Blaster Damage





There's 1 thing you're not considering. The Scrapper uses BOTH the Primary and Secondary. You're saying that the Blaster should be on par with the Scrapper while ONLY using the Primary...this isn't going to happen.

[/ QUOTE ]

You're entirely missing the point of the post. Scrappers were given higher damage because they HAD to go into melee. Yet for a blaster to match scrapper damage the blaster HAS to go into melee. So shouldn't blasters be given at least the same base damage to ALL attacks as scrappers? THAT is the point that was being made, and is still being made.

Of course that dosn't even mention that the scrapper is about a thousand times safer in melee AND at range than blasters are. Using the 'higher risk needs more damage' justification that the devs stated for boosting scrapper damage would mean that blasters, who have no defenses, should have a metricshitton of damage more than scrappers.



Well, about the damage department alone, if a Blaster uses both the Primary and Secondary, then the Blaster will do way more damage than the Scrapper. If Blaster's Primary damage were increased to have the same base damage as Scrappers, then they would out-damage the Scrapper even more if they use their Secondary.

But yes, Blasters are lacking overall. There's no arguments there.



then they would out-damage the Scrapper even more if they use their Secondary.

[/ QUOTE ]

blasters secondary is NOT based on melee !!! it's support !!!

don't count on secondaries if you want to compare damage between scrappers and blasters



Bring all the Blaster Primaries inline with both Fire and Ice and its all good. And make all the secondaries as powerful as Ele and EM and Voila, all blasters rokk.




Reading through this thread, I saw the recent response to now long-departed Erratic, and followed a trail of his posts back to the now infamous "Missing Patch Note" thread.

One thing I'll say - confidence in the Positron / Castle / BAB dev group is infinitely higher than the Statesman / Geko dev group. I mean, wow, talk about a dev team that had completely lost its playerbase.

For folks that are nervous about BAB's recent comment on activation times, I think a little perspective may be in order.



then they would out-damage the Scrapper even more if they use their Secondary.

[/ QUOTE ]

blasters secondary is NOT based on melee !!! it's support !!!

don't count on secondaries if you want to compare damage between scrappers and blasters

[/ QUOTE ]

dude define "support"
Seriously. What the hell is it?

Blasters are the ONLY damage/damage archetype in the game... of course you have to count the secondary.

That is unless you can find ONE blaster secondary without damage.



then they would out-damage the Scrapper even more if they use their Secondary.

[/ QUOTE ]

blasters secondary is NOT based on melee !!! it's support !!!

don't count on secondaries if you want to compare damage between scrappers and blasters

[/ QUOTE ]

When your Secondary has SIX attacks in it (Elec has Charged Brawl, Havoc Punch, Light. Clap, T-Strike, Shocking Grasp and Lightning Field) then there is NO sane way you can call that 'support'.

Elec Fence, BU and Power Sink alone in a Secondary with SIX attacks does NOT constitute suport IMHO.

"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"



Thought I'd post a further explanation about the Blaster damage explanation in "Ask Statesman."
That was - and is - the reason why Blaster damage is capped lower than Scrappers. I did forget to add that the ranged attacks of mobs deal less damage (typically) than melee attacks - and the Blaster is generally the target of raned attacks.
But many issues have come up - most notably, the perception that Blasters are too fragile at levels 35+. Their damage potential does not compensate for their low hit points.
And, of course, there's the complaint that some Secondaries have too many melee attacks - something that the Blaster avoids at all costs.
At the moment, Scrappers, and to a lesser degree, Tankers, are being analyzed. Once we establish a baseline, then we'll be in a better position to look at Blasters.

[/ QUOTE ]

Wow, talk about "The Post that Rose from the Dead".

2 Years, 6 Months, and 1 business acquisition later....

I feel sorry for anyone who will have to play the equivilant of a Blaster in MUO. Maybe after that, they will come here to CoX and play with us.



then they would out-damage the Scrapper even more if they use their Secondary.

[/ QUOTE ]

blasters secondary is NOT based on melee !!! it's support !!!

don't count on secondaries if you want to compare damage between scrappers and blasters

[/ QUOTE ]

When your Secondary has SIX attacks in it (Elec has Charged Brawl, Havoc Punch, Light. Clap, T-Strike, Shocking Grasp and Lightning Field) then there is NO sane way you can call that 'support'.

Elec Fence, BU and Power Sink alone in a Secondary with SIX attacks does NOT constitute suport IMHO.

