Moon Hazard Zone




Wow Ace that is some serious stuff..... I rummaged through my closet and found me old pair of "Moon Boots" oh darn I wish I had a picture to show off those wonderful consumer creations.

Anyway the design for this looks tight, lets see if we can't get any attention here.


[/ QUOTE ]

I actually have a pair of those cushioned moon shoes from when I was a kid, lol.

These are the shoes I had when I was little.

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I love the idea of the Space Explorer Accolade

"PvP Messiah"



Hey GA I thought you were going to update this?

ValeronSonic / Energy Blaster
Sugar and SpiceEmpathy / Psionic Defender
Naughty and NiceWillpower / Super Strength Tanker
Lady Swordsword/ Shield Scrapper



I would absolutely love to see a moon zone as part of some epic level 48-50 stomping grounds.



so is that stuff in the first post actuall stuff from posi or what we hope for?



so is that stuff in the first post actuall stuff from posi or what we hope for?

[/ QUOTE ]

It was all made out of whole cloth. Several Ideas from other forum goers were incorperated into the original Idea, and CuppaJo was kind enough to update when that happened.

*Hugs CuppaJo*

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



This has to be one of the best ideas around, and if the Devs do not use this idea (or atleast borrow just about everything from it) then I think they will have missed the boat.

It may have been said before, but if this idea were set up as the Rikti home world instead of the moon, that would fit right in with the whole invasion theme of Issue 10. Then in Issue 11 we could go get revenge by invading their planet... And if not, I am cool with going to the moon. <.< >.> :-)

50 Fire/Kin Cont
50 Fire/Axe Tank
50 Spine/Inv Scrap
50 Eng/Dev Blast
50 Claw/SR Scrap
50 Emp/Dark Def
50 Eng/Elec Brute
50 Fire/MM Blast

My DeviantArt Page



one word LAG!



Hey GA I thought you were going to update this?

[/ QUOTE ]

Worked on it today and mailed it to Ex to update.

Changed it to a Co-op zone.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



Hey GA I thought you were going to update this?

[/ QUOTE ]

Worked on it today and mailed it to Ex to update.

Changed it to a Co-op zone.

[/ QUOTE ]

I so wish they would do this. People have begged for it for how long?

And definitely co-op.



It's been a year since my last update. So I thought I would look at this one more time. After some thought, I think it should be a co-op zone instead of a hazard zone. I however refuse to change the title it's been titled the "Moon Hazard Zone" for nearly three years so I'll keep it as that (this being it's second incarnation, the first having succumbed to a mod wipe). I purposely kept the Rikti out of the zone, because frankly I think they are in enough zones as is.

Since I'm changing it to a co-op zone instead of a hazard zone. I'm adding a third base for Villains. The second base will still belong to heroes and the first base will still belong to the 5th Column so a few of the suggestions for task forces and missions would still work out. Besides you absolutely have to have the 5th Column on the moon trying to build a giant planet–threatening laser. It just wouldn't be the same without that.

Updated 08/15/2007

Moon Hazard Zone. Level 50+ Zone

Zone Level

The areas surrounding the bases are level 50 – 51, the majority of the zone is 50 – 52, with one area that is level 52 – 53, which has one small part in the center that is level 53 - 54’s I figured you needed one area that is extremely difficult. I’m thinking the level 54 area should be at the bottom of a large crater to help separate it from the rest of the zone (Valeron Valley).


Mare Vaporum or "Sea of Vapors" as it is known in English is an area that has been shrouded in mystery for centuries. For unknown reasons and unbeknownst to most of humanity it maintains a temperate environment and a breathable atmosphere. The Atmosphere in the Mare Vaporum was first discovered in the late 1940’s after the Second World War but was classified Eyes Only because of political tensions at the start of the cold war.


