I Killed _______ in PvP




The problem I see currently is too many of the Fight Club people expect the non-FC people to play by their rules.

Two examples:

Something Speed, an Invuln tank who was hosting the FC ran off the building and got ASed by a stalker, being as he was my bounty and I was in the area (Blue warriors = free inspirations, and I still can't freaking buy them in Sharkhead), I ran up while he was limping back to the FC and finished him off.

He was my bounty and I his, he wanted me to participate in a match and I didn't feel like it, because I made a power selection mistake on my build which limits my ability to have a "fair fight" in a one on one (damn you free respec, where are you?) and it's very hard to build fury in PvP (which wouldn't be a problem if I grabbed the right power), so I need to be a sneaky gent and take people out while they're injured or I know I can beat them. Of course this leads to hurt feelings and general "Man that guy is a jerk" thoughts, when someone was just doing what you're supposed to do in the zone.

Second example: RAYDOG (DOC?) was hovering around the FC building when there was no FC going on, he was my bounty, so I Total Focused him, which caused him to plumit to the ground and take massive falling damage, which helped me finish him off, afterwords he cursed at me in PM. Course earlier he had made it clear I was his bounty, and he asked me to join the FC, of which I told him he needed to earn it.

Both of those situations could have been avoided had the FC not been installed. Also, isn't the arena channel for setting up fights in the arena? Doesn't it hit both villains and heroes? Any reason why you can't set up rated events in the arena over it, or open an FC global channel for holding fights in the arena?

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What i think you must unerstand about fc is that it is much much much more rapid then an arena version of fc would be. That is the big point here. In an open pvp zone you can have one cahllenge after another without loading times and wether or not you have patience doesnt matter, the masses enjoy something that is more user friendly so they atttend. Now fc does need some rule revamping and we are working on solutions and ideas for some of those problems. Its early and i am going to take my wife out to breakfast. No offense intended to you just pointing out the reason why fc will not go to the arena.



FC go to Warburg?



*Signals for the conch so he can address the assembly*

Regarding Fight Club...

"Take it to the arena"
- FC is akin to a pick-up basketball game on the asphalt with playground rules, allowing spectators and participants to come and go as they please. Arena is that lacquered hard-wood floor gymnasium with a timekeeper/scoreboard/official to maintain a controlled setting. The FC atmosphere cannot be captured in the arena.

"Inspirations are the balancing variable that's sorely missing from fight club"
- From day one, the devs have drilled the message home that PvP is balanced for team play, not solo. My blaster will inevitably die in a 1 vs 1 duel versus a controller if the match exceeds 5 seconds... I know that and understand my AT's weakness. The flip side of that coin is that I like my odds against every other AT w/o the aid of inspirations. Not bad if you ask me, unless one needs to have the uber tankmage that hurls lightning and craps thunder. Another point is that villains are at a decided disadvantage w/o access to insps and temps within Siren's. Pop 6 yellows and suddenly you've stripped the defining attribute of the stalker AT (concealment-based actions) and reduced it to a blapper with less range and no 30% irresistible damage... for 300 influence. Stalkers are the sappers/voids/quantums/agony mages/etc that force us to use tactics or pay the consequences. I welcome the challenge.

"Bring FC to Warburg"
- Under the current rules, FC would fail miserably in Warburg, IMHO. With access to more powers, to succeed in Warburg one needs a teammate or two... balance. The divide between PvP and PvE builds becomes infinitely more apparent as the level cap is raised. If FC will go to Warburg, then the only rule I would like kept is to respect the combatants in the duel... insps/temp powers are fair game.

"Fight Club sucks, you're ruining the zone"
- Judging by the attendance and the civility/respect/sportsmanship exhibited by the participants, I'd say that a good majority are enjoying the experience. Feel free to gank spectators... feel free to announce you're forming an anti-FC team to keep everyone on their toes, for that matter. The zone is our playground and we all have a right to play whatever game we want and however we want... for both sides of the debate. All the FC'ers ask is that common courteousy be displayed in allowing a duel to run its course unhindered.

- Isn't it nice to see all these people interested in PvP? Prior to these zones, the PvP population was non-existant. That's the reason the PvP community on the forums felt the need to take a vote on designating the "official" PvP server once CoV came out... to ensure that the 200 or so die-hard arena fans would be able to have some action more frequently. Every server seems to have found their own PvP community in-house. Regardless of the global defense nerf and ED, this is the most fun I've had while playing this game.



Isn't it nice to see all these people interested in PvP? Prior to these zones, the PvP population was non-existant.

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There was a PvP population but it is larger now. That's a good thing.




*looks around*


Okay, Fight Club is fun and unexclusive, which makes it great. If you call us 'exclusive', you must be referring to people saying "Don't attack us! We are in Fight Club!". That's just courtesy. Wait till the battle is over.

If I am someone's bounty, they can feel free to kill me. Just let me know. Only if I am their 'Most Wanted' though.

Fight Club is purely fun and deserves to ridicule.

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



Just to throw my 2 cents in.

While I've been to Bloody Bay a time or two with various toons last night was my first visit to Sirens Call. Teamed up with a few blokes running missions who needed some empathy support. Well after a few hours (and a level) it was getting late and I opted to say goodbye. But first I figured I tour the zone and do some drive by healings/clear minds - Like what the heck else is an Dark/Empath defender with a total of three attack powers supposed to do?