[/ QUOTE ]

check in game when you want to create a blaster : it says "primary : ranged damage" and "secondary : support"
Secondaries are supposed to increase the survivability of a blaster by giving him some nice tools like buildup, consume, targeting drone, conserve power etcc... and by giving him some nice melee attacks in case some crazy mob would attack our friendly hero on melee

If you consider melee as useful as ranged then you play a blapper. It's your choice but don't try to push me on melee if i wanna play my blaster as a blaster. I have firesword and FSC but i don't use it in my chain cause i'm not supposed to go melee.

i don't need mez resist, defense, regen etc cause i'm playing behind the tank where i'm supposed to be as a blaster. Blaster just need to outdamage scrappers when you consider ranged attacks. If you wanna be powerful with your fists/legs then go play a scrapper

i'm definitly not saying that secondaries are all the same when i say support. I know device is really different from elec or EM ^^
But that's the way devs designed/described blaster secondaries and blasters are ranged attackers not meleers sorry

blaster description quoted from

The Blaster specializes in delivering massive damage at range. They have very little defensive potential, other than the ability to keep the enemy at arms length.

A Blaster can solo successfully, if he remains aware of his situation at all times, but this archetype really comes into its own in groups, where Defenders, Scrappers and Tankers can take the brunt of the enemy attacks, freeing the Blaster to use his offensive potential to its fullest.

[/ QUOTE ]

EDIT : there's a maximum of 4 powers (4/9 ) in secondaries that force you to go melee in order to do damage (lightning clap is some control stuff )



I think some of the confusion of listing the secondary as "support" is based on different people's interpretation of "support". What I mean is, a defender supports the team by mitigating damage, buffing damage, healing..... They are essentially a team support hero. They support the other heroes by making thhem live longer, deal more damage....

But the term "support" on a blaster secondary means something different. It's essentially a blaster's own defender powers to support that individual hero. The secondary boosts damage, KB's so the blaster isn't in melee, stuns so the blaster doesn't get hit by a mob in melee, drains endurance so the mob attacks less.... That is what it's listed as support. It's got mini defender properties built in for damage boosts and mitigation.

It also has tons of damage in melee. Although you can play a blapper if you want with the damage in the secondary (and I do) it's another form of damage mitigation. If a mob rushes you after you've fired off a few blasts, the melee attacks are strong enough to eliminate that melee threat as it closes.

So while it becomes damage/damage it's also ranged/support. It's like arguing that an orange is a fruit while the other person is arguing it's orange.



I think some of the confusion of listing the secondary as "support" is based on different people's interpretation of "support". What I mean is, a defender supports the team by mitigating damage, buffing damage, healing..... They are essentially a team support hero. They support the other heroes by making thhem live longer, deal more damage....

But the term "support" on a blaster secondary means something different. It's essentially a blaster's own defender powers to support that individual hero. The secondary boosts damage, KB's so the blaster isn't in melee, stuns so the blaster doesn't get hit by a mob in melee, drains endurance so the mob attacks less.... That is what it's listed as support. It's got mini defender properties built in for damage boosts and mitigation.

It also has tons of damage in melee. Although you can play a blapper if you want with the damage in the secondary (and I do) it's another form of damage mitigation. If a mob rushes you after you've fired off a few blasts, the melee attacks are strong enough to eliminate that melee threat as it closes.

So while it becomes damage/damage it's also ranged/support. It's like arguing that an orange is a fruit while the other person is arguing it's orange.

[/ QUOTE ]

i'm ok with that blasters are damage/damage but not ranged/melee

it's orange ^^



then they would out-damage the Scrapper even more if they use their Secondary.

[/ QUOTE ]

blasters secondary is NOT based on melee !!! it's support !!!

don't count on secondaries if you want to compare damage between scrappers and blasters

[/ QUOTE ]

When your Secondary has SIX attacks in it (Elec has Charged Brawl, Havoc Punch, Light. Clap, T-Strike, Shocking Grasp and Lightning Field) then there is NO sane way you can call that 'support'.

Elec Fence, BU and Power Sink alone in a Secondary with SIX attacks does NOT constitute suport IMHO.

[/ QUOTE ]

check in game when you want to create a blaster : it says "primary : ranged damage" and "secondary : support"
Secondaries are supposed to increase the survivability of a blaster by giving him some nice tools like buildup, consume, targeting drone, conserve power etcc... and by giving him some nice melee attacks in case some crazy mob would attack our friendly hero on melee

If you consider melee as useful as ranged then you play a blapper. It's your choice but don't try to push me on melee if i wanna play my blaster as a blaster. I have firesword and FSC but i don't use it in my chain cause i'm not supposed to go melee.

i don't need mez resist, defense, regen etc cause i'm playing behind the tank where i'm supposed to be as a blaster. Blaster just need to outdamage scrappers when you consider ranged attacks. If you wanna be powerful with your fists/legs then go play a scrapper

i'm definitly not saying that secondaries are all the same when i say support. I know device is really different from elec or EM ^^
But that's the way devs designed/described blaster secondaries and blasters are ranged attackers not meleers sorry

blaster description quoted from

The Blaster specializes in delivering massive damage at range. They have very little defensive potential, other than the ability to keep the enemy at arms length.

