



Well, my streak of Pms to Castle resulting in Post by Castle is still going, but this time none of my questions were answered



I posted a screen shot of how this move usually ends up looking like I'm performing a colon examination. Well whether you saw it or not, I'm wondering if it is in fact feasible to change an AS graphic or not? It doesn't _have_ to be something new, but how about something less.... intimate?

[/ QUOTE ]

Just shout "Kanchou!" when you do that attack.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now THAT is funny.



Other mobs can break my placate on another target. Or that a mob can attack while placate is animating, still be placated and I lose my chance for a crit.

[/ QUOTE ]
Any more detail on this so I can get QA to try and replicate it for me? Are there certain critters that do this, or is it a general case? Do any special circumstances need to be met?

[/ QUOTE ]

My experience with this one going back into beta is that *any* hit form a non-Placated target "unHides" you from your Placated target as-well.

I did not fond any special circumstances needed, and it happened so ubiquitously that I assumed it was 'as inteneded' and did not bug it.

So, two mobs, say a boss and a Lt.

AS the Boss -> Placate the Boss -> Lt. Hits you for damage -> Boss snaps out of Placate -> No Crit damage on attack to Boss

In my experiences anyway.

Hope that helps.

[/ QUOTE ]

My understanding of the placate power is that it does 2 things. First, it placates the targeted foe (drops you from their agro list for some amount of time) and second causes you to be hidden, even overcoming hide suppression. In the situation you are describing, you placated the boss, so you dropped off the boss's agro list and you went back to hidden. The Lt. hit you, so you stopped being hidden and thus don't get to crit. You should still be off the Boss's agro list, although it seems like from what I've read and experienced there is a bug there. It seem, though, that without the bug you should at least not get attacked by the Boss for 10 seconds (not sure on the time) but you might be knocked out of hide by an attack by some other foe and not get to crit the mob you just placated.

Then again, that's my interpretation. Am I missing something?



Thanks for your indepth replies Castle, what I would suggest/hope for is if you leave Thunder Kicks Damage and Animation the same please increase the disorient chance which IMO would make it more attractive than pure damage.

I am pleased Claws are being looked at, I am of the opinion that it is noticable less effective as other sets but Stalker helps hide some of that (pun intended) because your usually not in the fray scrapping and you have AS to suppliment for the sub par damage and lack of any reliable secondary effects.

I would say give Swipe some sort of really effective secondary effect or significant DoT to compensate for such long animations. Just speaking personal preference but I feel that if an attack has poor damage thats fine as long as it either has quick animations or a good secondary effect.

Thanks for the replies again.



Ninjitsu and Ninjutsu generally aren't the same martial art. From what I understand Ninjitsu is basically an American spin off of Ninjutsu, which often isn't even related in any way to the original art. Sometimes it may be a translation error, but it is probably used mostly as a way to catch unsuspecting people who don't notice the difference in the one letter or enough about Ninjutsu to know that isn't what they are learning.

If you consolt a translation site (try the Japanese translator Here if you don't know of any, board censors the direct link to the Japanese page so you'll have to go to it yourself) or book, you'll see Ninjitsu isn't even a japanese word, but Ninjutsu is.

[/ QUOTE ]

Either form is a Romanization of a Japanese word. There are multiple full systems for how to turn Japanese symbols into Western characters. Saying that 'jitsu' or 'jutsu' or whathaveyou are or are not Japanese words is meaningless, since you don't know what method was used to make them. A particular translator site may prefer one Romanization methodology.

Now, if they were kanji characters and the wrong ones had been used maybe you'd have a case to make, but correcting spelling in a foreign character set of a language you don't know is a bit spurious at best.

Also: it is spelled 'consult'.



I posted a screen shot of how this move usually ends up looking like I'm performing a colon examination. Well whether you saw it or not, I'm wondering if it is in fact feasible to change an AS graphic or not? It doesn't _have_ to be something new, but how about something less.... intimate?

[/ QUOTE ]

Just shout "Kanchou!" when you do that attack.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now THAT is funny.