Well that few minutes tour turned into hours.
Got to watch Fight Club and figured out a few things.
Rented (and to think for 10K I thought I bought them) a set of IR so I could watch some action unfold on the streets.
Wrapped up the evening by hanging with some people by the hospital, healing/clear minds/fortitude/etc. Turned down the team offers since I wasn't planning on staying long. LOL

Oh yeah, got face planted at least four times and the only body count I directly built up was sniping a sorely wounded villian on the run. Actually felt bad about that after I hit the fire button - it was a cheap shot. But hey, The.Ferryman figured it was thier time to cross over.

So 1 feeble kill for me and 4+ wipings on the floor by various stalkers, and other villians who caught me being careless. Sounds aweful doesn't it. Yeah, it was a blast. Although I fear I'm getting to old to stay up that late very often. :-)

The.Ferryman will be back and if I'm able to be a big enough pain in someones behind with my heals and other empathy tricks to warrent some specific attention from the zones villian population, well then my job will be done no matter what the final kill count turns out to be.

Have fun and rock on.

"You must pay me now!"



Isn't it nice to see all these people interested in PvP? Prior to these zones, the PvP population was non-existant.

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Yes it is nice.
But PvP was never non-existant .. as long as HVND has been around .. there has been a whole SG of us chomping at the bit for PvP action.



Enough of this melodrama. Just enjoy the aspects of the game that you "yourself" enjoy. If you like fightclub, and its the thing for you, then awesome. If you do not then thats ok too.

Me - I like fightclub. With that said I like PvP in any form, and have gone against most of the posters here. Its fun to me win, lose, draw, getting ganked, or ganking (lol).

Like a previous poster mentioned...I pay my 15$ duckies a month and I will enjoy the game how I see fit, not how someone else does. You (whoever is reading this) pay your monthly fees also. Enjoy the game in whatever way you feel like.

Werd g dog gangstas on da real! Ya feel me!?!?

"Yes, Cajun, you CAN have a pony!" - Dusk Hammer (11/11/2008)



Heroes and villians can team up in a arena match.

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If this is true, then I would be willing to offer up my Stalker to CZ's Server vs. Server tournament (except he doesn't meet the level requirement)...

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Although the peeps from Deus Machina (sp?) interrupted a few matches I think it would have been great if they had just joined us.

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Nah Bedrock and I were having fun with them. Most hilarious thing Ive seen so far was 6 stalkers trying to AS Bed on his Stone/Ice Tank only to constantly get it interrupted by Mudpots. Hehehe The really could not kill him. It was great and I would just pick them off as they tried.

Honestly Siren's Call is pretty big zone - I dont see why we cant have both regular hunting in Sirens and FC

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That is very Ideal and a good ideal but right now there are just a limited number of people that go there.



Heroes and villians can team up in a arena match.

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If this is true...

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No if ... it is ...



i'm seriously about to make a list of everyone i remember killing, get ready for a huge post :P



I killed Antenna in PvP! w00t



i'm seriously about to make a list of everyone i remember killing, get ready for a huge post :P

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23 Hours Later...

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



Black Magic Willow killed Combustite in Sunday Night's Fight Club.
Felt Good too.

Although the repeated Ring-Outs recieved from Essabella humbled me quite a bit.

Member - Pingus, & Legendaries
Angry Sysop 50 BRUTE - Angry Woodsman 50 TANK - Angry Florist 21 CONTROLLER
"Did your Phantom Army just take the Elevator? Imaginary People riding Elevators? *facepalm*



Black Magic Willow killed Combustite in Sunday Night's Fight Club.
Felt Good too.

Although the repeated Ring-Outs recieved from Essabella humbled me quite a bit.

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Mes will be very happy to hear that...



My troller was PWned badly in the arena last night by a em/regen stalker. Lord Talisken. That hide + stealth is a sure fire tactic, even with 3 tohits in tactics I couldnt see him till it was to late. It wasnt the AS for the most part, it was the crits and toggle drops. Good fight, gives me hope for my stalker.



even with 3 tohits in tactics I couldnt see him till it was to late

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It's not possible to buff +perception on Tactics, or any +perception power, is it?



I take it your troller isn't Ice/Storm



It is possible to buff perception with a tray full of yellows.

No, fire/rad. I have a earth/storm that would work against non EA Stalkers very well. But havent PvPed much with him, so dont have the proper attack chains down to be effective.



Trust me, storm still works just fine against EA Stalkers. The fact that I can walk through hurricane doesn't mean I can actually hit you once I get to you. The to-hit debuff is still affecting me even if the repel effect isn't, and good LORD that debuff is massive. I slotted Build Up with three to-hit buffs specifically so I could hit Stormies, and I STILL have about a 25% chance to hit. It's nasty.



I was thinking more of the Combination of Arctic Air and Hurricane. Flat nasty.



Ew. Arctic Air. Is that the power that keeps confusing me when I try to attack an Ice Controller? I hate that.



A quick /e salute to One of those Days, Aeon, Pocket Stoney, Mudz, and Quason for Warburg last night. Thanks fellas.

* Btw, learned that a stone brute's granite armor can be dropped by stacking holds... have never seen it happen before last night. Has anyone tested it on the stone tanker version?



Takes exactly 6 stacked mezzes to overcome Granite Armor. Ditto Unstoppable and MoG. Basically, it's 3 mezzes to overcome any single status protection, and those three stack with the other status shields in the set for a total of 6.

(I lurk the Controller boards sometimes when I have nothing better to do)