A Blaster can solo successfully, if he remains aware of his situation at all times, but this archetype really comes into its own in groups, where Defenders, Scrappers and Tankers can take the brunt of the enemy attacks, freeing the Blaster to use his offensive potential to its fullest.

[/ QUOTE ]

[/ QUOTE ]

You're reading outdated material, first off. There was a thread on here last week basically debunking the theory that blasters were Ranged/Support. It is pretty much the consensus that Blasters due to various unintended effects of game updates or nerfs ended up with some shortcomings.

First the whole "Range as an advantage" issue. This would be true if 9/10 of enemy attacks could somehow be nerfed by us being out of range, but everything in the game deals decent ranged damage now. EVERYTHING.

secondly, the whole "Support" as a secondary, Have you looked at /Fire ? The whole danged set is PBAOE( =melee range) and MELEE!!! The only things in there that are remotely supportive are buildup (FOR MOAR DAMG) and Consume which is pretty much and end buff slapped on a MELEE ATTACK. Ok you can count the root, but does that mean the primaries are support too since they come with aim and a hold? Devices and Energy are the only two secondaries which I would remotely consider as support sets. and they both deal some decent MELEE damage.

Third, When ED hit blasters took a major damage hit. We look like we do alot, but in reality, my thunderous blast can't even take down a group of 4 whites. And it's slotted Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Rec,Rec,Acc (not to mention target drone going)
I suppose I could swap out the Acc for another damage and nerf my percentages for a small dmg boost, or the Devs could Fix blasters so that we deal damage. If I'm going to be OOE for 5-10 sec then i should at least be able to kill 4 whites.

Buffs Are Relative To Archetype. Does it seem like we could have as many DEF and RES buffs as we want on and still not be able to do survive without a controller or tank. I mean I took the medicine line just to try to compensate. How many other archetypes can solo their missions on invince? Sure it's working as intended, but when nearly every other class can solo, what is the point in grouping with a blaster......oh that's right...Damage?

The point is, that the AT description sure, says Ranged/Support, bu it also says "Massive Damage At Range", and I'm not feeling the range or the damage.



I think some of the confusion of listing the secondary as "support" is based on different people's interpretation of "support". What I mean is, a defender supports the team by mitigating damage, buffing damage, healing..... They are essentially a team support hero. They support the other heroes by making thhem live longer, deal more damage....

But the term "support" on a blaster secondary means something different. It's essentially a blaster's own defender powers to support that individual hero. The secondary boosts damage, KB's so the blaster isn't in melee, stuns so the blaster doesn't get hit by a mob in melee, drains endurance so the mob attacks less.... That is what it's listed as support. It's got mini defender properties built in for damage boosts and mitigation.

It also has tons of damage in melee. Although you can play a blapper if you want with the damage in the secondary (and I do) it's another form of damage mitigation. If a mob rushes you after you've fired off a few blasts, the melee attacks are strong enough to eliminate that melee threat as it closes.

So while it becomes damage/damage it's also ranged/support. It's like arguing that an orange is a fruit while the other person is arguing it's orange.

[/ QUOTE ]

i'm ok with that blasters are damage/damage but not ranged/melee

it's orange ^^

[/ QUOTE ]

So how many of the Secondary Powers are ranged then?



You're preaching to the choir here. Not long ago I began a thread on this very board wherin I quoted verbatim the text in the Character Creator for Blasters. The bold text is my idea just for clarity but it reads

“The Blaster is an offensive juggernaut. This hero can deal a ton of damage from a distance. But the Blaster must be careful because he’s somewhat fragile compared to other heroes. The Blaster can’t stand toe to toe with most opponents in Melee for long. His best defense is a great offense.”

The problem is that the design of the At is NOT following this mantra. The recent video elsewhere on this board shows a Blaster using 3 ranged attacks and a slew of melee attacks including Air Sup to destroy a lvl 50 mish set on Invincible with no Insps and (IIRC) she took no damage. This was outside help in the least... I was and still am stunned by this feat.

However even if Blasters did follow this line of thinking Issues ago they can't now and that's one thing I'm griping about. Enemy ranges were increased. Some enemies without ranged attacks were given such some cases with KB effects (double whammy there). The end game is filled with mezzing enemies that we never had to face before the level cap was raised from 40 to 50. The list goes on and on.

