Things Lord Recluse would never say...




Lord Recluse: "Ghost Widow... I..."
*Ghost Widow pulls a towel up over her body, glaring evilly at Recluse.
Lord Recluse: "Wow! Nice shoes..."

[/ QUOTE ]
You know, there's got to be Lord Recluse/Statesman and Ms. Liberty/Ghost Widow slash fiction out there in the wild somewhere. heh.

[/ QUOTE ]


[/ QUOTE ]

You found it? Where?!

[/ QUOTE ]

Don't answer Grey! For the love of all that is holy, don't answer!

[/ QUOTE ]

But I must...

I found it in my cranium.


I dislike the idea behind "slashfics."

Let things be as they are. Cloud doesn't need to...

You know what, I'm going to stop right now. So long as I don't cast this thought into the Ether, it can't happen.

I hope.

But that hope keeps being beaten down...

That makes my brain bleed.

So, without further ado, we put this thread back on track...


Lord Recluse: "Slashfics!? Bring me the head of Ang_Rui_Shen!"

Captain Mako: "What the Hell did he do?"

Lord Recluse: [growling] "He started it..."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



((I read through about the first half of the thread, so please forgive me if this is already in here.))

Scirocco (to LR): My Lord, perhaps if we put all the villains in these isles to work, instead of pitting them against each other, we could launch an assault on Paragon.

Lord Recluse (hands on hips): Watchu talkin' 'bout, 'Rocco?

Scirocco: Oh for...I'm Arab-American, Dammit!

Lord Recluse: ...I'm going to have to go to that sensitivity training thing again, aren't I?



((I read through about the first half of the thread, so please forgive me if this is already in here.))

Scirocco (to LR): My Lord, perhaps if we put all the villains in these isles to work, instead of pitting them against each other, we could launch an assault on Paragon.

Lord Recluse (hands on hips): Watchu talkin' 'bout, 'Rocco?

Scirocco: Oh for...I'm Arab-American, Dammit!

Lord Recluse: ...I'm going to have to go to that sensitivity training thing again, aren't I?

[/ QUOTE ]

The fact of your avatar and that I read all of LFG last night makes me like you instantly, Hero.

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



For Pony!



Let's litter it with bodies!

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



Let's litter it with bodies!

[/ QUOTE ]

Recluse probably WOULD say that one.

Lord Recluse: *looking through this thread* "Ooh! I like that one!"

Ghost Widow: "It's not another one of you lecherously coming on to me, is it?"

Lord Recluse: "Of course not!"

Ghost Widow: "Oh... Okay... I guess..."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



I dont know if anyone has done this already ...

Lord Recluse: Haha.. Mr. Snugglywuggly, would you like more tea?
Ghost Widow: Lord Recluse, Statesman is here again.
Lord Recluse: Not now!
Ghost Widow: But Lord Recluse you--
Lord Recluse: My name is Mrs. Nezbit!



GW: Sir! The Freedom Phaylanx is attacking! What is your suggested course of action?

LR:Can you tell them to come back later i just bought City of Heroes.

BS: Oh i heard about it. It's supposed to be pretty good.



GW: Sir! The Freedom Phaylanx is attacking! What is your suggested course of action?

LR:Can you tell them to come back later i just bought City of Heroes.

BS: Oh i heard about it. It's supposed to be pretty good.

[/ QUOTE ]


Here's one:

LR: *posting in this thread* WIN


Unless I'm quoting someone, EVERY SINGLE post above is QR.
Dragonistic, Kheldragon, Ink Dyne, KheIdragon, Squiddy Attack

Total level is about 149.





Faceless Henchman #1: Lord Recluse, we've detected the approach of the Freedom Phalanx, and they've made it past the outer defenses!

*Scirocco dismisses the soldier with a wave of his hand*
Scirocco: Black Scorpion, will they make it through the inner defenses?

Black Scorpion: Those guards ain't tough enough. Yeah, they'll be here in like... now.

*The Freedom Phalanx barges through a steel plated door*

Statesman: Your evil plans end now, Stefan!

Ghost Widow (looking towards Recluse): We're in trouble, My Lord. What are we going to do?

Lord Recluse: . . . I'm going to do my laundry.
*Recluse turns to Statesman and extends a hand*
Lord Recluse: Can I have some change?


Lord Recluse: wet cat FTW!


Lord Recluse: Black Scorpion, didn't Scirocco tell you about your father's fate?
Black Scorpion: He told me enough, he told me you KILLED him.
Lord Recluse: No, Black Scorpion, I am your father!
Black Scorpion: That's not true, that's im-POSSIBLE!
Lord Recluse pauses.
Lord Recluse: N-no really, Ghost Widow and I have your birth certificate right here.


