Rants, Forums, Lighthouse




Unfortunately rules are rules. They have to be enforced.

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All of them? Even questionable ones, or questionable interpretations of them?

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Like it or not the mods are final arbiters on interpretation of the rules. If someone disagrees with that, it should go on PM.

And yes. All of them.

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Never. Based on that logic (that of sheep under the crook of the shepherd) nothing ever changes, or ever can.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



Unfortunately rules are rules. They have to be enforced.

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All of them? Even questionable ones, or questionable interpretations of them?

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Since NCSoft owns the space, yeah.

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I am a by Gods customer and the amount of control I am willing to give a vendor has significant limits.

I am not particularly annoyed by the staff or the rules, but Christ and Horus in a crap game, folks, do you really go through life bowing to "the rules" this way? Accepting the dictates of authority because it IS authority, and telling others to do the same?

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



True, rules are rules and they need to be enforced - to a point. In Washington State the speed limit is the law - no grace limit like oh, 5 miles over is okay but 6 and we'll hit you with a ticket. So imagine going one mile over the limit and getting pulled over and getting a ticket. Tell me, would you thank the officer and say "Rules are rules. I will pay the ticket first thing tomorrow"? OR would you try to reason with officer, maybe get him to give you a warning? Maybe say that there are worse crimes he could be policing? May even just take the ticket but then go to court to fight it, knowing that the judge would probably reduce the ticket? Where is the rules are rules line then? Rules are rules ONLY when they suit us. I have never had a post edited or deleted or had a thread closed. I have complete freeness of speech in this...

The fact that a rants forum is currently against the rules does not make it impossible. The rules can be changed.

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Using your example, a policeman/woman could pul you over and give you a ticket for that 1 mph over or let you skate by at 30 mph over the limit. That is their choice, however their selective enforcing the law does not change the law. It is still the law.

You can't disregard a forum rule just because you don't like it or feel it's 'fun' or whatever. It's there, and there for a reason. This forum is not a public forum, it is owned and operated by NCSoft in support of the CO* series.

Free speech is only guarenteed int he US regarding the government's ability to make laws that could possibly curtail freedom of expression. "Free Speech" does NOT exist on a privately owned forum, unless such rights have been given to you, or anyone else that frequents the forums.

Read the forum rules and abide by them. Seldom does a "rant" mean that a logical, rational, educational or whatever discussion will occur. All too often someone who rants just posts to 'vent' and then someone else posts in response, and before you know it any real value is gone, even if the issue was legitimate, and the thread is locked or deleted.

If you have an issue with the game or another (general) player behavior then post your thoughts in a well laid-out manner for true discussion. If you want to yell, complain, whine, whatever then more often than not your thread will be locked or deleted as per the forum rules.

If you don't like said rules, you can do one of three things. 1) Try to work to have the rules changed, and this is done NOT by complaining and b****ing, but by proving wth fact and example how the rule is more detrimental than beneficial, or 2) deal with it, or 3) leave. Those are the only choices that any of us have ultimately.



I understand, rules are rules, rants are rants, the twain shall ere meet and with good reason.

That said, I've seen threads mod-smacked, and been reading live at the time, that I truly do not understand the reason why. Usually this is the middle of the night EST (2-5am) whatever mod has responsibility for that timeframe.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



Though it wasn't even a "rant", here's an example of what I consider completely over-the-top censorship from about 2 weeks ago.

A poster read an official announcment saying not to modify .pigg files, and was curious what that means. He was quite clear that he had no desire to do so, simply wanted to know what they were. I gave an answer about what the files are and how they're used - that's it. Not only did I not say anything about how to mess around with them, I listed several reasons why it's a bad idea. We were both quite conservative on the topic, the intent being to end the curiosity.

Nevertheless, within an hour, thread deleted.

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Well quite simply, since there is an OFFICIAL post on the subject, starting a new thread is redundent.

Secondly, if I was one of the moderators or Lighthouse himself, I would simply PM a response (or even your response) to the guy and then delete the thread before it becomes anything. Problems solved on both sides.

If I want to complain about the game, and I do so here, even if I'm not initially constructive it can lead to something when written in a place Devs can see it.