Blasters have been rethought, or rather NOT rethought for the past several issues. So many changes were made for whatever reason with little or no regard for what the end result would be to the Blaster AT. I firmly believe that this is in part due to the fact that the Devs don't play Blasters very much. If they did then these issues would have arisen MUCH sooner IMHO.

"Comics, you're not a're an Overlord!"



You're reading outdated material, first off. There was a thread on here last week basically debunking the theory that blasters were Ranged/Support. It is pretty much the consensus that Blasters due to various unintended effects of game updates or nerfs ended up with some shortcomings.

First the whole "Range as an advantage" issue. This would be true if 9/10 of enemy attacks could somehow be nerfed by us being out of range, but everything in the game deals decent ranged damage now. EVERYTHING.

secondly, the whole "Support" as a secondary, Have you looked at /Fire ? The whole danged set is PBAOE( =melee range) and MELEE!!! The only things in there that are remotely supportive are buildup (FOR MOAR DAMG) and Consume which is pretty much and end buff slapped on a MELEE ATTACK. Ok you can count the root, but does that mean the primaries are support too since they come with aim and a hold? Devices and Energy are the only two secondaries which I would remotely consider as support sets. and they both deal some decent MELEE damage.

Third, When ED hit blasters took a major damage hit. We look like we do alot, but in reality, my thunderous blast can't even take down a group of 4 whites. And it's slotted Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Rec,Rec,Acc (not to mention target drone going)
I suppose I could swap out the Acc for another damage and nerf my percentages for a small dmg boost, or the Devs could Fix blasters so that we deal damage. If I'm going to be OOE for 5-10 sec then i should at least be able to kill 4 whites.

Buffs Are Relative To Archetype. Does it seem like we could have as many DEF and RES buffs as we want on and still not be able to do survive without a controller or tank. I mean I took the medicine line just to try to compensate. How many other archetypes can solo their missions on invince? Sure it's working as intended, but when nearly every other class can solo, what is the point in grouping with a blaster......oh that's right...Damage?

The point is, that the AT description sure, says Ranged/Support, bu it also says "Massive Damage At Range", and I'm not feeling the range or the damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

i totally agree with your suggestion : blasters need a lot more damage when we are dealing with primaries. that i'm sure everyone agree with
I know range is not some kind of defense anymore since everyone can kill blasters from range ^^ and that's why we need more damage with primaries and not with secondaries since this kind of set would be useless considering blasters resistance

but i still consider /fire as a supportive set : powers do damage ok but i'm not considering minor damage as an ATTACK ^^ and as i said it before, melee can be considered as support if you're not playing a blapper

i also know that nukes are not valuable anymore because of the AoE limitation on targets, poor damage, end crash blaster need a fix



You're reading outdated material, first off. There was a thread on here last week basically debunking the theory that blasters were Ranged/Support. It is pretty much the consensus that Blasters due to various unintended effects of game updates or nerfs ended up with some shortcomings.

First the whole "Range as an advantage" issue. This would be true if 9/10 of enemy attacks could somehow be nerfed by us being out of range, but everything in the game deals decent ranged damage now. EVERYTHING.

secondly, the whole "Support" as a secondary, Have you looked at /Fire ? The whole danged set is PBAOE( =melee range) and MELEE!!! The only things in there that are remotely supportive are buildup (FOR MOAR DAMG) and Consume which is pretty much and end buff slapped on a MELEE ATTACK. Ok you can count the root, but does that mean the primaries are support too since they come with aim and a hold? Devices and Energy are the only two secondaries which I would remotely consider as support sets. and they both deal some decent MELEE damage.

Third, When ED hit blasters took a major damage hit. We look like we do alot, but in reality, my thunderous blast can't even take down a group of 4 whites. And it's slotted Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Rec,Rec,Acc (not to mention target drone going)
I suppose I could swap out the Acc for another damage and nerf my percentages for a small dmg boost, or the Devs could Fix blasters so that we deal damage. If I'm going to be OOE for 5-10 sec then i should at least be able to kill 4 whites.

Buffs Are Relative To Archetype. Does it seem like we could have as many DEF and RES buffs as we want on and still not be able to do survive without a controller or tank. I mean I took the medicine line just to try to compensate. How many other archetypes can solo their missions on invince? Sure it's working as intended, but when nearly every other class can solo, what is the point in grouping with a blaster......oh that's right...Damage?