NASA during the 1960’s finally explored the Mare Vaporum, albeit in secret, and a secret permanent base was established in the mid 1970’s. All contact to the base was lost during the late 1970’s. Satellite surveillance showed the base in total disarray and Igneous like creatures roaming the grounds. The base and all personnel were written off as a loss. However, the United States Government and its Allies decided not to abandon the Sea of Vapors for Scientific, Political and Military reasons. A new landing site was selected at a more secure location and in the late 1980’s Moon Base Beta was completed. Moon Base Beta was built with defense as a priority, and while it is primarily a scientific research station, Beta more closely resembles a fortress. To this day Beta is manned by a secret cadre of allied scientists, and astronauts and is protected by a Longbow Task Force. With the advent of Teleportation, Personnel and Supplies are now routinely Teleported to Moon Base Beta.


Scientific studies of the local ecosystem have convinced our experts that the atmospheric bubble that surrounds the Mare Vaporum has been in place for many centuries. The plant life, within the Sea of Vapors, appears to be terrestrial, and extraterrestrial in origin. In some areas the two differing flora genomes appear to coexist in harmony, while in others the terrestrial and extraterrestrial vegetation are in a constant state of war. These areas are extremely dangerous as the plants are constantly mutating into new and dangerous forms and attack anything that moves. Extreme caution is advised in these areas. The most dangerous of which is in a large crater in the center of the Sea of Vapors. This area has been dubbed the Valeron Valley. Moon Base Beta is slowly being encroached by the more hostile plant life. The Longbow Task Force patrols the area outside the base and is attempting to curtail the incursion of the hostile foliage. The local vegetation is slowly overwhelming them and any help you can give is welcomed.


The Mare Vaporum is a huge area that varies from lush vegetation, to desert like conditions. The most dangerous part of the zone is Valeron Valley where Igneous, like creatures and many varieties of plants fight for dominance. The zone is overshadowed by the giant twin peaks of Sugar and Spice. Ancient abandoned aliens installations can be found throughout the entire zone.

Recent news

It has been recently discovered that the original moon base was taken over by the 5th Column in the late 1970’s and has been in their hands ever since. The fighting and the explosions caused during the 5th Column's takeover caused cave-ins, which disturbed the Moon Igneous and forced them to the surface. The 5th Column units on the moon were cut off from the rest of the 5th column that were on earth when the war with the council took place, leaving the moon as the last bastion of the 5th column. Military Intelligence believes that the 5th Column is building their strength in secret to over throw the Council back on earth. 5th Column patrols can be found fighting with Moon Igneous in the area surrounding the base. It is a hazardous area where an unwary hero could easily stumble upon on going battles between the 5th Column and Moon Igneous, or into traps set by either group.

The Rogue Isles lands on the Moon

Recently the self styled Lord Recluse, leader of the Arachnos organization, and ruler of a small group of islands off the coast of Bermuda called the Etoile Islands, but more commonly referred to as the Rogue Isles due to their historical connections with piracy, acquired the funds and technology to send several manned rockets to the moon. Utilizing natural caves near the surface Arachnos personnel were able to construct a third moonbase in record time. The entrance to the Arachnos Base is very heavily fortified, and the base extends deep into the ground. It is believe that the ships sent by lord Recluse contained teleportation technology and currently the Arachnos base is being supplied with weapons and troops via teleportation. An uneasy truce has developed between the personnel of Moon Base Beta and those of Arachnos Base. Recently the Igneous have launched numerous Subterranean attacks in an effort to drive everyone out of the caverns. It appears Arachnos Base encroached on the underground territory of the Igneous, and The Igneous are slowly overwhelming them, any help you can give to secure the base is welcomed.


A new 5th Column Arch–Villain living in the original base. (A kill all mission) Retake Base Alpha!

An Igneous Arch–Villain living in the Caves near the original base. (A find the missing object mission) Find the Missing Satellite!

