I Killed _______ in PvP





Dear Diary,

Tonight is December 10th 2005. I went to Fight Club tonight. I got my [censored] handed to me by Ranma, Surgetron, Lord Zidan, Deadboy and a guy who held me and killed me with PvE. It was fun. Me and my friend Figi fought against two Blasters and won...it was a great battle. I would like to give special notice to Ranma, Surgetron, Lord Zidan, Deadboy, Figi, Ring, Stalker Quason and Reydog. They all put up excellent fights and displayed amazing talents. In a one on one match between Figi and Ring, Figi managed to survive for quite a bit, considering she is a Dominator against a Tanker. It was amazing! Deadboy was also really strong, his name contradicts me. So does that SilentSpy person, SilentSpy is not silent at all. Surgetron and Ranma also displayed great talent as they knocked me off the building while I was spectating.


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50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



Well, being able to fly away and engage from range totally nullifying a melee players effectiveness doesn't sound very great for melee does it? Are you trying to say that the only way you enjoy playing is with the advantage?

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There are tons of powers that counter fly in this game. Hurl Boulder just happens to be one.

1.) For every reason you can come up with why fight club is an inferior mechanic for PvP, fans of it can come up with a counter-point.

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When did I use the word inferior? Hmmm

You can make PvP sound all sexy top-gun with the rocket science and all that, but it isn't. It's rock-paper-scissors with a lot of button mashing and some pretty graphics. For the majority of encounters that aren't build-decided (I.E. You can hit me but I can't hit you) theres a bit of luck that can decide it. No where in there does it require an amazing math co-processor in the cranium.

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Maybe but its alot of about how you react in certain situations.

Now don't get me wrong, It's a hoot as far as I'm concerned, but don't go telling me that only your way is a hoot, and everybody elses way is ruining the game.

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Its my opinion shared by others, I can say it if I want. Thats why i come to the boards to post my opinions. If you don't like my opinion tough. Noone forced you to respond to any of my posts on this subject. Im not sure why you have to have my approval here.

Besides, that buys you more runners to respect while you unsafely skirt around the frey in the FEBA.

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Hehehe The 5th rule of Fight Club.....Noone can have a negative opinion of Fight Club!



Basically, Mage, here's the deal. You don't have to like FC. That's fine, there's plenty that share your opinion. However, you don't have to convince us that it has it's problems, because we're fully aware of that. Everytime a Tanker challenges a Dominator, we're aware of the problems. Everytime a Blaster challenges me and then flies out of range and hoverblasts me, I'm aware of the problems.

However, for the majority of cases, it's balanced and it's fun. I've heard a LOT of people say that it's the most enjoyable PvP experience they've had. I've heard quite a few even say that they hate PvP in general but love FC, so there must be something right about it to counterbalance all that's wrong with it. But again, it's all dependant upon your perspective I guess, and perspectives certainly vary.

We tried FC in Warburg today and it was a complete catastrophe IMHO. Balance just breaks down after level 30. You had stone tankers challenging everything that moved, then just standing there with Granite Armor on doing nothing, knowing full well there's probably not a build in the game that can kill them solo. And that's just one example. There are a LOT of things that unbalance one on one PvP at that level. So I decided it wasn't working for me and moved it back to Siren's Call, and CitizenZero for whatever reason decided to accuse me of whining because there were more Stalker counters at Warburg level. I'm not sure why he'd do that, but I let it go and didn't worry too much about it.

So yeah, point being, there's certainly nothing perfect about what we're doing but it's the best solution for an open challenge one on one sytem that's available to us now, so that's what we're doing and I don't see it ending sometime soon. I'd love to invite you to come and try it out some day and fight several different players and archetypes. I really think you might enjoy it but it's fine if you don't want to, no one is going to twist your arm or anything.



i killed several people tonight but i can only remember one:


that was one awesome and a good 15 minute fight. cant wait for the next Fight Club

Ex-Mayor of Champion

I Love all my Championites. I hope to see everyone once again.

SHOWTIME - You guys are like my family!



1) I can beat stone tanks on every one of my builds
2) PvP is unbalanced at the lower levels for pretty much all squishies w/out hurricane excluding blasters when facing non-melee toons.
3) Inspirations are a balancing factor in the game. Without them, any toon without mez protection will lose to a controller assuming equal skill

Pervasiveness of status effects in melee attacks combined with mez protection among melee characters is a winning formula against non-melee toons at low level. Having it in close quarters makes this problem worse. There is a reason I bring prince instead of my blasters to fight club: it's designed to have my blaster always lose. Such is not balance.

