I Killed _______ in PvP




People just dont understand the idea of courtesy, no one said you cant attack a person in spectator mode, but how hard is it to wait for someone to get finished with a match, or not to tp non lvl 50's into mobs and give them debt. Guess you will always get the mentally challenged acting like jerks



I am not a jerk! (But I didn't say I'm not mentally challenged...which I'm not...kind of)

The worst they can do is...

After you fall down and have low health and try to escape...they hold you and your stuck as the mob kills you.

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



That's... pretty bad, though. I mean, killing spectators is fine. In fact, I've acclimated myself to that dynamic and have begun using it myself. When I'd already fought everyone in FC last night that were interested in a match, I ended up with about 4000 bounty. So I killed a couple of spectators to finish out my 6k.

I got called all manner of nasty names in broadcast, but I've been called worse. *shrug* So yeah, I don't mind spectator hunting and have even engaged in it myself, but it's a totally different matter to intentionally give someone debt for no reason other than the fact that they're there and you can. That's just juvenile.



Very much so Q. I guess i shouldnt go as far as calling names, thats a juvenile thing for me to do, but its just very rude to do things like that. Spectator killing should be expected, it goes with the premise of the zone but does giving someone debt intentionally go with that premise? If you are a spectator be ready to be attacked, nothing in the fc rules that says, as a spectator being ganked, you cannot use inspirations or temp powers. I guess the biggest message i wish we could get through to peopel is common courtesy, if your bounty is in a match wait it out. Heck if they are a spectator why not challenge them to a 1v1? if you lose you lose, you know people were getting so's and inf well before the ability to accrue bounty came into effect. either or i will be happy when we can finally move fc to warburg and deal with new problems (like unorganized hell lol) and no one will be worrying about bounty, just good clean fun.



Please tell me, a Siren's Call n00b, what is the Bounty thing do? How do you get it? My bounty was GM_Kagurski last night...no way can I kill a GM (if it actually was a GM)...but I still got bounty...and wasn't even fighting...

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



Please tell me, a Siren's Call n00b, what is the Bounty thing do? How do you get it? My bounty was GM_Kagurski last night...no way can I kill a GM (if it actually was a GM)...but I still got bounty...and wasn't even fighting...

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well bounty works like this. IF you kill your named bountyit wil give you the amount of bounty points shown next to their name, if you are on a team you wil recive that bounty devided equally amongst team members. Ever time you kill a villain/hero that isnt bounty you get a small amount of bounty as well, not equal to what you would have gotten fpor the named bounty but bounty none the less. The amount for those bounty i beleive (dont quote me here) goes on how many of that side of the coin are in teh zone ie. if ther are small amount of villains and you kill a villain you will get more and vica verca if there is a large number. You will always get the most bounty for getting the named bounty in your nav bar. Bounty can be exchanged for goods such as inspirations or single origin enhancements. I do not know if it can be used for anything else because i dont usually go trade any in unless i need a break free or a acc insp. I hope that helps



It helps a lot, thanks, Karaza!

Does Bounty expire over time like Rep does?

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



It helps a lot, thanks, Karaza!

Does Bounty expire over time like Rep does?

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it resets if you leave the zone or log.



It helps a lot, thanks, Karaza!

Does Bounty expire over time like Rep does?

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it resets if you leave the zone or log.

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50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



I want to thank everyone who participated in fight club last night and stayed civil even though there were some jerk offs trying to ruin it.

[/ QUOTE ] Wouldnt it actually be the Fight Club peeps that are ruining zone not other way around



I want to thank everyone who participated in fight club last night and stayed civil even though there were some jerk offs trying to ruin it.

[/ QUOTE ] Wouldnt it actually be the Fight Club peeps that are ruining zone not other way around

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heh hey ant.. i want saying that they were ruining the zone but that they were being jerks about the event in question. I personally do not think fight club ruins the zone, it just sorta organizes things for those wanting to participate. You can still attack people in fc i would ask that anyone doing so attacked spectators and not people in the match, just use the rule of coutesy. before fc there was alot of strike and run going on in sc, alot of raiding the villain base and not allwoing them to leave. FC sorta remedied those problems and allowed everyone to face eachother fairly in most respecs. if its not someones cup of tea then they dont need to participate and can still attack there bounties, spectators should be ready for an attack at all times as this is the premise of the zone and if your bounty is in the match then it doesnt hurt to wait for them to be finished. Its all based on an honor system thogh nobody has to listen to our rules of course but it would be appreciated.



And mage, they aren't standing around on a roof, they are fighting, honorably, in a no run-away fashion.

