Protector Badge/Monster Global Channels




These are the most common (both public and private) badge and monster spotting channels on Protector.

Jello Shooters (More of a basic chat channel)
TF and Badge (Looking for task force and badge assistance? Check here!)
Protector Watch (mainly used for rare spawning monsters, occasional task force)
Villain Badges (looking for badges or giant monsters on villains? Go here.)
Badge Squad (mainly Villain badges)




This is a list of the Giant Monsters/Events by Zone for Heroes and Villains.

City of Heroes Giant Monsters or Events Zone by Zone (pre I7)
-Regular Zones-
Atlas Park: no event
Galaxy City: no event
Kings Row: Clockwork Paladin (Giant Monster)
Steel Canyon: Hellion Fires (Event)
Skyway City: Troll Raves (Event)
Croatoa: Jack in Irons, Eochai, Sally (Giant Monsters, and Events)
Independence Port: Lusca (Giant Monster) Ghost Ship (Event)
Talos: Ghost Ship (Event)
Founders Falls: no event (sometimes Kronos Titan spawns as a result of a mission completion, but it’s not a regular event)
Brickstown: no event
Peregrine Island: no event
-Trial Zones-
Perez Park: The Kraken (Giant Monster)
Faultline: no event
Boomtown: Babbage (Giant Monster)
Dark Astoria: Adamastor (Giant Monster)
Striga Isle: no event
Crey’s Folly: Jurasik (Giant Monster)
Rikti Crash Site: no event
Eden: No Event
The Hive: Hamidon resides there.
The Abandoned Sewers: no event

City of Villains Giant Monsters or Events Zone by Zone (pre I7)
-Regular Zones-
Mercy Island: no event
Port Oakes: no event
Cap Au Diable: Deathsurge (Giant Monster)
Sharkhead: Ghost of the Scrapyard (Giant Monster)
Nerva Archipelago: Caleb (Giant Monster, spawnable)
St. Martial: no event

Bloody Bay/Sirens Call/Warburg (Player versus Player Zones accessable by heroes and villains – no events.

(Big shout out to Tsukiyomi for helping with the villain side of things!)



Etiquette question:

Are the fires and raves considered too insignifcant to announce on Protector Watch?



Etiquette question:

Are the fires and raves considered too insignifcant to announce on Protector Watch?

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Nope, still lots of folks that want the badges or just to roast some marshmellows.



Or roast some heroes if they're looking for the next damage badge.

The Abrams is one of the most effective war machines on the planet. - R. Lee Ermy.

Q: How do you wreck an Abrams?

A: You crash into another one.



Also, it is important to note that it is rumored that Deathsurge and the Ghost of Scrapyard are spawnable, due to the frequency of which they're spotted.

However, I believe this is just indication that the devs have heard the cries of anguish from irritated badge-hunters and decreased the minimum spawn time on the CoV Giant Monsters.

That doesn't mean I'm saying they can't be spawned, but until I hear an official red-name Developer say "yes, they can be spawned" as opposed to what they're saying now, which is "Only Caleb can be forcefully spawned" then I'm sticking with the random spawning.

@Tsukiyomi, @Imoyikust
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Noted: Wanting to run a trial with your friends is not allowed.
Unless you have exactly 15 or 23 friends.
Because PUGs are an option for the trials, they should be mandatory.



I have a simple question that hopefully someone could help with. I added the TF and Bage and the Protector Watch channels, but the same information is displayed in the window for both. Whenever I send a message out on Protector Watch, it shows up in TF and Badge as well. Am I missing something fundamental? Is it necessasry to have both channels?



You don't have to have both channels -- are they in tabs? and if so are the tabs seperate? You may want to check (right click, edit) each tab and see what's IN each one. It sounds like if it IS tabs, you have both in each one, or the same one in both.

If that doesn't help, you may need to give some more information.

Hope that helps,




Every message that comes up in your chat window should show who sent it and what channel it's on. The global channels should show the actual name of the channel along with the message so you should be able to tell fairly easily what channels you are seeing in those tabs. As Riverdancer indicated, make sure you have the channels enabled in the tabs. And make sure the tab is active by clicking on the tab itself. I think the active tab is indicated by being a green tab.

And recently my global channels would somehow be removed from some tabs, though this only happened for a short while and hasn't happened since. It doesn't seem like that is your problem, but there may be another glitch somewhere out there ...

singing in a child-like, mousey voice: ...beneath a clear blue sky..!

| Issue 9 Fly poses | IO's and ED
| Cycling the Combat Monitor | Load Macros from a Text File |



I would like to add one thing.

Lusca is up, she is always up.

Please stop annoucing it.



Or roast some heroes if they're looking for the next damage badge.

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Fires are definetly the place to get those damage badges, if not enough people are there, that thing blows dealing usually over 100k damage (at least to me)

Casual hero since 2004
Citizen of Protector
@Zork Nemesis




Fires are definetly the place to get those damage badges, if not enough people are there, that thing blows dealing usually over 100k damage (at least to me)

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Are you and Frobozz up there buddies?