Lord Recluse: I feel pretty, oh so pretty. I feel pretty, and witty, and ...
Lord Recluse and Patrons: GAYYYYYY!


Lord Recluse: STATESMAN!
Statesman: What? The whole speech of beating me again?
Lord Recluse: What? No.
Statesman: Then what?
Lord Recluse: I was reading random words out of the dictioanry.
Statesman: . . .


Lord Recluse: Statesman, would you like to know something?
Statesman: What, Stefan?
Lord Recluse: The hills are... in-DEED, alive with the sounds of music.
Statesman: . . . ?
Lord Recluse: Unfortunately, the song is My Hump!
((Statesman: NoOoOoOo!!))



LR: Ready the ---------
LR: ...
LR: wth?

CM: My lord, the creators of the word you were saying sued Cryptic a few days ago over the use of that word. Unfortunately, you are no longer able to use it.

LR: What?! But how are we going to get ready to attack Paragon City without the --------?!

Random Evil Henchman: Sir, why don't you rename it? Something not copyrighted perhaps?

LR: Brilliant. Remind me later to promote you, Random Evil Henchman.
LR: Hm...give me a minute to think this one out...
LR: Aha! So --------- was copyrighted and taken from me, eh? No matter...we shall no longer need to ready the --------. From now on, it shall be known as the Pink Fluffy Bunny Cannon!

GW: *smacks head*


LR: *crying* Damn you all! I knew you would laugh, *sob* I knew it!
LR: *runs into his room crying, slams the door behind him*
LR: I never want to talk to you guys ever again!

GW: But, my lord, the pizza you ordered is here...

LR: Really? I'll be right out!



Lord Recluse: Yay! My meds are balanced!
The four Patrons just stare blankly.


Lord Recluse: Does this cape make me look fat?



LRAMIT!Why does Statesman always beat me?(begins to cry)

GWsigh) alright lets go over your childhood again.

CM,BS,Sicc: Again?Jesus christ.

LR: Well i guess it started with Cindy Mallone. I had a crush on her and was building her a atomic rifle to vaporize her enemies, but Marcus went caveman on her and got her,(long pause) GERANIUMS!!!!!!!!!!! (cry's some more)



Jenkins: Im sorry sir i thought you said DONT press the terminate all the destined ones button.

LR:JENKINS! 30 days in the cooler!



LR-"I'm bringing sexy back!"



*Ghost Widow steps into tower*

LR: You're just in time! Scirocco just finished cooking dinner for us.

GW: I can't eat...

BS: Sucks for you. This sushi kicks [censored]!

S: One of my better recipes.

LR: By the way, anyone seen Mako lately?

Arc ID: 475246, "Bringing a Lord to Power"

"I'm only a simple man trying to cling to my tomorrow. Every day. By any means necessary."
-Caldwell B. Cladwell



BS: What is it my lord?
LR: i just completed the statesman's taskforce and dinged level 50 with my stone tank.
CM: You do know that means you beat yourself up in game right?
LR: oh damit!



*Ghost Widow steps into tower*

LR: You're just in time! Scirocco just finished cooking dinner for us.

GW: I can't eat...

BS: Sucks for you. This sushi kicks [censored]!

S: One of my better recipes.

LR: By the way, anyone seen Mako lately?

[/ QUOTE ]

The group looks at their meals. Scirrocco grins knowingly. Black Scorpion resumes eating. Scirrocco and Ghost Widow both frown at him.

BS: "Hey, I always knew that piece of sharkbait had to be good for something."

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



LR: "Sirocco!!!"

Sirocco: "Huh?"

LR: "We've built the Rogue Isles up from nothing... we've invaded the Ziggurat TWICE... we beat back the Freedom Phalanx at our doorstep and THEN have them doing 'holding actions' in three seperate contested zones... our followers are wreaking havok everywhere and growing in number daily..."

Sirocco: "So?"


[/ QUOTE ]

Best so far Two thumbs up.

Main Hero: Flame Blade (Scrapper lvl 50; Katana/Regeneration)
Main Villain: Elenor Seahawk (Mastermind lvl 44; Necromancy/Poison)
My Arcs: #337278: Learning Curve
Fight my Brute: SMASH



Statesman: "Stefan, your days of villiany are over, you will submit to jutice now!"

Lord Recluse: "Do you ever have problems with your underwear causing a wedgie under your super-clothes?"