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Sure because its so easy and safe to just stand there and slap each other.

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ha, you clearly don't know what you are talking about. thats what they do, they sit around and slap each other safely. whatever.

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I guess I wouldn't know what I am talking about Ive only done countless arena matches and spent hours In PvP zones.

Oh I do know this:

Staying only on a roof makes certain that a ranged AT's range isnt an advantage it should be. Sounds great for the melee.

Staying only on a roof makes sure that a Rad, or Dark can keep a debuff on you well when in a real open PvP situation its logical and almost expected to move far enough for the Debuff to fall off. Same with Storm and Hurricane.

The ability to keep moving is a a chief defense of stalkers. The limited area that is greatly shortened.

I could go on and on.

I said its safe because you don't have to worry about thinking of how to counter multiple foes. I said it was easy because you don't have to think about using the Z Axis very much nor how to counter someones movements.

Then again when Im out there and I have an advantage on someone and they manage to elude me instead of me killing them I don't get mad, I don't call them a coward or a runner I think well played.



Yeah mage Fight club talks about how arena isnt fair for some power sets but atleast its a random advantage not a set advantage of "Hey you blaster must stand in front of this melee and fight him, he has mez protection and stuff but hey you'll be alright" "What you dont wanna stay in this little area where you're pretty much screwed out of your only defense,range." Fight Club peeps make no sense



Radevil kicked [censored] in PvP today.

I took out Defenders, Tanks, Scrappers, Controllers, WarShades and Blasters.

It was great. I also set up a Fight Club, but I was the only villain, so it kinda sucked. But I kicked [censored]. I lost once, and then after I killed everyone, I told them that they could kill me for bounty.

When I got back from hospital, everyone was gone, so me and my team just kicked [censored].

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



The ability to keep moving is a a chief defense of stalkers. The limited area that is greatly shortened.

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AHA! So THAT must be why I suck so bad in FC!

Except that I went 9-0 last night (if you don't count the one loss that came from me losing internet connection midway through) and 11-1 the night before.

Blasters also do spectacularly well in FC. Defiance has a lot to do with that. Anyone that thinks defiance sucks should come to FC and watch a blaster.

Honestly, the limited maneuvering room in the FC rings only comes into play in two scenarios. First, and most glaringly, it makes MMs damned-near unbeatable since all their firepower is concentrated in one small space. Second, it makes Rads VERY difficult since you can't get far enough away to break range on RI and EF. Other than that, I've not seen a situation where the ring itself was a factor in a fight.



I ran into to Prevelance (iltat's stalker, I think) today in siren's. I kicked his butt pretty easily. Then he once shotted me. Me and a fender took him, another stalker, and a corruptor.Then he one shotted me.



AHA! So THAT must be why I suck so bad in FC!

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I meant that the ability of the none stalker to keep moving makes it an important way of avoiding AS.

As for blasters maybe yeah some do well Im sure but its just a big game of paper, rock, scissors. Stilld doesnt mean they would be better if they could use their range.



I meant that the ability of the none stalker to keep moving makes it a important way of avoiding AS.

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Giving away one of my trade secrets here, but that's why people should always try to fight Stalkers in the middle ring, which is the larger of the three. There's a LOT more room for maneuverability.

Take Kagemon for instance. He has a very unique fighting style where he manipulates the suppression of Super Jump by queueing up an attack and jumping past you. The attack animates as he's moving so the suppression has ended by the time he lands.

In one of the smaller rings, I'm able to just hit build up, stand still, and spam the Assassin Strike button. Since there's so little room for him to move, odds are good that he's going to come near me and the attack will activate. However, the odds are MUCH lower that I can make that happen in the larger ring since there's less chance of him getting close enough to me for it to activate.

As for blasters maybe yeah some do well Im sure but its just a big game of paper, rock, scissors.

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Sure, it comes down to that sometimes, especially when you have two players of very comparable skill. When skill is evenly matched and no longer a factor, that's when things like AT and build, range, enhancement levels and the like come into play. I think that's why I have such a hard time beating karaza. We're both pretty evenly skilled. We know our archetypes, we know our powers, and we know how to fight each other because we've done it so many times that we've learned exactly what the other person is going to do. In a case like that, it comes down to the powers themselves, and he just plain has me outmatched in that regard. Not to take *anything* away from karaza because he's probably the single best fighter on the roof most nights, but sometimes there's more than skill that's being factored into a fight.

Is that unfair? I dunno... I don't think it is. We can only play with the characters we have, so if someone has a build that just happens to excel in the particular environment that FC creates, they're going to do better than someone that would benefit from a different environment. That's just how it is, and I've never really heard anyone complain about it. If you can't beat someone in FC, catch them in Warburg trying to do the nuke mission and gank them then.



