Champion Alt Directory




I am reposting my alts to #1 Bump the thread #2 Expose my alts for who they are (little dagger to Darkstrike, keep asking who he is in game )

50 Angels Fist Fire/Fire Blaster
50 Hells Deep Fire/Fire Tank
50 Demon Horde Fire/Rad Controller
50 Deaths Disciple Regen/Katana Scrapper
50 Deaths Desire Invuln/Spines Scrapper
50 Kill Em All Ar/Devices Blaster
50 Heavens Deep Kinetic/energy Defender
50 Zeet Fire/Rad Controller
50 Primejudice Empathy/Rad Defender
50 Flesh Harrower Fire/Fire Tank
50 Stanchion Invuln/Energy Tank
50 Alien Ascension Ice/EM Blaster
50 Earths Might- earth/storm Controller
30 Shadows Deep Warshade
28 Battle Hammer - Sonic/EM Blaster


40 Deaths Hand Energy Aura/ Energy Melee Stalker
40 Demonforge Fire/Fire Brute
36 Angels Fist The Mad Fire control/ Energy Melee
Sin Engine - Mercenaries/poison MM



CoH: All in Shadow Kings
Level 50 UnholyAngel Ice/Ice Blaster
Level 50 Lord Grim DM/Regen Scrapper
Level 42 Flare-Summoner Fire/Rad Controller
Level 36 Unholy Ninja Katana/Regen Scrapper
Level 35 Imperial-Angel PeaceBringer
Level 32 Unholy Weapon Sonic/Energy Blapper
Level 13 Unholy Mage Illusion/Storm Controller

CoV: All in Shadow King Overlords
Level 40 Unholy Overlord Necro/DarkMiasma Mastermind
Level 33 Grim Overlord Energy/EnergyAura Brute
Level 11 GrimWeapon Energy/Regen Stalker
Level 10 Lord Thanatos Gravity/Ice Dominator
Level 6 Unholy Vengeance Ice/Ice Corruptor



Thanks for pushing this back up AngelFist.

Level 50 Darkness Wraith Dark/Dark Defender
Level 35 Quantum Paradox Warshade
Level 33 Ebon Strike Claws/DA Scrapper
Level 22 Dr Roentgen Rad/Rad Defender

Level 24 Lacrimosa Ninja/Ninjutsu Stalker
Level 15 Robo-Roentgen Rad/Kin Corruptor
Level 16 Herbert West Necro/Dark Mastermind
Level 13 Frost Phantom Ice/Cold Corruptor



g0dWrath - Invul/Fire Tanker
Darque RaZor - BS/Dark Scrapper
C0ld Shok - Elec/Ice Blaster
Oerth Aegis - Earth/Storm Controller
Doctor Id - Mind/Emp Controller
Mind Witch - Dark/Psi Defender
NecroTek - AR/Dev Blaster



Current Heroes on Champion:
Retrogression, 44 kinetic/rad-blast defender
Gamma Radiant, 35 radiation/psych-blast defender
Kung Fooey, 32 dark/regen scrapper
Crystal Siren, storm/dark-blast defender
Cruarch, fire/fire tank
Photon Phreak, illusion/forcefield controller
Katt A Ract, ice/empathy controller
Moraine, stone/ice-melee tank

Current Villains on Champion:
Retrograde, 27 sonic-blast/kinetic corrupter
Mercurial, 14 energy-melee/inv brute
Countess de Winter, 4 ice-blast/cold corrupter




Kiloton -- level 50 invuln/ss tank
Sievert -- level 42 rad/rad def
Mind Maid -- level 34 MC/emp controller
Moho -- level 34 stone/stone tank
Dervish -- level 24 SR/MA scrapper


Dr. Demonica -- lvl 29 robots/ff MM
Inko -- lvl 26 dm/da brute
Mind Maven -- lvl 17 MC/psionic assault dominator.

My CoX characters




Drecken- lvl 50 fire/fire tanker
Dreckens BB- lvl 50 ice/ice tanker
-Drecken- lvl 34 inv/SS tanker
Drecken's Will- lvl 32 Ice/Rad troller
Winter Blaster- lvl 29 ice/ice Blaster
Kid Stick 'em - lvl 7 spines/regen scrapper
Here N Gone - lvl 17 eng stalker
A Pac - lvl 6 nin/arrow MM
Brute 4CE- lvl 6 eng tanker




Specteral - 50 - ill/kin
Bone Blades - 50 - spines/invuln
Flox - 49 - energy/energy
Protector1 - 50 - ice/emp
Shadow Murk - 37 - kat/invuln
Seismic-Shock - 36 - stone/SS

Pure-Pain - 40 - EM/Ninjitsu
Frigid-Terror - 24 - ice/kin corr
Shadow Striker - 12 - kat/SR
Red-Raven - 10 - MA/ninjitsu



I've done some switching around a bit with toons, so here's an update on my 19+ months of work. All on Champion.