--Uncharted Area of the Shadow Shard--

Lord Recluse: Ok Black Scorpion, the Mu Agents have teleported us into unknown territory, now activate your guidance chip and lead the way to home.

Black Scorpion: Ummm...That way.... *points to the left*

Lord Recluse: Grandville, Black Scorpion. Our base of operations.

Black Scorpion: Ohh...That way *points to the right* No wait...It's over there... *points passed Lord Recluse*

Lord Recluse: How could you not know?! The scientists just got you a new guidance system!!

Black Scorpion: Oh, I left that at the Base

Lord Recluse: Left what at the Base?

Black Scorpion: The guidey-chippey-thingy

Lord Recluse *angry*: Why would you leave that at the Base?!?!!

Black Scorpion: To make room for the cupcake! *takes cup cake out of hidden compartment and eats it*


--Grandville Base--

Lord Recluse: Guess who made waffles! *walks out with a plate of waffles*

Ghost Widow: I'm not going to eat that-


Ghost Window: Enough! *eats a piece of waffle* Hey, these arn't bad...Whats in 'em?

Lord Recluse: There Waffle in 'em!

*Lord Recluse brings out more waffles*

Ghost Widow: No more waffles Recluse

Lord Recluse: AhhhHHaaaha!!

Ghost Widow: No, really, I'm starting to feel sick....

Lord Recluse: AHhhhAHAHAHaaaHHHAAA!!! *hits Ghost Widow in the head with a waffle* AAHhhHHHAHAAH!!!

Ghost Widow: Fine! I'll eat just one more piece

Lord Recluse: *sets another plate of wallfes infront of Ghost Widow* These gots peanuts and soap in 'em!

Ghost Widow: *looks at Recluse, then waffles, then Recluse again* We gotta stop letting him watch the Food Network....

Global - @El D

Servers - Protector



BS: Sir Statesman has brought an army of heroes to eliminate you! What do...
LR: SHHHHH! Cant you see im trying to watch wings.
BS: But sir...
LR:Enough! Bring me Tony Shaloub!


LR: Check it out fish face
CM:What is it sire?
LR: I just installed spinners on all the flyers!
GW:You do know that they dont have wheels right?
LR:So? We will amaze Paragon to destuction!MUHAHAHAHAHA!
GWwhisper's to Mako) Dont let him watch Pimp My Ride anymore.
CM: Agreed.



LR: H.R. puffinstuff, can't get a little but ya can't get enough!
GW: uh...



"I'll feel pretty, oh so pretty, just pretty and witty and..."

[/ QUOTE ]

Anger Management 2: Recluse's Rehab
Starring: Jack Nicholson and Lord Recluse.

Dr. Buddy Rydell: Now then we need to go over some ground rules. You are to refrain from any any acts of violence including verbal assault and vulgar hand gestures. You may not use rage enhancing substances, such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, crack cocaine, slippy-flippy's, jelly stingers, trick sticks, bing bangs or flying willards.

Lord Recluse: How 'bout fiddle-faddels?

Dr. Buddy Rydell: Under my supervision. Also, if you are unable to stop world dominating please, do so without the use of any pornographic images depicting quote, unquote 'angry sex.' That having been said, I'm a pretty good guy and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised how much fun we can have together.

Lord Recluse: Geez, without slippy-flippy's or world dominating I don't see how that's possible.

Dr. Buddy Rydell: Sarcasm is anger's ugly cousin... from now on, unacceptable.



"I'll feel pretty, oh so pretty, just pretty and witty and..."

[/ QUOTE ]

Anger Management 2: Recluse's Rehab
Starring: Jack Nicholson and Lord Recluse.

Dr. Buddy Rydell: Now then we need to go over some ground rules. You are to refrain from any any acts of violence including verbal assault and vulgar hand gestures. You may not use rage enhancing substances, such as caffeine, nicotine, alcohol, crack cocaine, slippy-flippy's, jelly stingers, trick sticks, bing bangs or flying willards.

Lord Recluse: How 'bout fiddle-faddels?

Dr. Buddy Rydell: Under my supervision. Also, if you are unable to stop world dominating please, do so without the use of any pornographic images depicting quote, unquote 'angry sex.' That having been said, I'm a pretty good guy and I think you'll be pleasantly surprised how much fun we can have together.

Lord Recluse: Geez, without slippy-flippy's or world dominating I don't see how that's possible.

Dr. Buddy Rydell: Sarcasm is anger's ugly cousin... from now on, unacceptable.

[/ QUOTE ]