Whatever makes you happy, by all means do it. But the only rules in place are the ones the devs put in place and any you can enforce. Good luck enforcing them.



Nice new trick Quason! Don't worry though, I got one comin back at ya!

Party of my immense enjoyment tonight was the group that kept trying to disrupt FC, and getting totally thrown off the roof. Was funny as hell!



I agree with CZ. This no use of insps in a FC is silly. I also didnt bring the blaster out, all I would need is one fear from a DM scrapper an the match was over. At least with the troller I can debuff his acc and hope his fear dosent hit.

Did bring the blaster out for some really late night action with Energy Shadow, Kagemon, Tsunami and Girl Cook. Brought out the Stalker also. Overload is the [censored]-for two minutes- them im toast.

Had a match agaisnt MeTaLo against the troller. One where he didnt use unstopand one where he did. He wasnt happy that I managed to hold him thu unstop. Outlasted his disorients. Woot for self heal.

Good matches for the most part. Some [censored] hattery from the same PB that is always a tool in Warburg. Had some good running battles with Evil Krypto, would AS me dead and I would come back and chase him to high heaven getting him held and letting the imps dispatch him.




There are tons of powers that counter fly in this game. Hurl Boulder just happens to be one.

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Check the Range on it, it's pretty much the same as SS\Hurl and both require you to be on the ground.


When did I use the word inferior? Hmmm

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it eminates from your tone. When you tell peoiple they are ruinging the game and such, what do you really expect? I've known you for a while mage, don't pretend people can't read you.

Its my opinion shared by others, I can say it if I want. Thats why i come to the boards to post my opinions. If you don't like my opinion tough. Noone forced you to respond to any of my posts on this subject. Im not sure why you have to have my approval here.

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I didn't say you couldn't say what you want, but if you are going to go around telling people they are essentially wrong, using the game inappropriately (against the dev's vision) or ruining YOUR game, then you had better expect some opposition. The last thing I want is your approval, nor do I want endorsement, possibly not even closure.

Hehehe The 5th rule of Fight Club.....Noone can have a negative opinion of Fight Club!

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Actually, I think the rule you are referring to is "don't disagree with Mage Storm".



There is a reason I bring prince instead of my blasters to fight club: it's designed to have my blaster always lose. Such is not balance.

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My 24 Inv/SS Brute was thoroughly smoked by the following BLASTERS.

2x */Energy Melee
1x Ar/Dev
1x Ice/Ice

Now if you are talking corruptors versus melee, I dunno. It does seem like corruptors are poor versus tanks, but in a Brute/Corruptor Duo we went 1-1 with a Tank/Blaster Duo. That with us being anemic on the enhancements.



Thanks to Grip and John for the duels in FC tonight. As always, I had fun



Nice new trick Quason! Don't worry though, I got one comin back at ya!

Party of my immense enjoyment tonight was the group that kept trying to disrupt FC, and getting totally thrown off the roof. Was funny as hell!

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We were laughing pretty hard when someone would get knocked out, jet-pack would turn off, and they didn't have a back-up

We did a fairly good job of it while we were organized. Then we started to seperate, solo and slowly get picked off. Thankful some of them put up a decent fight. Others would just stand around.

Magestorm and his alpha strike. Good lord.

P.S Never once did I die from a TF off roof or TF into mobs. Good try though Deadboy.



I ran into to Prevelance (iltat's stalker, I think) today in siren's. I kicked his butt pretty easily. Then he once shotted me. Me and a fender took him, another stalker, and a corruptor.Then he one shotted me.

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Yup, I did get killed by Countenance once right after I killed the person next to them, and later on, a Longbow exposed me while my mezz protection was down, so I got toasted pretty easily, but for the record Countenance, I never one shotted you. I can't one shot a Blaster unless they're injured. Both times, it took two shots to drop you

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Just one [censored] about FC I'm spectating when this rock pet started attacking me I took off it stopped. I came back and the same pet started attacking me... I'm like [censored], ok leave come back again same pet attacking so I figured the only way i could see the fights was to kill the pet. I started attacking and then I get gank fested by every heroe on building saying "shame" thats a "no-no" what gives I wanted to watch just like eveyone else so they kill me I ask them to stop.. but no when i come back to watch I get attacked again and again.

If your trying to drum up support for FC this isnt how is should be done.

No one wants to feel like an outsider I'm rezzing fallen heroes left and right I cant do much else to gain your respect.



Use the nifty jet packs to hover above the matches or observe the event from a side further from the pet. Very easily solved.