The point is, that the AT description sure, says Ranged/Support, bu it also says "Massive Damage At Range", and I'm not feeling the range or the damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

i totally agree with your suggestion : blasters need a lot more damage when we are dealing with primaries. that i'm sure everyone agree with
I know range is not some kind of defense anymore since everyone can kill blasters from range ^^ and that's why we need more damage with primaries and not with secondaries since this kind of set would be useless considering blasters resistance

but i still consider /fire as a supportive set : powers do damage ok but i'm not considering minor damage as an ATTACK ^^ and as i said it before, melee can be considered as support if you're not playing a blapper

i also know that nukes are not valuable anymore because of the AoE limitation on targets, poor damage, end crash blaster need a fix

[/ QUOTE ]

Okay, what [censored] blaster do you play? Because everything youve said is contradictory to every blaster out there except AR




i tried Archery but there's no quiver ^^

i'm not saying secondaries are ranged-only, or melee-only or even support-only but secondaries are designed to improve blaster survivability not by enhancing their damage.

if you want to try inferno or blizzard, i'm okay that's really great but not like it was before ED or back when we could kill 50 foes in one nuke. I mean, i still use inferno sometimes cause it's fun and everything but it's definitly reducing my DPS if you consider the end crash. AR Tier 9 is different ^^

i just want to give blasters a damage boost because some scrappers and controllers are outdamaging us and that's just wrong
blasters are supposed to be THE king of ranged massive damage ... that's the only thing they are designed to do ^^


The problem is that the design of the At is NOT following this mantra. The recent video elsewhere on this board shows a Blaster using 3 ranged attacks and a slew of melee attacks including Air Sup to destroy a lvl 50 mish set on Invincible with no Insps and (IIRC) she took no damage. This was outside help in the least... I was and still am stunned by this feat.

[/ QUOTE ]

solo ... that's the word.

blasters are not designed to solo mish. they are supposed to hide behind a tank and/or a healer to do massive damage.

and if you want to say : "what if i wanna solo with my blaster?" i'll say : "go play spines, blasters are team oriented"
Defender and Tanker are better in teams so is a blaster




i tried Archery but there's no quiver ^^

i'm not saying secondaries are ranged-only, or melee-only or even support-only but secondaries are designed to improve blaster survivability not by enhancing their damage.

if you want to try inferno or blizzard, i'm okay that's really great but not like it was before ED or back when we could kill 50 foes in one nuke. I mean, i still use inferno sometimes cause it's fun and everything but it's definitly reducing my DPS if you consider the end crash. AR Tier 9 is different ^^

i just want to give blasters a damage boost because some scrappers and controllers are outdamaging us and that's just wrong
blasters are supposed to be THE king of ranged massive damage ... that's the only thing they are designed to do ^^


The problem is that the design of the At is NOT following this mantra. The recent video elsewhere on this board shows a Blaster using 3 ranged attacks and a slew of melee attacks including Air Sup to destroy a lvl 50 mish set on Invincible with no Insps and (IIRC) she took no damage. This was outside help in the least... I was and still am stunned by this feat.

[/ QUOTE ]

solo ... that's the word.

blasters are not designed to solo mish. they are supposed to hide behind a tank and/or a healer to do massive damage.

and if you want to say : "what if i wanna solo with my blaster?" i'll say : "go play spines, blasters are team oriented"
Defender and Tanker are better in teams so is a blaster

[/ QUOTE ]

This is completely laughable. Blasters can solo fine.

also blasters are not only kings of ranged damage.

can I see your slotting, pls?

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!




i'm not saying secondaries are ranged-only, or melee-only or even support-only but secondaries are designed to improve blaster survivability not by enhancing their damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

And where do you get that Idea? Honestly my Blasters survive just fine using a Multitude of secondaries and move just as fast as scrappers solo. Give them a team and they can do even more than that.

if you want to try inferno or blizzard, i'm okay that's really great but not like it was before ED or back when we could kill 50 foes in one nuke. I mean, i still use inferno sometimes cause it's fun and everything but it's definitly reducing my DPS if you consider the end crash. AR Tier 9 is different ^^

[/ QUOTE ]

If you want to compare Pre-ED to post ED then Blasters were pointless back then too since you could have a Fire Tank Burn Everything to death. Making that kind of comparison now is a skewed viewpoint and not one conducive to actually making a real improvement.

Wah wah, Im weak cause of ED. Get over it.

Also the fact that Blaster Nukes can Entirely Eliminate a Group of Enemies before there is even a reaction fire is very nice, Who needs DPS when you one shot almost everything with a Single Power?

i just want to give blasters a damage boost because some scrappers and controllers are outdamaging us and that's just wrong
blasters are supposed to be THE king of ranged massive damage ... that's the only thing they are designed to do ^^

[/ QUOTE ]

They are the King of Ranged Damage. No Scrapper, No Controller can match what a Blaster can do at a range or in burst damage in General. Certain Sets are underperforming, certain sets in other ATs are overpowered, but to make that as your basis for arguing that blasters need a buff is a weak place to start.