New Story Arc

With thanks to Weisse_Sturm for giving me the idea "Really, I don't see anyone better to build a giant planet–threatening laser than the 5th. Freaking Nazis, always doing stuff like that. – Weisse_Sturm" Story–Arc: Starts out small something like defeat 50 5th Column troops to gather information. You discover they have been working on a top-secret project for years, but are unable to find out where they are working on it. But you do discover the location of a cave of Moon Igneous. After defeating all Igneous in the cave (By the way these Igneous are upgraded. They can climb cave walls and ceilings, and drop onto unwary visitors) you discover the remnants of a 5th Column research station. Your contact is able to tell you that it appears that the 5th Column ws doing Laser research. Take down another 50 5th Column soldiers, and you are directed toward another research outpost. This time you must travel deep within "Valeron Valley" the most dangerous jungle in the Sea of Vapors. Fight your way through the jungle to the old Research Station. Find all the clues left behind by the staff when it was abandoned. You discover the location of the laser. It’s being built in a side cavern along the wall of the Sea of Vapors. Find it and destroy it. It’s defended by guards and pillboxes, take them out and then take out the Laser.


With special thanks to Soltares for some new Ideas. (I have in mind something like an Ancient Alien artifact that causes the Mare Vaporum to have a livable environment) Discover the secrets of the Mare Vaporum – Several tasks, the first of which is to find out what the 5th Column has been working on in a hidden lab. A kill all mish, which ends when each team member has collected one of the items the 5th Column was working on. (each team member would have to collect an experimental alien tech Atmospheric Belt, much like in the Terra Volta Reactor core for the mission to end) You discover that the 5th Column has uncovered some of the alien atmosphere sustaining technology, and have taken samples of it, and have discovered the location of several ancient alien bases located outside of the atmospheric bubble. Your contact has directed you use the Atmospheric Belts to explore each of the alien bases outside the Mare Vaporum on the lifeless surface of the moon.

The bases contain a new race of aliens that appear to have been here for a very long time. The aliens seem to go into a state of hibernation or suspended animation when caught in a vacuum. Some sort of accident a long time ago caused the Atmospheric bubble to shrink to its present size. All the aliens caught outside the Atmospheric bubble went into hibernation awaiting to be awakened by the fist trace of an atmosphere. This race of aliens appears to have been kidnapping people from the earth using Teleportation for hundreds if not thousands of years. Each base contains several ancient humans being held in suspended animation chambers. Your job, defeat all the aliens, rescue the humans and bring them back to the atmospheric bubble of the Mare Vaporum. You must keep them close to you so they remain within the atmospheric bubbles created by your belts when you take them to the bubble. (History Badge – Ancient Knowledge: If you rescue all the ancient humans you discover facts about the past never known before.)

Final Mission your contact has been able to decipher the alien language and has discovered the whereabouts of an extremely powerful Teleportation device capable of transmitting people across interstellar distances. Your task is to defeat all aliens in the base and to disable the device before it can be used to call reinforcements from their home planet. Unfortunately, the return of breathable atmosphere to the base has caused the hibernating aliens within it to awaken as well, ravenous for food after their long slumber... I’m thinking about a nice battle like in the Terra Volta Reactor Core only you’re the one trying to destroy the core / Teleporter with awakened aliens coming in waves trying to stop you from destroying the Teleportation device, and a few waves coming from the aliens home planet via the Teleportation Device.

Upon completion of the Taskforce You find a nice souvenir, a book written in alien script entitled "To Serve Man".

Second Moon Taskforce – Finding the Core

With thanks to graywolf10 for the idea. You speak with Astronaut Lonith located in Base Beta who informs you of a little task that he needs accomplished.

1st Mission – I want you to talk to my fellow astronauts located around the moon, come back when finished. you are directed to speak with 5 different astronauts to learn more about the moon.

2nd Mission – Astronaut Lonith informs you that there has been an Alien Invasion, You must hurry to their Space Ship and defeat them before they can attack! The Space Ship is located in a crater full of all sorts of nasty surprises. You must defeat them all. After defeating them, return to Astronaut Lonith.

3rd Mission – Astronaut Lonith states "Good Job destroying those aliens! Now I need you to find a Drill, a very Large Drill. I’ve heard rumors that the aliens had these in some of their labs. Take this map. I’ve marked down the location of a lab that is believed to have some of these drills. You will need one of these special Atmospheric Belts to survive in the vacuum outside the Atmospheric Bubble where the lab is located. Take this homing beacon and attach it to the drill so it can be teleported away when you find it. defeat all aliens in the lab and retrieve the drill

4th Mission – Astronaut Lonith informs you "Good job! I had the drill sent to a good friend of mine Jim Foro makes and installs Cockpits. He is installing a cockpit on the drill as we speak for you and your teammates. I need you to take the drill down to the center of the moon. Go talk to Jim he should have it ready when you get there. He’s in a lab on the other side of the zone.

