Holy Moses
Arc 129029: Holy Moses: @Intelect
Save the world mystery, in three maps! Ramping from small to large, interesting. Family and Circle of Thorns. The level range is all over the place. The only overlap is at level 45. There's also a good chance that the arc with Family may not work for the whole level range due to a bug in the Family group.
The contact's name is Micheal Gabriel, an unusual spelling of "Michael". Perhaps a typo?
Contact has no description added, that I could see with "Ask about this contact".
Mission 1 intro: It was recently sent to Paragon Via heavily armed cargo ship to Paragon. -> It was recently sent to Paragon by heavily armed cargo ship.
The loss of the Ark angers a Prime Minister - presumably of Israel, where the Ark was found. A local crime family is suspected. Family from Israel? Interesting twist, I wonder how different they'll look. Why exactly do I invade an office full of Family? What country?
My Accept text is "Go on a Crusade". In particular since it's said with the capital "C", I hope I won't be persecuting anyone based on their religion. It's not particularly heroic at this time.
Mission 1 send-off: ill -> I'll
The contact's Busy message is pretty rude. I'm further inclined to ignore him.
Mission 1 busy text: genius you -> genius, you ; were -> we're ; dont -> don't ; i -> I
Mission 1 Nav title: wereabouts -> whereabouts
Mission 1 Nav objectives: Pertaining -> pertaining
Mission 1 entry pop-up: dosent -> doesn't
The pop-up info and the Nav spelling my target as "Gweedo" already suggests someone is masquerading as the Family, which would make for a consistent plot, good. Perhaps clarify what I'm to do with Gweedo - Rescue/Defeat/other him.
I find the information, it suggests the Family was hired by the Circle of Thorns to do this job. That's a pretty weird alliance there. What's in it for the Family? It'd have to be pretty impressive! Especially for them to invade Israel. Unless these are Hasidic mafia (I am kinda kidding, but you could color them all black...). Or I never left Paragon City... but Paragon City doesn't have a local Prime Minister.
I go check out Gweedo. His description, a Family Boss default, suggests he's from Paragon City. I expect I'm not in Jerusalem after all.
Mission 1 return text: their -> they're ; anti pagan pants -> anti-pagan pants
It's only 1 mission of 5, but there's at least some typos found. I am a little too confused, and since religion is tricky ground I don't want to be too confused. Perhaps you can tidy up the first mission, and I can try again.
Cheers, airhead

Arc: 379017: Outbroken See all your old friends in the Outbreak Tutorial sequel!
Arc: Coming Soon: The Incarnate Shadow Shard of Fire and Ice Mender Rednem needs you!
Massively.com opinion poll: Please Help Save CoH!
This is a arc in which dark forces steal the Ark of the Covenant. If you see any problems with the ark please post them here.
Arc ID: 129029
The sequel "Spear of Destiny" is 131866.