I Killed _______ in PvP





Yeah, I meantioned it over in this thread last week.

Some testing on the test server has shown it to take about 8 stacked holds to get a granite tank down.



6 holds or any combination of mez? I've had 6-8 mez effects stacked on me, only 3-4 of them being holds though. Even with hasten I've never had more than 4 holds stacked on me from 1 controller.



It'd have to be the same type - 6 holds, 6 disorients, 6 immobs, etc. And yeah, I have NO idea how Days accomplished that by himself.



it takes 6 for granite and 3 more for rooted which is not possible by 1 troller cause granite resists holds so they dont last long.



it takes 6 for granite and 3 more for rooted which is not possible by 1 troller cause granite resists holds so they dont last long.

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Saw it happen last night. Ask Belain.





it takes 6 for granite and 3 more for rooted which is not possible by 1 troller cause granite resists holds so they dont last long.


Saw it happen last night. Ask Belain.

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I think you're both right. I'm pretty sure the stoner got held when he dropped rooted to chase and got caught up by a guard rail. I'm more amazed that 6 holds can be stacked by a single controller...



Stone Brute, not tank. Brutes are what like 70% of a tank or so. Its a Secondary Granite Armor vs a Primary Granite Armor



Stone Brute, not tank. Brutes are what like 70% of a tank or so. Its a Secondary Granite Armor vs a Primary Granite Armor

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Good point. I was able to kill him, with rooted and granite, using 2 full attack chains... SIGNIFICANTLY less effort than it requires for a stone tank. Regardless of the lower def/res numbers, I still couldn't de-toggle granite... though the knockback protection seemed very weak in granite for the brute once rooted was de-toggled.



Ew. Arctic Air. Is that the power that keeps confusing me when I try to attack an Ice Controller? I hate that.

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it also suppresses stealth.



Gotta love that ice/storm baby.



Gotta love that ice/storm baby.

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Yeah I have a level 23 on Guardian.



I had a great fight with Black Magic Willow. Man, /Dark corruptors are pretty nasty in there. Still, she fell before the Frozen Fury



I got my Stalker to Sirens level (20) last night late late and got in there and got a few kills with DOs on my stuff. Now I must perfect my Stalkerization.



Well stoney got held over granite more for a a mistake he made with his toggles, he tried to go back to granite but i got more than 3 stacked on him so he couldnt and died slowly but happy, it was called a draw actually, then that happened



Well stoney got held over granite more for a a mistake he made with his toggles, he tried to go back to granite but i got more than 3 stacked on him so he couldnt and died slowly but happy, it was called a draw actually, then that happened

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Yaq attack is back!

Breaking ladies hearts and heroes necks since I4.

Go easy of them buddy



I guess i read the forums enough to actually register

Anyway Yaq you beat me I have no prob admitting that, me fat fingering granite shouldn't take that away.

Had alot of fun last night, had some good fights with cpt. slapurmomma (sp?) too. Thought he was a bit of a [censored] at first but ended up respecting him.

All in all good fun, hope to see more action in warburg in the future.



Stoney! Welcome to the forums

I was on Ember Reborn Redux last night and had a great time. I noticed you're Pocket Zerg as well... I ran into you a long time ago in Siren's when I was on Frost Reborn. You're the only MM that's ever earned my respect in a PvP setting to date. GG and I'll see you in battle again... when your fury bar is at its lowest hopefully.



Have alot of fun on him but buffing the pets gets old fast .

In sirens i was prolly talking alot of [censored] but that's kinda my thing gets people more into it, well me at least haha.

Don't think I ever got to hit you with a full fury bar actually, but seriosly, as i was saying last night, i've never had as much problems with blasters detoggling. Yeah they might drop 1 off every so often but it seems like you knocked them all off and stunned me every time ya nailed me.



Don't think I ever got to hit you with a full fury bar actually, but seriosly, as i was saying last night, i've never had as much problems with blasters detoggling. Yeah they might drop 1 off every so often but it seems like you knocked them all off and stunned me every time ya nailed me.

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I was using the following attack chain:

Aim -> total focus -> energy punch -> bonesmasher -> energy punch -> build up -> repeat

TF put the stun in, then my goal was to drop rooted. Once it dropped I immediately hit power thrust to knock you back and prayed that you wouldn't get granite toggled in time... while I get a few more attacks in before you stood. You killed me more often than I killed you regardless... energy transfer is straight nasty!



Tonight I played a little warburg and had some good battles with Tye, d3m0n and Rick James.

At Fight club Quason and I figured out that we will be fighting for hours with no victor. He hits me, I regen, I hit him, he vanishes... haha. Also drew a draw with Squishday the Brute. Finally I did lose to Deus, if the drone has one weekness, especially in fight club, it is holds. I was basically terrorized and killed, nothing I could do about it at all. No biggie, I was a good sport, but I noticed today in Warburg that as soon as some mez or hold gets put on me (it goes straight through integration which is supposed to make me immune to that stuff) I am just done, even break free's don't work.

Oh well, There are other AT's that I can take out in two hits, so I guess it shows the importance of teaming in the true PVP world.



you named 3 tough customers in the FC.
I've had a lot of fun and some luck in on that rooftop as of late. Looking forward to getting my brute and my corruptor up to level for that.



Can't wait to kick Quason's [censored] in the arena this Sunday.

Any pointers?

50s: Silent Spy - MA/Regen Scrapper | Tinkerhell - SS/Inv Brute | Extrasensory - Psi/Men Blaster | Ana Cruz - DP/PD Corruptor | Sara Thunderbird - Elec/Elec Scrapper | Pinstrike - Spines/SR Scrapper | Cold Feet - Cold/Cold Blaster
@Silent Spy, Champion Server



Dutch never respect cpt slapyomama or infernolator, no one else does



Any pointers?

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Yeah. Plan on doing something else for a couple of weeks after sunday, because you're going to be laughed out of this game for a while.



Any pointers?

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Yeah. Plan on doing something else for a couple of weeks after sunday, because you're going to be laughed out of this game for a while.

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or after you are defeated admit you made a mistake. I certainly had a God complex before meeting with Quason. I was humbled.

I don't know what it is like being a Scrapper, but when your a Tanker you feel like your the most powerful thing out there. I am still amazed at how fast I went down. Many people out there can tell you I am not so easy to defeat, yet Q made me look like a wet noodle.