5th Mission – Jim Foro tells you "The cockpit is installed. I have a message from Lonith, he needs you to travel to the core and kill the Alien Lord and the Moon Igneous Lord. They are very tough I wish you the best of luck...I hope your Ready. defeat all aliens and Igneous. Upon completion you are awarded the Moon Miner Badge"

Travel Power Suppression.

The mysterious energy that causes the temperate environment and a breathable atmosphere in the Sea of Vapors also cancels out all travel powers (make the high level Heroes trudge through the Hazard Zone just like the low levels have to do in the Hollows). Upon the completion of the Taskforce you get a special artifact that counters this effect (Allows you to use your travel powers again).

Special Powers

Lower Gravity – Everyone has a temporary power that allows you to jump much higher than on the earth. (I believe the programming and physics could be worked out quite nicely, perhaps adding some extra knockback to attacks also).

Badges Special thanks to graywolf10 for some of the badge and Accolade ideas.

Astronaut Badge – You arrived on the moon. (Located right inside of the Teleporter)

Cosmonaut Badge – You found the missing satellite. . (You found a crashed Russian Satellite)

Monolith – You discovered an alien artifact. (Located on a Large Black Monolith)

Crater Badge – you have explored one of the deepest craters on the moon . (located at the bottom of the deepest crater).

CuppaJo Badge – You find the coffee shop, inside Moon Base Beta and you order a CuppaJo from CuppaJo (who else?). She is standing behind the bar, drinking a coffee of course. Costs you 500 Influence. After drinking 100 coffees with CuppaJo she gives you a badge. (Hey! Before you complain about the cost remember this is the moon! You're lucky you even get coffee! >< :grin: CuppaJo you will be missed) :(

Terminator 1 – You have stood atop Mount Sugar as the Terminator passed over you, and watched the moon change from light to darkness. (The terminator is the scientific name for dividing line between the sunlit side and the shadowed portions of the Moon's surface. You can only get the badge at dusk. Thanks to Virginia_Belle for the badge idea.)

Terminator 2 – You have stood atop Mount Spice as the Terminator passed over you, and watched the moon change from darkness to light. (The terminator is the scientific name for dividing line between the sunlit side and the shadowed portions of the Moon's surface. You can only get the badge at dawn. Thanks to Virginia_Belle for the badge idea.)

Sugar and Spice Badge – you have climbed both the mountains Sugar and Spice (Awarded upon reading the plaque on the top of both mountains)

Moon Man – you have spent 20 hours on the moon (Awarded upon staying 20 hours on the moon).

History badge – Ancient Knowledge Badge – You discover facts about the past never known before. Granted after you have rescued all the ancient humans from the first task force.

History badge – Spaceman Badge – You discovered the secrets of the Moon. (Awarded after reading 3 plaques about the First landing site, The First hero on the moon, and Hostile plant life).

History badge – Shadow of Man Badge –You have seen and learned why there is a man in the moon. Awarded after reading 7 plaques located throughout the Mare Vaporum, and one located on earth in the Teleporter departure room.

Alien Vanquisher – You have struck fear into the aliens of the moon. (Kill 150 Aliens of any kind)

Flora Badge – you have stopped the encroachment of the hostile Vegetation. (Kill 500 hostile plants)

Moon Igneous – You discovered the Secret of the Moon Igneous. (Kill 500 Moon Igneous)

Alpha Badge – You have found out how the 5th Column took over the original base. (kill 100 5th Column)

Laser Badge – you have destroyed a giant planet–threatening laser (awarded upon completion of the Laser Story Arc)

Moon Miner Badge – you have destroyed all creatures at the core of the moon. (awarded upon completion of the Finding the Core Taskforce)


Moon Accolade – You have completed the Moon Task Force (gives you the power to use your travel powers again)

Moon Logistics Accolade – Obtained by getting, Cosmonaut Badge, Astronaut Badge, Laser Bade, Alpha Badge, Spaceman Badge and the Sugar and Spice Badge. Effects: +DEF to Psi +Res (Mez, Confuse, Stun, Hold) Self Click lasts 2 minutes, Recharge Very long.

