CoH Live Journal: Answers to Common Questions
We love you too, LH!
Notes: Please realize that is sort of a "work in progress" and rather rambling and tangential >.> Especially the comments
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Very nice. Thanks for the link.
A couple that need to be added. Where are the Samurai Armor pieces and Upgrading your CoH/V Account
The Dark Blade
"I've felt your mouse on me before, you perv...." - Troy Hickman
Paragon Wiki
Sorry if I go off on a bender here but why the heck LiveJournal?
Why couldn't simply be posted here in the forums and/or toss a cookie and a link at either ParagonWiki or Red Tomax's site?
At least with ParagonWiki or somewhere on this site, those of us who have been answering people's questions in our spare time and aren't a LiveJournal member could help out instead of having to be "in" with the CoH/CoV LiveJournal community to help out with this FAQ.
At least it wasn't MySpace.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Because this particular FAQ originated on LiveJournal.
Kung Ru - 50++ MA/Regen Scrapper
Kalleesta - 50 Necro/Dark MM
Hidden Justice - 44 Kin/Psy Defender
Sorry if I go off on a bender here but why the heck LiveJournal?
At least with ParagonWiki or somewhere on this site, those of us who have been answering people's questions in our spare time and aren't a LiveJournal member could help out instead of having to be "in" with the CoH/CoV LiveJournal community to help out with this FAQ.
[/ QUOTE ]
What 'in'? I'm not aware that anonymous posts are turned off at the moment, so anyone can come by and add their information to the ongrowing pile. If they are banned right now, well :shrug: information such as this can't be in too many places, and not everyone knows about the official forums, ParagonWiki, or RedTomax's site. Not to mention, a number of the things that came up are things that previously could only be found out by finding this forum, registering an account, and asking the question (possibly including hoping not to be piled on by people tired of hearing the same question over and over).
Information wants to be free. What's your beef with LiveJournal?
she who needs no mic
"You couldn't be more wrong if you were upended in a vat full of toxic wrong by Captain Wrong and his Wrongbots and earned a permanent inherent power called Aura of Wrong."-Lady_Sadako
Eh, having trouble with the tags so here.
Warcry Teaser - I9 teaser
- Dev posts about I9 - US
Positron explains rewards in inventions
- Mod posts about I9 - US
Lighthouse explains timeframe of test to live.
- Posts about I9 - EU
Probably no new villain group.
New base items possible.
Sorry if I go off on a bender here but why the heck LiveJournal?
At least with ParagonWiki or somewhere on this site, those of us who have been answering people's questions in our spare time and aren't a LiveJournal member could help out instead of having to be "in" with the CoH/CoV LiveJournal community to help out with this FAQ.
[/ QUOTE ]
What 'in'? I'm not aware that anonymous posts are turned off at the moment, so anyone can come by and add their information to the ongrowing pile. If they are banned right now, well :shrug: information such as this can't be in too many places, and not everyone knows about the official forums, ParagonWiki, or RedTomax's site. Not to mention, a number of the things that came up are things that previously could only be found out by finding this forum, registering an account, and asking the question (possibly including hoping not to be piled on by people tired of hearing the same question over and over).
Information wants to be free. What's your beef with LiveJournal?
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First, because it's LiveJournal. A place nearly populated in its entirety by angst ridden teenagers who think the rest of the world would care about their bad poetry, high school drama and personal problems that if they look back in 10 years will realize how truly trivial and meaningless those things were now that they are adults.
Second, here in this forum, I have a pretty good understanding after 2+ years of reading the Tech and Player Question forums who is a source of good information and who is some angry player with an agenda spouting hearsay and antidotes as truth.
First yet me apologize in advance if I spelled your handle wrong or I overlooked you. If anyone want good info on ATI problems you listen to BillZBubba, general tech problems Houtex and Wolf_Shadow are names one can trust. Want to understand how defense works, Arcanaville. Sarcastic comments about your system, Shego is their with a friendly jab. Others like Lady_Athyna, Zloth, Lemur_Lad, Frost, LiquidX, TonyV, and maybe a dozen more who names escape me at the moment who answer questions regularly on the Player Question forum, are good reliable sources of correct information. I doubt they have the same handle on LiveJournal. Emoboy26, AngstyGirl16, AngryOldGuy and Muppet_Toucher (OK, I made these names up as an example, don't get upset) carry no weight, no reputation with me as a reliable source of information. Sorry I don't know them from Adam.
