36 -
Come now, we all know that the entire south american continent is owned by Nemesis. He controls the coffee trade. That is how he funds his operations!
Global wariming is not a Nemesis plot though. -
Hell anyone who plays smart can take a EB, even my troller. The only thing you are "forced" to group on is Giant Monsters, and AV's. Screw Champions Online,let them stay there so there is more room for us.
My Trollers name is Maxx Powers.
But why is this needed? Why cant you just put it in your biography? -
No because then she would kill steal from me in a rikti invasion! >:O
Agreed, but Frost Fires's lair anyone?
Perhaps this could be a halloween event (i can see a plot by Vlad Dracula), but as a regular event no. I dont see why the zombies are a regular occurance either, but overall i like it.
In response to Mercy Killing:
The problem with ae is not finding a team (i can easily find a 8 man team for tf's/sf's, missions, etc.), but finding a competent team. For example the team i had today, in which half the people i asked to join a av mission asked either:
A:What is an av?
B:Where is peregrine island?
C:All of the above
This is quite a hinderment to people looking to form teams as you dont know if they are competent or not. -
More end game content is on the way. Chill.
1. The dot over the letter "i" is called a tittle.
2. The oldest known goldfish live to be 41. It's name was Fred.
3. On average, 2000 left-handed people die annually due to improper use of equipment designed only for right handed people.
4. Texas horned toads can shoot blood out of the corners of their eye.
5. 56,000,000 people go to Major League Baseball games each year.
6. An ounce of platinum can be stretched 10,000 feet.
7. One Third of Americans flush the toilet while they are still sitting on it.
8. The longest one syllable word in the english language is "screeched".
9. 166,875,000,000 pieces of mail are delivered each year in the U.S.
10. The state with the highest percentage of people who work is Alaska.
11. In 2001, there were more than 300 banana-related trips to the hospital in Britain, and slipping on skins being a more popular reason than reactions.
12. Two objects have struck the earth with enough force to destroy a whole city. Each object, one in 1908 and one in 1947, struck regions of Siberia. Not one human being was hurt either time.
13. A rat can go without water longer than a camel can.
14. If you shake a can of mixed nuts, the larger ones tend to go to the top.
15. Entomophobia is the fear of insect.
16. Drivers kill more deer than hunters.
17. John D. Rockefeller, was the world's first billionaire.
18. A 'jiffy' is an actual unit of time for 1/100th of a second.
19. According to suicide statistics, Monday is the favored day for self-destruction.
20. August has the most birthdays.
21. February has the least birthdays.
22. One in every four americans has appeared on television.
23. Nike Air Soles do not actually have 'air' in them.
24. Marilyn Monroe had six toes.
25. Armadillos are the only animals besides humans that can contract leprosy.
26. 29,249th digit of pi is seven.
27. Rudyard Kipling refused to write with anything other than black ink.
28. A group of geese on the ground is a gaggle, a group of geese in the air is a skein.
29. Arnold Schoberg suffered from triskaidecaphobia, the fear of the number thirteen. He died thirteen minutes from midnight on friday the thirteenth.
30. The average person has 100,000 hairs on his/her head. Each hair grows about five inches every year.
31. Apples, not caffeine, are more efficient at waking you up in the morning.
32. All clams start out as males, some decide to become females at some point in their lives.
33. In 1832 Abraham Lincoln ran for the Illinois legislature, and lost.
34. There are around 2,600 species of frogs. They live on every continent except Antarctica.
35. An adult lion's roar can be heard up to five miles away.
36. Microsoft made 16,005 in revenue in its first year of operation.
37. About half of all Americans are on a diet on any given day.
38. Ninety percent of New York City taxi drivers are recently arrived immigrants.
39. In ten minutes, a hurricane releases more energy than all the world's nuclear weapons combined.
40. The only 15 letter word that can be spelled without a repeating letter is "uncopyrightable"
41. The word 'byte' is a contraction of 'by eight'.
42. On average, half of the false teeth have some form of radioactivity.
43. Bananas aren't fruit! They are a type of herb.
44. Australian termites have been known to build mounds twenty feet gight and at least 100 feet wide.
45. In England, in the 1880's, 'Pants' was considered a dirty word.
46. By the age of sixty, most people have lost 50% of their taste buds.
47. There are 10 human body parts that are only 3 letters long.
48. A moth has no stomach.
49. In 1985, Pete Rose became the first professional athlete to appear on the front of a Wheaties box.
50. Americans spend more annually on cat food than baby food.
Just a quick copy and paste from a similar forum that i reguarly stomp about. -
Huh, i guess apple does not say that all forum apps cannot be approved. Just the flood...