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and you are allowed to do so, as often as you want...just look at Part-Troll. But your criticism must be calm and constructive, not "OMGWTFBBQ U GUYS SUK!"



Unfortunately rules are rules. They have to be enforced.

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All of them? Even questionable ones, or questionable interpretations of them?

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Like it or not the mods are final arbiters on interpretation of the rules. If someone disagrees with that, it should go on PM.

And yes. All of them.

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Never. Based on that logic (that of sheep under the crook of the shepherd) nothing ever changes, or ever can.

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Sure sometimes breaking a law that is obviously unfair or unconstitutional (in the US anyway) turns into a good thing. See Rosa Parks. However, that is the exception and not the rule. A Questionable law is still just that, a law. It must be followed. If you feel so strongly that it is unfair and/or biased then there are avenues at your disposal (in both real life and here on the forums) to make yourself heard without actually breaking the rules or laws.



I am not particularly annoyed by the staff or the rules, but Christ and Horus in a crap game, folks, do you really go through life bowing to "the rules" this way? Accepting the dictates of authority because it IS authority, and telling others to do the same?

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Speaking personally, yes.

Current main:
Schrodinger's Gun, Dual Pistols/Mental Blaster, Virtue

Avatar: Becky Miyamoto from Pani Poni Dash. Roulette roulette~



Unfortunately rules are rules. They have to be enforced.

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All of them? Even questionable ones, or questionable interpretations of them?

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Since NCSoft owns the space, yeah.

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I am a by Gods customer and the amount of control I am willing to give a vendor has significant limits.

I am not particularly annoyed by the staff or the rules, but Christ and Horus in a crap game, folks, do you really go through life bowing to "the rules" this way? Accepting the dictates of authority because it IS authority, and telling others to do the same?

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and there you have it, that's what I think too. It's not like I don't know what the EULA says, or what the conditions and terms of agreement are on the forums, but that doesn't mean that if they do something that's not fair or that I feel, as a customer, is a failure to deliver a service that I've paid for I'm going to yelp about it.

Brother of Markus

The Lord of Fire and Pain

The Legendary Living Hellfire

Fight my brute!



Sure sometimes breaking a law that is obviously unfair or unconstitutional (in the US anyway) turns into a good thing. See Rosa Parks. However, that is the exception and not the rule. A Questionable law is still just that, a law. It must be followed.

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Those avenues include civil disobedience (in the larger context of society). the civil rights movement, as you note, is the most potent example of this in recent US history. Antiwar protests come to mind as well. Gandhi was a master of the technique.

There are laws which individuals cannot, from their ethical standpoint, follow. Others may be dismayed or disgusted by the ethical stand in question, but that does not erase the right of a citizen to disobey a law he finds intolerable (even though he will face criminal or civil penalties for doing so).

We may, with the great examplars of civil disobedience, King and Gandhi and others, draw a line that separates non-compliance with a hateful law from violence to others. I can immolate myself in protest of a law I find unjust, even though suicide is illegal in many jurisdictions, and I may face criminal penalties for my action ;-) I have no moral right to set someone else on fire.

Drawing a line elsewhere is problematic. Constitutionality? Slavery was Constitutional for 70-odd years and many abolitionist actions broke laws which were perfectly constitutional, as, for example, the Underground Railroad violated the Fugitive Slave Act.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.



Hi LadyExxotica,

Thanks for taking the time to post your feelings and concerns. I have also received feedback on this same topic since I started. This is home for a good number of people and they've let me know (and some of the Dev's too!) how they feel it is being handled. Some people have expressed they like the change of pace and felt that the forums had grown a bit unruly. Some others let me know they felt I was being overly prohibitive and stifling. I respect the fact that I'm the newcomer here and do my best to keep the feelings of our posters in mind.

I do lament that I don't have as much time as I'd like to just involve myself in discussions on the forums. Unfortunately, that means that a lot of times when I post into a thread, it is as you said, to address some concern with how the topic is progressing or to shut something down. So, that is to say, I can understand your feelings about my presence on the forums. It is something I'm aware of and working to address.