[/ QUOTE ]

Beautiful! Castle comes with a sense of humor too!

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Quick note:
I verified the Golden Dragonfly bug. We'll get a fix hopefully "soon(tm)."



Also chiming in about the Placate issue.

I trigger Placate
The mob appears to attack almost simultaneously
The mob gets placated
The mob's attack lands and I am no longer hidden
The mob remains placated

I think that losing the Hidden when you miss makes some sense. I don't like it, but it does create some risk that might be necessary. Perhaps AS could be buffed 10-33% over it's current base, so that against a White minion even at L6 you have a 95% change To Hit? Seems to me that AS is a melee Snipe and Blaster Ranged Snipes I think have about a 20% Accuracy boost. Perhaps that's a good baseline for all AS attacks?

I have a question about Overload in the Energy Aura set. The recharge time according to a popular hero planner is 300 seconds and the duration is around 100 seconds. Are we to expect a 700 second penalty assessed to this power in the near future? It seems the other final powers in the other sets are around 1000 seconds.

Personally, I think after perma-hasten was broken, that the 1000 second penalty is too extreme for any power in the game; however, if you're gonna nerf Overload, please do it soon, so I don't have to take it. As it stands, it's a viable power, it won't be if it is penalized along the lines of the other final secondary sets.

Is it possible that at least these final powers are reconsidered for I6 with I5, I6 and ED changes in place? And by reconsidered, I mean have the recharge times brought back down to playable levels (e.g. 300-500 seconds).

Another thing I noticed, or think I noticed. I did 2 bank robbery missions and both times I was sometimes able to 'evade' the security guards that would spawn, if I had Hide + Super Speed active before they spawned. Then they would be standing around looking stupid. Of course, the trick is to make sure you are no longer suppressed (as if you could do much about that) before they spawn. I was hiding behind crates, but just to be silly (and kinda in character), but I don't think it matters, as before L14 I would try the same thing but get aggroed on immediately even if Hidden. So that might be a workaround; perhaps Hide needs to be upgraded from Stealth to Invisibility, but of course still gets suppressed.



Quick note:
I verified the Golden Dragonfly bug. We'll get a fix hopefully "soon(tm)."

[/ QUOTE ]

Now you're just PLing your post count...

- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



another good way to get it is to placate the mob, then hit build up, then attack. I get lose Hide a lot doing that. I actually stopped and now hit BU first, then placate.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

Scrapper Issues List - Going Rogue Edition



hero planner is wrong on overload. it has been dev confirmed to be 180 duration, 1000 recharge.

Proud captain of BOSS

The Altruist, Lvl 50 (+3) INVUL/SS Tanker
Omega Centauri, Lvl 50 SS/INVUL Brute



Ninjitsu IS an american bastardization of the original ninjutsu - technically, they aren't identical, but functionally, they're identical in meaning to the American psyche.



Ninjitsu IS an american bastardization of the original ninjutsu - technically, they aren't identical, but functionally, they're identical in meaning to the American psyche.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you take any Japanese word, and you write it in English, its effectively a bastardization of the original word, which can't be written in English. You guys are basically arguing over which bastardization is more correct. Someone please post some kanji and end this!

Of course, if you're polite, you call it Romanization instead of bastardization, but it's really all the same if you're a pedant like me.

And by the way, is it Peking or Beijing?



Ninjitsu and Ninjutsu generally aren't the same martial art. From what I understand Ninjitsu is basically an American spin off of Ninjutsu, which often isn't even related in any way to the original art. Sometimes it may be a translation error, but it is probably used mostly as a way to catch unsuspecting people who don't notice the difference in the one letter or enough about Ninjutsu to know that isn't what they are learning.

If you consolt a translation site (try the Japanese translator Here if you don't know of any, board censors the direct link to the Japanese page so you'll have to go to it yourself) or book, you'll see Ninjitsu isn't even a japanese word, but Ninjutsu is.