Blood Libel 50 DM/REG Scrapper
Tommy Bruce 40 MA/SR Scrapper
Fan Mail 38 FIRE/ENG Blaster
Brass Lad 33 INV/EM Tanker
Sylan 30 ELECT/ELECT Blapper
Tropica 29 ICE/ENG Blaster
Calipha 20 RAD/RAD Defender
Smidgeon 14 SPINES/DA Scrapper

Smash Thrash 36 SS/EA Brute
Saduca Thorn 21 THORNS/VINES Dominator
Tuoso 11 ICE/THERM Corruptor




Bumping this so if you wish to view my toons and have any questions about builds, you can see what I have. (In response to Dinahs post about outdated guids and the PvP primer)



@Death Scream

Death Scream - 50 DM/Regen Scrapper
Death Crush - 41 Grav/Ken Troller
Death Thrust - 33 Inv/EM Tanker
Lion Knight - 33 Fire/Ice Tanker

Latigo - 40 Bots/Poison MM
Machete - 40 EM/DA Brute
Deathscar - 25 Rad/Rad Ruptor
Pirana - 20 Plant/Thorn Dom
Section Nine - 9 EM/Regen Stalker

I have like three more but can't remember their names



Great thread idea!

Global: @Neuronia

Neuronia - Level 50 Science Mind Controller /Forcefield
(Say Hi! Always willing to help lowbies!)
Experiment Zero - Level 36 Science Warshade
Cerebrum Fulmen - Level 27 Mutation Illusion/Storm Controller
Purity Unveiled - Level 25 Natural Peacebringer
Quickcicle - Level 11 Magic Ice/Energy Blaster
Dr- Psimantha - Level Technology 11 Empathy/Psy Defender

Revenge - Level 23 Ninja/Ninjutsu Stalker
Karnaxus the Decayed - Level 15 Energy/Radiation Corruptor
Rotten Bones - Level 14 Necromancy/Poison Mastermind

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes




Global Name: @Dinah Might

Dinah Might - Inv / SS Tanker - Pillars of Might
Lifesign – Emp / Rad Defender - Pillars of Might
Celestial Star – Peacebringer - MEGAFORCE
Dazzle – Sonic / Em Blapper
Raindance – Storm / Elec. Defender (2 seconds away from deletion)

Rough Rider – Em / Inv Brute - Dark Astoria Knights
Voodoo Mambo – Zombie / Dark Mastermind
Catfight – MA / REG Stalker



Global @MichealBond


Kramus lvl 40 energy/energy Blaster
Syndek lvl 26 Illusion/Radiation Controller
Tenkarre lvl 29 Fire/Energy Tanker
Meagalar lvl 16 earth/storm Controller
Kinental lvl 17 Kinetic/Mental Defender


GoreRax lvl 21 Energy/Energy Brute
General X-9000 lvl 20 Robot/Traps Mastermind
Exter Manfoe lvl 12 Energy/Radiation Corruptor
The Regulatore lvl 8 Claws/Energy Stalker
Dr. Inclement lvl 3 Ice/Ice Dominator
William Kage lvl 3 Super Strength/Energy Brute




Cereberus - Katana/Regen Scrapper - Safe Harbor SEALS
Polar Kat - Ice/Radiation Controller - (currently SG-less)
Dark Proton - Dark/Rad Defender - F.O.R.C.E. (are they still around?)
Black Mesa - Trick Arrow/Archery Defender (yes, they do exist) - Ground Zero
Double Dactyl - Illusion/Sonic Controller - Champions of the Golden Age
Lady Aisu - Ice/Energy Blaster

Draconian - Dark Melee/Energy Aura Brute - Maelstrom
Snow Pack - Assult Rifle/Cold Corruptor
Bunny Dreadnaught - Super Strength/Invul Brute
Dr. Vector - Robo/Traps Mastermind

Rasterize - Energy/Sonic Corruptor - Fallout

and a bunch of other alts on other servers to test out builds.



Dark Proton - Dark/Rad Defender - F.O.R.C.E. (are they still around?)

[/ QUOTE ]

I took Midnight Fusion out for a spin this weekend. He's still in F.O.R.C.E., as are the Eminent Commander and HappyPhlogiston and everydaymouse who are all active at times. Other than that ... a long list of "not played in 120+ days" ...