We do have good reason for the Message Forum Rules and Guidelines that govern conduct on these forums. This place is not an open soapbox for anyone who wants to stand up and rant and bash the game or to talk about topics not on the game. We have these forums to help players get the most out of the game and those rules are a good part of keeping that experience a positive one.

I welcome any input and feelings about how we run things around here. If you don't want to voice that here, please feel free to write me a private message.

Respectfully yours,

[/ QUOTE ] ty lighthouse we know you are new to the job and we are glad you are doing your job
i can understand when u rly need to step in and im glad u r doin ur job but it u have been a little uptight i mean honestly something is wrong when a mod nerfs my zomgrof

[/ QUOTE ] omg they nerfed my zomgrof- y do i even bother saying it after all its te 2nd time theyve nerfed it



Sure sometimes breaking a law that is obviously unfair or unconstitutional (in the US anyway) turns into a good thing. See Rosa Parks. However, that is the exception and not the rule. A Questionable law is still just that, a law. It must be followed.

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Those avenues include civil disobedience (in the larger context of society). the civil rights movement, as you note, is the most potent example of this in recent US history. Antiwar protests come to mind as well. Gandhi was a master of the technique.

There are laws which individuals cannot, from their ethical standpoint, follow. Others may be dismayed or disgusted by the ethical stand in question, but that does not erase the right of a citizen to disobey a law he finds intolerable (even though he will face criminal or civil penalties for doing so).

We may, with the great examplars of civil disobedience, King and Gandhi and others, draw a line that separates non-compliance with a hateful law from violence to others. I can immolate myself in protest of a law I find unjust, even though suicide is illegal in many jurisdictions, and I may face criminal penalties for my action ;-) I have no moral right to set someone else on fire.

Drawing a line elsewhere is problematic. Constitutionality? Slavery was Constitutional for 70-odd years and many abolitionist actions broke laws which were perfectly constitutional, as, for example, the Underground Railroad violated the Fugitive Slave Act.

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Uh, I don't think it is fair to draw a connection between the Civil Rights movement, Slavery, and the Underground Railroad with anything on the forums. For one thing the is the matter of scale, and another the gross injustices that those laws created or movements sought to undue. I don't think any but the longest and most strained corrallation can be drawn between Forum Moderation and any of the three examples above.

Now, since I am a new comer to this discussion I will also just say I feel Lighthouse is a little mod happy at times. But to be fair, we did get away with a lot of stuff before he arrived.



Because not following forum rules is JUST like being part of the Underground Railroad.

Do you often go off on these tangents?



Hi LadyExxotica,

Thanks for taking the time to post your feelings and concerns. I have also received feedback on this same topic since I started. This is home for a good number of people and they've let me know (and some of the Dev's too!) how they feel it is being handled. Some people have expressed they like the change of pace and felt that the forums had grown a bit unruly. Some others let me know they felt I was being overly prohibitive and stifling. I respect the fact that I'm the newcomer here and do my best to keep the feelings of our posters in mind.

I do lament that I don't have as much time as I'd like to just involve myself in discussions on the forums. Unfortunately, that means that a lot of times when I post into a thread, it is as you said, to address some concern with how the topic is progressing or to shut something down. So, that is to say, I can understand your feelings about my presence on the forums. It is something I'm aware of and working to address.

We do have good reason for the Message Forum Rules and Guidelines that govern conduct on these forums. This place is not an open soapbox for anyone who wants to stand up and rant and bash the game or to talk about topics not on the game. We have these forums to help players get the most out of the game and those rules are a good part of keeping that experience a positive one.

I welcome any input and feelings about how we run things around here. If you don't want to voice that here, please feel free to write me a private message.

Respectfully yours,

[/ QUOTE ] ty lighthouse we know you are new to the job and we are glad you are doing your job
i can understand when u rly need to step in and im glad u r doin ur job but it u have been a little uptight i mean honestly something is wrong when a mod nerfs my zomgrof

[/ QUOTE ] omg they nerfed my zomgrof- y do i even bother saying it after all its te 2nd time theyve nerfed it

[/ QUOTE ] cmon doesnt anyone thing somethin is up when mod 2 keeps nerfing my zomgroflmfao



It's a board about a game! There's rules in place because people don't know how to behave.