Any way i endorse this idea. -
This is a arc in which dark forces steal the Ark of the Covenant. If you see any problems with the ark please post them here.
Arc ID: 129029
The sequel "Spear of Destiny" is 131866.
Enjoy! -
Quote:This sounds a bit more resonable than what i had suggested. I endorse it.Blocking characters under level 20 would get NC smacked around for false advertising, since AE was billed as an alternative means of leveling from 1 to 50.
That said, I prefer a more passive means of encouraging new characters to venture out and see the world first.
1: Don't actually make the AE contact pop up until 20.
2: Move the AE buildings in the lowbie areas (at least Atlas, Galaxy, and King's Row) to the more dangerous sectors of those zones.
3: If a lowbie does level up a few too many times in AE, have their starting contact phone them to politely chew them out for neglecting their responsibility to Paragon/The Rogue Isles). Or have the trainer in whatever zone they started in make the call. -
Recently most of us have noticed that since the advent of mission architect there has likewise been a increase in the number of people getting to level 50 in ridiculously short amounts of time by farming in AE (in some cases never leaving Atlas Park).
I was recently engaged in a conversation with a player who shares my sentiments (and most of yours as well) that there should be some means of limiting people from just running AE for a few weeks and boom level 50.
So i propose to the community a minimum level to enter mission architect, or at least certain missions (I.E. a level 25 blaster cannot go in a mission 10 levels higher than his own level).
The Minimum entrance level i propose would be 20, as it is still pretty early in the game and they would have an chance to experience a goodly amount of the game.
While a range for entering a mission would make it so farming is slowed considerably it also prevents the lower level player to play with his higher freind.
Thats the idea, commence ripping me a new one. -
First off you said realism, and super hero/Villain in the same sentence.
Second world wide pvp would be an annoyance to all and cause many people to quit, even with your restrictions someone would mess with their options and be attacked by a stone tank on the way to Kalinda.
Finnaly why would i want to go to the red side with my troller? Maybe with destructible enviorments, but why would i want to go their and waste all that time when i can just go to a pvp zone? -
yay new content but groovy?
Well thats good for my mm. Time to pay a visit to lord recluse and flip him off.
Great a chance for a bunch of losers to wear states costume and stand next to him in indy port. Cant wait to do it
Ahem, if I may have a moment to note something I think I may have solved.
I do notbelieve the new wallpaper has anything to do with Nemesis..
Two words...
"Mayan Calendar"
That is all.
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes like i said about Kuclakan and 2012 winter solstice, but one problam. It is 2007 now,and in game i think it's 2005.(the obituraies in rouge sland protecter). -
Recluse dosen't rule? Manti and Recluse working together to mop up rebels? I GOT IT! Dr. Aeon and the 5th Column are screwing around with the space time continuum!
[/ QUOTE ]
Why does he need the 5th's help? And why would they help him cause their defeat in WWII?
[/ QUOTE ]
The 5th is weak thanks to council and perhaps can change it using timetravel(or multiversal travel since timetravel is phsically impossibe seeing as how time is not a destination), and Aeon has accesss to this tech. While short sighted and nable to see the big picture (see states tf) he is brillant enough to understand that if the 5th never fell then he could rule the planet! -
What I did just realize was that the snake wallpaper could actually be related to this, if Lord Recluse and Manticore are in South America...
It says on Wikipedia (if you trust it) that Quetzalcoatl was sometimes represented in Aztec Mythology with an Ouroboros symbol
connection maybe?
[/ QUOTE ]
Yes that is true about Quetzalquatal. Perhaps it has to do with the event's of the winter solsctice of 2012. After all Kuklakan and Questalquatal are probable related since they were both beareded.