Just one [censored] about FC I'm spectating when this rock pet started attacking me I took off it stopped. I came back and the same pet started attacking me... I'm like [censored], ok leave come back again same pet attacking so I figured the only way i could see the fights was to kill the pet. I started attacking and then I get gank fested by every heroe on building saying "shame" thats a "no-no" what gives I wanted to watch just like eveyone else so they kill me I ask them to stop.. but no when i come back to watch I get attacked again and again.

If your trying to drum up support for FC this isnt how is should be done.

No one wants to feel like an outsider I'm rezzing fallen heroes left and right I cant do much else to gain your respect.

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Next time, when out of the pet's range, select it. Below its name, it'll have the owner's name. Send a tell to the owner requesting they put their pet away, since it's continually attacking you.

Also, how did someone have a rock pet in FC in Siren's? Thought those were obtained until Level 32?

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Assuming since you mentioned a rock pet that you're refering to Warburg. The FC regulars were not at the FC in warburg other than karaza who was only there briefly. The rest of us were in siren's call. So I can't really speak for anyone who was there, I'd never seen most of them before. They seemed more interested in measuring their e-peens than they did in friendly competition and sportsmanship.

It's usually a bit more civilized at the real FC. Maybe try it there tomorrow night and see if you like it better.



the same PB that is always a tool in Warburg.

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You know what they say ... once a tool, always a tool.



The problem I see currently is too many of the Fight Club people expect the non-FC people to play by their rules.

Two examples:

Something Speed, an Invuln tank who was hosting the FC ran off the building and got ASed by a stalker, being as he was my bounty and I was in the area (Blue warriors = free inspirations, and I still can't freaking buy them in Sharkhead), I ran up while he was limping back to the FC and finished him off.

He was my bounty and I his, he wanted me to participate in a match and I didn't feel like it, because I made a power selection mistake on my build which limits my ability to have a "fair fight" in a one on one (damn you free respec, where are you?) and it's very hard to build fury in PvP (which wouldn't be a problem if I grabbed the right power), so I need to be a sneaky gent and take people out while they're injured or I know I can beat them. Of course this leads to hurt feelings and general "Man that guy is a jerk" thoughts, when someone was just doing what you're supposed to do in the zone.

Second example: RAYDOG (DOC?) was hovering around the FC building when there was no FC going on, he was my bounty, so I Total Focused him, which caused him to plumit to the ground and take massive falling damage, which helped me finish him off, afterwords he cursed at me in PM. Course earlier he had made it clear I was his bounty, and he asked me to join the FC, of which I told him he needed to earn it.

Both of those situations could have been avoided had the FC not been installed. Also, isn't the arena channel for setting up fights in the arena? Doesn't it hit both villains and heroes? Any reason why you can't set up rated events in the arena over it, or open an FC global channel for holding fights in the arena?



Let me say this one final time and hope it sinks in.


one more time...


K, lets hope that little misunderstanding is resolved. Sorry to be snippy, but I'm tired of hearing this. FIGHT CLUB IS *NOT* MOVING TO THE ARENA.

Carry on.



Actually, I think the rule you are referring to is "don't disagree with Mage Storm".

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Thats a good rule. But I believe its rule number 8.



Had a great time in arena a coulple of days ago. Had some inter-SG battles with the villians and heroes. Learned a nice little tidbit. Heroes and villians can team up in a arena match. Lead to some very interesting combos. Matches much more structured and fair. No need to worry about people ganking you for bounty. Controllers have pets. Random map enviroments (to an extent). And guess what, people can watch. But I guess its dosent satisfy peoples desire for spectation (stroking the e-peen as they say) when you PWNez someone in a FC. And low and behold you have insps, which is anoher PvP artform that needs to be learned and is discouraged for some reason in the FC's.



The only problem I have with FC is when I "ring out" myself lol.

I had great matches against everyone I fought last night in terms of funness - Silent put up a great fight and Nether and I's rematch the second time was hilarious (I was confused and kept shooting at spectators).

Although the peeps from Deus Machina (sp?) interrupted a few matches I think it would have been great if they had just joined us.

Honestly Siren's Call is pretty big zone - I dont see why we cant have both regular hunting in Sirens and FC




I had a lot of fun last night.

I can't wait till next Friday night...this week I got final exams, so won't be on tonight and will be pretty busy. Next Friday, Sunday and Monday I will be on.

On Saturday, December 17, make sure to come to Winter Expeditions at 8:00 PM EST. It is in Galaxy City at Galaxy Girl. Wear formal attire.

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server




500th POST! YAY!

Its on fire!

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



I like the Arena better for organized matches, and the pvp zones for just crazy action. But, since there is hardly anyone in the Arena anymore(God i miss arena wensdays) I have to be in the pvp zones.