I for one, am glad that things are getting locked and/or deleted. Why? Because I, as a customer, don't come here to read self proclaimed 'lords of the boards' belittle anyone and everyone who has a differing opinion. I also don't care to read everyone's little sexual innuendo. I also find childish name calling extremely boring. I consider ALL of these things to be a complete waste of my time when I am looking for specific information and have to wade through pages of crap to get to it.

I say delete it and get it out of this customers way. So, yeah, follow the rules or get deleted or locked. Seems simple to me; the only opposing view is "I want to be complete jerk and you're oppressing me if you don't let me!". That's what it sounds like to me anyway. There's no rules here to be upset about.



Uh, I don't think it is fair to draw a connection between the Civil Rights movement, Slavery, and the Underground Railroad with anything on the forums. For one thing the is the matter of scale, and another the gross injustices that those laws created or movements sought to undue. I don't think any but the longest and most strained corrallation can be drawn between Forum Moderation and any of the three examples above.

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So if a law is just a little unjust, it should be followed blindly under all circumstances?

BBhumeBB's examples are extreme, but why should his logic only apply to really really super bad laws? 200 years ago, those laws were not viewed as really really super bad.

Ever heard the phrase, "give an inch and they take a mile"? Just because a particular injustice is "small stuff" doesn't mean it isn't worth opposing.



Uh, I don't think it is fair to draw a connection between the Civil Rights movement, Slavery, and the Underground Railroad with anything on the forums. For one thing the is the matter of scale, and another the gross injustices that those laws created or movements sought to undue. I don't think any but the longest and most strained corrallation can be drawn between Forum Moderation and any of the three examples above.

[/ QUOTE ]
So if a law is just a little unjust, it should be followed blindly under all circumstances?

BBhumeBB's examples are extreme, but why should his logic only apply to really really super bad laws? 200 years ago, those laws were not viewed as really really super bad.

Ever heard the phrase, "give an inch and they take a mile"? Just because a particular injustice is "small stuff" doesn't mean it isn't worth opposing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Personally, I think comparing a posters right on this board to slavery is a HUGE insult to anyone who honestly suffered under such oppression. The comparison isn't only silly; it's disrespectful.



There are laws which individuals cannot, from their ethical standpoint, follow. Others may be dismayed or disgusted by the ethical stand in question, but that does not erase the right of a citizen to disobey a law he finds intolerable (even though he will face criminal or civil penalties for doing so).

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You're right, I misspoke in my last post. I should have said "A questionable law is still a law and SHOULD be followed UNLESS there is no other option then disobeying it." there is always a chance that the only option truly left open to a person is civil disobedience.



Some people have expressed they like the change of pace and felt that the forums had grown a bit unruly.

[/ QUOTE ]

Count me as one.

Internet forums are not necessarily the friendliest of places, and this certainly isn't the WoW forums, but I really wonder how forum posters define "common courtesy" some days here. Sometimes the most innocuous threads, the easiest questions, or the most sincere pleas for help are made into something ugly by a poster that just has to call someone else names.

I personally think the system of giving titles on this forum for people who pad their posts encourages some of this behavior, and feel free to disagree with me, but have you ever meet someone who was wise and kind but at the same time talked your head off? If so, I'd bet it's less often than you know people who are silent smartasses.

Keep in mind, there's one Lighthouse, and a significant number of everyone else. He can't possibly modsmack (sometimes even when you ask him to) all the threads that have offensive content as soon as they pop-up because more will be created in that same instant.

Maybe the best solution would be to follow the rules, enjoy the spirit of the season, and try being nice to one another for a change. That way, there's no need to see Lighthouse modsmacking everythread; he can sit back and enjoy the goodwill.



There are laws which individuals cannot, from their ethical standpoint, follow. Others may be dismayed or disgusted by the ethical stand in question, but that does not erase the right of a citizen to disobey a law he finds intolerable (even though he will face criminal or civil penalties for doing so).

[/ QUOTE ]

And attempting to draw a parallel between message board moderation and such movements is ultimate futility, and just more Message Board Hyperbole Maximus.