1, just ONE Controller Set can match blaster damage, and it takes 39 levels to get close to what a blaster can do from 12 to 50.

And scrappers are the king of DPS but Blasters can outrange their damage, and add in their melee attacks their Burst can overwhelm anything a scrapper can do. DPS doesnt matter when everything dies in the first 3 attacks, which quite a few blasters can manage.

Blasters main role on a team is large AoE and Single Target Burst to quickly remove threats, most of the Blaster sets can accomplish this.




i tried Archery but there's no quiver ^^

i'm not saying secondaries are ranged-only, or melee-only or even support-only but secondaries are designed to improve blaster survivability not by enhancing their damage.

if you want to try inferno or blizzard, i'm okay that's really great but not like it was before ED or back when we could kill 50 foes in one nuke. I mean, i still use inferno sometimes cause it's fun and everything but it's definitly reducing my DPS if you consider the end crash. AR Tier 9 is different ^^

i just want to give blasters a damage boost because some scrappers and controllers are outdamaging us and that's just wrong
blasters are supposed to be THE king of ranged massive damage ... that's the only thing they are designed to do ^^


The problem is that the design of the At is NOT following this mantra. The recent video elsewhere on this board shows a Blaster using 3 ranged attacks and a slew of melee attacks including Air Sup to destroy a lvl 50 mish set on Invincible with no Insps and (IIRC) she took no damage. This was outside help in the least... I was and still am stunned by this feat.

[/ QUOTE ]

solo ... that's the word.

blasters are not designed to solo mish. they are supposed to hide behind a tank and/or a healer to do massive damage.

and if you want to say : "what if i wanna solo with my blaster?" i'll say : "go play spines, blasters are team oriented"
Defender and Tanker are better in teams so is a blaster

[/ QUOTE ]

This is completely laughable. Blasters can solo fine.

also blasters are not only kings of ranged damage.

can I see your slotting, pls?

[/ QUOTE ]

can you just read what i said plz ...
i didn't say they canNOT solo, i said they are NOT SUPPOSED to solo
they are supposed to be kings of ranged damage




i'm not saying secondaries are ranged-only, or melee-only or even support-only but secondaries are designed to improve blaster survivability not by enhancing their damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

And where do you get that Idea? Honestly my Blasters survive just fine using a Multitude of secondaries and move just as fast as scrappers solo. Give them a team and they can do even more than that.

[/ QUOTE ]

you said it "give them a team and they can do even more than that" exactly my point

if you want to try inferno or blizzard, i'm okay that's really great but not like it was before ED or back when we could kill 50 foes in one nuke. I mean, i still use inferno sometimes cause it's fun and everything but it's definitly reducing my DPS if you consider the end crash. AR Tier 9 is different ^^

[/ QUOTE ]

If you want to compare Pre-ED to post ED then Blasters were pointless back then too since you could have a Fire Tank Burn Everything to death. Making that kind of comparison now is a skewed viewpoint and not one conducive to actually making a real improvement.

Wah wah, Im weak cause of ED. Get over it.

[/ QUOTE ]

fire tankers are not supposed to do that, they deserved a nerf. the nerf was too big really but that's devs choice ^^
I'm not saying, ED was a bad thing, it just broke blasters because it reduced damage by half ^^
Defiance was the response to that theorically

Also the fact that Blaster Nukes can Entirely Eliminate a Group of Enemies before there is even a reaction fire is very nice, Who needs DPS when you one shot almost everything with a Single Power?

[/ QUOTE ]

and then you're out of the fight for the next group

i just want to give blasters a damage boost because some scrappers and controllers are outdamaging us and that's just wrong
blasters are supposed to be THE king of ranged massive damage ... that's the only thing they are designed to do ^^

[/ QUOTE ]

They are the King of Ranged Damage. No Scrapper, No Controller can match what a Blaster can do at a range or in burst damage in General. Certain Sets are underperforming, certain sets in other ATs are overpowered, but to make that as your basis for arguing that blasters need a buff is a weak place to start.

1, just ONE Controller Set can match blaster damage, and it takes 39 levels to get close to what a blaster can do from 12 to 50.

And scrappers are the king of DPS but Blasters can outrange their damage, and add in their melee attacks their Burst can overwhelm anything a scrapper can do. DPS doesnt matter when everything dies in the first 3 attacks, which quite a few blasters can manage.