If you can't beat someone in FC, catch them in Warburg trying to do the nuke mission and gank them then.

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Or any mission in warburg for that matter aint that right Q?



Dude. I'm in Warburg, it's like 6am, I'm doing the nuke mission and low and behold I see a nice juicy Corruptor standing outside a door just hanging out.

What would YOU have done in that situation?



First, and most glaringly, it makes MMs damned-near unbeatable since all their firepower is concentrated in one small space.

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MMs are allowed time to fully setup? Nice.



Dude. I'm in Warburg, it's like 6am, I'm doing the nuke mission and low and behold I see a nice juicy Corruptor standing outside a door just hanging out.

What would YOU have done in that situation?

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Lol just messing with ya, I'm just grinding the last 2 bubs of xp out b4 I hit 40. I had to laugh I was in a full group about half of them standing not 2 feet away. I die and was like Duh! Go after him... none of them moved I was so sadly dissapointed in my group at that moment.

Comming from DAoC I'm very familiar with the dangers of xp in a pvp zone.. hell if i didnt get attacked or seen someone attacked I would feel like I missed out on something.

and oh keep my juicyness out of the matter!



Some lil bastud stalker from HVND snuck up on me today and two shot me when I was chatting with my SG. Other then that I got my [censored] handed to me today in Warburg on my troller. It was my first time there with my troller. And it was ugly. We had a WC team in there and things didn't go good. But we aren't a PvP SG. lol. But we're learning and it's gonna get ugly soon.




I guess I wouldn't know what I am talking about Ive only done countless arena matches and spent hours In PvP zones.

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Thanks for the resume, it's isn't relevant, but I'll print it up in-case I see an opening for a PvP ME-vangelist.

I said its safe because you don't have to worry about thinking of how to counter multiple foes. I said it was easy because you don't have to think about using the Z Axis very much nor how to counter someones movements.

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Saying something is safe because you don't have multiple bogeys is rediculous because they don't have multiple bogey's either. That means you both have the total attention of the other player.

In case you aren't familiar with how that works, if you give a sniper 1 bullet against 100 enemies, unless they all line up real pretty like, only 1 person isn't safe. That means 99 people are completely safe.


Staying only on a roof makes certain that a ranged AT's range isnt an advantage it should be. Sounds great for the melee.

Staying only on a roof makes sure that a Rad, or Dark can keep a debuff on you well when in a real open PvP situation its logical and almost expected to move far enough for the Debuff to fall off. Same with Storm and Hurricane.
The ability to keep moving is a a chief defense of stalkers. The limited area that is greatly shortened.

I could go on and on.

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Well, being able to fly away and engage from range totally nullifying a melee players effectiveness doesn't sound very great for melee does it? Are you trying to say that the only way you enjoy playing is with the advantage?

Not that it matters, plenty of ranged characters did pretty well in the Fight Club I attended, and if some build you don't want to fight challenges you, you don't have to accept.

But it really boils down to a couple simple facts.

1.) For every reason you can come up with why fight club is an inferior mechanic for PvP, fans of it can come up with a counter-point.

You can make PvP sound all sexy top-gun with the rocket science and all that, but it isn't. It's rock-paper-scissors with a lot of button mashing and some pretty graphics. For the majority of encounters that aren't build-decided (I.E. You can hit me but I can't hit you) theres a bit of luck that can decide it. No where in there does it require an amazing math co-processor in the cranium.

Now don't get me wrong, It's a hoot as far as I'm concerned, but don't go telling me that only your way is a hoot, and everybody elses way is ruining the game. Last I checked, I paid 15 dollars to have fun this month, not 15 dollars for you to have fun. The few times I was in Sirens Call previously, it was a far cry from the EoB event, so it's not like something has been taken away from you.

2) Sitting around on your tookus waiting for SC to be YOUR kind of fun and [censored] about other peoples initiative to make SC their kind of fun is silly. You want SC to be your kind of fun, make it so. I wouldn't rely on you average SO hungry bounty hunters to make it that way, i would find an opposing sg to have a 3 team event. You obviously can't have a zone locked down for Sg v SG action, but the stragglers of each side that zone in will likely end up contributing to the organized action in accidental ways. Besides, that buys you more runners to respect while you unsafely skirt around the frey in the FEBA.



First, and most glaringly, it makes MMs damned-near unbeatable since all their firepower is concentrated in one small space.

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MMs are allowed time to fully setup? Nice.

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Yes, it's called PvP ethics and morals .. remember