Last time I fought a fire I got about 250K in damage.

Good times.

Players Guide to the Cities



Its too bad you don't get that amount. The only damage that counts is the actual taken. If you have 1000 HP, and you take 10000 Damage in one shot, you only get credit for 1000 damage.



How dose 1 go about joining these channels



How dose 1 go about joining these channels

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To join, right click on your chat window, and select 'Join Channel'. In the box that appears, you're going to put the name of the channel, but I can't remember if you use an @ symbol in front of it like you would if you were adding someone to your global list or not - it should tell you when you go to join.

Then, go to a tab, right click on it, and edit tab -- add the selected channel to your tab, and away you go!

Happy chatting!




Thanks! 4 too long have I sat at a spwan point waiting for a monster to show and then go to dinner, then come back to find that while I had my Wendys, the monster appeared and left.



How dose 1 go about joining these channels

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To join, right click on your chat window, and select 'Join Channel'. In the box that appears, you're going to put the name of the channel, but I can't remember if you use an @ symbol in front of it like you would if you were adding someone to your global list or not - it should tell you when you go to join.

Then, go to a tab, right click on it, and edit tab -- add the selected channel to your tab, and away you go!

Happy chatting!


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when you join the channel, it joins automatically for all your alts. but you have to edit the tab to add it as a channel that shows in your window, for every alt that you want to be able to see it. i do that even on my newbies, so that if something good comes across i can change to a higher toon to get in on the action.

can i rez him yet, or do we need to wait for vengeance?



4 of these channels serve basically the same purpose: to get badges. Whether its for hero or villain side, or monsters, tfs, or whatever all 4 are for the same thing, to get badges.

Since we can only be in 5 global channels at once that means that if someone wants to be in a 6th one they are going to drop out of one the badge channels, lowering the amount of resources availible to us on an already low population server.

Seems to me that the best thing to do would be to simply have one Protector badge channel and do away with all these others that divide up the badge hunting community.



4 of these channels serve basically the same purpose: to get badges. Whether its for hero or villain side, or monsters, tfs, or whatever all 4 are for the same thing, to get badges.

Since we can only be in 5 global channels at once that means that if someone wants to be in a 6th one they are going to drop out of one the badge channels, lowering the amount of resources availible to us on an already low population server.

Seems to me that the best thing to do would be to simply have one Protector badge channel and do away with all these others that divide up the badge hunting community.

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No one's saying you should subscribe to all 4 or 5, or 145. Some have lots of people listening, others don't. Pick the one you like the best. That's what we all do.




Are any of these channels used for finding teams?

My 50's:
Fiya Man: Fiya/ Fiya/ Flame Blaster -Protector
Ethros: Dark/Dark/Dark Defender - Protector
Ja-Ja: Fire/Kin/Earth Controller- Protector
Shadow Flux: Fortunata
Daily Forecast: Fire/Storm/Mace Corruptor- Infinity

"XP is for sissies. Real men collect debt." -Adelie




Are any of these channels used for finding teams?

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Good question. I never thought of it, because to me I always use my friends list/SG list, or use the broadcast channel in the level appropriate zone; otherwise you run the risk of having to weed out the level 8s looking to team with you when you're 43




Are any of these channels used for finding teams?

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Good question. I never thought of it, because to me I always use my friends list/SG list, or use the broadcast channel in the level appropriate zone; otherwise you run the risk of having to weed out the level 8s looking to team with you when you're 43


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I thought of it more as a place where forumites (mostly more mature players) can get together and team up for everyday missions. I would love to have one of those...

My 50's:
Fiya Man: Fiya/ Fiya/ Flame Blaster -Protector
Ethros: Dark/Dark/Dark Defender - Protector
Ja-Ja: Fire/Kin/Earth Controller- Protector
Shadow Flux: Fortunata
Daily Forecast: Fire/Storm/Mace Corruptor- Infinity

"XP is for sissies. Real men collect debt." -Adelie




Etiquette question:

Are the fires and raves considered too insignifcant to announce on Protector Watch?

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Nope, still lots of folks that want the badges or just to roast some marshmellows.

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i wish this would happen. i have yet to do a fire!

AKA: Ath BS/SD Brute (Hero)

"The Fall and Rise of Athanatos" Arc ID: 521712

Outcast Cooler - "Those who live by the sword get shot by those who don't."



New channel called Protector Vigilance! For announcing Giant Monsters, badge hunting and task forces! Cussing and griefing won't be tolerated. Warnings will be given in order to avoid someone being silenced or kicked. Operators will take responsibility for their own actions by announcing what they did and why. All are welcome!



Paragon Watch should also be listed. The channel is for Badges/TFs/SFs & Giant Monsters. This is a public channel anyone is welcome to join.