of the Furies enhanced what Marcus Cole and Stefan Richter already had (gave them Fitness and super hearing AFAIK), and opening "the Box" gave them the power of gods.

So it seems like a normal archetype with inherent fitness and earlier EPP's, to put it simply.



Well, despite all the info up to this point, it appears that villains will *not* be getting Kheldians as Epic ATs. During the recent Bay Area Meet & Greet, Positron is reported to have said that villain EATs will be something *other* than Kheldians. In a response to a PM from me, Posi confirmed that the plans for villain EATs do *not* include Kheldians.

This is a complete about-face from their former plans, of course, but that's to be expected sometimes. It'll be interesting to see if we ever get comments as to why they changed their minds (whether it was because of problems porting Khelds over to the red-side, lack of interest from players, or something else entirely).



Are The Council a big presence villain-side? If they're not, maybe that was part of the reason. Even if you're playing nictus or something else, it'd need a Council storyline to go along with it, which would maybe have put off the Devs from shoe-horning that in.

Different is good though.



Interesting train of thought.

This would lead me to think Epics for Villains might be more likely to involve the Circle of Thorns, Mu, and/or Coralax.

I really did want a Form-Shifting AT for Villainside tho.

Wavicle, Energy/Energy Blaster, dinged 50 in Issue 4, summer of 2005.
@Wavicle, mostly on the Justice server.



Well, despite all the info up to this point, it appears that villains will *not* be getting Kheldians as Epic ATs. During the recent Bay Area Meet & Greet, Positron is reported to have said that villain EATs will be something *other* than Kheldians. In a response to a PM from me, Posi confirmed that the plans for villain EATs do *not* include Kheldians.

This is a complete about-face from their former plans, of course, but that's to be expected sometimes. It'll be interesting to see if we ever get comments as to why they changed their minds (whether it was because of problems porting Khelds over to the red-side, lack of interest from players, or something else entirely).

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Definitely need some Dev clarification (and reasoning, if true) on this - especially with the "Early 08" they mentioned before. That's a good bit of work that would just be scrapped, otherwise.



Yeah, and plus, I was getting excited, "A few more months until more Kheldians!!!"



We can only hope. I want villain khelds so much. I want them to keep the option of dark anf light powers though. A guy can be evil and still have light powers. Lucifer was an angel before he became the embodiment of evil. I'm not religious mind you, just a good example.

Really that's the only reason I want villain kheldians besides the form shift. I want to be able to use white light powers.



I really really really really really really really hope this is true. It's probably cause I don't care for Khelds hero side, but I just feel like villains getting Khelds is a cop out. It seems like an easy fix to just port em over and change a few things. I MUCH rather get something totally new and unique for villains.

I like the idea of a dual pistols scrapper like EAT. Scrappers will never get dual pistols, but an EAT could . Picture a Malta Gunslinger with kick@$$ kunfu moves. This could also introduce an entire new group to CoX or could work with an existing group. With the new weapon customization you could really get different themed characters. What would be really cool is if there was a primary, secondary, and third power set of powers. This way you could really customize your character and be unique. You could choose to be more of a tank with less attacks, or more of a blapper with lots of attacks or more like a scrapper in the middle. They would have to set it up to where you could only pick one power from each tier or something to balance it, but it would be really EPIC! Just an idea. Yay original EATs!



Wow....I stopped this thread dead in it's tracks! It was just an idea....sheesh



So the villain EAT isn't going to be Khelds? .... Now I'm excited... I mean... having Khelds would have been fine. I've never played them myself, not my style (PB have knock back like energy blasters. Being a controller for so long, I've learned to loath Knock Back with a passion... infact Knock Back is annoying to everyone BUT the energy blaster... and WS just don't interest me.) But something other than Khelds means something entirely new and I'm all for that!

I can't wait to see what they have in the works!

"The bird of Hermes is my name. Eating my wings to make me tame." -The Ripley Scroll

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Most recent bit o' news:

Positron, giving some I12 info here - [ QUOTE ]


I guess I can't get in trouble for telling you what the VEAT is not...