Blasters main role on a team is large AoE and Single Target Burst to quickly remove threats, most of the Blaster sets can accomplish this.

[/ QUOTE ]

that's right, i'm talking "in general" maybe ice and fire are just fine like that. but spines need a nerf, some controllers too and/or blaster primaries need a boost (except fire and ice)



My 35 Archery/Energy blaster plays almost exclusively at range. My 36 Elec/Elec plays both at melee and range, but mostly in melee. Both solo on the middle setting (can't ever remember what it's called), but the Elec chews through enemies substantially faster than the archer. The damage she's capable of putting out in melee is well above what either primary is capable of.

Now, part of that descrepency is because both archery and electric blast are sub par sets, but even fire and ice are capable of frontloading more single target damage with the energy or electric secondary than they are with their primary. That video someone mentioned earlier was a fire/elec blaster. She would hit fast with her ranged attacks on her way in to take out the minion, hold the LT, then melee him into the ground, which, I think, took about 2 hits. That combination of fast activating ranged attacks and powerful melee attacks is what makes fire and ice coupled with energy and electric the most potent blaster combinations. Ignoring the melee attacks in the secondary or dismissing them in order to play at range WILL cut into a blaster over all dps and killing speed.

i didn't say they canNOT solo, i said they are NOT SUPPOSED to solo

[/ QUOTE ]

Says who?


Also the fact that Blaster Nukes can Entirely Eliminate a Group of Enemies before there is even a reaction fire is very nice, Who needs DPS when you one shot almost everything with a Single Power?


and then you're out of the fight for the next group

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless you're archery or AR. Or, you know, carrying blues.



My 35 Archery/Energy blaster plays almost exclusively at range. My 36 Elec/Elec plays both at melee and range, but mostly in melee. Both solo on the middle setting (can't ever remember what it's called), but the Elec chews through enemies substantially faster than the archer. The damage she's capable of putting out in melee is well above what either primary is capable of.

Now, part of that descrepency is because both archery and electric blast are sub par sets, but even fire and ice are capable of frontloading more single target damage with the energy or electric secondary than they are with their primary. That video someone mentioned earlier was a fire/elec blaster. She would hit fast with her ranged attacks on her way in to take out the minion, hold the LT, then melee him into the ground, which, I think, took about 2 hits. That combination of fast activating ranged attacks and powerful melee attacks is what makes fire and ice coupled with energy and electric the most potent blaster combinations. Ignoring the melee attacks in the secondary or dismissing them in order to play at range WILL cut into a blaster over all dps and killing speed.

i didn't say they canNOT solo, i said they are NOT SUPPOSED to solo

[/ QUOTE ]

Says who?


Also the fact that Blaster Nukes can Entirely Eliminate a Group of Enemies before there is even a reaction fire is very nice, Who needs DPS when you one shot almost everything with a Single Power?


and then you're out of the fight for the next group

[/ QUOTE ]

Unless you're archery or AR. Or, you know, carrying blues.

[/ QUOTE ]

i know some combinations are great but that's not what i'm talkin about and that's not the topic here.

If you wanna say elec blast or archery is weak (i'd understand why ^^) and that you can do more damage with elec melee or energy, that's just fine but that's wrong considering the design of the AT

i'm not talkin differences between sets i'm just sayin blasters are not what they supposed to be and that's because they need damage ... some sets more than others



they are supposed to be kings of ranged damage

[/ QUOTE ]

Kings (and Queens where applicable) of damage. Period. As for the whole issue of primaries and secondaries... unlike the other ATs, there is no clear demarcation of roles for the primary and secondary Blaster powersets. There are support, ranged, melee and melee-ranged attacks spread throughout the both.




You're reading outdated material, first off. There was a thread on here last week basically debunking the theory that blasters were Ranged/Support. It is pretty much the consensus that Blasters due to various unintended effects of game updates or nerfs ended up with some shortcomings.

First the whole "Range as an advantage" issue. This would be true if 9/10 of enemy attacks could somehow be nerfed by us being out of range, but everything in the game deals decent ranged damage now. EVERYTHING.

secondly, the whole "Support" as a secondary, Have you looked at /Fire ? The whole danged set is PBAOE( =melee range) and MELEE!!! The only things in there that are remotely supportive are buildup (FOR MOAR DAMG) and Consume which is pretty much and end buff slapped on a MELEE ATTACK. Ok you can count the root, but does that mean the primaries are support too since they come with aim and a hold? Devices and Energy are the only two secondaries which I would remotely consider as support sets. and they both deal some decent MELEE damage.