[/ QUOTE ]

Either form is a Romanization of a Japanese word. There are multiple full systems for how to turn Japanese symbols into Western characters. Saying that 'jitsu' or 'jutsu' or whathaveyou are or are not Japanese words is meaningless, since you don't know what method was used to make them. A particular translator site may prefer one Romanization methodology.

Now, if they were kanji characters and the wrong ones had been used maybe you'd have a case to make, but correcting spelling in a foreign character set of a language you don't know is a bit spurious at best.

Also: it is spelled 'consult'.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, this train of conversation got me curious, so I pulled out my handy Kodansha Japanese->English, E->J dictionary. Sure enough, there's an entry for Ninjutsu -- ((edit: this is where the japanese would be if the boards could display it instead of a string of numbers -_-)) -- n. "techniques used by ninja". Nothing under Ninjitsu.

Personally, I don't care which they use, but that's how it is.

Interestingly, it is only listed in the English to Japanese section, not the Japanese to English section.



Other mobs can break my placate on another target. Or that a mob can attack while placate is animating, still be placated and I lose my chance for a crit.

[/ QUOTE ]
Any more detail on this so I can get QA to try and replicate it for me? Are there certain critters that do this, or is it a general case? Do any special circumstances need to be met?

[/ QUOTE ]


I've noticed very frequently that if I hit placate at the same moment a MOB is starting to execute an attack, sometimes even before their visible attack animation begins, the attack continues and hits, meaning you've got one wasted placate and you've taken one of probably many hits unless you can run away - fast.

Sometimes I notice that the MOB's animation begins just as I've clicked placate, but I'm not fast enough to stop myself and keep from wasting the placate. But other times no attack animation appears to have started at all but the attack animation begins just after I hit placate instead.

There are all kinds of odd "timing" problems with stealth... for instance, during a fight, if you're low on END and hit an assassin's strike, it will deduct your endurance, drop your toggles if that takes you to 0 END, remove you from hide AND THEN apply the attack results you paid for... you're no longer hidden, so the endurance cost on the attack you were paying for is wasted, you just get a non-stealthed AS which sucks, and you're in trouble. No defense, no effect except for a tiny bit of damage....

I did this in a fight on the last remaining minion in a group. Low on endurance, I placated him, then hit an assassin's strike. I was low on everything and this was the one way to get through it without dying, I don't think I could have run away in time. Hoping I had enough END, I placate, then AS, and...

1) Endurance cost for AS is applied.
2) Toggles drop.
3) Hide Drops.
4) AS hits for a couple points of damage.
5) I'm screwed.

The "getting hit by a 'placated' MOB after placating" issue is more annoying and common by far, but it seems to me that for something like AS and an archetype that is often "do or die" and has lots of toggles, you should get the effect you're expecting when you pay an endurance cost... it should come when the effect is delivered, not during the big wind-up to... death. Basically, if you execute an assassin's strike with just enough END for that AS, you can die or very nearly die for it, but that's it.



Another variation I've seen on the placate mob while he attacks you seems to be when the mob misses. You go transparent, but the Hidden message doesn't come up. You are still able to critical, though. Looks like in this case there is a bug with the Hidden message.

Edit: I just saw this happen again (the Hidden didn't come up after Placate but I was still invisible) but the mob didn't miss. In fact, he didn't even attack me. From what I've seen, then, the Hidden message just doesn't come up sometimes when I placate.



Bwahaha...there needs to be a kancho assassin powerset...right now.



I have a quicky.

First though, I think it's awesome you're so responsive to the Stalker communitty. Truly.

On to business. I don't know if you saw it or not, but in beta I made a request/post on changing the Martial Arts Assassin Strike A.K.A. Rectal Assassin.

I posted a screen shot of how this move usually ends up looking like I'm performing a colon examination. Well whether you saw it or not, I'm wondering if it is in fact feasible to change an AS graphic or not? It doesn't _have_ to be something new, but how about something less.... intimate?

I said I probably wasn't going to take MA/* in live but I just love kicking stuff in the junk. So my new mission is to get that AS graphic changed.

