Any numbers on the -regen and AV/GM res changes.
The change wasn't noticeable at all IMO. When they patched in this last weekend, I never really noticed a change when I was on teams, but then again the AVs were weakened as well. So shouldn't notice it anyways.
From memory (and you can find the actual post with number with a quick search), all previously unresistable -regen powers are now resisted.
AV's resistance was changed from 94% to 85%.
NOTE - this is from memory, I suggest a search.
-- War
From memory (and you can find the actual post with number with a quick search), all previously unresistable -regen powers are now resisted.
AV's resistance was changed from 94% to 85%.
NOTE - this is from memory, I suggest a search.
-- War
[/ QUOTE ]
That for a level 50 AV. IT scales by level it's 60% at level 1 and scales to 85% at level 50. That's general debuff resistance vs Running, Recharge, Endurance, ToHit, Regen, Recover, etc.
Here you go (originally courtesy of Iakona of course)...
<font class="small">Code:[/color]<hr /><pre>Level Old AV Res Mod New AV Res Mod
1 0 0.6 Attributes Affected:
2 0.43 0.6 RunSpeed
3 0.5 0.61 RechargeTime
4 0.54 0.61 Endurance
5 0.57 0.62 ToHit
6 0.6 0.63 Defense
7 0.62 0.63 PerceptionRadius
8 0.64 0.64 Regeneration
9 0.65 0.64 Recovery
10 0.67 0.65
11 0.68 0.65
12 0.7 0.66
13 0.71 0.66
14 0.72 0.67
15 0.73 0.67
16 0.74 0.68
17 0.75 0.68
18 0.76 0.69
19 0.77 0.69
20 0.78 0.7
21 0.79 0.7
22 0.79 0.71
23 0.8 0.71
24 0.81 0.72
25 0.82 0.72
26 0.82 0.73
27 0.83 0.73
28 0.83 0.74
29 0.84 0.74
30 0.85 0.75
31 0.85 0.75
32 0.86 0.76
33 0.86 0.76
34 0.87 0.77
35 0.87 0.77
36 0.88 0.78
37 0.88 0.78
38 0.89 0.79
39 0.89 0.79
40 0.9 0.8
41 0.9 0.8
42 0.91 0.81
43 0.91 0.81
44 0.92 0.82
45 0.92 0.82
46 0.92 0.83
47 0.93 0.83
48 0.93 0.84
49 0.94 0.84
50 0.94 0.85
51 0.94 0.85
52 0.95 0.86
53 0.95 0.86
54 0.96 0.87
55 0.96 0.87</pre><hr />
Level 55 AVs?
- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)
Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.
It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.
The change wasn't noticeable at all IMO. When they patched in this last weekend, I never really noticed a change when I was on teams, but then again the AVs were weakened as well. So shouldn't notice it anyways.
[/ QUOTE ]
How were the AV's changed, didn't realize they weakened them at all........was curious.
They weakened their debuff resistance. Previously, against a level 50 AV, debuffs that fell into the resisted categories listed above would be at 4% effectiveness - that -25% ToHit that your /Rad controller puts out with Radiation Infection would instead be a 1% debuff.
Now, that same level 50 AV only has 85% resistance, so that -25% ToHit from Radiation Infection will instead be a 3.75% debuff.
Jerk 4 Life
In brightest day, in blackest night/No evil shall escape my sight/Let those who worship evil's might/Beware my power ... Green Lantern's light!/(Meowth, that's right!)
My Arcs: #4827: Earth For Humans. #6391: Young Love.
Level 55 AVs?
[/ QUOTE ]
Supposedly the numbers only go up to 55 for academic reasons - AV's are capped at level 54 according to _Castle_.
Hopefully what this really means is powers like Twilight Grasp will be more effective with -regen on AVs.
Gothika (Grav/Kin) Marionette (Ill/Rad) Terra Firma (Earth/Storm) Alana Dale (Arch/Nrg)
Iceblink (Ice/Dark) Fantasia (Mind/Fire) Shadow Minx (Claws/Nin)

Hopefully what this really means is powers like Twilight Grasp will be more effective with -regen on AVs.
[/ QUOTE ]
DING! DING! DING! DING! We have a Winnah!
Yep. IT means that all debuffs are now playing by the same rules. And Castle has an easier time of balancing out encounters. (Just paraphrase Castle, BTW).
Sadly, it still means that despite the high aggro risk, location requirement, and status as a primary power, you're still better off running Manuevers than Hurricane against a 40+ AV. And there is absolutely no warning about this.
Sadly, it still means that despite the high aggro risk, location requirement, and status as a primary power, you're still better off running Manuevers than Hurricane against a 40+ AV. And there is absolutely no warning about this.
[/ QUOTE ]
However, it does mean that my DM/SR Scrapper will now better contribute to AV teams through -To Hits, such as the oh-so-godly ToF...
Thanks Brev, that was exactly what I was looking for
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.