Third, When ED hit blasters took a major damage hit. We look like we do alot, but in reality, my thunderous blast can't even take down a group of 4 whites. And it's slotted Dmg,Dmg,Dmg,Rec,Rec,Acc (not to mention target drone going)
I suppose I could swap out the Acc for another damage and nerf my percentages for a small dmg boost, or the Devs could Fix blasters so that we deal damage. If I'm going to be OOE for 5-10 sec then i should at least be able to kill 4 whites.

Buffs Are Relative To Archetype. Does it seem like we could have as many DEF and RES buffs as we want on and still not be able to do survive without a controller or tank. I mean I took the medicine line just to try to compensate. How many other archetypes can solo their missions on invince? Sure it's working as intended, but when nearly every other class can solo, what is the point in grouping with a blaster......oh that's right...Damage?

The point is, that the AT description sure, says Ranged/Support, bu it also says "Massive Damage At Range", and I'm not feeling the range or the damage.

[/ QUOTE ]

I figure I probably should have left this post buried wherever it was in the list - but I really had to make a reply since you mentioned TB.

I'm fresh meat, got my elec/elec/elec blaster to 50 in around 3 months, so I was never around for ED or the "old days" etc. I learned to play the game just as the invasion was hitting.

Recently I've been playing a stone tank - which is effectively the opposite end of the spectrum - and I can tell you, quite easily that a blaster does damage.

The problem with your TB not killing 4 whites? That's build design, not inherent weakness. Of course, you could also be attacking mobs with high energy resists, dropping your damage considerably.

I can't tell you how many people have been wow'd and/or annoyed when they see a large group of scary lookin mobs, and I just hit my buildup and TB and in one shot they go down. I'm not talking a mere group of whites, I'm talking 10 or more mobs white to red.

To say that range isn't an advantage? Sure, just about everything has some type of ranged attack that keeps me from being untouchable while I float above. But range is exactly what keeps me alive in the large battles - I see what's going on, having a better view than most of the group as I'm in the back blasting away. I'll see if extra aggro is pulled and know within seconds whether the group can handle it or if its time to pull back.

Range isn't always a "pure" advantage, as most of the usual mainstay mobs in the later game have a ranged hold. But I usually have the jump on them and can get my hold off before they begin to activate theirs. Range keeps me out of melee range, something I don't like to stay in too long unless the mobs are held\stunned somehow (whether by me or teammates), or I've just drained all their endurance.

Melee generally do far greater damage than their ranged counterparts. And, if I am fighting at range, if I do pull something onto myself, i'll usually have several options before the mob is close enough to do heavy damage.

The only melee secondary I could fit in my build was shocking grasp, simply for the hold and damage - with stamina being a "required" pool power, hover for general combat mobility, cj for immobilization protecton and acrobatics for the only hold protection available - not much left - grabbed hasten for the speed boost, and ss with a stealth io in cj allows me to stand next to almost anything safely.

But yeah, I would have love to fit those melee for the extra damage. But what good is a 200+ damage attack if I can't use it? I kill quite speedily and do it safely using the tools at my disposal.

I may not use my secondaries, but the ones I have really make my build - I'd even make real use of electric fence after the early levels if I could afford more slots. Build up is a renewing damage usually reserved for my heaviest attacks, like TB. In teams, I've even found usefulness for lightning field - relying on that and an end drain to keep me safe while it wears away at the group around me while my aoes recharge.

You're definitely right that certain secondaries have a melee focus. But we do have a choice, and that secondary plays a major role in how the toon should be played. Some secondaries effectively focus on melee attacks - these builds focus more on the simple principal of killing the mob before it kills you by doing as much damage as possible. Elec has end drain, ice and elec have holds and immobilizations,ice has the "mini" patch, fire and em are really for those who want to rely on the melee ability, and dev is more of a trap setting style, relying on gadgets to buff you and debuff your targets or simply blow them up for the most part.

Sure, there are times where scrappers can outdamage me, single target I'm usually behind the scrapper - but elec really shines with aoe, and not even a spines can kill that many mobs of their equal level or higher in one attack.

And lastly back to the tank - where as my tank excels at defense, it lacks equal if not more so in damage. Vice-Versa, where my blaster excels at damage, careless play can easily result in a faceplant. I can hardly stand to play my tank solo from the delays slowly defeating mobs while my blaster can hop mission to mission in minutes.

I can do invincible on both my tank and blaster - sure the blaster isn't built for ebs and higher - (while a modification could fix that, it hampers the overall build for pve) but those mobs are meant for teams anyway.

In fact, I'm not even sure my tank can handle the EB. Aside from rad and psi, would be completely safe - but would he be able to damage the boss fast enough - not so sure.