[/ QUOTE ]

just posted a new thread on this, and would like your feed back there too, it is kinda my thing too



Other mobs can break my placate on another target. Or that a mob can attack while placate is animating, still be placated and I lose my chance for a crit.

[/ QUOTE ]
Any more detail on this so I can get QA to try and replicate it for me? Are there certain critters that do this, or is it a general case? Do any special circumstances need to be met?

[/ QUOTE ]
This is easy to reproduce consistently against Hellions with hammers or baseball bats.

Get aggro while out of stealth and let them shoot you. Then run up and hit placate as soon as you get to melee range. You'll begin the placate animation just as he starts pulling out his hammer or bat. Placate will fire off, but he'll finish taking his first swing. If it hits, you're out of hide.

Presumably anything with a weapon drawing animation will behave the same.



Just shout "Kanchou!" when you do that attack. [ QUOTE ]

Now THAT is funny.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

Castle: Could you ask for a ";Kanchou" emote to be added to the game, using the MA AS animation ?

/Theres finaly something to fear in the SafeZones.
//As a nice side bonus this would also make the game a best seller in Japan (from what i read)



of course ";Kanchoureact" would be priceless.



of course ";Kanchoureact" would be priceless.

[/ QUOTE ]


- Ping (@iltat, @Pinghole)

Don't take it personally if you think I was mean to you. I'm an ******* to everyone.

It's a penguin thing. Pingu FTW.



Ninjitsu IS an american bastardization of the original ninjutsu - technically, they aren't identical, but functionally, they're identical in meaning to the American psyche.

[/ QUOTE ]

If you take any Japanese word, and you write it in English, its effectively a bastardization of the original word, which can't be written in English. You guys are basically arguing over which bastardization is more correct. Someone please post some kanji and end this!

[/ QUOTE ]

忍術【に&a mp;#12435;じゅつ&amp ;#12305;
hah, and since that failed... /e curseyou
hah, they censored the url!
so... go for



Other mobs can break my placate on another target. Or that a mob can attack while placate is animating, still be placated and I lose my chance for a crit.

[/ QUOTE ]
Any more detail on this so I can get QA to try and replicate it for me? Are there certain critters that do this, or is it a general case? Do any special circumstances need to be met?

[/ QUOTE ]

In beta, I played a regen(no +Def), and this happened to me a *lot* Now that I'm playing SR on Live, I'm usually not hit after I Placate, so my Placate is usually not wasted.

Though I notice something odd. Sometimes it will "knock" me out of Hide, so it seems. I'll appear visable. The "Hidden" is gone, and yet, sometimes I can still AS dispite for full damage normally.

While I'm here, I have a little Stalker wish list item. Is there anyway that AS can give Stalkers about 2 seconds worth of "aggro delay" so we can either hit Placate or just run.

The reason why I'm asking is because Stalkers feel pretty useless against big targets like Sea Witch. I was in a team with 5 other people, and she one shotted my like 3 times in a row. I couldn't run away fast enough. Same with Ghost of Scrapyard. If I'm gaurenteed to get Aggro after an AS and I'll get one shotted almost everytime...it makes me feel like I need to just sit by the sidelines not helping or rack up debt without much chance of avoiding it.

If we could get a 2 second "aggro vacation" to run, that would be great. It should only be if we hit though. If we miss, we deserve to be toast.



I posted a screen shot of how this move usually ends up looking like I'm performing a colon examination. Well whether you saw it or not, I'm wondering if it is in fact feasible to change an AS graphic or not? It doesn't _have_ to be something new, but how about something less.... intimate?

[/ QUOTE ]

Just shout "Kanchou!" when you do that attack.

[/ QUOTE ]

Now THAT is funny.

[/ QUOTE ]

Can we get a five-point palm exploding heart technique animation? That would be absolutely awesome. I would love to execute, from stealth, a flurry of blows with, say, elbow, fist, and open palm instead of a "charging" warmup -- to have it only do damage on the final blow, however, and thus be basically just a normal assassin blow with a more exuberantly animated interrupt period.

Or at least, can we get, say, a modified Cobra Strike animation for assassination blow?