Ah I managed to find the old numbers lurking around too so edited the table so you can now see 'before and after'. Thanks as always to Iakona for providing them in the first place!
Just for reference purposes, a Level 50 player with Lingering Rad (-500% Regen) will now apply -75% Regen to a level 50 AV. Once you start going higher than that, the level mods start coming into play as well, so against a level 54 AV, -500% Regen becomes just -31.2% (0.13 * 0.48 * -500).
Reading these numerical posts always makes me feel like a drooling dolt . . . thank the gods there are some smart sobs out there
Travel Suppression is this game's worst feature, well that and MetaHumans riding mass transit like tourists at DisneyLand.
Help me here...
Unresisted debuff's are no longer unresisted?
BUT, they lowered all resists on AV/GM's?
So how's this work for my AV killer Ill/Rad?
Better? Worse? The same?
Forgive me if it's been mentioned it's just not sticking..*glances at cold medicine*

Your Ill/Rad will be about the same, but my /Kin will be slightly more effective. Calls to Action and Events Calendar
This is what 3700 heroes in a single zone looks like.
Thanks to @EnsonsDeath for the GVE code that made me VIP again!
What he refers is not so much this change as the general issue: buffs are better than debuffs - already true even without throwing resistance into the mix.
Having 10% to hit, or -10% defense are the same in CoH: except that enemies can't resist your tohit bonuses. Same for defense vs. -to hit.* (except that enemies do tend to ignore your defense bonuses - especially at high levels)
Just for reference purposes, a Level 50 player with Lingering Rad (-500% Regen) will now apply -75% Regen to a level 50 AV. Once you start going higher than that, the level mods start coming into play as well, so against a level 54 AV, -500% Regen becomes just -31.2% (0.13 * 0.48 * -500).
[/ QUOTE ]
Where are you seeing that Lingering Radiation is -500% Regen? On City of Data, it's only -100%.
Where are you seeing that Lingering Radiation is -500% Regen? On City of Data, it's only -100%.
[/ QUOTE ]
It was different for different ATs. Controllers and Corruptors had -500%, Defenders had -100%. It was equalized back in December, but the patch notes actually don't mention what value the powers got. I'm not sure if anyone posted which value was used, but the general belief seems to have been that they were all made -500%.
Now that they are resistable, it should be possible to test it.
Here's what the patch notes have to say:
Defender Lingering Radiation powers -Regen was operating at 1/5th the scale of the equivalent Corruptor or Controller version. The base scale now matches across all three Archetypes.
[/ QUOTE ]
Hm. The archetype multipier for -regen is the same for controllers and defenders?
+/- regen doesn't use an AT-modifier, it was hard-coded into the powers.
Sadly, it still means that despite the high aggro risk, location requirement, and status as a primary power, you're still better off running Manuevers than Hurricane against a 40+ AV. And there is absolutely no warning about this.
[/ QUOTE ]
However, it does mean that my DM/SR Scrapper will now better contribute to AV teams through -To Hits, such as the oh-so-godly ToF...
[/ QUOTE ]
and it means my rad/rad will contribute loads less.Thanks for nerfing the flagship of this defender set.
Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running
I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!
You are in a maze of twisty little passages
and it means my rad/rad will contribute loads less.Thanks for nerfing the flagship of this defender set.
[/ QUOTE ]
With an 85% resistance to regen debuffs, a 500% regen debuff will still give an effective 75% debuff. That's not bad.
In addition to this, Rad has many other ways to help in AV fights, and some of these were improved by the reduction in AV debuff resistances.
Just curious if anyone has the numbers for these changes yet? And any accounts of how noticable the change was?
Duel me.
I will work on my sig pic more when I have time.