It's not:
* Kheldian/Warshade/Nictus/Peacebringer
* Avilian (this is off the table forever for either side)
* Coralax
* Blood of the Black Stream
* Incarnates
* Anything to do with the Coming Storm

Oh, and back to the original topic... Marcian is pretty perceptive about us needing "ramp up" time for I12... I12 was planned before the acquisition, and the staffing-up takes months, by which time I12 will be mostly done.

That's not to say that we don't know that I12 will be scrutinized closely. It will, so we are trying to cram as much as we CAN into the issue with what we have. We do have some surprises planned!

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Most recent bit o' news:

Positron, giving some I12 info here - [ QUOTE ]


I guess I can't get in trouble for telling you what the VEAT is not...

It's not:
* Kheldian/Warshade/Nictus/Peacebringer
* Avilian (this is off the table forever for either side)
* Coralax
* Blood of the Black Stream
* Incarnates
* Anything to do with the Coming Storm

Oh, and back to the original topic... Marcian is pretty perceptive about us needing "ramp up" time for I12... I12 was planned before the acquisition, and the staffing-up takes months, by which time I12 will be mostly done.

That's not to say that we don't know that I12 will be scrutinized closely. It will, so we are trying to cram as much as we CAN into the issue with what we have. We do have some surprises planned!

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ok lets see:

Not a evil copy of the Khelds = good
Not a Coralax = very good

Not an Incarnate... = well heroes dont have that type either so we wont need to worry about "balance" issues

Not Part of Coming Storm = Bummer. I was hoping to be an Archetype that is a harbinger of doom...

Something all new = excellent



Ugh, too suspenseful...



Ugh, too suspenseful...

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I check this thread sometimes just to see if re-reading it makes the V-EATs appear on my login.....


It is critical that you pay attention at this time.

Gaming in Limited Times
Guide to Plant/Ice Doms



This still seems unbalanced, the Heroes require no TF to attain their epic AT, why subject the villains to it unfairly?

Target Zero- Scrapper (dark/dark)
Nemesis Zero- MM (Merc/Dark)
Poprock- brute (Stone/stone)
Junglier- Dominator (Plant/thorn)
Nexus Zero- (Warshade)
Invulnerable Edge- Tanker (Inv/dual blade)



Are you kidding? The most common complaint amongst the hero side regarding Kheldins is the requirement to have a level 50 to unlock it. Making it a Strike Force unlockable deal is way better. It allows a villain player who is a casual player or nowhere near 50 to get the new toy. I think it is actually unfair to Heroes, but nobody ever said life (or games) was supposed to be fair.

High Beam - 50 Blaster Energy/Ice - 1228 Badges
Munitions Mistress - 50 Mercs/Traps
Many Other 50's, Too Many Alts, All On Freedom
Just Because You Can, Doesn't Mean You Should!



I would like to see Incarnates as a EAT for both sides come out at the same time. Like was mentioned earlier some type of greek god type powers would be cool maby. Also i think they should add Nictus to CoV just because, not change it from warshades at all and just port it over.



Im all for new ATs, khelds? no thx



My understanding was that the Villain would have to be level 50 AND complete the TF.

Target Zero- Scrapper (dark/dark)
Nemesis Zero- MM (Merc/Dark)
Poprock- brute (Stone/stone)
Junglier- Dominator (Plant/thorn)
Nexus Zero- (Warshade)
Invulnerable Edge- Tanker (Inv/dual blade)



Im all for new ATs, khelds? no thx

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Same here...excited for new VAT's but a change from khelds would be more interesting. Khelds are fun just would wanna try something different.



My understanding was that the Villain would have to be level 50 AND complete the TF.

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nope, the devs had decided that making a lvl 50 requirement was a mistake and didnt plan on doing that again



Might want to rewrite this. Hehe. *points at Blood Widows*

"NO....No clowns" - Positron
50s: Smasha (SS/SD Brute), House Rules (Mind/Thorn Dom), Wind of Mind (Illusion/Storm Controller), Coraxa (Kat/Inv Scrapper), Summer's Dream (Fortunata)