No one that's been Moded is a valiant and noble freedom fighter. In general, they're people who haven't read or don't understand the rules, and/or people with chips on their shoulders about authority figures.

Back on topic, folks.



ANYway, I just wanted to add my thoughts about Lighthouse in particular.

I do think it is kind of weird that he posts in so many threads he locks. I end up seeing the posts in the Dev Digest and then I go back and read the thread - so his doing this is the direct cause of "innocent bystanders" reading inappropriate material! Then again, thanks to this thread, I'm looking at that in a new way ... since he's telling people why the threads are being shut down, people like me can take those "bad" threads as cautionary examples. How not to post. So I can't decide whether this is good or bad. Both I guess.

Personally, I am looking forward to the day (which may never come) when Lighthouse is able to "loosen up" a little in his posting style and become "one of the gang". I was never truly a fan of CuppaJo, but she did have an undeniable charm and charisma. Somehow we never blamed her for laying down the law. She was just doing her job, after all. But there was just something so amiable about her. Like a cop who arrests a burglar, but after the guy gets out of jail he goes out drinking with him. I don't know. Lighthouse still has that "new car smell". I think we need to get him drunk and convince him to get a stupid tattoo. Something like that. Then hopefully this tension will disperse a little.



I actually wanted to reply.. mainly to the OP here. I think she has some interesting points, and are very cogently stated, at that.

However, I think it's a matter of finding personality. You see, lighthouse is essentially an "instant celebrity, just add red". Now some people are going to assume that this means he's the new kid on the block, and people are going to be resistant to his ideas and what not, especially in lieu of the fact that we all really liked cuppa. But I don't think that's the case. Why? Because no one had a problem with cricket. She was the new kid on the block too, and yet was well received and there were not the same level of problems.

So what is the problem, if not the "new kid on the block" thing? Well, there are two ways to look at the "instant celebrity, just add red" problem. The first is that of the effect this has on the viewers... that they'll be resentful and not take him well, the thing I already mentioned. The other thing is the effect it has on lighthouse himself. You see... lighthouse is a person. So he is affected as much as anyone when weird things happen. What happens to a person when they're given instant celebrity status? Well, we all handle it differently. Some people handle it really well. Lighthouse... I don't think did.

He turned cold. This is a job. He treats it as such. However, we don't want to be treated that way. I sent him a PM at one point, with much the same concerns the OP has. I will never make the mistake of sending him another PM again. His reply was cold, pointless, VERY politically correct, and quite honestly, I got the impression that he had taken classes on how to write form letters, or instructions on how to assemble furniture. For all I know this isn't how he actually FEELS, just how he came across, but the reply had no personality. Because it had no personality, it had no weight. No merit. I might as well have been talking to a machine.

Some people may like this. Some people, like myself, clearly don't. I don't want to talk to a PR robot. I want to talk to a person. With personality, spirit, incentive, drive, dreams and goals. Someone with emotion. When I send a PM now, I send it to cricket. I don't think we need a dalek running the boards. We need an individual with personality.

The good news is that this isn't an insurmountable problem. It is a possiblity that lighthouse is just reacting badly to being thrown in head first into the pool. He may indeed be a great guy, a lively individual capable of human emotion, compassion, and expression of these things. He just needs to learn how to do this.. how to deal with being THE MAN, and yet still being a person.

The bad news.. is that a lot of damage is already done. I can only speak for myself, but I'm not really reading a lot of the boards anymore. By the time I PMed cricket about this (and received a well worded response) I had already become so jaded and daunted that I am just finding myself not really caring much anymore. I don't want to make a post just to find that it gets deleted later for some unknown and obviously uncared about reason. Then, to add to that, the recent debacle with the costume contest being bungled up in apparantly four different seperate ways really just gave me a feeling of no confidence in NCSoft at this point. The future may be brighter, but the damage is done. The community, in many regards has been partially destroyed for me, and I'll be the first to admit that I probably won't hold my account much longer because of it. Some damage can't be undone.

Zeus - god of damage control



Personally, I think comparing a posters right on this board to slavery is a HUGE insult to anyone who honestly suffered under such oppression. The comparison isn't only silly; it's disrespectful.