Space Explorer Accolade – Obtained by, gaining the following badges – Moon Miner Badge, Moon Igneous Badge, Flora Badge, Monolith Badge, Crater Badge, Ancient Knowledge Badge, Shadow of Man Badge, and the Alien Vanquisher badge. Effects: + 10% Jump Height (all jumping powers), Run Speed (all running powers), Flight Speed (all flying powers), +TP distance (on all Teleport powers). – Auto (always on).

I would love to hear any suggestions and ideas from you for new badge ideas.


Why I picked Igneous.

The Igneous are only in the hollows as it stands now. I was thinking it would be fairly simple to upgrade them and put them on the moon, and make the zone level 50 – 53 or higher. Other monster groups are in several zones so having some of them on the moon seemed like a good idea. I was thinking that since they are Moon Igneous their powers could be a bit different too. Perhaps cold or, radiation based for the bosses and or the Lieutenants.

The reason for wanting to suppressing travel powers.

Suppressing travel powers would make traveling from one place on the zone to another a bit more of a challenge for what heroes of this range level are used to, and I believe it would enhance the overall enjoyment of the zone. Allowing them to get up close and personal with all the hazards that are available. (Now who would want to miss that?) As stated this is only temporary until the Task Force is completed.

I would like to thank everyone who helped come up with some of these ideas.

I am open to any and all ideas; please let me know what you think. Thanks


[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



I like this idea.. but how about a new villain group all together?

"Look at me! I'm dancin! I'm DANCIN!" - Clap Trap



I like this idea.. but how about a new villain group all together?

[/ QUOTE ]

I have different aliens, Attacking Plants (Not DE), bring back the 5th, and utilize a sorely underused Igneous. pretty much thought I had it covered.

[color=gold][b][size=5]♪ Sometimes you feel like a Tank, Sometimes you don't! ♪[/size][/color][/b]

[url=][color=black][b][size=5]Moon [color=red]Hazard [color=black]Zone![/size][/color][/color][/color][/b][/url]



/hypersigned!!!! I love this! This should be implemented as soon as humanly possible



/signed...great one, i think that i would have to go there and not leave till i had all the badges <_<

"You, dear sir, are a legend. "- nelly. "PIE DOESN'T HAVE TENTACLES!"
Bladewing Draconian lvl 30 KAT/SR scrapper
DarkNinjutsu lvl 50 DM/REG scrapper
Dajoji Hino lvl 50 elm/ela scrapper
Bloody Byakko lvl 20 claws/sr scrapper




Devs please use idea in some way shape or form.



OK I will start it here: GOLDEN ACE for president! Cryptic - hire this dude immediately! I hope they do something similar to this. Wow. I think I need to take a shower...



I like this idea.. but how about a new villain group all together?

[/ QUOTE ]

I have different aliens, Attacking Plants (Not DE), bring back the 5th, and utilize a sorely underused Igneous. pretty much thought I had it covered.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh.. well golden ace.. that's what I get for not reading the entire thing. GOOD ON YA!!! /HYPERUBERMEGASIGNED!

"Look at me! I'm dancin! I'm DANCIN!" - Clap Trap



Great ideas Golden_Ace! Well thought out and well written. Keep on and they may make you a red name.




I am just getting a chuckle at the thought of all the super jumpers breaking gravity and being stuck in orbit of the moon.

We can all just stand there and point and laugh as they float by.



HAHA yeah that'd be hilarious. Or Teleporters making a wrong click

"Look at me! I'm dancin! I'm DANCIN!" - Clap Trap




Devs, this is clearly a popular (and very well thought out) idea. Really, implement this, PLEASE.



This idea is still /signed.