Third, why do we need to outsource this to another community? We have one here already. What, are those of us who put in the time here, day after day are less worthy than those who choose to shun this forum for their own? It's just like the Q+A with the devs over at WarCry now. Why? Why can't they answer us here? Why do I have to go over to some add laden website to ask a question and get an answer. It would be like wanting to ask your congressman a question at a "town hall" style meeting except for some reason it's being held in another state.
When Lighthouse first announced doing a common question answer thread, I mistakingly thought the outcome would be a sticky and locked post at the top of each thread with 50 - 100 common questions with answers from those in this community who are generally acknowledged as reliable sources. A thread that would be updated regularly, supervised by Lighthouse and his lackeys (even if it's just a PM to the original writer asking to look over their contribution to see if it's still correct). On one hand it would be an officially sanctioned FAQ by players for players and second it would at least acknowledge the work that these players (even if they don't care it would have been nice) have been doing all this time to help out this game. Instead they get the shaft by the powers that be (Lighthouse) for another group who I haven't heard of before in the two and a half years I've been playing this game and reading the forums.
As for your witty little comment about new players not knowing about the official forums. Where the heck would the official forums be huh? LiveJournal wouldn't be my first guess.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Third, why do we need to outsource this to another community? We have one here already.
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Truncated and QFT.
FX, I have a little bit of respect for you from passing along the edges of some threads with your input. So please take this as it's meant, as a correction of your information, and NOT as an attack on you yourself.
The LiveJournal community is open to anyone to read, and it takes all of one minute to create a dummy account in order to participate in it. You don't even have to pay for your account, like you do here on the boards. LJ is free. Posting on LJ is free. Posting in communities on LJ is free. The LiveJournal CoH and CoV communities are all free. Posting to these official forums requires a current, active account.
The LJ CoX communities are not angst ridden teenagers posting about their latest suicide attempt.
And guess what? Take a looksee at the dates. The LJ post predates Lighthouse's request for a consolidated FAQ by A WHOLE MONTH. The LJ post is NOT the consolidated FAQ that Lighthouse requested. It was spurred by the OP getting a newbie into the game, and everybody realizing that, hey! The LJ CoH community doesn't have a FAQ yet.
Please don't let your vitriolic, kneejerk hatred of LiveJournal as a whole spill into a prejudice for an LJ community that is an extension of the boards and has been since NYE [u]2002-3[u]:
Date created: 2002-12-31 10:56:54
(I post as kellzilla in the post linked in Lighthouse's OP.)
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Ah ha! I knew you were both places, just couldn't make the name connection!
(I'm disappointed that my major contribution to that post is "OMG you forgot brawl!!!!1". I do at least TRY to be helpful here.)
Martavius_, I too respect you from the posts of yours I've read online. I'm simply not on often enough to provide quick useful replies. If I'm lucky maybe twice a day, 3 times a day on weekends. I also tend not to chime in if someone has already answered a question correctly and isn't spreading FUD. However if the answer is wrong, expect me to come out with swinging with links proving my point. If nobody answered and I know the answer I will. At this rate I'll never be a Forum Cartel member but I don't care.
However my problem isn't really with the CoH LiveJournal community or their FAQ. My real problem is Lighthouse asking the helpful people here on the forums for a list of common questions on these forums whose answers could be posted in a location that wouldn't be deleted by the forum purge. And after collecting such a list, passed it off to an entirely different group of people to answer at another site. It didn't need to be LiveJournal, it could just as well be some other 3rd party community on another site.
It doesn't matter if LJ is free and open. If someone opens an account as BillZ or Lady_Athyna and aren't us and post incorrect information it sullies our reputations here.
And sorry if I cast LJ in a negative light. If I ask my friends and associates the first thing they think of when I say LiveJournal, teenagers blogging that their live sucks because their folks won't get them a HDTV/PS3/iPod/Trip to Cancun, is the first thing that pops into my friends minds. LJ is not The Well. People don't go there for factual answers.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
LJ did not take over LH's consolidated FAQ request. I quote from my post:[ QUOTE ]
Take a looksee at the dates. The LJ post predates Lighthouse's request for a consolidated FAQ by A WHOLE MONTH. The LJ post is NOT the consolidated FAQ that Lighthouse requested.
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Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
The LiveJournal community is open to anyone to read, and it takes all of one minute to create a dummy account in order to participate in it. You don't even have to pay for your account, like you do here on the boards. LJ is free. Posting on LJ is free. Posting in communities on LJ is free. The LiveJournal CoH and CoV communities are all free. Posting to these official forums requires a current, active account.
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Sooo... to read tips and tricks and answers to common questions about a game you pay to play, you must visit a free player run LJ website instead of the message boards that come with your 'current active subscription'? Why are you getting answers on what Enhancements are if you're not playing the game?