My Alt-list looks like this ...


Jumping Proton, lvl 30 Kin/Rad Defender
Thunder Freeze, lvl 23 Ice/Elec Blaster

Iron Reich, lvl 22 SS/EA Brute
The Frost King, lvl 10 Ice/Ice Corruptor

On the shelf ... play occasionally when called for ...

Moonhunter, lvl 50 DM/DA Scrapper
Midnight Fusion, lvl 40 Rad/Dark Defender
Magma Force, lvl 41 Stone/Fire Tank
Lord Britannia, lvl 34 BS/Regen Scrapper
Clone 451, lvl 29 Fire/Ice Tank



Let's see...

I'm @Laufeyjarson on the global chat.

Champion Heroes:

Machinst (40, Electric/Devices Blaster)
Ward Ohm (19?, Force Fields/Electric Defender)
Codger (19?, Stone/Ice Tanker)
Dr. Mighty Dark (11?, Dark/Dark Defender)
TK-411 (10, AR/Devices Blaster)

Guardian Heroes:

Vidnur Tofa (29, Claws/SR Scrapper)



I'm such a geek. Some of my heroes have journals.




@Death Scream

Death Scream - 50 DM/Regen Scrapper
Death Crush - 41 Grav/Ken Troller
Omega Nu - 36 AR/Dev Blaster
Death Thrust - 33 Inv/EM Tanker
Lion Knight - 33 Fire/Ice Tanker

Latigo - 40 Bots/Poison MM
Machete - 40 EM/DA Brute
Deathscar - 25 Rad/Rad Ruptor
Pirana - 20 Plant/Thorn Dom
Section Nine - 9 EM/Regen Stalker

I have like two more but can't remember their names



Global Name: @Necross
Mechageist 33 blaster
Heretic Eidolon 43 defender
Anax Necross 50 scrapper
Desert Cat 31 scrapper
Captain Mi-Chan 31 PB
Obsidian Red 18 tanker
Gradiant 16 controller
Nictus Tracker 27 WS
Phantom Brawler 21 scrapper
Oni-San 8 blaster

Shroud of Night 33 brute
Hex En Mok 4 stalker

A few on other servers that i play now and again:
Victory: Seiben 27 scrapper
Guardian: Nemesister 44 defender, Scylla Serratus 23 scrapper
Many, many others in teens and below.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...




Deathhimself lvl 50 Invuln/Axe Tank
Higher Heat lvl 50 Fire/ice Tank
Spine Klein lvl 50 Spines/SR Scrapper
Max Strong lvl 50 Katana/Regen Scrapper
Golgi Body lvl 50 Peacebringer
Kasstastic lvl 47 Elec/Elec Blaster
Rimrock lvl 42 Stone/Energy Tank
Equin Oxythe lvl 18 Warshade
Radsville lvl 11 Ill/Rad Troller
Teton's Hope lvl 10 Ice/storm Troller
Cold Wedge lvl 11 Ice/Ice Tank

Kasstastic was my first Toon, created in Oct. of 2004
He is in no hurry... Very Patient Blaster




Silent Spy - Level 44 - Scrapper - MA/Regen/Weapons
Kat Fury - Level 18 - Scrapper - Claws/SR
Phantoma Storm - Level 28 - Controller - Illusion/Storm
Artemis X - Level 14 - Blaster - Arch/Dev

Radevil - Level 27 - Corruptor - Rad/Rad
Werehound - Level 9 - Brute - SS/Inv

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



@Steve II

The main characters I play are in my sig



Another Update

Cereberus - Katana/Regen Scrapper - Safe Harbor SEALS
Polar Kat - Ice/Radiation Controller - (currently SG-less)
Dark Proton - Dark/Rad Defender - F.O.R.C.E. (are they still around?)
Black Mesa - Trick Arrow/Archery Defender (yes, they do exist) - Ground Zero
Double Dactyl - Illusion/Sonic Controller
Lady Aisu - Ice/Energy Blaster (on the chopping block)

Draconian - Dark Melee/Energy Aura Brute - Maelstrom
Snow Pack - Assult Rifle/Cold Corruptor
Bunny Dreadnaught - Soon to be Thug/* Mastermind
Dr. Vector - Robo/Traps Mastermind

Rasterize - Energy/Sonic Corruptor - Fallout



Global- @Volcannon
Volcannon- Blaster
Dark Sky Angel- Defender
Aranae- Scrapper
Megatron V7- Tank
Terrestria- Controller

Chaos Cobra- Mastermind
Barron Meltdown- Corruptor
Houndour- Corruptor
Flame Frozen- Dominator
Manterror- Stalker