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  1. [ QUOTE ]
    as if it matered. Most people in PvP use cowards tactics anyway. for example: Think of blasters using TP foe to zap you out of your base then one shotting you with a build up bonesmasher attack. Cheesy gits.

    Id like to see some serious teleport protection come issue 12. especially for masterminds. Who are seriously gimped in outside PvP. Also, isnt there ANYONE without invisibility in PvP these days. buncha stalker wannabees.

    don't get me wrong i don't mind losing a fight. as long as its an actuall fight and not a oneshot death from one overpowered suckerpunch. but i digress. this is something for a different topic. so ill say no more.

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    Or...you could either

    a) Not stay in your base forever (*gasp* PvP'ing in a PvP zone?!?! No wai...)

    b) Guess which inspiration was fixed to give TP Foe resistance.

    c) Roll a stoney.

    So, stop beating the dead horse after it's body has been exhumed, buried, and decomposed.
  2. [ QUOTE ]
    Thanks everyone, its a great honor and privilege to be featured in a comic

    Now if I can get the dev team to make a statue of me I will have everything a hero could ask for

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    What, and not ask for your own personal badge?
  3. [ QUOTE ]
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    <qr> now I have to get my TA defender past level 11.

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    Now I have seen everything. TA Defenders becoming FoTM.

    * boggle

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    With the idea of Kins and Darks being able to use it, I think TA's might actually become necessary for Raids. After all, it'd be priceless to have a TA set up Oil Slick behind the rock in order to have everyone crowd around it, have Kins hit FS+SP, hit the damage cap, and then use it as a safetypoint in case of mass death.
  4. [ QUOTE ]
    Sadly, it still means that despite the high aggro risk, location requirement, and status as a primary power, you're still better off running Manuevers than Hurricane against a 40+ AV. And there is absolutely no warning about this.

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    However, it does mean that my DM/SR Scrapper will now better contribute to AV teams through -To Hits, such as the oh-so-godly ToF...
  5. This guide was/is great for Fire blasters. It tore from the usual advice of 'Get your [censored] out of the arena'.
  6. Just as a quick question, what are the different types of IoP's and what do they all do?
  7. [ QUOTE ]
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    • Dominators Domination inherent ability will charge much more quickly when fighting PvP.

    • Domination recharge time reduced from 300 to 200.

    • Player Pets should no longer attack the lava in the Batzul mission.

    • Dominator Psionic Assault Drain Psyche now accepts Accuracy enhancements. The power was intended to accept them originally, but was unintentionally left off.

    • Dominators: Domination inherent ability will charge much more quickly when fighting PvP targets. Each attack from the Assault secondary power sets adds a bonus of 8 points toward filling the Domination bar over the normal value.

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    Yippe flippin skipee...now if only I could build domination fast enough to use it more than once per mission this might actually be useful.

    Or maybe if I could ...oh I dunno. Kill things inside of 2 minutes.

    Its pretty sad when it still takes 4 attacks with +3 SOs to kill some -12 mobs.

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    Let's not call a good thing bad. Domination is useful. I easily get it off twice in a mission, and with a reduced recharge time, I'm less nervous about using it more often. Being able to get it off with more regularity in PvP is extremely useful. ONCE Domination is off, we do more damage than Blasters and have longer control than Controllers.

    I still think we could use a damage buff, a few of the sets need a look-through and I think blaster-level HP would be reasonable, but that doesn't mean we should dump the Domination changes.

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    I think you're on the right track there. There are some needed changes, and this is my spin on them:

    - Keep the recharge and PvP changes, these will easily help Dominators come to even grounds on PvP after some other changes I will suggest.

    1) Increase Dominators' damage up a bit higher then Defender 'Ranged' levels, but not Blasters'. Then lower the Damage increase on Domination so that when you shoot Domination off, your damage is increased to just slightly above Blaster level.

    2) Increase Dominators' Health up to 90% of a Blaster's health (if it's not already there). This being because Doms will draw aggro with their assault, but at least have some protection in the form of control.

    3) As Domination increases, give a point of Mag protection for each 20 points of Domination, recieving at most a grand total of 5 points Mag Protection. When you hit Domination, your Mag Protection at that point will be retained for Half the duration of Domination.

    Those are just a few suggestions, so feel free to add on there.
  8. Why do I get the feeling the new retail box will NOT be a new add-on (in CoV terms) but will instead hold an AT, new powers, a badge, and some other goodies that will only be available to the players who get the add-on code? This would coincide with the fact that they said the new EAT's would not be unlocked by reaching a level goal and it'd be easier to do this than to code a TF or something in the game that could be abused to get this AT.

    Well...if my paranoia is right for once, I need to start saving up
  9. Actually, Hamster... I think listening to any 'Greatest Hits' Albums will do it. *coughs*
  10. [ QUOTE ]
    I hope someone hasn't posted this yet, but here we are.... beware us, we are the stunning....
    FELLOWSHIP OF THE NEWBS(dun dun dun dun)!
    Recruiting members:
    Crazy Assailiant
    Void Wraith
    sorry i couldnt get any info, but just so you all know: we are not a very PvP SG, but almost every weekend there will be a TF or respec going on and you can normally find a team of 30-35 here. And yes we have a giant base with a few teleporters, enough space to have a party, a computer, and about 10 rooms.

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    Hello everyone! This is Void Wraith here to update/correct our little Para's post.

    Our contacts are listed above, though I'm making a few notes:

    Crazy Assailant [@knockaround guy]
    Paralyzr [@Paralyzr]
    Void Wraith [@ Blanco Dragon]
    Swordcraft 3000 [@MR TECH]

    Name: The Fellowship of the Newbs
    Chat Channel: The FotN
    Leaders: Knockaround Guy, Void Wraith, Paralyzr

    SG Base Status: Not ready for Raid, but medium sized.
    Detail: We have about 7 rooms if my count serves me right. We have power and control needed to run two teleporters, an SG computer, and plenty of tables. We will be making an upgrade with the coming of I7, so be on the lookout for updates here.

    SG Info:

    After a brief decline in activity, we are back in force! By recruiting new members, we hope to get back up to our old activity levels and get the prestige rolling.
    We are not PvP based SG, but we are community based, hoping to enhance your enjoyment of the game. We do a little bit of PvP, usually once or twice a week together and you can always find a team made of at least two members of our SG. We run TF's, AV's, and the occassional Respec together.
    When you log on, you can almost always find someone between level 35-38 online and ready to team, and the occasional lowbie. We are hoping to recruit more lowbies and get you guys teaming together so that we can always have a team up and ready.
    Unlike our name, we are not all new to this game, some of us have been playing from the get-go. We can answer most of your questions about the game and are willing to take in anyone who has questions about the game and we will help to get you going and on your way.

    Levels we are currently looking for:

    Any, though we are in strong need of some fresh toons to bring in the prestige.

    I hope you consider our SG, as you will be welcomed by our friendly members with open arms.