Perhaps I cannot afford the game this paycheck, but next paycheck allows me $15-30 for either a credit card payment or a game card.
Incidentally, not only do you not have to have an active account to ask questions, you don't have to have an active account to ANSWER questions. There are a lot of users who answer questions in the LJ community who don't actually have a current active account.
It's not supposed to be a replacement. It is, however, an extension, and one that works whether or not you can/cannot afford/want to to keep your account active every time you want to post/comment.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
LJ did not take over LH's consolidated FAQ request. I quote from my post:[ QUOTE ]
Take a looksee at the dates. The LJ post predates Lighthouse's request for a consolidated FAQ by A WHOLE MONTH. The LJ post is NOT the consolidated FAQ that Lighthouse requested.
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That isn't the point, Lighthouse's original post in this forum was this Sunday after his request for common questions points to the LJ community site as the place to find the answers. It doesn't matter that the LJ community started their FAQ a month ago. What matters is the following.
1) Lighthouse's announcement of a forum purge of old posts on the 11th of January.
2) The forum regulars point out that such a purge would reduce people's chances of finding answers to questions that have been answered, sometimes several times a week.
3) Lighthouse's post in Player Questions a few hours latter asking for a list of these commonly asked questions.
4) Six or so days later on th 17th, Lighthouse posting a "good job" message for those posting in that thread. Strangely Lighthouse comments on who wants to do the work. Funny, I thought he would at least try to coordinate this effort.
5) Six days after that, Lighthouse posting on the 23rd that the CoH LJ community is hosting and providing the answers. Sounds a whole like he decided to give you all the job, building off what you had already.
Sorry, THIS resource should be HERE on THIS forum with THIS forum's "experts" providing the answers with the effort led by or at least coordinated by the Community Relations Manager or his underling. Give the people who have been helping out on the forums for years a little official recognition for their efforts. Not rewarding some other group of people.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
The FAQ is still being collected. The LJ post is a supplement. Please try to keep a bit of perspective here. The LJ post is not going to be implemented in the way that the consolidated list of FAQs request post is going to implement the consolidated list of FAQs.
Not replace.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Martavius_ has said this, but I'll repeat for truth:
The LJ CoX FAQ has NOTHING to do with Lighthouse's request for a FAQ. We started that, all on our own, a month before he asked for that. The fact that he found what we had done and posted a link to it here is all on him, and none of us (that I know of) asked him to do that, pointed him to it, or suggested he use it as a replacement for what he'd originally asked for.
Lighthouse posting on the 23rd that the CoH LJ community is hosting and providing the answers. Sounds a whole like he decided to give you all the job, building off what you had already.
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This is [censored]. We're not hosting the FAQ Lighthouse asked for. We're not providing the answers Lighthouse asked for. We're not doing the job Lighthouse asked the forums to do.
We're building an LJ-based FAQ, for the folks that come, and came, and continue to show up at the LJ CoX communities, on our own cognizance and our own knowledge.
So, rather than whinging about LJ, either GET ONE and whinge there as you assume it is for, or spend your time building a forums-based FAQ, for the folks that come, and came, and continue to show up at the CoX forums, on your own cognizance and your own knowledge.
she who needs no mic
"You couldn't be more wrong if you were upended in a vat full of toxic wrong by Captain Wrong and his Wrongbots and earned a permanent inherent power called Aura of Wrong."-Lady_Sadako
I can't believe there's so much wank over this. (Wait, yes I can, this /is/ the official forum.) Please allow me to correct a few things.
1. A long while ago, Livejournal posted the statistics for many demographics of it's users: age, location, gender. While the "teen" category outnumbered any single other age category, it wasn't by much, and all the other categories combined FAR outnumbered the number of teens on Livejournal. So it is *not* all teens, or even /mostly/ teens, posting drama (or nondrama for that matter).
2. The CoH livejournal community has relatively few teens in it at all, and it's all CoH related (as in, not dramatic suicide attempts), so your comment about what the majority of LJ is or is not about is completely pointless.
3. This forum is populated by a large number of trolls, wanks and more drama than has ever appeared in the CoH LJ community. Ever. There's more drama here in one /day/ than in the entire history (some years now) of the CoH LJ community. So once again, the argument that the CoH LJ community doesn't have anything valid to contribute is false.
4. Quoted for Truth, we didn't create that thread to answer Lighthouse's call for FAQs. I started it because a friend kept calling me and asking me questions. When LH called for FAQs, I asked him if I should move all the posts to this forum, but he thought a direct link was good enough. It's not "the official FAQ" - it's just a link to some good information.