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I agree that the scale is completely different here. But are you saying that people shouldn't be responsibly disobedient in the case of a small-scale injustice?

We could probably come up with smaller-scale and much less resonant examples of injustice if you really want. I think BBhumeBB made his point very well. Maybe his examples were in bad taste, but arguing about that will get us nowhere. Agreed? If so, let's talk about the substance of his argument.



Unfortunately rules are rules. They have to be enforced.

[/ QUOTE ]

All of them? Even questionable ones, or questionable interpretations of them?

[/ QUOTE ]

Since NCSoft owns the space, yeah.

[/ QUOTE ]

I am a by Gods customer and the amount of control I am willing to give a vendor has significant limits.

I am not particularly annoyed by the staff or the rules, but Christ and Horus in a crap game, folks, do you really go through life bowing to "the rules" this way? Accepting the dictates of authority because it IS authority, and telling others to do the same?

[/ QUOTE ]

You are more than free to vote with your dollar, and leave. Why is it so difficult to accept the rules of someone's house you're a guest in, regardless of whether *you* agree with them or not? Don't like a 'no pets' policy in a rental complex? Find another one without that rule. No need for drama.

Let the man do his job.



Uh, I don't think it is fair to draw a connection between the Civil Rights movement, Slavery, and the Underground Railroad with anything on the forums. For one thing the is the matter of scale, and another the gross injustices that those laws created or movements sought to undue. I don't think any but the longest and most strained corrallation can be drawn between Forum Moderation and any of the three examples above.

[/ QUOTE ]
So if a law is just a little unjust, it should be followed blindly under all circumstances?

BBhumeBB's examples are extreme, but why should his logic only apply to really really super bad laws? 200 years ago, those laws were not viewed as really really super bad.

Ever heard the phrase, "give an inch and they take a mile"? Just because a particular injustice is "small stuff" doesn't mean it isn't worth opposing.

[/ QUOTE ]

The problem is, if the law or rule is just "a little unjust", then theres a good chance you're not going to have a lot of support rallying against it.

If I think that the laws regarding speed limits are too strict and unfair to those of us who pay lots of money to boost the performance of our vehicles, and thus begin to go 10 miles over the speed limit wherever I go, I don't think I can rightfully expect the police to acknowledge my "protest".



Uh, I don't think it is fair to draw a connection between the Civil Rights movement, Slavery, and the Underground Railroad with anything on the forums. For one thing the is the matter of scale, and another the gross injustices that those laws created or movements sought to undue. I don't think any but the longest and most strained corrallation can be drawn between Forum Moderation and any of the three examples above.

[/ QUOTE ]
So if a law is just a little unjust, it should be followed blindly under all circumstances?

BBhumeBB's examples are extreme, but why should his logic only apply to really really super bad laws? 200 years ago, those laws were not viewed as really really super bad.

Ever heard the phrase, "give an inch and they take a mile"? Just because a particular injustice is "small stuff" doesn't mean it isn't worth opposing.

[/ QUOTE ]

Not quite what I meant. =>.<= The problem with laws being just a little unjust, is that the injustice of them could alll be in your perception of them. Or, the law may not be unjust, but the law enforcers may be evil twisted little scociopaths, if you will permit to be a little extreme. Or, if you rather, the enforcers could be too heavy handed.

I think the problem is that not only is Lighthouse a new element within the forums, and human nature always rebels and takes arms against that which it is not familier, but Lighthouse is also a very different hand at modderation then what we had before. Lighthouse is not without flaw, I have personal experience on that front, and he sometimes use to post reasons why the thread was getting locked. I believe he did this as a sort of lesson. Instead of a thread just being locked we now knew why it was locked so that we could avoid a repeat of the situation again, assumming we had been ignorant of the rules infractions to begin with. It was just that act that landed me several very unwanted and distressing tells. When the situation was brought to Lighhouses attention he promptly replied that he would set it to rights by simply deleting the thread.

To use your own phrase, we were giving the inch and took the mile before Lighthouse came. He is just giving us new boundries and limits. We and him have to take the time to get used to the new arrangement.