5. There are a lot of people who have LJs and play CoH, who avoid the official forums like the plague. Not only for reason #3, but because even when you search for answers on the forums, either they're very hard to find or just not here. Note in my OP on LJ that I said "these are questions that people are having a hard time finding." My friend, for whom the post was originally created, DID look on the official forums, and couldn't find answers to his questions. And how would a new player know to go to paragonwiki or warcry without being directed there, let alone what kinds of questions to ask? Paragonwiki doesn't have a "start here" article. We were trying to come up with something that we could point people to, and it happened to also coincide with what LH was asking for.
And I'm sorry, but I have to call you on this:
Give the people who have been helping out on the forums for years a little official recognition for their efforts. Not rewarding some other group of people.
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You are totally coming off as being jealous that some other community or forum out there might possibly have something to contribute, and you're not a part of it. And that's frankly very immature.
Naienko- I did point LH at the post. It was specifically me who did so. But you're absolutely right that if FatherXmas is convinced that crying over trivial matters is all LJ is good for, he certainly seems to need to make himself an account. : (
(edited for clarity)

Naienko, the chain of events appears, from casual observation, including Lighthouse's choice of wording, that a link to LJ's help file is his solution, by calling it out and linking to it, to last weeks collection of common questions. I've looked through it and it's a good start. I wouldn't think a journal style site could be indexed that way.
However my objection stems from what appears to be a slight from the NCSoft community rep to those players, and I don't consider myself to be one of them (I'm primarily a lurker at heart), who either help out constantly with answering questions on the forums about this game that we all enjoy, or with those players who went above and beyond the call with off forum efforts like ParagonWiki or Red Tomax's guide.
If he, Lighthouse, wants to officially give you a call out for a job well done then great. However if this is just a case of praising your efforts, then why not also praise ParagonWiki and NoFuture, which have been around much longer, in the same sticky post at the top of this board?
Lately it seems that NCSoft wants to tie this game to as many external sites as possible by having exclusives on those sites. What's next, Statesman's MySpace page? Ghost Widow's Facebook page? Hey lets all get together in Second Life to form a CoH community.
BTW I would be just as annoyed if he called out some SG's site instead of LJ. If I go to a public park everyday and watch the same group of volunteers clean up day after day and when the time comes for city to recognize the effort they instead praise another group, one who I've never seen, for the effort, I will most vocally point out the injustice. That is how I took Lighthouse's post.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
1. A long while ago, Livejournal posted the statistics for many demographics of it's users: age, location, gender. While the "teen" category outnumbered any single other age category, it wasn't by much, and all the other categories combined FAR outnumbered the number of teens on Livejournal. So it is *not* all teens, or even /mostly/ teens, posting drama (or nondrama for that matter).
2. The CoH livejournal community has relatively few teens in it at all, and it's all CoH related (as in, not dramatic suicide attempts), so your comment about what the majority of LJ is or is not about is completely pointless.
[/ QUOTE ]
I'm sorry for my incorrect characterization of LJ. My limited exposure to LJ's contents as well as 3rd party news reports (I should have known better than to listen to the press) and friend's anecdotes never casted LJ as a source of information. I do know people who post there, sharing baby pictures, staying in contact with friends from back in their con attending days and such. Most of those communities that they belong to are simply a list of people with liked interests and not an organized in the way you have organized your guide.
3. This forum is populated by a large number of trolls, wanks and more drama than has ever appeared in the CoH LJ community. Ever. There's more drama here in one /day/ than in the entire history (some years now) of the CoH LJ community. So once again, the argument that the CoH LJ community doesn't have anything valid to contribute is false.
[/ QUOTE ]
True enough, that was why I thought an officially organized FAQ with answers from the the "non wanks" forum regulars would provide both recognition as being a legitimate source of information and as an attributable source of answers, as in look at this post, that people can use.
4. Quoted for Truth, we didn't create that thread to answer Lighthouse's call for FAQs. I started it because a friend kept calling me and asking me questions. When LH called for FAQs, I asked him if I should move all the posts to this forum, but he thought a direct link was good enough. It's not "the official FAQ" - it's just a link to some good information.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, I understand that now, Martavius_, Kung_Ru and Naienko has stated as such soon after my first post. What I didn't make clear, and I apologize for it, is that it seemed to me to be Lighthouse's solution, by linking to it, instead of organizing one himself on this forum.
5. There are a lot of people who have LJs and play CoH, who avoid the official forums like the plague. Not only for reason #3, but because even when you search for answers on the forums, either they're very hard to find or just not here. Note in my OP on LJ that I said "these are questions that people are having a hard time finding." My friend, for whom the post was originally created, DID look on the official forums, and couldn't find answers to his questions. And how would a new player know to go to paragonwiki or warcry without being directed there, let alone what kinds of questions to ask? Paragonwiki doesn't have a "start here" article. We were trying to come up with something that we could point people to, and it happened to also coincide with what LH was asking for.
[/ QUOTE ]
Which was why I thought that an official common answer FAQ was a great idea. Search is a bit easier to use now after the forum software update but it's not Google. You really have to choose your terms right, remember the + sign for inclusive keywords and kick the time span up to at least a month to have a chance of finding the thread with the answer you are looking for. I can see why people give up searching for answers that haven't been answered 3 times over the last week and simply ask again. Now on the tech board there is a sticky post that was organized by a player for common solutions to technical problems. I've cut/pasted and attributed to it in the past for some questions. I was hoping for something like that on the player questions board.
And I'm sorry, but I have to call you on this:
Give the people who have been helping out on the forums for years a little official recognition for their efforts. Not rewarding some other group of people.
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You are totally coming off as being jealous that some other community or forum out there might possibly have something to contribute, and you're not a part of it. And that's frankly very immature.
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I don't care about recognition personally. My helpful posts are a drop in the bucket compared to others. And even if they don't want the recognition, recognition is deserved for their efforts. I hate it when I see a helpful regular post a reply only to get jumped on by a bunch of trolls who says he's wrong and then proceed to spew incorrect information to the masses. For the newbie (good connotation, not noob, bad connotation) who does he or she believe? The person with the correct answer or the 3 guys with the wrong ones? If they choose quantity, not knowing any better, the damage is done. "The forums are incorrect, don't look for the answer there." Same is true on the help channel, some just enjoy giving out the wrong information.
Naienko- I did point LH at the post. It was specifically me who did so. But you're absolutely right that if FatherXmas is convinced that crying over trivial matters is all LJ is good for, he certainly seems to need to make himself an account. : (
[/ QUOTE ]
Now I've never resorted to personal slights to anyone who replied. Broad sweeping generalizations about LJ posters yes, but not about anyone of you in particular.
Let me reiterate for the Nth time here. My problem isn't with LiveJournal or your work on it, it's with what seemed to me as Lighthouse using your guide as a solution to last weeks assemblage of common questions and recent policies that seem to post exclusive information about the game and access to developers to other sites. I shouldn't have to join the Warcry forum just to ask a question. It simply seems that NCSoft would rather talk to anyone but the players.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Okay, I understand, and if I agreed with you I'd have been upset too. But again I don't think this is his final solution. He was asking for FAQs, and we happened to have one. It's not the end-all be-all, it's just something that happens to be useful, and can be a suppliment until the official FAQ is put together. We have good info, and it's a good starter to what will become the official version, which will of course be hosted here.
The comment about your getting an LJ was just because I really feel like you're making drama where there shouldn't be any. No one's detracting from the contributions here, there just happens to be a slightly-more organized version of it elsewhere, which will help people get started. I'd like to see something "official" hosted here too!

Okay, I understand, and if I agreed with you I'd have been upset too. But again I don't think this is his final solution. He was asking for FAQs, and we happened to have one.
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And that is where our opinions differ because when you PMed him about your own efforts, I'm pretty sure that in his mind you "volunteered" to do the work and with his sticky link he washes his hands of the common questions project.
The comment about your getting an LJ was just because I really feel like you're making drama where there shouldn't be any.
[/ QUOTE ]
Well, you were the 2nd who suggested that.
Peace, it's been a lovely chat.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
I thought id just ask, are they ever gunna rise the lvl cap?
and if so what zones will there be i have heard the cap will rais to 60 (whitch would be rly cool) and the last zone is something involving rikiti, like a base or sumthing, and it is a shared FFA zonebut u can flag your self(if you want to pvp) and heroes and villans can also team up in that zone.
Also i would like to ask if there will be AT transfers ever (as in taking a mission "mutiny mission" to switch from hero to villan or vice versa. this would make the game better and ballance it out.
The City of Heroes livejournal community got together and answered some of the most common questions from newbies in the game, especially ones that don't have easy-to-find answers.
To read more, visit the CoH Livejournal Community Web Site.
Community Relations Manager
If you have a specific in game, account, tech or billing problem please contact our Customer Support team via The Knowledge Base "Ask A Question" page.